Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's the Scoop Delta?

Okay Delta... let's move on! This blog depends on its contributors to provide a "scoop" that can be discussed... your opinions, compliments or complaints about local issues. Sometimes we get a bit "blogged down" on one issue so we need to move on!

Someone give us new fodder for discussion. I need a new "front page" and I know there are many issues in Greenville and the Delta that need to be debated.

This is a great format for discussion and debate. Tell me your issues and I will put you on the front page!



  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    If I could be Mayor for a day or what do you think would help G'ville the most to get back on the path to recovery?

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    If I could be Mayor for the day,I would review the City budget and take the funds for bodyguards and use them constructively to help Greenville. The GPD, GFD, Parks, streets, etc. all are good places to start!

  3. Anonymous3:57 AM

    If I could be THE mayor for the day,I would:

    1. dismiss all of the personal body guards
    2. arrive at work prepared to meet with my voting citizens in my office
    3.only purchase my bottled water during the "after hours"
    4.never read in the cemetary
    5. never ask DADDY for money or houses
    6.limit my out of town travel
    7.never travel outside the USA on
    city funds
    8.change my attitude:I work for Greenvile instead of Greenville works for me

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Lets talk about Metcalfe not paying their payroll taxes for over 10 years!

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    We invite everyone to visit the Delta Health Alliance's website.

    Is this really necessary?

    They are building another apartment and even adding on to their office building in Stoneville. We heard it was over a million dollars!

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    If I were Mayor for a day I would:

    1. Ditto post 3:57 pm
    2. Be open to other people's ideas and opinions.
    3. Not be condesending and indifferent to EVERYONE.
    4. Never lie.
    5. Not spend taxpayers dollars on personal trips and call them City business.
    6. Get rid of Ed Johnson.
    7. Clean up Greenville and put
    paint and sign ordinances in place.
    8. Don't cover up wrongdoings of the police department cops.
    9. Implement the Carl Small Town Center's design for the Bobby Henry Memorial Swimming Pool renovation/restoration.
    10. Be kind to everyone.
    11. Get rid of incompetent personnell at City Hall.
    12. Keep my pants on.

  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I really think we need to make this a GOOD NEWS blog! How about posting jobs that you know about so others will apply and perhaps have a better life? How about things that ordinary citizens do that are extraordinary? How about anything good that we could all participate in to make Greenville a better place to live? How about getting a group together to see what the community needs are? How about not posting the same old degrading things about the mayor, etc. Her time is limited. Let's push for IDs for voters to get all the dead people and double voters off the rolls? Let's be proactive not inactive. Positive thinkers go far, but negative people don't think? All of us must contribute! I would love to be on a committee to see what I can do to improve my city in even a small way. I look at Natchez, where I moved from, they never stop trying to make things better. Go to the Natchez Democrat website. You can actually read the whole paper for FREE!!!
    Let's get moving!!!

  8. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Good idea, 6:42. Let's focus on the positive things happening in Greenville. Look at E.E. Bass and all that's happening there this weekend: a play opens tonight, and runs through Sunday. (Fiddler on the Roof). There is also an artist's show opening there on Friday. The carousel is open on Saturday afternoon. Experience some of Greenville's history! There are plenty of citizens who want to just enjoy the neighborhoods and people, who don't want to go to Nelson Street and that area and do the things that they are doing to get in the news. Greenville is full of good folks. I love living here and want to leave a nice community for my grands.

  9. Anonymous10:12 PM

    i wish all voters would go to the polls and vote for the most qualified candidate and not the color of skin. Yes i am black and love my heritage but i do love Greenville and majority black leadership has not worked. SORRY !

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I know Fat Baby's is scheduled to open March 1 at the old A&W place. Does anyone have updates on the other "new businesses"?

    I do hope Greenville is smart enought to give a tax breaks, if asked, to bring the businesses here.

  11. Anonymous3:38 PM

    New Fred's Store on Colorado St.
    Grand Maw's Best Restaurant in Lake Village.

  12. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Good News?? Naaaa thats boring! I come here for entertainment!

  13. Anonymous10:01 PM

    5:19 I'm with you. I like to get "The Scoop"!!

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Small minds explore smaller ideas.

  15. Anonymous6:47 PM

    What is the Lighthouse Mission? I see signs along Hwy 1 South.

  16. Anonymous9:29 PM

    That is a church that has services at Greenville Christian school on Sundays.

  17. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Is that a Fred's pharmacy store coming on Colorado? I don't see them building one that is a full store as on Hwy 82, so I suspect it is.

  18. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Is that a Fred's pharmacy store coming on Colorado? I don't see them building one that is a full store as on Hwy 82, so I suspect it is.

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    A full Fred's store! Larger than on 82!

  20. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Really??? Are you sure of that? That will be great!

  21. Hot Pepper11:25 AM

    The problem with healthcare:

    Government control and resulting lack of competition.


  22. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Greenwood just opened a Back Yard Burger and it is great. Why can't Greenville have the a good fast food place? How about a Red Dog Pizza, Papa John's or a good Deli? Whay does everything need to be fried?

    I agree about being positive about Greenville, but it's hard to find in our present economy.

  23. Anonymous9:19 AM

    we already had papa john's before and they left.

  24. Anonymous6:14 PM

    And we had a Back Yard Burger here many years ago. They left also.

  25. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Lost Dog Pizza is privately owned, not a franchise.

  26. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Noooo we need a Fridays, Applebees, McAllisters, a Water Park by the levee with rides and stuff just like in Hot Springs Arkansas

  27. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I've spoken with the franchisee owner of McAllisters here, and McAllisters has denied his request to build one because of the size of the market being too small, and the risk of failure of the site, therefore, affecting its good name.
