Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Ask, Why Tell?

The gay rights debate and in particular the controversy over “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has reached the boiling point.

In his State of the Union speech, President Obama repeated a promise he made during his campaign to dismantle the military’s current policy allowing gay men and lesbians to serve their country only if they don’t reveal their sexual orientation to anyone. The president — like many people today — apparently realizes that trying to hide such an intrinsic part of someone’s life is next to impossible, particularly when military officials are attempting to flush the information out in the open so they can discharge gay personnel.

In response to the president’s declaration, opponents of repealing the policy are battling to persuade the public it would be unwise. The centerpiece of their argument is that it is not a good time for the policy to be repealed when the country is at war, even though polls show that most Americans today support the planned repeal. Opponents claim it would be “divisive.” undermining the morale of the military.

“Put this on the back burner,” the opponents say. “Don’t selfishly sacrifice the country’s security to accomplish your goals of equality.”

In response, gay rights leaders and supporters of repealing the policy reply that opponents are attempting to stall the inevitable by creating a smokescreen. They respond that more than ever before, the country’s military needs every able-bodied individual on board who is willing to risk a life for the country.“The time has come,” they say. “We’ve waited long enough.”

The truth is that gay men and lesbians have always served in the military, and it generally did not cause a problem until the self-righteous decided to make an issue of it — either by tormenting them with verbal and physical attacks or trying to run them out of the service through legal channels.

Conservative commentators argue that sexual orientation should not be a legally-protected class in discrimination law because it is different from being black, or Jewish or female. That’s true. It is different, no matter whether you believe homosexuality is a matter of choice or of genetics.

But there are no differences between the motives of people who would discriminate or physically attack someone because of their race, religion or sex, than from those who discriminate against gay men and lesbians. They are attempting to suppress another group of people because they are different from them.

The bottom line is that gay men and lesbians are a well-established community in our society, and the trend is toward greater acceptance in the military and everywhere else — no matter how hard that will be for some.

Well, here is a new topic! Who among us does not know someone who is gay or lesbian... most likely someone in our own extended family! In our current society, we boast about being non-discriminatory about all issues of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. But, how do we really feel about homosexuality?

For those of you who still consider it an individuals free "choice", please leave this blog and search for a Billy Graham re-run on TV.

To those who understand the actual issues involved in this "genetically predisposed lifestyle", let's talk.

Dismissing the bible-thumping BS that is taught in organized religions, personally, we all know gay and lesbian people who are good and talented friends. Who could possibly believe that a human being would wake up one day and say, "Damn, I don't have enough stress, drama and hardship in my life, I think I will turn GAY"?

The truth is that if we can obliterate the "N" word, the "Q" word should be next. Quit judging people by whom they love or how they live... focus on the psychopaths, sociopaths and evil people in our society... those who are totally against our cultural mores... and their numbers are enormous!

Let's hear from some of you who have gay/lesbian family members or friends. How do you feel about them... or judge them?



  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I feel that WHAT I DO in my bedroom and WHOM I do it my business.

    And WHAT a gay person does in their bedroom and WHOMEVER they do it with, while in their their business.

    If they are a couple and have faithful to each other for many years, then... their family members, who love
    them as they are,will treat them as a couple ...regardless of the law.

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM

    As far as the military is concerned, I have never served in the Military. I think this is an issue only people that serve or have served can address. End of story!

  3. Anonymous7:31 PM

    It's interesting that Forthright has introduced a topic that affects people all over the world in a significant and profound way, yet 24 hours later, there are only 2 (now 3) comments. But just let somebody mention the Mayor of Greenville, and the rednecks bust loose! Oh, the small minds that surround us!

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Ok--here's a thought:

    Per the first poster, what people do in their bedroom is there business I agree. So why would we "protect" anybody as "special" because of what they choose to do in their bedroom? I say leave it in the bedroom.

    That is the issue that people (many of whom Forthright has dis-invited from the discussion) have with the entire gay issue. No special rights for bedroom behavior.

  5. Anonymous11:04 PM

    But just let somebody mention the Mayor of Greenville, and the rednecks bust loose! Oh, the small minds that surround us!Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?????
    Someone who uses the word "redneck" followed up by "small Minds" will make one wonder if this is the pot calling the kettle black.
    Well maybe i fall into the small mind category because if you think our Mayor is doing a good job i sure would be open minded enough for someone to bring me up to date on what our Mayor has done for the city of Greenville. The voters wanted a Black Mayor and now we have one. Since her election just look at our streets and the new industry she has brought into our city. Look at the jobless and our school system. Look at the crime rate. Look at what great morale our city employees have. Look how efficient our water department has been.Look at the funds spent on body-guards. What about a public swimming pool or a maintained park system. What about the delapidated buildings of numerous colors spread all over the city. Garbage pick-up once a week.
    If my mind were not so "small" i might just "bust" or is it "burst" with joy about our fabulous mayor and her 10 hr days in her office trying to make this a better place to live so we could afford another sister city where travel is not recommended for Americans.
    It took many small minds and a lot of rednecks to build greenville and it looks like it will only take 1 Black Mayor and a majority black council to destroy it beyond repair.
    Just remember a redneck pays taxes and gets a check every week and not just once a month.
    Have a Great Day !

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Here we go again! A different topic with the outcome of another one. Forthright, please make another website just so that people can rant on about the mayor. Paul Artman (ex mayor, a white guy) didn't do too much better, but hey, lets just stick with the topic please. Yes, being gay is wrong according to the bible, and yes, it wouldn't bother me if they served in the military. Hey, if they live here, they have the right to serve here!

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I meant, and no it wouldn't bother me lol

  8. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The person that made the statment regarding how people are not responding to this topic but if it related to the mayor was made by a white person, not a black person. Wow, deception is something isn't it?!! STICK TO THE TOPIC!

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    People are "sticking" to the topic.

    It has been rumored for years that THE mayor is gay.

  10. Anonymous10:23 AM

    LOL@9:31... way to stick to the topic! If she's gay, that means I couldn't care less if she served in the military or not. Gay people helped build America, why not protect it?

  11. Over 606:45 PM

    I work with many gay people, black and white, and most are really very smart and creative people. They often make jokes about themselves, which is more than I can say for the straight world.

    I have never had a gay person ride up to my house on a bicycle wearing a white shirt, knock on my door and want to come in and convert me to his/her belief system.

    If God made all people and makes no mistakes... who made gay people and why are they gay?

    It's time to get over all the stupid stereotypes of the previous century.

    As my grandmother used to say, "As long as you are riding the lead mule, it don't matter how many asses are behind you!"

  12. Anonymous7:49 PM

    but if your on the lead mule you better watch out for those asses behind you. Never know what they might be looking at back there!!

  13. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I just looked at the census questions and find it a little disturbing. Why does everyone else get to detail where they are from? But we only get "white". I think that all of us "white" folks should NOT check white but write in what we are. There is not even a european box. Do your research and be something! We ne...ed to be counted for something more than color too

  14. Hot Pepper5:02 PM

    Better yet....don't fill out any of the information except what is require by the constitution: number of folks and ages, US citizen, Y/N.

    End of form!

  15. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I think whites should be included under multiracial!:>) Cause we are in most cases!

  16. B.I.N.G.O. Bingo was his nameo2:00 PM

    Nothing is wrong with being gay. I love to see those flamers when they have their parades.
    I just wish they could all be flaming gays so we could tell from the get go what we are dealing with. I hate it when I see a knock-out chick and have fantasies, then find out she is on the other team.
    So gay ladies, could I request that if you are gay, please cut your hair short, put it in a duck tail and wear plaid hunting shirts and lose fitting jeans.

    As for getting a good Mayor for Greenville, it will never happen, anyone with half a brain would never want to tell anyone that they were Mayor of this dump.

    Have you heard about the new gay sitcom? It's called "Leave it, it's Beaver."

  17. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Homosexuality is an abomination...period.

  18. Anonymous5:25 PM

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  19. Anonymous8:42 PM are an idiot... a bigot and a moron! You should go to bed each night and worship your hand... it is obviously your ONLY friend!

  20. Anonymous6:11 AM

    As a Christian, I believe homosexuality is wrong. But I have known and do associate with gays. In everyday life we must accept interacting with others, even if we disagree with there lifestyle. No, I do not go around trying to convert them: That's between them and God. But, as a veteran I see a line that must not be crossed. In the military men and women do not share berthing or showers. The reasons are obvious. Having gays serve openly in these same situations invoke the same possibilities; real or perceived. I myself would feel uncomfortable knowing that a man in the group shower I am using is checking me out, or worse. This would would create tension and division, which means an ineffective team. Yes times are changing, but this is one area that must not change. I am just glad I am not in the military any more. The liberal changes have brought to much baggage for service men and women to bare.

  21. Anonymous9:24 AM

    6:11....well stated!

  22. Anonymous11:58 AM

    let's begin now thinking of people to run for Mayor to see if we can turn our town around and get on the right track. Any names?

  23. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Has anyone been to B-Quick on Reed Road lately? Go read their little sign near the register! Ethanol is not in any of their gas because along with 2 other reasons, it runs up the price of corn and causes the milk and eggs to be higher!

    Huh, are you kidding me? Has the fool not noticed the large increase in gasoline prices over the years because little of it is produced in the United States?

    Does he see the delta poverty in those countries that run OPEC? What about Valdez? Does he care about the problems in Greenville?
    Forget the local econonomy, says BQuick.

    Farmers in the area are growing corn and a lot of it. They HIRE people to work thus giving jobs. They spend MONEY LOCALLY to support the area businesses.

    When I saw the sign, I complained and walked out! MR. WILLIAMS, maybe some of the oversees people who sell you the oil will buy your cigarettes, chips, cokes and gas!

    You will not ever get a dollar of mine again!

  24. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Has anyone been to B-Quick on Reed Road lately? Go read their little sign near the register! Ethanol is not in any of their gas because along with 2 other reasons, it runs up the price of corn and causes the milk and eggs to be higher!

    Huh, are you kidding me? Has the fool not noticed the large increase in gasoline prices over the years because little of it is produced in the United States?

    Does he see the delta poverty in those countries that run OPEC? What about Valdez? Does he care about the problems in Greenville?
    Forget the local econonomy, says BQuick.

    Farmers in the area are growing corn and a lot of it. They HIRE people to work thus giving jobs. They spend MONEY LOCALLY to support the area businesses.

    When I saw the sign, I complained and walked out! MR. WILLIAMS, maybe some of the oversees people who sell you the oil will buy your cigarettes, chips, cokes and gas!

    You will not ever get a dollar of mine again!

  25. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Has anyone been to B-Quick on Reed Road lately? Go read their little sign near the register! Ethanol is not in any of their gas because along with 2 other reasons, it runs up the price of corn and causes the milk and eggs to be higher!

    Huh, are you kidding me? Has the fool not noticed the large increase in gasoline prices over the years because little of it is produced in the United States?

    Does he see the delta poverty in those countries that run OPEC? What about Valdez? Does he care about the problems in Greenville?
    Forget the local econonomy, says BQuick.

    Farmers in the area are growing corn and a lot of it. They HIRE people to work thus giving jobs. They spend MONEY LOCALLY to support the area businesses.

    When I saw the sign, I complained and walked out! MR. WILLIAMS, maybe some of the oversees people who sell you the oil will buy your cigarettes, chips, cokes and gas!

    You will not ever get a dollar of mine again!

  26. Anonymous6:57 PM

    You must feel very strongly about this since you posted it three times.

    ...or your a computer moron.

  27. Anonymous8:28 PM

    i personally think corn should be grown as food and not fuel. I dont want ethanol in my gas. I love to eat some corn.....

  28. Anonymous8:29 PM

    as far as gay marriages or rights as a about what happened in the bible
    not good

  29. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Why don't you tell us 8:29. I love a good story!

  30. Anonymous1:47 PM

    why dont you get your bible and read it. It reads much better than it can be told.

  31. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sodom was one of a group of five towns, the Pentapolis (Wisdom 10:6): Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Bela—also called Zoar.[Gen 19:22] The Pentapolis region is also collectively referred to as "the Cities of the Plain" [13:12] since they were all situated on the plain of the River Jordan, in an area that constituted the southern limit of the lands of the Canaanites.[10:19] Lot, a nephew of Abram (Abraham) chose to live in Sodom, because of the proximity of good grazing for his flocks.[13:5-11]

    In Genesis 18:2, God sends three men, thought by most commentators to have been angels appearing as men,[1] to Abraham in the plains of Mamre. After receiving the hospitality of Abraham and Sarah, his wife, God reveals to Abraham that he will investigate Sodom and Gomorrah, because their cry is great, "and because their sin is very grievous."[20:21] In response, Abraham reverently inquires of God if he would spare the city if fifty righteous people were found in it, then forty-five, then thirty, then twenty or even ten, with God affirming he would not destroy it after each request, for the sake of the righteous yet dwelling therein.[2] The two angels of God proceed to Sodom and are met by Abraham's righteous nephew Lot, who constrains the angels to lodge with him, and they eat with his family.

    Genesis 19:4-5 describes what followed, which confirms the verdict as to the sin of Sodom and its end (RSV):

    But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house; and they called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them (NIV: can have sex with them , NJB: can have intercourse with them)."

    In response, Lot refuses to give his guests to the inhabitants of Sodom, and instead offers them his two virgin daughters to "do to them whatever you like."[Gen 19:8]NASB However, they refuse this offer, and threaten to do worse to Lot than they would have done to his guests, and press sore upon him. Lot's angelic guests rescue him, and strike the men with blindness. They then command Lot to gather his family and leave, revealing that they were sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. As they make their escape the angels command Lot and his family not to look back under any circumstance. However as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with fire and brimstone by God, Lot's wife looks back longingly at the city, and becomes a pillar of salt.

  32. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I'll say it again...Homosexuality is an abomination...period.

  33. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Well one this is for sure, Lott would never be chosen "father of the year" by his daughters either!

  34. Anonymous8:55 PM

    sorry typo "one thing for sure"

  35. B.I.N.G.O Bingo was his name-O11:21 AM

    Anonymous said... are an idiot...8:42 PM

    Anonymous 8:42 PM,
    You are correct, I am an idiot, I admit it. I think you are a super smart person for dicovering that.
    Thank you very much.
    BTW, if you can't take a joke ****

  36. Hello. My first time here. I would like to respond to the lady complaining about B-Quik. First Mr. Williams does not own the gas, he sells it for a locally owned gas distributor who also distributes gas containing ethanol. Ethanol was not put in this station possibly so consumers could have an alternative to choose from. I noticed you didnt list the other two reasons on his notice. Could it be that might have defeated your ranting. The information on this sign was gotten from a website named Anyway I do appreciate the publicity for my name is John Williams. Thank you very much, its almost like free advertising

  37. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Plans are being laid toward downsizing Detroit, MI.

    This is certainly an idea that could be entertained in Greenville. Ridding Greenville of blighted properties and neighborhoods is a great way to build towards a sustainable future.

  38. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I would be the first to help!! I need an older historic house to be moved to my property. If you know of one please post.
    Thank You!!

  39. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Check out Washington Avenue... all of it is for sale.

  40. Anonymous8:46 PM

    So... Lot pimps his daughters to stave off homosexuality?

    Yea, he's got my vote for father of the year...and watch out for those Angelic bitches! They ain't playin'

    Was Lot's wife a lesbian? "Looking back longingly at the city" And that pillar of salt trick... damn, that's good!

    Someone ought to make a movie about this tale in 3-D! Rosie O'Donnel could play Lot's wife who gets transformed into Madonna... the pillar of salt.

    Gotta luv it!

  41. Anonymous8:17 AM

    why is greenville christian advertising financial aid? who is providing these scholarships?

  42. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Forarded message
    From Bob Wilson - Mississippi Main Street Association

    Subject: Greenville Reunion Party

    Friday, May 14, 2010 at 5:15PM – Sunday, May 16, 2010 -8:15AM

    Mark your calendars, confirm your attending, send your check!
    The Party is happening! Please read the details to follow. My email is
    If you or your business is interested in sponsoring the Party for $100, let me know. Your Company Logo and/or name will be on a banner behind Johnny Crocker and contained in all email and hard copy invitations. Let me know if you have any questions and MAKE YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND TODAY!

    Greetings to All!

    The Greenville Reunion Party is set and it is time to make your plans for a great weekend. This reunion is not age, class, school or city specific. All from the Greenville/Washington County area are invited.

    Since some will be coming in Friday and some not until Saturday, Friday night will be more informal. Here are some suggestions from the Committee and a link to all the other restaurants and attractions in the Greenville area;
    Vince’s Leland
    Lillo’s Leland
    Doe’s Greenville
    Sherman’s Greenville
    Kepler’s Italian Grill (Opening Soon) Greenville
    Posecal’s Greenville
    Ceicero’s Stoneville
    Tabb’s Bar B Que Greenville

    For all listings and phone numbers…

    Call your friends or come on your own. If there are more than 4 in your group, please call for reservations.


    Check out the attractions in Washington County at the same link as provided above. We’ll have more details/suggestions on things to do on Saturday as the event nears.

    Saturday Night – The Greenville Reunion Party

    Join us at the new Yacht Club (the old Yacht Club will be our high water option) for a great night of fun and fellowship!
    Time: 6:00 PM Reception & Music by Johnny Crocker
    Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
    Cash Bar
    Cost: $20 per person
    Attire: Delta Casual

    Sunday Send Off Brunch / Lunch at the Greenville Country Club
    Time: TBA

    Cost: $16 per person

    Very Important!!

    If you plan to attend, you confirm by going to the facebook event, Greenville Reunion Party, and indicate that you are definitely coming. Now, we need some additional information to complete your registration:
    Please email
    with the following information:
    Name: (Please include maiden names!)
    Name of your guest or spouse:
    Your email and phone number:
    How many will be attending the Greenville Reunion Party at the Yacht Club: _____ @ $20 per person = ___________
    How many will be attending the Send off Brunch/Lunch at the Country Club:
    _____ @ $ 16 per person = __________

    Please send your check made out to Bob Wilson for the total amount to:
    Bob Wilson
    Mississippi Main Street Association
    318 E. Pearl St., Suite 101
    Jackson, MS 39201

    We will send you a confirming email as soon as we receive your check.

    If you require hotel rooms, here is some information that will help:
    There is a 20 room block at Holiday Inn Express ($99 + tax) Hampton Inn ($119 + tax) Comfort Inn ($79.95 + tax) and Econolodge ($59 + tax – 10 rooms)
    You can also contact Harlow’s Casino and Greenville Inn & Suites.

    There will be more details to follow. Make your reservations and send your checks ASAP

  43. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I think Forthright is gay.

  44. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Another Greenville business bites the dust....Hobart Learning Center. How many more to come? Our local economy is disgusting.

  45. Anonymous4:05 AM

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  46. Anonymous8:15 AM

    why did hobart's bite the dust?

  47. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Ray Ray is leaving DRMC and going to Meridian to ruin their hospital there.

  48. Anonymous3:11 PM

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    אישית לא האמנתי כי דברים כאלה יכולים להיות עד אשר חוויתי מסאג איורוודה ברמה כזאת, המעסה המקצועי הגיע עד לביתי עם מגע שלא הכרתי שלא האמנתי שיכול להיות. אני ממליצה בחום לכל אחד ואחת אשר חשבו על עיסוי רפואי, [b][url=]מסאז[/url][/b]' או פינוק מטריף חושים בסופ"ש על

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