Friday, March 12, 2010

Humphreys Resigns!

According to the local news, Ray Humphreys is resigning from DRMC. No details have been released yet. Let's follow this story as it breaks...



  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    The sun is shining so brightly!

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    It is a BEAUTIFUL day at DRMC!! Let the party begin!!! He is going to Anderson in Meridian. Feel sorry for them! However, we are rid of him!! Yippee!!

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    And they say nothing GOOD ever happens in the Delta! Now if they can just get rid of Ray's over paid minions, there may be hope for DRMC. Wow, this is really GREAT NEWS!

    My condolences to Meridian!

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    why is he leaving?

  5. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I hope things improve at the hospital and we can get someone that actually cares about "US" the employees at DRMC. We need some real leadership and perhaps the entire bush needs to be shaken to clear out the dead weight. I have worked there 3 yrs and have only seen the man about 3 times. He does not even know what is happening good or bad in the hospital. I hope that whoever is in charge of hiring the next leader will put some time, effort, and research into their selection.
    Goodbye RAY!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

  6. Ding, Dong the ! is gone...6:46 PM

    He is giving less than 30 days notice so he must be in a real hurry to get out of town. He probably got caught dipping into the till or paying hush money to the supervisors to keep him in power.

    Hattiesburg ran him out of town years ago. Whatever he gives as his reasons for leaving, he's obviously been planning it for some time. Sold his house, membership to hunting club and aborted his plans to build on Lake Washington.

    I'd bet the Feds are on his heels! But who cares... at least his reign of tyrany is about to be OVER!

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Maybe when he gets to Meridian, he can "hook up" with the school superintendent...according to the Clarion Ledger, he just resigned (before being fired), also.

    Birds of a feather...flock together.

  8. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Yea, FLOCK him!

  9. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I am happy. I am very happy for Mr.Humphreys. It is not easy to run a hospital in a place like Greenville, and he did an extraordinary job. I hope he goes to a place where his vision, hard work and compassion will be recognized and appreciated. Time will tell, mark my words.

  10. Anonymous9:05 PM

    7:03pm - take off your rose tinted glasses and take a look at the hard reality. What has his vision, hard work and compassion cost the hospital and this community financially? Yes, time will tell... probably within about 6 months when the entire debt comes to light. Hope the hospital board has enough sense to get an audit before he leaves.

  11. Anonymous9:28 PM

    7:03???...take off those blinders!

    All that has been said it absolutely true! He was ran out of Hattiesburg, for misappropriations of funds. The Doctors were not getting paid! He was out of work for nearly two years before Greenville Board of DRMC hired him. I personally saw his resume online and when trying to make people aware, it was mysteriously removed.

    The DRMC Board did not connect the dots to the time line of when he left and how long he had been out of work or apparently care to investigate why!

    The man is insane. I personally had a conference with him in 2005 in complaints of patient care for my loved one. During this conversation, he told me all about his dreams of a third hospital. I looked at him like he had three heads. DRMC had only months before purchased KD and had all; but vacated it with bare minimum staff left behind. When I asked him why he wanted this and what his intentions were to do with DRMC building, if it were to happen, his response was to "rent" it out!! He has two vacant hospitals and built a third and he thinks that someone, some business, would want to rent one or either of them??? For what??? He said the new hospital was needed because the old one did not meet code!!!!!
    I responded, "First, we, Greenville, can not afford a new hospital bill on our taxes, if the old one doesn't meet code, then why all the remodels, year after year, for as far back as I can remember. If it doesn't meet code that is the your fault and the Board's faults for wasting money all these many, many years!!!" Then I explained that if his goal was accomplished, as was happening to the KD area as we spoke, businesses would close, the abandoned hospital would be an albatross and those who now live around the hospital for the convenience and "free" medical care would have to move to south Greenville. Those moves would close more businesses in the neighborhood, the Health Dept. would move and all of the clinics would either shut down or move.

    He did not care about any of that, just his mission to build this hospital in south Greenville. Already money has been spent in anticipation of this move and now he is leaving town????

    What happened? No kickbacks coming through?? Funny business with the funding?? There must be a BIG reason for this action, cause he has been working on this for all these years. Makes no sense for him to walk away now.....unless....hmmmmm...very interesting! Time will tell what the real reason is. Either way, as a citizen and potential patient, glad to see him go. I just hope his pockets are not lined with our dollars as he goes!

  12. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Poor ole 7:03 made a positive comment (which you would think is a good thing), yet the next poster tore him/her down. Rose tinted glasses? Please?!!! Now y'all are already following Mr. Humphreys to Meridian and impugning the reputations of others in his new hometown! WHY do you need to tear others down? Can you NOT build up what you have and make it better without hurting others?

  13. Anonymous9:56 PM

    "Impugning the reputations of others in his new hometown"?????

    I don't recall any other people being impugned? Ray Ray is the only person discussed above.

    You don't have a clue, do you???

    Tell you what, darlin, why don't you just start sending money to the DRMC poverty fund! DRMC also has some land they would like to sell to you!

  14. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Ok, board of it's time to start cutting the extra top heavy management team Ray has compiled during his reign. I say take the senior leadership team and get rid of all of them except for Mr. Phillips. Does Meridian need a new human resource director? We all hope!!! Wonder what Allyson Williams is thinking about Ray's exit? And for the writer who thinks Ray has done an "extraordinary job", you must be on his 6 figure payroll ledger. Get a grip and join the rest of us who actually work and care for patients all day. This is a good day, lots of smiles at DRMC after the news was out!

  15. Anonymous11:08 PM

    If my memory serves me correctly, I believe Ms. Williams had worked with Ray Ray in the past prior to DRMC as have a few others that have/had key positions at DRMC. Looks like a trend is forming here. Yes, Alphe should go with him and brighten Meridian's atmosphere.

  16. Anonymous11:34 PM

    People, the grass is not always greener. The next one, might be way worse.

  17. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Regardless of what you think; Ray Humphreys is a fine man. While his "vision" may not be justified by some or many on here, 11:34 is correct in saying that the grass is not always greener. I do not know him personally, but have met him; unlike 9:28 said I had a very productive meeting with Ray about a family member complaint. He was very sincere regarding our issue and made sure that it was attended to. He didn't mention anything about the new hospital or what he was planning. He just simply took care of our complaint and I've never had better service. To each his own, but I for one just hope that the next guy or gal is as attentive as he was with me. I wish him the best.

  18. Anonymous12:18 AM

    To 11:34:

    Or the next one might be better and a little more conservative and realistic in his spending and "visions". Hopefully, the next administrator's focus will truly be on the quality of patient care rather than his own self-importance and need for fame and success.

  19. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Well 11:44, consider yourself lucky.
    He does put on a good show, doesn't he.

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Be fair and look at some of the good things Mr.Humphreys did.
    He brought specialized physicians to this area to better serve the community needs.
    The ER needed a structural and functional make over, and it was successfully achieved.
    The Heart Center offers advanced care of the bread and butter cardiovascular conditions, so patients can be treated close to home.
    State-of-the-art radiological equipment was purchased (high resolution ultrasound, thin slice CT scanner, digital mammography, MRI, etc.) so your physician can get quality information and better treat you.
    The hospital has a long way to go, but also, a lot of good things happen at DRMC daily that go without notice. Of course, they are not likely to stimulate the morbid curiosity of our residents.

  21. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Nobody leaves a good job

  22. Anonymous8:47 AM

    No doubt the guy was decent trying to help the town and the hospital, but also wanted to impress some other people within the state by trying to build a new hospital. Its a big game.
    He did a lot good things for the hospital BUT in the same time having for example a NICU( Neonatal care unit) with too much money spent on it and not functioning, a waste...

    also trying to hire designers and engineers for the new building and lot of money for advertising the next great MS hospital while your own house (DRMC) on the brink of foreclosure was again not the best idea at least for the meantime...

  23. Anonymous9:05 AM

    What Ray Ray did to healthcare in Greenville is criminal. The only reason for his departure is that he is on the run. He doen't want to end up wearing strips!

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Greenville has also lost some very good and much needed physicians because of Humphreys.

  25. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I am not Ray Humphreys (nor have a dog in this fight), but I suggest you make sure of what you are saying is true. There is no such thing as "anonymous" anymore.

  26. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Really? Which Doctor left because of Humphreys?

  27. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Forthright, is 9:29 correct in saying that the anonymity of posters to this site is at risk?

  28. Anonymous11:29 AM

    9:29 AM
    9:43 AM

    Ray Ray did NOT allow his employees to "discuss" this blog site at work.

    They were NOT allowed to comment on this site.


    Intimidation, perhaps?

  29. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Usual tactics. If people could safely voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas within the organization this website would not be so popular.

  30. Anonymous10:43 AM

    And Mazie Whalen, in all her glory, will step up to take the position on interim CEO! That's like jumping from the frying pan to the fire. Neither one could care less about the patients or the employees. Both are incapable of being truthful. Neither of them even speak when passing someone in the hallway, UNLESS you are a physician or one of their "ELITE" team members. So much for the little guy that works 10x harder so they can get their salaries.

    There has been so much money wasted on projects that have never been completed and just plain ole BS that was not needed such as,
    blackberry phones paid for by DRMC(just to name 1)

    I wonder what Mazie will do about that big debt coming due soon. Will the hospital be sold when they are unable to pay? So much for the vision, Ray!

  31. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Just reading the comments after looking up ray humphreys online. I am an employee of tge hospital that he is now CEO of. We just got our hours cut AT CHRISTMAS thanks to being broke now that he has arrived. He came in , took over, bought everything he could And now we are broke. We went from being a great place to work (could actually even get OT). But now he gives us this Christmas present of 8 HR cuts for "everyone". Ha! Everyone, really!?!

  32. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Well he's arrived in Meridian and has us in debt.... Hours cut, no raises, buying property, (unused property) spent millions on new signs and paying six figure salaries for some that have probably NEVER had to endure actual patient care. Working with what feels like second hand equipment, not having enough supplies on a daily basis because it's not in our "budget" ..... But "keep your nose clean, work and do what is expected, or you can be replaced"..... After many hard years of work with NO problem before now..... Million $ signs? We do t need that in meridian... Everyone around 5 counties k ow where we are and what kind of care we gave. That's why we were the preferred hospital of most clients. And now.... Well all the above speaks for itself.....

  33. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Oh and meridian now has iPhone 4s for the elites and unit managers. But we are having our career ladder extra differential taken away and no cost of living raises or experience raises like we have always gotten before Humphreys came on board. Whole lotta shadiness going on in this little town.

  34. Anonymous8:17 PM

    The timeline as to what humphreys had done in the delta is identical to what he is doing here in meridian! We are now sacrificial lambs in wait for the slaughter. We are understaffed as it is, on a hiring freeze, have downgraded all of our equipment to shoddy, cheaper versions, have gotten our hours cut, gotten rid of higher ups and hired his own people and most recently been informed by a board member there will be 150 layoffs after the holidays! Yet we got a new phone system where each phone is valued at $700....yet administration says we made money on them...balderdash!!!!! And humpy gets a 10% pay raise each of the 5 years he is contracted for.....doctors are mad, staff is mad and we are the mockery of the community....oh and did I mention the hospital employees from the Riley hospital purchase got $2000 bonus!!! We have billboards everywhere like andersons threw up on meridian, the security guards got sweet new vehicles to ride in the garage too....everyone is upset! He needs to go!

  35. Anonymous12:10 PM

    So, a bonus was paid?!? How nice is that? What about the cancer insurance policies? is it true that they were not paid?

  36. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Turns out Christmas may be coming early for Anderson's Hospital in Meridian. Was informed the hospital board was given an ultimatum from ALL the doctors demanding "he goes or we go!" Anybody know a naive hospital needing a new CEO, because somebody will be looking for a new job.

  37. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Agree with everything that has been said about Humphreys except the $2000 bonuses paid to Riley employees. I have a family member that has been employed with Riley Hosp. for 40 years and they did not receive any type of bonus when Rileys was sold to Andersons.

  38. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Don't really understand why the board @ JARMC didn't do background check on him like they do the rest of the new hires. Was told @ wk yesterday that Riley will be closed and torn down in 2012. All the nurses there will be transferred to wk at the north campus. The building does not meet code for expansion so only solution is to tear down? Why was this not investigated b4 the purchase was made? We didn't need this albatrose in the first place. Anderson was the chosen place for pt satisfaction in Mdn before this purchase. All that happened after was the low life pt population that we got stuck with, pay cuts, low employee morale and a very bleak future here at JARMC. So much for the last 21 yrs of my life that I have given to this place.

  39. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The said part about at ARMC is that it all could have been avoided if the boArd would have done a back ground check!!! Now were stuff with a glim future ahead of us.. He maybe gone but we still have to pay him for a year..

  40. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hope it's true and he can take his best friend Rick Hightower with him

  41. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I think it's amazing that Mr. Humphreys and Rick Hightower managed to destroy two hospitals in Meridian,MS in less than 1 year and put many employed people on unemployment, took away benefits and promote substandard health care for our community

  42. Anonymous11:29 PM

    @ 852. I really really hope you are not a nurse. I definitely would not want someone as ignorant as you taking care of me or my family. Referring to the comment about "the low life pt population" you got "stuck" with is probably the most horrible thing you could say as a nurse! Do you think the patients who were used to going to the same place for years and years wanted to change hospitals? Do you think the staff at the south campus wanted to be bought? Last time I checked without pts the hospital can't run! A good nurse is one who is there to care for SICK PPL not just for a paycheck! A good nurse would never refer to pts as being low life. I am APPALLED TO WORK IN THE SAME ENTITY WITH SOMEONE WHO OBVIOUSLY THINKS THEIR CRAP DOESN'T STINK! Maybe it's time for you to change CAREERS. You need to take a good look in the mirror at yourself bc you my friend have no character. We all are being affected negatively but no matter what those pts should come first!!! Anderson was the chosen place for pt satisfaction ??? I don't doubt that having worked there myself...but with your attitude I highly doubt any of the positive pt satisfaction came from you!!!!!!

  43. Anonymous12:35 AM

    As an employee of Riley's when that "albatrose" was purchased, I can assure you that we DID NOT get a $2000.00 bonus!!!! We lost a lot of things when we were bought. It doesn't matter which hospital in Meridian you work in, if you love your job/work place, you should feel you gave the best care. All of this talk about who was the best is always debatable!! The best thing anyone can do is PRAY for our town, not sit around and bash everyone. I believe the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. How many of you who have made all these nasty comments (even if there is truth to them) can say that you have prayed for Humpreys and the leadership of Anderson Hospital? IF you cannot, then I suggest we all in this town need to bend a knee and allow God's will in this. I wish everyone, Andersons and former Rileys employees alike, yes even Rush, would pray as much as we sound off. And YES, get facts straight before we open our mouths to speak. "IF you don't see it with your eyes, hear it with your ears, then don't open your mouth to speak it!". JUST SAYIN.............

  44. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Had a snappy retort here, but decided against it.
    Can you guess why?
    God's will shall ... I'm sure ... be done. It just may take a little time.

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    How very sad, what is happening to Anderson's hospital in Meridian.

  46. Anonymous6:17 PM

    No wonder the wheels at Rush are laughing. JUST SAYIN ... back. :-)

  47. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anderson Hospital is going bankrupt
    The Admin stink
    Useless, brainless. NO clue how to efficiently run a hospital
    Hump opens new clinics/ hospitals yet lays staff off, freezes salaries and buys expensive equipment for his little Admin.,; crew!! Oh did I mention the latest iphones they all run around with now!
    At a cost of 700-00 each, plus a monthly fee!!
    Oh and did i mention how he authorized all the "hospital coffee machines" to be removed from all Practices...........oh, they were too expensive to keep oin the clinics and hospital Depts!!!!
    A joke!
    Sad sad.
    None of those Admin relly know how to run a hospital or Clinics.
    Doctors won't stay.
    New ones cannot be recruited and kept when they have such awful leadership.
    Physicians need good, healthy salaries.
    They cannot be expected to stay unless they have permanent guaranteed salaries.
    They cannot be managed by a team of people who know nothing about how to run a practice,
    The hospital needs good, strong leadership in the Medical field also.
    They need a medical leader who has run practices, not someone who has never run a practice!!
    What is Hump thinking
    Shoddy , awful staff, poor medical leadership.
    Get with it Hump
    Or better , get out and take all your creww with you
    Start afresh Anderson Hospital
    Board of Directors THINK!!
    Give Anderson Hospital another year with the current set up and you'll be in more debt than now
    Sad for a small underserved community

  48. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I often wonder what Anderson hospital is trying to accomplish and at what expense. It certainly isn't like it use to be. Rumors say it's being sold. Could that be true?

  49. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Hump was totally a useless greedy ignorant CEO.
    Saw him 4 times in several years:
    Now he's gone from ARMC, it's time to clean out all thise crazily poorly run APA clinics.
    No one knows how to manage them .
    Useless untrained little men and women running around thinking they are so important and powerful.
    Wrong, wrong.
    Now Humps gone , get rid of those APA clinics : Money losers.
    Hump didn't care: Be never listened : He only wanted to buy everything up , get his million dollar salary and delegate to others.
    Useless Admin all around really.
    Very weak Board members for the most part .
    Afraid to stand up strongly .
    Sad ARMC:
    You're going down the tubes:
    APA clinics are making it worse too..
    Humps gone
    Clean Admin
    Clean APA clinics.
    Get rid of them..
    Money wasters.
    When will the Board see the light !!

  50. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Rush will take over the town

  51. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Agree with APA clinics being a total money waster.
