Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Separate, but "Unequal"

GREENVILLE — A rally is planned for 10 a.m. Thursday in the rotunda of the state Capitol to protest two controversial bills calling for the merger of Mississippi Valley State University and Alcorn State from merging with Jackson State.
At a town meeting Sunday at the Elks Lodge, 1818 East Alexander St., State Senators David Jordan and Willie Simmons and state Rep. John Hines and Historically Black Colleges and Universities alliance chairman Othor Cain called for the rally.

“It’s time that we show up and show support for our historically black schools,” said Cain. “If we don’t, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. We can’t sit back and not do anything to prevent this from happening.”Recently, Jackson State University President Dr. Ronald Mason, Jr. has voiced approval of the merger. He reportedly cited Hines as one of his backers but the District 50 representative said that is not true.

“I don’t know where he came up with that, but I want to make this perfectly clear so that everyone will understand,” said Hines. “In no way do I support this merger. I have met with Dr. Mason, and we have talked, but never have I voiced being in agreement with him on this.”

Jordan and Simmons talked about past struggles and victories during the Civil Rights Era. They feel the time for protesting has returned.

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” said the fiery Jordan, who received a standing ovation during his address before the packed audience. “We’ve been through this before. We know what to do.”

Simmons says the problem is not the schools but inadequate government funding. “They would never think about merging Ole Miss, Mississippi State and Southern Miss so why should they consider merging Jackson State, Alcorn and Valley? Those three schools have a tradition and a need.

“The problem has been that Jackson State, Alcorn and Valley haven’t received the funding that the other three have. That needs to change.”

Maybe the problem is that these schools are "degree factories" which are cranking out illiterate graduates by the hundreds? I have a problem with "black", "white", or "women's" colleges in the 21st century!

I personally know several people who teach at the Valley and JSU . They all state that these "black" schools have very low standards and expectations. Basically, they sell "degrees" to improve the socio-economic status of their students. The English language is optional to most graduates, who expect a "degree" after completing (paying for) so many hours.

These schools do a disservice to their students.... a "degreed" idiot is still an idiot in our competitive work world. Skills and performance will get you a job these days... not a worthless diploma that only proves that your checks cleared!



  1. Hot Pepper7:42 AM


    That's a pretty harsh assessment.

    Being younger, I would say that the issue here is that "black" institutions have run their course in American history, much as West Point used to be all men.

    The world has changed; the sooner the older generation recognizes this, the better. If the folks putting on this rally were to approach this from the angle of maintaining at least one institution from a historical perspective (much like Notre Dame isn't all Catholic now, they may gain support from the younger generation. Instead they communicate that this is somehow necessary in today's world (?).

    As it sits, we the youth of America have no problem with white girls or boys dating black boys and girls, let alone going to school with them. Any "racism" that exists in the marketplace is put there by old people who can't change their ways, and this will die as they die. The entire idea of a "black" university is useful as an Aryan nation in today's multicultural world.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I agree. Many schools have taken this path of change over the years. There is no need for unisex or race only schools of any kind. If these places were touted as white only there would be such an uprising from all of these organizations supporting keeping these schools the same now.

    If there can be no "White" public or private schools, then there should not be any "Black" only schools as well. Even if it is only implied, get rid of the stigma!

    I think this thinking should extend to all directions, magazines, clubs, beauty pageants, etc. No more Black or White anything! No more!

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    8:11..I agree with you. I am sick of National Conference of Black Mayors, NAACP, black this and black that. People are people, regardless of color and blacks need to get over it.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    what is the scoop on the 2 horses that were starved to death in Greenville? one died and one did not. Dr. Shane Wilkerson is helping the horses. The owner should be charged with animal cruelty.

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM


  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  13. Anonymous10:15 AM

    8:11 AM: AMEN!

    I agree also with what you said.

    You can't have the word negro on a census form, but it's O.K. to have a Negro College Fund.?

  14. Can you speak Swahili11:53 AM

    All Black Americans (not African Americans) should read this.


    I think there are no African Americans left. Have any of you Brothers or Sisters here in the Delta spoken Swahili in last couple of hundred years and what area of Africa were you born in???

  15. Anonymous12:10 PM


  16. Anonymous12:24 PM

    you can ban together, but leave the word negro, black and african american out of it.

  17. Anonymous12:27 PM


    why does the word negro, black and african american offend you, seriously.

    just would like to know.

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I agree.. I am not offended being call white, honky, cracker. That does not matter to me, I believe its a power trip for the black man.

  19. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I agree.. I am not offended being call white, honky, cracker. That does not matter to me, I believe its a power trip for the black man.

  20. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I agree.. I am not offended being call white, honky, cracker. That does not matter to me, I believe its a power trip for the black man.

  21. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Yea its a power trip, just like the flag thing is also!

  22. Anonymous5:10 PM


  23. Anonymous5:41 PM

    8:11 AM post...this is what he/she is trying to say:

    Is there a Caucasian College Fund

    Is there an Oriental College Fund available?

    Is there a Native American College Fund available?

    There is an Ebony magazine, but not an Ivory magazine.

    There is a certain organization called 100 Black Men, but not an organization called 100 White Men.

    If an all-white organization is not allowed, then an all-black organization should not be allowed.

    If an all-white college is not allowed, then an all-black organization should not be allowed.

    It has nothing to do with money resources or history. It's all about being 100% fair to all races.

    5:10 PM post....

    College money is not ear-marked for
    white students. Should I want any less for mine?

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I have heard all my life that to get a degree from THE Valley...all you have to do is drive thru the campus with your window rolled down. And if you have a sunroof, then you can get a doctorate degree! LOL

  25. Anonymous8:31 PM


    Please, delete the 7:36 PM scammer!

  26. Anonymous8:50 PM

    why deleate it, just dont read it

  27. Anonymous10:44 PM

    How many people SKIP reading the all-caps comments?

    I skip every one of them - every time. Say it without screaming!


  28. Anonymous10:47 PM

    8:50 PM

    Forthright had said earlier (in the previous blog topic) that HE would delete the scammers every day.

    "P.S. ...Scammers, get off of this website...I will delete you every day!"

  29. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Nor do I read the "all caps" comments and rants!

  30. Hot Pepper3:40 AM

    To Mr. or Mrs. Caps:


    So...are you saying because YOU SENT them to college, you get to decide who they bring home?? I was not referring only to their college years....Your "child" could very well be far away from here someday to pursue a job, and meet someone they love who is not black.

    You sound like a very controlling person. Your child is free to pursue his/her own life, and if you want to completely reject them for it, then you can. While you can certainly disapprove, or not like it, you certainly can't control it--you only think you can.

    Certainly you can influence your children, and based on your comment you have probably spent time telling them not to bring home a white person, but could I ask: Does that make YOU racist? I think so....since you would be judging the person your child perhaps loves by the color of their skin, and not the content of their character. Dr. King's words are lost on you.

    Again--death will fix this over time.

  31. Anonymous7:31 AM

    So it is ok for black kids to get a 'free ride' at "white " universities, but not ok for it to go the other way around????

  32. Anonymous7:58 AM

    It is fine if its agreed upon then that makes the universities not all black or all white. Why then would the proposal be to combine the black universities. I have read what all the comments made and it seems the the ones in all caps are not read because the person but some thought into it and generally asked questions to get understanding. Why was this a problem. I think that basically the majority of the people here just hate black people and any subject even a restaurant into a black white issue. I think the person in all caps is fighting a losing battle asking simple questions that are thought provoking

  33. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Mvsu or Jackson State depend mostly on our tax dollars. Because they aren't growing like the others that are mostly white. The white universities make money by alumni or television football games and sports merchandise. When a university has been around as long as Mvsu or Jackson State and are steady declining then it is time to close them or combine them to make it profitable. Times have changed so get over it. No more free degrees will be handed out on our tax dollars. Just look at Delta State in cleveland, it is doing just fine and is steadily growing and is one of the top schools when it comes to affordability and degrees. College is not for everyone so do like I did and be a self made millionaire thru hard work and determination.

  34. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If they want to hold rallies how about holding rallies in their hometowns to better improve their communities. Since G'ville is now 80% black why don't the blacks rally here to support G'ville to improve ourselves.

  35. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If they want to hold rallies how about holding rallies in their hometowns to better improve their communities. Since G'ville is now 80% black why don't the blacks rally here to support G'ville to improve ourselves.

  36. Anonymous1:49 PM

    TO 7:58 AM commenter:

    You stated that the commenter in ALl CAPS asked questions to get a better understanding.

    The ALL CAPS commenter specifically
    asked if we would want the same for our child and we on to state,"We have the Negro College fund to make sure there is some kind of resource for them."

    Go back and re-read commenter 5:41PM and you and the ALL CAPS commenter will have your answer to the questions asked.

    College money is not ear-marked for white students. Should I (or you) want any less for white students?

    If you insist on having a Negro College fund, then why can't you also, insist on a White College fund?

    Be fair.

  37. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I want to state very plainly what DOES offend ME!

    I just returned home from Wal-Mart. There sat about ten "African American" women waiting to have their nails done. This at a time when most "working people" would be at their jobs!

    This would be none of my business, except that it looked very much like these ladies had "just received their checks". These checks were given to them by the taxpayer (me) to support their children (most of whom are born out of wedlock).

    I wanted to ask them WHY were they doing this? DO they think that it causes them to "look good"? If this is their reasoning, then I would like to correct their misconception.

    It makes them look-

    (How can a mother steal money from her child!)

    STUPID! ( How can you care for your own personal hygiene with the length of some of these nails? Not to mention your priorities! Milk? Bread? Nails?!!!)

    "Political correctness" may not allow me to say to your face what I am actually thinking (not to mention the desire NOT to have my throat slit!) but you are a LEACH on society! No one can respect a woman who takes the money GIVEN to support her child and uses it on her own vanity!.

    You have earned my utter contempt because of your character, not because of your race!.

  38. Anonymous5:34 PM


    I agree.

    If SHE didn't get her nails done or get the hair extensions, then maybe SHE could have bought her children a Christmas present instead of 'begging' AGAIN.

    WE, the taxpayers, are giving YOU the check, so YOU need to be accountable for how you spend it.

    Nails cost about $25 dollars every two weeks, or in other words, $50 a month.

    $50 a month = $600 a year

    Don't get your nails done and put the $600 per year in a college fund for your child.

  39. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Do you all really think that only black people or women in this example do this??? Really?? Really??? So all white women are Mrs. Cleaver to her Wally and little Beaver???? Wake up!

    There are good and bad in all races, of all colors, in all people. Even some well to do, high standing in their social world, white women neglect, abuse and even murder their children.

    That was just too general and too stupid for words and not fair at all!

  40. Anonymous6:48 PM

    EVERYTIME, and I mean EVERYTIME, a good restaurant wants to come to greenville, the "leaders' of our fair town ask them what it will do for the black population. The owners leave. They will not deal with that kind of racism. Um, don't black people need to eat too? We could have so much more here if our Leaders would lead.

  41. Anonymous7:54 PM

    6:37 PM

    What was too general and too stupid for words and not fair at all?

    Sounds like YOU get a welfare check AND get YOUR nails done every two weeks and don't want to be held accountable as to HOW you spend YOUR welfare check.

    How many WHITE females receiving welfare checks do YOU see getting THEIR nails done every two weeks?

  42. Catum Feminum8:35 PM

    7:54, your racist bearing and ignorance are completely mind-boggling and.....sad! You see a black woman getting her nails done, and you automatically assume that she is on welfare. Did you speak with her or with the other women that you lumped into a category? She was in the salon during the day when you felt she should be at work. Why weren't you at work, hmm? Are you living on the government dole? Getting a crazy check? Or maybe a disability check for that malignant mass between your ears? Making sweeping generalizations about groups of people only prove that you are horribly, unfailingly, dreadfully wrong.

    And a redneck, to boot.

  43. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Any parent, of any race, is despicable if they use monies given to them for the care of their child, on any frivolous purpose - be it hair, nails, movie rentals, casinos... whatever!(which I know for a fact is done, because I have had occasion to ask). In this community, there is a cultural problem with very poor parenting skills and priorities. Today I saw "African American" women. Again it would not be my business what they did with their money, but it was not THEIR money they were spending. It was money I and other tax payers had given to them for the care of their child.
    STATISTICS indicate that they were (1) unemployed and (2) on welfare - Just as STATISTICS for this area, indicate that most of their children are born out-of wedlock and do not know who their father is. It is the children that my heart aches for...not their selfish, self-indulgent parents.

  44. Catum Feminum9:39 PM

    Again, I ask....HOW do you know the women weren't spending money they'd earned honestly and diligently at their valid employment? WHY do you automatically assume they are on the public dole?

  45. Anonymous10:47 PM

    9:39 PM

    Are you THE mayor?

  46. Anonymous10:51 PM

    8:35 PM OR Catum Feminum.....

    You are just upset with 7:54PM because they "hit the nail on the head"!

    They always say, "The truth hurts".

  47. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Because Greenville is majority black and because Greenville is lacking in education and jobs, yes there are a lot of black people on welfare.....but they are NOT the only ones on welfare by a long stretch. Welfare is not a bad thing, it is critical to many families' survival. With all the jobs lost in Greenville recently and the last few years, even the most qualified can fall through the cracks and need help for their families. Misuse of these funds is outrageous, no more so than the big shot bankers who got big bonuses after our tax dollars bailed them and their banks out of trouble. Same thing, same deed...just a different format.

    As for the women you saw, how do you know that they were on welfare and food stamps? Were you sitting next to any of them while they discussed their financial information? Did you see them park their groceries after using food stamps and wander over to get their nails done??? Or did you just assume?? uh...huh..thought so.

    Not every black is subsidized by the government....there are many here who make more than a lot of whites...so the in general statement implying all blacks was the stupid part. Same as saying all whites are smart, intelligent high earning beings...just as stupid!

    And no, I am neither black or on govt. subsidy....just intelligent, which when they called up for that line up, you were outside running your mouth and missed your chance to have some too.

    Still say I am wrong???...pay attention next time you place your order, buy your clothes, get your gas, see your doctor, get your medicine, buy your car tag...then tell me what color the majority of the people were, who took care of your needs at those times...AMEN!

  48. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Oh look...and guess what??? This mother is white, 21 with CHILDREN... good guess is that she is on the govt. subsidy and medical care with her husband and kids......SURPRISE!!!!!!

    BELLVUE, WA (NBC) - A Washington couple is accused of starving their baby daughter and putting laxatives in her bottle in order to prevent her from getting fat.

    Samuel Labberton, 24, and Brittainy Labberton, 21, are charged with third-degree criminal mistreatment.

    Brittainy denies she starved her daughter.

    "As a matter of fact my, daughter eats more than I do," Brittainy told KING 5 News. "If I had one drop of food left in my house, I would give it to my kids before I even thought about myself."

    According to probable cause documents, the Labbertons' daughter, identified as A.L., was born in August 2008, weighing 5 pounds, 4 ounces. Doctors had instructed the Labbertons to feed her regularly to keep her healthy.

    A.L. was hospitalized less than two months later after she failed to gain sufficient weight, say investigators. The Labbertons allegedly told doctors that their daughter was fussy and threw up food.

    need more? go here!

  49. Catus Feminum6:55 AM

    So anytime someone on this blog disagrees with a racist comment, it's automatically assumed that the one in disagreement is THE Mayor. (Capitalization = a nod to the blogger who amusingly gives upper case status to items that he/she feels are important). Wrong. I am a white female who believes that one should never assume.

  50. Anonymous8:24 AM

    People lie all of the time.

    How do we know that you are white or even a female?

    How do we know that you have never assumed anything?

  51. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You are correct! I ASSUMED that most of he the ladies standing in line to have their nails done were unemployed. I assumed this because of the day of the week, the time of day and the employment opportunities of this area. I ASSUMED that they were spending their SSI checks because of the time of the month and the number of women (who did NOT look perfessional) lining up to have their nails done. I know for a fact that Washington County has one of the highest number of single household families on welfare in the nation.
    The culture of this area is to have children out of wedlock, and to use them to obtain as much money from the government as they can - be it "renting out" the use of their "extra" childrens' SS cards or instructing their children to fail a test in order to get another check. I know this to be a fact. And ANYONE who lives and WORKS in this area know it to be a FACT as well.

    In other areas of the Country, it may well be "White Trash", but in Washington County, this cultural behavior so detrimental to its children, is a 'Black thing".

    Again, my heart goes out for the CHILDREN of this area. And it STILL offends me!

  52. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I want to add something -
    There is an American Veteran that I know that works two jobs to support his family. He is a very responsible and supportive husband and father from what I can observe. He is honest and hard working and has EARNED MY COMPLETE RESPECT! He happens to be Black.
    THIS man demonstrates that integrity and honor is not based on race, but on character.

  53. Anonymous10:50 AM

    We have whites here, many, who are doing the same thing as you describe....it is only a "black thing", because they are the majority here.

    As I stated before, it is also a "black thing" that most of the workers in most locations around this region are black too.

    For you to assume all of that about those women, answer the question asked before...what the heck were you doing that time of daym on that date to be able to observe what you thought you saw? Obviously, you are unemployed and perhaps jealous. Either way, your statement was still stupid to include all blacks.

    All blacks are not all bad, no more so than all whites are all good. Same goes for ANY race!

    Statements like yours just shows your ignorance and you are an embarassment to the decent white people, who you are tring to speak for, such as me!

    Perfessional??? Oh you meant Professional!hahahahaha Doubt you would know what that is if you saw it!LOL

  54. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I worked at Bings a few years ago, and about 85% of the black women that come in there do have the food stamp cards. Yes it makes the ones that are trying to live right and not depend on the gov to look bad. I have lived in the delta all my life and I know there are very very hard working black people out there. I just wish those few black people did not have to live under the stigma of the other leaching black people. I understand their fustration. My fustration is that I do pay my taxes and work to support my family and think the number of people living on the gov tab could and should be reduced down to the ones that are ill, old, mental, or what have you. The people that cann walk and talk and do for there selves should get out and have to do what they need to do to survive. I DO!

  55. Anonymous3:43 PM

    10:50 AM

    You mis-spelled the word "day" in your posted comment (third paragraph), but you were too busy to notice because you were telling someone else that they had mis-spelled professional!

    You assumed that it was spelled correctly.

    You are an embarrassment to the white race you are trying to speak for...if you can't spell a three-letter word.

  56. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Jesus... put your red pens down!

  57. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Typos and mis-spelled are two different errors. I was trying to make a point of her knowledge of professionals...get a grip!

  58. Anonymous7:10 AM

    11:19 PM

    And you are the type of person that is always right and never makes a mistake...get a grip!

  59. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Tonight, a beautiful black woman won the Miss America pageant....so why is there a need for the Miss Black America contest? I say, drop that one, there is already one for everyone, the Miss America pageant does the job just fine.

  60. Anonymous9:35 AM


  61. Anonymous6:13 PM

    White people are something on here lol. I guess Forthright showed his true colors. Anyway, I'm a graudate of Mississippi Valley State University and I did not buy a college degree. I am also a graduate of Delta State University, which I also didn't buy a degree. I'm also Attending MS State University, attaining a specialist in leadership and administration. Reading what Forthright stated, that he's only talked to several people from black universities, which gives him insight to them being right regarding black universities setting a lower standard for their students. "THATS A LIE". It's true, we as black and white people don't mingle with each other in mississippi so we really don't understand each other's world. To me, it was ignorant of Forthright to make this type of statement, but he has the right to say what pleases him and his audience. That's like me saying every white bald head male is KKK. That's not possible. Yes, down Valley, Alcorn, Jackson State, but those universities will still stand. Valley has the highest growth of white students, and know what, they are happy to be there. Smiling, learning and growing with the rest of the students. So all of the "Old Head" white people on this page, including Forthright, have your opinions, but talk to more than 7 people to get your conclusions about these universities. Oh yeah, did you know Mississippi Delta Community College has lots of racist teachers there? Know why I know? There was one teacher that sticks in my mind. She was half indian and half white. She cried to me as me being a student there years ago. She stated that it would be her last year working there due to how white teachers are mistreating black students. But hey, times has changed, has it? I know alot of you are going to say, you only talked to one teacher so how can she say all teachers there that are white are racist? Ask forthright, he stated that he only talked to 7 teachers so that makes all black schools dumb!!! May God Bless each and every last one of you!

  62. Anonymous6:13 PM

    White people are something on here lol. I guess Forthright showed his true colors. Anyway, I'm a graudate of Mississippi Valley State University and I did not buy a college degree. I am also a graduate of Delta State University, which I also didn't buy a degree. I'm also Attending MS State University, attaining a specialist in leadership and administration. Reading what Forthright stated, that he's only talked to several people from black universities, which gives him insight to them being right regarding black universities setting a lower standard for their students. "THATS A LIE". It's true, we as black and white people don't mingle with each other in mississippi so we really don't understand each other's world. To me, it was ignorant of Forthright to make this type of statement, but he has the right to say what pleases him and his audience. That's like me saying every white bald head male is KKK. That's not possible. Yes, down Valley, Alcorn, Jackson State, but those universities will still stand. Valley has the highest growth of white students, and know what, they are happy to be there. Smiling, learning and growing with the rest of the students. So all of the "Old Head" white people on this page, including Forthright, have your opinions, but talk to more than 7 people to get your conclusions about these universities. Oh yeah, did you know Mississippi Delta Community College has lots of racist teachers there? Know why I know? There was one teacher that sticks in my mind. She was half indian and half white. She cried to me as me being a student there years ago. She stated that it would be her last year working there due to how white teachers are mistreating black students. But hey, times has changed, has it? I know alot of you are going to say, you only talked to one teacher so how can she say all teachers there that are white are racist? Ask forthright, he stated that he only talked to 7 teachers so that makes all black schools dumb!!! May God Bless each and every last one of you!

  63. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Even the president of Jackson State University,Dr. Ronald Mason, Jr., supports the merger of the universities.

    I think that perhaps he knows more about the situation than a graduate of the Valley and a former teacher of MDCC would ever know.

  64. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Yeah, that means more money in his pocket. People are evil and would do anything to gain for themselves.

  65. Anonymous10:11 PM

    what does the merger hurt?

  66. Transplanted Midwesterner11:05 PM

    Does anyone else see the irony in the people that voted for "change" in November '08 were ready to rally the troops toward Jackson when the change came home to roost by the threat of consolidating the administrative functions of the HBCUs? I guess the point is moot since it looks like consolidation died in the Mississippi State Senate.

    This will go down as a missed opportunity. Mississippi had the chance to create a premier group of HBCUs through consolidation that, if managed properly, would have been enticing to black students throughout the US. Seeing as how out of state students spend substantially more in tuition than in state students, another revenue stream has been shut down.

  67. Hot Pepper7:43 AM

    I agree with Transplanted Midwesterner and the 10:11 question "What does the merger hurt".

    The REALITY is that the schools are not financial sound, and consolidation of administrative expenses would have kept the campuses open LONG TERM, thus making them accessible to those who attend them. As it stands now, the admin and teacher dollars will continue to be spread out, thus the programs will not get better and will likely decline. This hurts these HBCU's reputation going forward. It is too bad that current administrators and leaders can't see the forest through the trees, and look toward the future instead of just holding to the past.

  68. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The 'other' HBCU administrators (excluding Jackson State's Dr. Ronald Mason, Jr.!)and teachers do NOT want the merger.

    They are only interested in their own selfish job security and do not want to possibly transfer to one of the other campuses.

    They are not interested in what is best for the HBCU students at all!

    It's all about me, me, me!

  69. Anonymous8:45 AM

    What does merging hurt or who? That's just like saying make the white house pink. It changes what you've been taught, to beleive in something and to never give up on what you've been fighting for. Yes, the administration needs to get their acts together regarding spending money appropriately, but that doesn't mean hurt the schools at any way. What confuses me the most is, if you merge the schools, but the schools are still opporating, what's the difference? Just get rid of the high paid administrators and save the money for better use.

  70. Anonymous11:22 AM

    ha white house pink? changes what youve been taught? hummm Never mind the fact that it will help the schools run more efficient and the kids will continue to get a good education! Its not like the schools will be relocated and "changed" into something else undesirable! The schools will continue to have the same names, same football teams and the kids will continue to go there! If your stuck back on what you believe instead of what will help the kids, your once again backing up and being held back for your ignorance!

  71. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Help???? in who's opinion? yours 11:22 am? Who made you governor in knowing that it will run smoother. Get over yourself!

  72. Anonymous1:51 PM

    12:50 and why wouldn't it?

  73. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Its white history month!! ha... Kids are working hard on it in school!!

  74. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

    Benjamin Franklin

  75. Anonymous5:20 PM


    A facebook link

  76. Anonymous6:51 PM

    OKAY... the HBCUs have won this round. Let's move on to another topic!

  77. Anonymous7:05 PM

    HBCU ???

  78. Anonymous7:37 PM

    English is taught in schools why isn't ebonics taught?

  79. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Like most things, Ebonics is taught in the home :)

  80. Catus Feminus9:56 PM

    This blog is colorblind. Yes, I can't tell who is black and who is white. But I do know that most of you are functioning illiterates. Would you please go back and read your comments? Aloud? Lord help us if you breed.

  81. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Haley Barbour for president!! WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER!

  82. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Heather Hudson for Governor!!!!! WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER!

  83. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Free Ex President Bush!!!! LOL

  84. Anonymous6:20 PM

    BLAH BLAH BLAH!! If Heather Hudson gets elected to governor, I will give my house away and run from this state.

  85. Anonymous6:45 PM


    Keep your house, SHE will never be elected as governor!

  86. Anonymous7:15 PM

    She will NEVER be elected to ANY State or Municipal office again.

  87. Anonymous8:12 AM

    if she just leaves greenville, that will be a blessing!

  88. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Ha Ha Ha... Free Houses lol Run forest Run!!!

  89. Anonymous11:00 AM

    We might as well face it here in G'ville. We are all racists both black and white. We will never think the same or even try to move on from the past and the one reason for that is there is too much history and bad blood from the past.Neither black or white will ever budge on the way they were brought up or in their way of thinking because of the past. This town is a lost cause and will never be back at the top in the Delta. Just look whats happening now. Anyone living north of reed road is considered white trash or sorry ass blacks. So what does G'ville do, they keep moving further and further south to try and run from the problem instead of trying to fix the problem. Stop building south and use our existing buildings and rebuild for everyone to use and enjoy. Not just for those fortunate enough to live in south G'ville. But both you and I know that will never happen and we will still try and run further and further south. Soon we will be a suburb of Swiftwater.

  90. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Below is an example of what G'ville has become and will be a LOSER in the fight to make a comeback as the Queen City of the Delta.

    Facing real Greenville challenge

    Monday, February 1, 2010 1:02 PM CST

    Now that the “Greenville Challenge” to raise $100,000 to revitalize the city has been met and exceeded, it’s time to take on the city’s real challenge — the apathy of its residents.

    That apathy was demonstrated during the past week by a simple problem that would have been easy to resolve. Exactly a week ago, someone in an automobile carelessly, thoughtlessly and perhaps even malicously tossed a large white bag of trash on to the grounds of the Cypress Preserve Trust in clear view of Cypress Lane.

    The oversized white, conspicuous trash bag full of food and drink cartons and other waste sat there in clear view of the countless drivers that pass by on Cypress Lane daily. Residents of upper-scale neighborhoods and several apartment complexes, as well as police officers and other city employees, passed that bag of trash everyday for a week. No one took the couple of minutes it required to stop, open up the trunk of a car, place the bag inside and properly dispose of it later.

    The trash bag is no longer there. The observation period is over, and the trash bag is now in the dumpster of the Cypress Lane Apartments, directly across from where the bag sat for a week.

    The problem of course is not the bag of trash, but what it symbolizes. Like the bag of trash that was left untended for a week, the citizens of Greenville are allowing their most important assets — a historic downtown that could be revitalized to attract tourists from across the country, the graceful and fascinating homes on Washington Avenue and Main Steet and other roadways in the city that could be an equally huge tourist draw and the many beautiful green areas — to deteriorate beyond the point of return.

    It is heartbreaking to an outsider to slowly learn about the rich history of this city and to realize it is rapidly disappearing because of the residents’ apathy and lack of appreciation for what could be.

    The word on the steet is that it is no longer considered “fashionable” to be caught living or otherwise engaged in the city’s core, which ironically is Greenville’s only hope for salvation. It is has also been said that the owners of much of the dowtown property are uninterested in leasing, selling or otherwise seeing it developed at a time when property values are so depressed.

    The organizers of the Greenville Challenge are about to realize how far $100,000 will not go in the effort to turn Greenville around, although I suspect they’ve already got that message and are stumped about what to do next.

    They can’t do much without everybody’s support, and that’s unlikely to happen unless they can overcome the apathy that has settled over this once thriving town. It’s time for everyone to re-examine their own priorities before it’s too late for Greenville.

    The city possibly will never again see the type of industry it once had in its heyday. City leaders are going to have to come up with another plan, and there’s nothing wrong with the one countless towns across the country have turned to in an effort to survive. Regeneration would also ease crime in the city’s inner core. Make Greenville attractive to tourists and new residents. It would be a shame to let it go without a real fight.


  91. Anonymous3:13 PM

    11:00 a.m. I agree. But all aren't racist including blacks or whites.

  92. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Why dont they merge MDJC and DELTA STATE or MS STATE and OLE MS., again when hell freezes over

  93. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Why dont they merge MDJC and DELTA STATE or MS STATE and OLE MS., again when hell freezes over

  94. Catus Feminus5:13 PM

    To 11:00 a.m. who stated that "Anyone living north of reed road is considered white trash or sorry ass blacks." A substantial portion of Greenville's tax base lives north of Reed Road: in Wilzin Park, Gamwyn Park, and Golding Acres. Be careful about assigning titles to those whom are undeserving. And capitalize when appropriate.

  95. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I wish it really were possible to fix what's wrong with Greenville with a positive, "can do" attitude.

    Last year, I visited a quaint little village in north Tennessee. It was October 31st, and all along the sidewalk of the main street were tasteful decorations of haybales, pumpkins and colorful mums - ON a public steet! It was so picturesque!

    With a deep sigh in my heart, I remembered how one of our local garden clubs had planted magnolia trees in a public area, only to have them dug up and stolen!

    I would love to buy one of those older homes down town and restore it! I don't dare becasue of the crime in that area.

    I have no hope for Greenville. There are simply not enough people who are willing to make it a better place verses those that just want to take what they can get. I am just trying to survive until we can sell our business and get out of here. (Truth is - alot, if not most of those I talk with, feel the same way!). I feel that I am on a sinking ship waiting for my turn at a life boat.
    I hope I am wrong, but "I don't think so!".

  96. Anonymous8:42 PM

    5:48PM: What is your business, I may want to buy it.

  97. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Let's forget about merging all schools. Just be fair about it. Let's build these kids in South Greenville a public K-12 school

  98. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Whatever! Why, so we can bus the ones from the North side? It would still be run by the public schools.

  99. Anonymous8:18 AM

    10:56 PM

    No don't bus the ones from the North side. Just let them have what's already there and build a new school for the ones that are moving south of town. And don't worry about it being run by the public school system, the PARENTS will make sure that it is run right and fairly.

    What's good for the goose is also, good for the gander!

    They can have their HBCU, but let the whites have their own public school.

    Fair is fair.

  100. Anonymous11:29 AM

    10:56 pm must have been born in 1913 or 1935! lol

  101. Anonymous11:29 AM

    you think the blacks will stand back and let that happen? no!

  102. Anonymous2:37 PM

    whites cant have their own anything. that's not allowed.

  103. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Why is it that all the schools want to study about in Black history month is civil rights activist?

  104. Anonymous7:48 PM

    6:47, please tell us your suggestions for other black history topics the schools could focus on.

  105. Anonymous8:28 PM

    You can study all of the black inventors and the things that they invented.

  106. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Huh@ 6:47? White history month, yeah, we have white history month every month!

  107. Anonymous8:42 AM

    UPDATE; On yesterday's news, the house is trying to sale Haley Barbours's Jet, but the Senate is working hard for him to keep it. The House states that they can sell the jet for 2 million dollars which they could use to spend else where and they've also included a plane that Haley Barbour can use instead. He refuses to do so! What's up with that if he cares so much about Mississippi and it's residents?

  108. Anonymous9:28 AM

    That's interesting news! I guess he thinks he's one of those wall street big wheels and need a jet to fly all over the world. But shouts out, merge merge merge, but please let me keep my plane lol. GOD WILL FIX THESE PROBLEMS BOTH IN GREENVILLE AND THE CAPITAL!

  109. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Yep, lets just keep building south and soon there will not be a G'ville anymore. It wil just fall down for lack of caring for the downtown area because everything we need is south of reed road. The movie theatre should have been a great starting point for giving the downtown a boost but one of our main people in G'villes downtown recovery, supposedly put it way down south instead. Yet he is one of the first to scream we must rennovate the downtown area. Way to go dummy.

  110. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I heard that the bowling alley will soon be closing. No big deal tho they will just build it south of G'ville and start over. Those that love to bowl better get off the couch and support it or soon it will be gone. ANOTHER BUSINESS BITES THE DUST!!! Way to go G'ville it just keeps getting better and better.

  111. Anonymous10:46 AM


  112. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I applaud the Greenville City Council on their (according to today's DDT news article) recent decision to change the city's policy on city owned vehicles being taken home.

    Yes, a few employees may need to take the city owned vehicle home, if they are expected to be "on call" during the night---but, certainly not 80 employees!

    Also, the Greenville Police Department employees should not be using the police cars, uniforms or guns while they are "off of the clock" and attempting to "work" at ANOTHER... second, part-time job, regardless of WHOM the employee is!

    Again, I applaud the City Council for doing the right thing! Keep it up!

  113. Anonymous6:30 PM

    If an "off duty" policeman wants to be a "RENT-A-COP", then his employer needs to provide him with a uniform and a gun. The City of Greenville does not need the added liability if something might happen while he is on his off duty second job.

  114. Anonymous9:07 PM

    After reading through all of the above post i have come to just one conclusion.
    Let the whites run and maintain just from Bowman south; make our own decisions and elect our own leaders for just 2 yrs and watch it thrive. You would see new schools ; new industry and a clean environment with little crime and jobs galore ! OOP'S what am i talking about that is how Greenville was when it was majority white with white leadership and if we got south Greenville back to normal with good schools and jobs the blacks would want to move in and be a part of what had been built with white money and white know how. Blacks would want to join the country clubs and go to the schools and do their shopping after the work had been done to revitalize. Now you don't think a black would build a school and a city with industry with their own leaders do you. NO ! They want whites to build with their money so they can come in and enjoy the benefits of hard work by others.
    We hear all the talk about wealthy blacks in the community and what they want to see done but then they holler GRANT Money LOL Greenville was built by hard working white leaders who beleived in family values and not asking for assistance or depending on the government to send them a check each month to buy rims or cell phones.
    By the way it must be fun to observe a garbage bag for a week and then write about it.

  115. Anonymous10:06 PM

    6:30 PM

    I agree!

    It would be the same if a Greenville Public School bus driver took the school bus home with him after work and then "used" it to transport people to and from their cars at the casino parking lot and then the casino paid him! LOL

    Same difference.

  116. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Yeah, I thought a week's worth of garbage-bag-watching was a little excessive, as well. And the writer didn't mention in his self-righteous diatribe that stopping on Cypress Lane would require a person to leave his car and passengers dangerously at risk. There is no shoulder to pull onto. The writer obviously lives in one of the apartment complexes there and could easily walk onto the road from the safety of his parking spot. I, for one, don't see myself walking along Cypress Lane for any reason---it's dangerous!!!

  117. Anonymous10:26 AM

    i think he was just making a point

  118. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I guess this latest anouncement from city hall means the mayor drives her personal vehicle.....She said it was just a rumor that she spent taxpayers dollars on "city bodyguards" I love her new WIGS!

  119. Anonymous9:29 AM

    9:56...What latest announcement from city hall? Diva mayor is all about herself. The wigs are systematic of her camouflaged personality.

  120. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Does the new policy mean that a police vehicle can not be parked outside THE mayor's home during the night time hours?

    If not, then this amendament needs to be adressed during the next City Council meeting.

    And then the "issue" of the body guards...period...can be "voted off".

    Come on City Council members, do the right thing.

  121. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Diva Mayor has anywhere from 1-7 bodyguards 24/7. They act like the Secret Service while on duty.

  122. Anonymous1:18 PM

    How is it a rumor when the bodyguards are a line item expense in the city budget.

  123. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Us citizens don't get to see line item expenses. We see what the mayor and council wants us to see. You must be in the know. How can the taxpayers like me see line item budget and expenses?
    I know there is a published budget, but you can't pull out bodyguard expense from the one they publish.

  124. Anonymous2:51 PM

    We know she has (or had) bodyguards because her father wrote an editorial letter in the DDT trying to justify their existence.

  125. Anonymous2:57 PM

    As far as I know, budgets are public record. Go to the City Clerk's office, fill a freedom of information request, requesting the specific information needed. The office has about two weeks to furnish it, if not, then they can be reported to a higher office in the state for refusal. Good luck!

  126. Anonymous3:03 PM

    1:18...Diva says it's a rumor because she LIES!!

  127. Anonymous4:22 PM

    But, can the DDT go to the City Clerk's office, fill a freedom of information request, requesting the specific information needed to obtain a "public" copy of the city's budget and publish it...all of it...in the newspaper?

  128. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Yes, the DDT can get the info but they won't. They are afraid of the Diva and daddy Diva because of a slander lawsuit.

  129. Anonymous8:57 PM

    The Diva's Executive Security Team is nothing more than her personal errand boys who jump when she snaps her fingers. They go get her lunch, run her errands to Wal-Mart for bottled water, etc., pick up her laundry, and have a key to her house to deliver said laundry. This is all at taxpayer expense. But everyone's mouth is taped shut.

  130. Anonymous3:01 PM

    does the state reduce the amount of food stamps when childern eat 2 free meales per day at school? sounds like double dipping to me.

  131. Anonymous3:34 PM

    8:55 PM

    It would not be slander.

    It would simply be informing the citizens of Greenville (and taxpayers)what is actually included IN the city of Greenville's budget....line item by line item.

    It would be similar to a hospital bill....which includes ALL charges and the cost of each line item.

    Maybe after public viewing, the city budget could be adjusted to better suit the needs and concerns of the voting citizens and taxpayers.

  132. Anonymous8:04 AM

    On early Greenville news: T J Maxx is coming to old Goody location.

  133. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Well,...IF..T J Maxx is seriously coming to the old Goody location...I hope with all of my heart that the trash, including chicken bones, is cleared from the parking lot in that area and is maintained on a daily basis!

    They have a security patrol car in that area and certainly need to add a parking lot maintenance person to the payroll!

    Or perhaps, each "leaser/renter" in that area can provide one employee--for one hour daily--
    to maintain the parking lot for their store's appearance sake and for customer services purposes.

    A happy customer will return for future shopping visits in a pleasing environment!

    OR send the city-paid body guards. If they can pick up laundry and dry-cleaning and run errands for bottled water, then surely they can pick-up trash for one hour for the taxpayers!

    The City of Greenville does have a beautification department.

  134. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The T.J. Maxx deal has not been CONFIRMED. They are LOOKING at the site. Ye gods, people. Slow down! It's great to be hopeful, but let's not jump the gun and start speading rumors.

    The security guard you see in the parking lot, by the way, is paid by Walmart. It doesn't cover the Goody's/Dollar Tree/El Toro area.

    Litter----the former Goody's location has the misfortune of being located in a whirlpool of litter. As in...any litter dropped on the northeast section of the parking lot tends to be sucked into a whirlpool at Goody's/the old Mardi Gras location. The litter didn't necessarily originate from those locations, but were a deterrent to mild-mannered, tax-paying folks (yes, whites with money) who might have considered shopping there. Tenants of that shopping center who want to attract and KEEP those customers should take it upon themselves to step outside now and then and take care of that problem. More than once, when leaving the po boy shop, my spouse would ask me to stop picking up the trash---worried that I might ingest something unhealthy. I just couldn't stand to look at it.

  135. Anonymous8:41 PM

    O.K. Wal-Mart pays for the parking lot security guard.

    And what you are saying is that the majority of the trash in the parking lot orginates from the Wal-Mart area and the wind blows it down the lot towards the old Goody's,Dollar Tree and little Abe's old sandwich shop.

    So, Wal-Mart needs to hire a parking lot attendant or either the Wal-Mart security guard needs to start issuing tickets for litter.

  136. Anonymous8:43 PM

    8:04 PM is THE mayor.

  137. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I don't get it. Should I be excited about TJ Maxx? Do they offer something diff from Walmart, Kmart, Stein Marts? Sorry, but I don't know much about them. I've never been to one. Doing an internet search to find out about their products, all I could find was a large recall list of products they sold.

  138. Anonymous6:18 AM

    No, everyone who says something different from your opinion (or makes a vague reference to the mayor's former husband's sandwich shop) is NOT the mayor. Get over it! I am "8:04," and I am most definitely NOT the mayor.

  139. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I have been in a T.J. Max before and it has lots of clothes mostly for women and household goods that are cheap. It is like a Goodwill Store with organization. Lots of junk that you don't want but at a fairly good price. Not much to brag about as far as their merchandise. It's like stuff that didn't sell so they buy it cheap and resale it for a profit.

  140. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Why doesn't the DDT print letters to the editor. Are they not interested in what the citizens think about what is going on in G'ville or just scared of rubbing someone the wrong way. I know several people that have written many times to the DDT their views of whats going on in this town but not one has ever been published in the paper. You would think the DDT would be interested in what the citizens think or what they have to say about certain things going on here in G'vile. Something smells awful fishy to me about letters to the editor. No wonder they keep sending new editors here to G'ville. None have had the guts so far to stand up for the community and print what we have to say.

  141. Anonymous9:29 AM

    All cities, regardless of size, have slum areas, but most of the time they are isolated to areas of town that are not seen by people traveling through. The image of our city has deteriorated so fast that it is unbelievable.

    We all realize that the economy is bad, and businesses are closing everywhere. But our main travel arteries, such as U.S. 82 and Mississippi 1 (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard), are beginning to take on the look of a deserted ghetto. When you travel U.S. 82 from city limit to city limit, you see 18 vacant commercial properties. Some with windows knocked out, some with windows boarded up, paint peeling off and the grounds in terrible condition.

    Then, traveling Mississippi 1 (MLK Boulevard), it is even worse, with 24 vacant commercial properties, most in a terrible state of repair. Vandalism is so bad in the city that when a commercial building becomes vacant, the owner has to board up the windows to keep the vandals from breaking them out. This creates even more of an eyesore.

    Our City Council wonders why revenue is down with 42 retail businesses closed — not to mention the fact that large distributors such as Budweiser, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola and etc. have all left Greenville. And the council wonders why the revenue is down?

    If our city is to have a future with any possibility of growth, our image is going to have to change. Our city governing body, along with all of our citizens, needs to wake up and take a look around at what is happening to the appearance of our city. What impression does our city make on someone passing through or someone thinking of locating a new business here?

    We need some appearance standards for businesses that are located on our main arteries. Get in your auto and take a ride on U.S. 82 and Mississippi 1, and I ask you, what kind of image does our city project to someone passing through? Other cities close by have not let this happen to them. Look at Cleveland: hardly any vacant commercial properties, and the properties that are vacant are well maintained. No windows are broken and they are not boarded up. The downtown area is beautiful and well maintained. It’s the same with Indianola as well. We have to do something before it’s too late.

    When someone who was born and raised in Greenville and has not been back for several years returns for a visit, they can’t believe their eyes. One of our past citizens who visited Greenville recently was so embarrassed by the appearance of our city that he stated he would donate $50,000 if the locals would match it to help with the clean up of our city. Our city government, our chamber of commerce and our citizens need to do something before it’s too late. Our city is taking on the look of a dilapidated ghetto.

  142. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The people traveling through greenville will soon have a fresh new view, once the bypass opens!!
    Good bye Gville!

  143. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Well, IF...the DDT won't publish the letters to the editor,...try calling the T.V. station.

    Every day, local citizens everywhere are being interviewed and are expressing their own personal opinions about claimed injustices and discrimination.

    And, it guarantees an investigation.

    Just do it!

  144. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Just more of the same... DRMC OWNS the DDT. Ray doesn't let anyone down Greenville. That's why the Scoop was born!

  145. Anonymous12:01 AM

    My wife is actually excited about TJ Maxx. She shops there often in Jackson. Similar to Steinmart but different according to her.

  146. Anonymous6:51 AM

    New topic, please. (Yawn.)

  147. Anonymous4:39 PM

    There is a sign up at the new catfish place, in front of walmart!! I love it!!

  148. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Apparently, from what I was told by a reliable source, the folks who had intentions of reopening Fermos have backed out. So all those who worried about their location, the safety and security, etc....not to worry, we lost the place before it ever opened...feel better now??

  149. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Apparently, from what I was told by a reliable source, the folks who had intentions of reopening Fermos have backed out. So all those who worried about their location, the safety and security, etc....not to worry, we lost the place before it ever opened...feel better now??

  150. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Who cares? It won't be long before G'ville will be a ghost town anyway.

  151. Anonymous7:21 PM


    You're sources are not very reliable. I spoke with the folks today opening Kepler's Italian Grill. The project is moving along nicely.

    Feel better now. Oh...except you should find a better grapevine!

  152. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Maybe 1:54 works for Lillos?

  153. Anonymous8:55 PM

    If all the snow in the north melts and rolls down the Mississippi, Greenville will get "flushed" just like New Orleans... perhaps a good thing!

  154. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I stand corrected and will share that update about old Fermos. I am thrilled, I wanted them to open. I hope it is all good, we need it.

  155. Anonymous8:31 AM

    8:55 PM

    Yes, every year there is the worry and concern about the snow "up north" melting...and flooding the Mississippi River.

    But, Greenville will not be the only river-side city or community effected.

    Nor, is the Mississippi River the only waterway that will be filled with the snow from "up north".

    Everyone needs to begin preparing now and making emergency plans.

  156. Anonymous6:33 PM

    anyone have any dynamite?

  157. Anonymous8:34 PM

    What the hell is going with Cindy Ayers???? As the vapid rumor mill in this town goes, she has made unsecured loans to friends with Delta foundation funds. And has been living scott-free in a property owned by the foundation.

  158. Anonymous8:34 PM

    What the hell is going with Cindy Ayers???? As the vapid rumor mill in this town goes, she has made unsecured loans to friends with Delta foundation funds. And has been living scott-free in a property owned by the foundation.

  159. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Are you surprised by this???? LOLOL

  160. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Oh,but it's all O.K. because she is the neice of a
    somewhat famous civil rights activist!

    February IS Black History month.

  161. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Anyone interested in taking back our town please report to the walmart parking lot this coming Friday at 1 p.m. to march downtown to city hall and demand the entire staff to be thrown out of office.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  162. Anonymous11:19 AM

    O.K. We'll meet you in the Wal-Mart parking lot on Friday at 1:00PM to march downtown to city hall and demand the entire staff to be thrown out of office...but,
    we will NOT pick up chicken bones or trash from the parking lot while waiting on everyone to arrive!


    P.S. That will be a rather LONG march...can we meet some where nearer to the city hall?

  163. Anonymous9:00 PM

    thats funny, white folks dont stick together like that, they just run

  164. Anonymous10:50 AM

    You got that right. White folks never stick together and besides the white folks that still have something left don't want to cause any trouble or they will lose what they have. White folks are too damn lazy to walk a little ways to take back our town.I guarantee if the blacks called for a march to downtown you would have to close the streets. There would be thousands walking to city hall.

  165. Anonymous11:22 AM

    This interest all of the taxpayers working today while our government workers have the day off:

    Stimulus money for raises and insurance! Great and 1.29 jobs created!!!!!!

  166. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Will someone please explain to me why we need to become sister cities with Greenville, Liberia???? That place makes Greenville, MS seem like paradise!!!

    It is recovering from a Civil war, poverty and crime ridden, illnesses, aids, malaria are rampant....what could this city possibly have to "trade" with our city??? Thanks but no thanks....I would say it was just another excuse for the Mayor to travel, but why in God's name would she want to travel to this hell hole of a country???? Unless she never makes it there and goes on to more desirable locations, unbeknownst to our Council!

    Sister City Germany has been a big zero of results, so why would we add another sibling that needs more than we can offer?? What they need is beyond Greenville, MS.

    Council votes tomorrow on this proposal, please let good sense rule and they vote NOOOOOO!!!

  167. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I wanted to let you know what a positive experience I had on ESELLYOURSELF.COM.
    The Items were great and I got a really great price. Keep up
    the great work Greenville.

    Bidder 1011

  168. Anonymous4:11 PM

    12:53..AMEN TO YOU. Just another place for MS. Diva Mayor and Ed Johnson to travel at taxpayer expense. Liberia can get their rice from China or all the other rice producing countries that surround them. They have absolutely NOTHING to offer Greenville, MS. They can't even help themselves much less helping Greenville. We don't need them coming over to Greenville, Mississippi and reproducing. We have enough welfare people in Greenville.

  169. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Maybe we can get a majority of Greenville natives to move there to help their economy!

  170. Anonymous5:09 PM

    4:24...I vote to send ALL the natives to Liberia starting with the Mayor.

  171. Anonymous5:24 PM

    nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter.

  172. Anonymous6:10 PM

    5:24 Who are you talking to?

  173. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The "mothers" and "fathers" of Greenville, MS. (THE mayor and city council members!) need to learn to practice some method of birth controll!

    Greenville, MS. does NOT need ANY MORE siblings....no more sister cities or... brother cities,period!

  174. Anonymous7:51 PM

    if no one in Gville has any kids the city will dry up, because no one in their right mind is going to move here!!

  175. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Only Greenville would attempt to align itself with a war torn Liberian city with zero chance of trade opportunties. I am sure the Liberians would welcome our heavily subsidized agricultural commodities flooding their market! What was the final tab for the Greenville delegation's trade mission? There is the real story, which I am sure the DDT will not publish.

  176. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Who knows what the final tab was for the Liberian vacation. But, the Diva came home with a nice Liberian dress that the wife of one of the dignitaries gave her. Is it legal for her to keep it? Someone needs to call her hand on this.

  177. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I also would like to know the real value of having a sister city...if there is any....

  178. Anonymous11:53 AM

    When the bypass is built none of us in G'ville will ever see anyone from the outside world. We will all be trapped in our own little poverty striken world with no way out. God help us all when the bypass opens.If you think our property and G'ville is bad now just wait until the bypass opens and no one from the outside will know G'ville or us even exist. Since the bypass was built around leland how many of you go through leland now like we did in the good ole days? NONE OF US THATS WHO!!

  179. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Did THE mayor go to Nigeria or Liberia, or BOTH?

  180. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Nigeria or Liberia....what's the difference? They are both in the same category....poor, corrupt, and hopeless.

  181. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Nigeria or Liberia...or both?

    And trips to Washington, D.C, also.

    And the total expenses of these trips is what?

    Couldn't HER travel expense funds go towards the matching money fundraiser for THE hometown in which she resides and "supposedly"
    presides over?

    If SHE can't "help" her own hometown , then how in the hell is SHE going to help another country?

  182. Anonymous12:46 PM

    A "sister city" in Liberia?

    Previous trips to Nigeria?

    Sounds like a bunch of bullsh#t to promote Black History month...and nothing else,... except maybe a ANOTHER "free" trip for THE mayor!

  183. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Check this out a blog on what it is like in Greenville, Liberia:

  184. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Oh yeah, our Council followed the Mayor as usual, Carolyn Weathers and Ann Hollowell voted against Liberia, but it was a lost cause as usual.

    Read this and ask yourself how our Greenville could thrive with anything near this kind of investment in Liberia encouraged by Hillary Clinton. shouldnt we clean up our own backyard before worrying about an across the world neighbor??


    Parrot, 10/30/09) “USAID Gives NEC US$17.5 M-For Electoral Support”
    In fulfillment of US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s declaration of her country’s technical support for Liberia’s electoral program when she addressed a joint session of the Liberian Legislature in August, the United States Aid for International Development (USAID) has awarded the National Elections Commission of Liberia (NEC) “a mouth-watering” US$17.5 million for electoral support for the period of five years. USAID-Liberia Mission Acting Director, Carolyn Bryan announced the US grant Tuesday at a joint press conference in Monrovia, reaffirming USAID’s long-term commitment to the democratic process in Liberia.

  185. Anonymous11:56 PM

    More information about Liberia-What could this place possibly offer Greenville, MS???

    Maleria cases all over! See map at below location:


    Greenville, Liberia
    Jan 9, 2010 | AllAfrica.com

    Liberia: U.S.$ 1.6 Billion Oil Palm Investment for Country As Boakai Lauds Indonesian Company

    Liberia's Vice President Joseph N. Boakai says the US$1.6 billion investment by Golden Veroleum, a member of the Singapore listed Golden Agri Resources Company, will help the Unity party-led government provide the needed employment opportunities in southeastern Liberia.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    For other places with the same name, see Greenville.

    GreenvilleLocation in Liberia
    Coordinates: 5°01′N 9°02′W / 5.017°N 9.033°W / 5.017; -9.033
    Country Liberia
    County Sinoe County
    District Greenville District

    Greenville, also known as Sinoe, is the capital of Sinoe County in southeastern Liberia and lies on a lagoon near the Sinoe River and the Atlantic Ocean. It is located about 150 miles southeast of Monrovia.

    The town was built in about 1838 by colonists of the Mississippi Colonization Society.[1]Part of what was then the Mississippi-in-Africa colony, (now Sinoe County), Greenville was named after Judge James Green, one of the first Mississippi Delta planters to send a group of former slaves to Liberia.[2]

    The town was destroyed in the Liberian Civil War but has since been rebuilt around a port for the local logging industry. Before the civil war, the town's main exports were lumber, rubber, and agricultural products.

    The Sapo National Park lies near the town. Boats sail from Greenville to Monrovia and Harper.

    Greenville experiences 185 rainy days per year.[3] The mean temperature of the town's coolest month is 24 degrees Celsius and 27 degrees Celsius for its warmest month.

    Greenville has the third largest port in Liberia, the port has two quays (70m and 180m long respectively) on the inner side of the breakwater for berthing facilities, with an existing water depth of 6m below chart datum.

    [edit] References
    ^ Johnston, Harry (1906). Liberia. 1. New York City: Dodd, Mead and Company. p. 157. http://books.google.com/books?id=_6YSAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA157&dq=%22Mississippi+Colonisation+Society%22&lr=. Retrieved 2008-08-02.
    ^ Mississippi In Africa
    ^ http://ramsar.wetlands.org/Portals/15/LIBERIA.pdf Ramsar Convention On Wetlands]

    The Port of Greenville-Liberia
    Is located in the southeastern region of the country, about 421 miles from the Freeport of Monrovia. A 400m long breakwater protects the harbor. There are two quays (70m and 180m long respectively) on the inner side of the breakwater for berthing facilities, with an existing water depth of 6m below chart datum. The Port was rehabilitated in the early eighties with loan from the German Development Fund. The port functions mainly as an outlet for the timber industry.

  186. Anonymous12:05 AM

    And lastly, here is the welcome mat from the country of Liberia! During today's Council meeting our DIVA Mayor compared Greenville, MS to Greenville, Liberia as one and the same...oh yeah we do have problems, crime and all that goes with it...but my children are not in the militia, they are going to school and sleep in safety at night. I bet you this, if you asked the Liberians if they wanted to live there or here, you would be run over by a stampede of Liberians begging to come to Greenville, MS. Seems to be the case of wanting to stand next to the ugliest person in the room, so it makes you look good. Thanks Mayor, you found the ugliest! No, we are NOT "like" Greenville, Liberia!!!!!!!


    SAFETY AND SECURITY: The Department of State urges U.S. citizens to plan proposed travel to Liberia carefully and to exercise caution when traveling in Liberia. Neither public transport nor taxis are available at the international airport, which is located 40 miles outside of Monrovia; therefore, before traveling to Liberia, Americans are urged to make arrangements for transportation from the international airport into the city center. Americans traveling to Liberia are also urged to ensure that they have confirmed reservations at a reputable hotel, as rooms can be scarce and difficult to find without advance plans. (continued on next post )

  187. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Americans who travel to or reside in Liberia should realize that Liberia's police force is in the process of being rebuilt. There is a UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), but its mandate is to ensure political stability in Liberia. Americans who travel around Liberia must realize that the role of UN Police (UNPOL) officers is to serve as advisors to the Liberia National Police. Accordingly, they do not have the authority to arrest or detain, and they are unarmed. The Liberia National Police, for its part, has a limited presence in Monrovia, and even less of a presence outside of Monrovia. In addition, police officers can be a source of problems for visitors as well as a source of aid or assistance. Although problems with corruption have improved, travelers may be detained by police officers who solicit bribes. Americans are encouraged to carry a photocopy of their passports with them at all times so that, if questioned by local officials, proof of identity and U.S. citizenship is readily available. If detained or arrested, U.S. citizens should always ask to be allowed to contact the U.S. Embassy.

    U.S. citizens in Liberia should be aware of their surroundings at all times and use caution when moving around, especially at night. The U.S. Embassy recommends that American citizens observe a suggested curfew of 2:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. Travel outside of Monrovia after dark is strongly discouraged, as roads are in poor condition and thus dangerous to navigate at night. U.S. citizens should avoid crowds, political rallies, and street demonstrations, and should maintain security awareness at all times.

  188. Anonymous12:07 AM

    For the latest security information, U.S. citizens traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs website , which contains the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts as well as the Worldwide Caution.

    Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free within the U.S. and Canada, or by calling a regular toll line, 1-202-501-4444, from other countries. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).

    The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s extensive tips and advice on traveling safely abroad .

    Back to Top

    CRIME: The crime rate in Liberia is high, and is exacerbated by the high rate of unemployment. Theft, assault, sexual crimes, and murder are problems, and they occur more frequently after dark. Foreigners, including U.S. citizens, have been targets of street crime, robbery, and sexual assault. Women have been attacked on deserted beaches. Residential armed break-ins have occurred. The police are ill equipped and largely incapable of providing effective protection or investigation. Criminal activity has been reported in both urban and rural areas.

    Perpetrators of business fraud often target foreigners, including Americans. Formerly associated with Nigeria, these fraud schemes are now prevalent throughout western Africa, including Liberia, and pose a danger of both financial loss and physical harm. An increasing number of American citizens have been the targets of such scams. The best way to avoid becoming a victim of fraud is common sense – if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. U.S. citizens should carefully check any unsolicited business proposal originating in Liberia before committing any funds, providing any goods or services, or undertaking any travel, particularly if the proposal involves the mining or sale of gold and diamonds. There has also been an increase in the number of Liberian/American Internet relationships in which there are eventual requests for financial assistance under fraudulent pretenses. For additional information, please see the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs brochure International Financial Scams.

    Petty corruption is rampant; poorly paid government officials are not immune from the temptation to collect fees for doing their job. The result is that travelers may be asked for bribes and inconvenienced for not paying them.

    In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available.

    Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines.

  189. Anonymous12:09 AM

    And if you really want a bird's eye view of what this hell hole is really like, take time to watch these videos, copy and paste each link.

    Scary! Can we cancel this adoption of this sister city ASAP??

    part 1

    part 2





  190. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Does anybody know if this Sister City act passed?

  191. Anonymous8:32 AM

    whats the use in this sister city thing?? Why does she want this?

  192. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Simply put...SHE's the FIRST Africian American mayor that Greenville, MS. has EVER had...and is "playing it" to the hilt.

    This is merely a "publicity stunt" to mainly promote HERSELF, and then secondly, to promote her civil rights activist way of thinking and "cramming" it down everyones' throat.

    SHE is only concerned about her own self! SHE has no concern about anyone...and I mean anyone...in Greenville, MS.,...much less anyone in Greenville, Liberia.

    SHE is a control freak and wants attention. SHE has insecurities and self-esteem issues that perhaps counseling (not counciling!)...could diminish.

    DADDY certainly can't help her because HE is the root of the problem. Some how, SHE feels that SHE doesn't "measure up" in his eyes and is STILL "trying" to please him so that SHE will be loved. SHE has received "material" tokens of love her whole life...but, no real love.

  193. Anonymous9:38 AM

    9:01 I agree totally with you. I know the Diva personally and she has never had true love and thus as a result, is not able to give true love. It's always all about her. No one else matters.

  194. Anonymous10:56 AM

    9:01 AM


    You hit the nail on the head!

  195. Anonymous12:23 PM

    If any of us white folks still here had any sense we would all leave and see what the Diva would do when no one is here to work and pay taxes.

  196. Anonymous12:31 PM

    some folks are stuck here!

  197. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I have a message to employees of Retail Stores here in Greenville.
    Let us see how many can understand simple English...

    1) Your job is to help customers -not just to stand around and look important.

    2) If you do not help customers, they just might go to another store and bother their clerks.

    3) If enough bothersome customers
    stop coming to the store that pays you to help customers - your store will no longer need you and you will lose your job.

    "Demanding jobs" will not force a single company to move here and hire you. Businesses exist to make money, not provide you a job.
    They make money with customers.
    They go where they can get lots of customers and they hire employees to help them have lots of customer.

    It is so very frustrating to try and shop in this town. The predominate attitude seems to be to do as little as one can possibly get away with.

  198. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Well, well, well, the City Council FINALLY did something right. They voted not to re-hire Steve Pruitt, the lobbyist for the City in Washington, DC. He was paid $30,000 a year and did absolutely nothing but go to City Hall every month to pick up his check. Guess you lost this argument MS Diva.

  199. Hot Pepper8:56 PM

    So that's where the travel budget for Liberia will come from!

    ....she is setting herself up for an embassy job in a small Africa country after she does not run for city--she can't get elected, but her resume and connections can get her appointed by Obama. Wait and see.

    Trip to Nigeria was the same thing. Resume building.

  200. Anonymous10:47 PM


    The City of Greenville HAD a lobbyist named Steve Pruitt, in Washington, D.C. and he was paid $30,000 a year?

    This is news to me.

    And if he was paid $30,000 a year and was in Washington, D.C., then why, oh why, did THE mayor make so many trips to Washington, D.C., herself...and mama included?!
