Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Restaurant!

Okay, enough with the racial rants and raves! I hear a bit of good news for Greenville. The former Fermo's Restaurant will soon be re-opened by another party. They have much restaurant experience and plan to bring it back to its once noted venue!

Greenville has a lot of opportunity for new and experienced entrepreneurs! Sure it is a bit gamble, but so is life. I wish them well as all of Greenville should do also. The economy is difficult and Greeville is a "hard" market! I hear the opening will be in April. Get out and support these new owners' efforts... or shut up and keep waiting in the "drive-thru" lanes!

PS... Scammers, get off of this website... I will delete you every day!



  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I hope they leave out of the menu the "italian" chicken wings and the red sauce they used to pour over every single dish making everything taste the same.
    They sure also need to revisit their old prices.
    A decent wine list would be nice too.
    Hopefully, the Delta will have an italian restaurant come April.

  2. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Who are the new owners?

    Which restaurants did they have their previous experience?


    What was a racial rant on the previous blog?

    I read ALL of the posts,(on the previous topic)- even continuing after the first 30 or so- and didn't see where anything was racial,raving, silly or not intelligent.

    However, I did notice the spammer.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I think they could have picked a better building to put a restaurant!

  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I think they could have picked a better building to put a restaurant!

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I think they could have picked a better building to put a restaurant!

  6. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Will the 'new' Fermo's be in the same (old) location--Highway 82, between Fairview and Cedar Streets?

  7. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Who are the new owners?

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM

    THAT is good news! Their location is okay, the building is great, the parking is not always enough. Parking out front can be risky.

    I am glad to hear this, hopefully the new owners have learned or are willing to learn what the mistakes were made by the previous owner and make it excellent this go round.

    New business, restored business, always good news!

  9. Anonymous8:32 AM

    that's great to hear! i will give the new Fermo's a try.

  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I heard the owner is the one that owns the building, but has partnered with some restaurant experienced people to open and run it. Haven't heard about the menu, but it will be better than what it had become over the last couple of years. Can't wait to give it a try.

  11. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I will not be going to Fermo's no matter who runs it. I do not feel safe there and would not put my car in that back parking lot after dark. A safer location would draw my business.

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hopefully, the new owners will not have a nose addiction!

  13. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Do what I do and ride with someone else.

  14. Anonymous11:18 AM

    10:31: SHUT UP. Why do you feel you have to make a negative out of a very positive posting?

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    11:18 AM poster:

    I feel as though poster 10:31 AM was making an honest, truthful statement about their own personal safety regarding a restaurant's location.

    And the truth of the matter, it is a statement that is true about the majority of of Greenville's locations-both retail and residential.

    The average Joe Doe citizens of Greenville do NOT have their own city-paid, personal body guards and thus must "look out" for their and their family's own personal safety.

    If you feel that the truth is negative...then perhaps you need to remove your "rose colored" glasses and look , not only at Greenville, but, at the rest of the world.

    Yes, I repeat what has been said earlier...the truth hurts.

    And...speaking of "restaurant parking lot safety"...everyone knows that the famous Doe's has security guards on duty in the parking lot. And that is the truth !

  16. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Be mindful that WE posters only have about 15 or so more chances to post...before the topic will be changed as previously suggested.


    It will eliminate your freedom of speech.

  17. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I agree with 11:18. The point is that this was a post about something positive. But something negative was put out there without cause. Sometimes it is just better to not say anything at all. The topic wasn't parking lot safety. It was about someone taking the time and money to open a new restaurant; I think we should be positive about someone making an investment in our town.

  18. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Absolutely!! ANY new business is good news and should be supported by the public.

    As for the parking lot, we parked in the rear many times and never had safety issues, just concerns of patrons abilities in driving without hitting someone's vehicle as they pulled in or out.

    Good lighting and security persons will satisfy any concerns. All cities have locations in downtown or certain at risk areas and do fine, as long as they address the issues. This new place can do the same.

  19. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Mr. Forthright,

    As the blog site manager, does every reader have to agree with your views and opinions?

    You, as the blog site manager, openly post YOUR views and opinions, so are YOUR readers NOT allowed to post their views and opinions?

    If you do NOT want the different views and opinions of YOUR readers, then why bother to have a blog site?

  20. Anonymous1:01 PM

    forthright is not the one complaining about the bloggers' opinions--it is the bloggers complaining about each other!!!!

  21. Anonymous2:04 PM

    No--just ONE particular blogger--
    IS complaining.

    The MAJORITY rules here.

    Continue with YOUR views and opinions.

  22. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The fact is it is a bad location and im not going. Unsafe!!

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The fact is it is a bad location and im not going. Unsafe!!

  24. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Any one who has not noticed the racial overtones and negative attitudes has to be trying to read by brail. Happy MLK Birthday!!

    Love to all

  25. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Racial overtones--why, because they point out that a certain location in the city of Greenville is not safe at night time?

    And the majority of crimes are committed by which race?

    Is it a negative attitude for a person to be concerned about their personal safety, after dark, alone,
    in a deserted parking lot, which is secluded from both patrons in a restaurant and traffic from the street?

  26. Anonymous6:08 PM

    So,...THE mayor of Greenville can have numerous body guards, paid for by the city, for her own personal safety, BUT...the average citizens of Greenville do not have a right to be concerned about THEIR own personal safety...because then it is deemed racial and negative?


    You will hear complaints about 'safety' in Greenville until you get rid of THE mayor and HER bodyguards.

    If you do not like the complaints, then go talk to THE mayor.

    We'll shut up, when she shuts up!

  27. Anonymous6:12 PM

    That is why it is called a FREE country...hopefully it is still called that...if you don't feel safe, NO ONE can make you go to this place or Wal Mart after dark or Kroger or church or the mall...because there is NO such thing any place any where that is totally safe! Crime can happen anywhere and it has, not just in Greenville, but any city.

    A person has to use good common sense and take precautions to know their surroundings entering and exiting any place.

    I am just saying, with good sense and security in place, everyone should be fine...no, no guarantee...but no one can give you that. Even up North, in the East or the West, in all white areas, in the most wholesome of small towns, there are rapists, muggers, thieves and murderers. Watch TV they have them, take my word for it!...There is no where to hide.

    So, if you don't feel safe to go alone, go with friends, if that is not good enough...then stay home. It is your life, if you want to live in fear, God knows it is your right.

    As for me, I will be dining at Fermos or whatever it is called, enjoying my friends and again, hopefully, a good meal.

    I want to support a new business in my city. I want other businesses to want to come because they see the local support. Also, I want to have a nice place to dine that is not a fast food place.

  28. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Better to be safe, than sorry (with a full stomach)! LOL

  29. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I feel(and hope)the new place will do very well.
    Regardless of Fermo's location, the kind of food that was served and the ridiculous prices, it was always packed. I think it was harder to make it fail than succeed. This proves that Greenville is full of small town, ignorant, nighttime-baseball-cap users that would not tell the difference between dog food and italian food.

  30. Transplanted Midwesterner8:24 PM

    I don't know if you have any interest in this, but a forum embedded into the Delta Scoop blog may help keep discussions on topic. I found instructions on adding a forum to a blogspot page here:

    I considered starting a Mississippi Delta and/or Greenville dedicated forum myself, but I didn't want to step on toes by just posting a link in the comments section of your blog. I didn't check to see if the forum required user names or posts could be kept anonymous, either.

    If you are interested and/or need some help setting it up, drop me a comment here and I will contact you via email.

  31. Anonymous9:08 PM

    it works good like it is,, we talk about what we want to talk about.
    It is fairly hard to get a web site going and have people check it every day. But good luck

  32. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Well, well, well. Mrs. Mayor called a press conference late this morning to announce that she would be having a public forum tonight at 6:30 at a church on Alexander Street. The forum is for citizens to air any complaints that they may have. Well how convenient. By the time folks who actually get the DDT or listen to the news, the "forum" would be over. Makes me want to cry. Poor thing, no one came. Typical Heather. Waits till the last moment to do anything, knowing that no one would show up. That way, she doesn't have to answer any revelant questions to the citizens of Greenville. Sit down and shut up Heather....move to Florida under daddy's butt. We want you out of Greenville. You have done nothing but bankrupt the city with your bodyguards.

  33. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Yes, I like the blog as it is.

    We do get to talk about what we want to talk about...and do at times ...go "off of the topic"...but, that happens in every day conversations with everyone!

    And, we do get to "voice" our opinions...even if it upsets others. but, that's life.

    I would rather be at this blog site than at a public forum at some church on Alexander street with THE mayor!

  34. Anonymous10:47 PM

    How many people were at the mayor's "forum?"

  35. Transplanted Midwesterner11:17 PM

    9:08 and 10:33

    I feel you have a misunderstanding of what a forum is in internet parlance. A forum (aka, a message board) relies on user generated content much like the comments section of this blog, but allows multiple conversations to be occurring concurrently with out stepping on each other's words.

    Additionally 9:08, I am not sure who "we" are in your comment, please let me know who you are speaking for and how I can register to vote in your next anonymous election. This "we" does not especially care for the structure of having to wade through off-topic comments to make a point about the blog entry. I was simply offering an idea as an addition to the current blog to improve the level of communication allowed.

    While I'm ranting, let's set something straight. There is one blogger on the Delta Scoop and that is Forthright. The rest of us are merely commenters on his blog. Granted, Forthright often uses others' posts as entries, followed by his own take, but that is within his prerogative as it is his blog.

  36. Anonymous3:59 AM

    The Mayor has a personal agenda to pull that meeting at the last minute...she is up to no good, count on it...I smell a DIVA RAT!

  37. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I want not acquiesce in on it. I over nice post. Expressly the title attracted me to review the unscathed story.

  38. Anonymous7:55 AM

    6:26 post...please read and edit your post before clicking the submit button. You post does not make any sense.

  39. Anonymous8:24 AM

    3:59...You got that right!!! She always has a hidden agenda that is ALWAYS aimed at herself and to her personal benefit.

  40. Anonymous8:39 AM

    11:17 PM

    And as a 'commenter" it is my perogative...to comment on "my own take" of the topic or of a different topic.

    Have YOU never engaged in a conversation with others before, because that's generally how it works?

    Read the "opening" page to Delta Scoop. It describes in detail that "other" voices are welcomed.

    And as YOU pointed out, Forthright is THE blogger, and if HE sees fit to make changes or adjustments to HIS blog site, then HE will do so---not you!

    Oh, and isn't it nicer weather that we are having now! Cloudy and raining, but not freezing!

    And if YOU do not want to read through ALL of the comments, both "on" topic and "off" topic, then perhaps, YOU will be happier with another blog site.

    WE have to read through YOUR comments about a blog site and the suggested changes that YOU offer, before WE (meaning all other commenters)can make a comment, whether it be "on" topic or "off" topic!

  41. Anonymous8:49 AM

    So,...as a mayor, does one just wake up one morning and decide to have a public forum within the next twelve hours---no planning, no announcements?

    You are right.

    I smell fish!

    She planned it and "invited" the ones that she wanted in attendance.

    She "chose" HER audience.

    Is Benson, ( a member of THE school board) the pastor of THAT church which hosted THE "supposedly" public forum?

    Or is THE GPSD puchasing agent (Michelle Jones) a member of that particular church?

    Bond money, repairs, contractors!

  42. Anonymous9:12 AM

    8:49, you are right. This is normal operation for the Mayor. She is a strategtist who plots, plans and maneuvers everything. That's her way of manipulation and control that she so badly needs in her sick personality. Yes, she invited the people that she wanted to attend the forum. And from the tv news, no one but the Mayor said anything. They just all listened with awe to her bull about what she was going to do for Greenville in 2010. That's not a forum, that's a lecture. Remember, "If it ain't about her, it ain't about nothing".

  43. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I think BOTH, Tommy Benson, school board member,
    AND Michelle Jones,purchasing agent for THE schools attend Vessels of Mercy Church. HE is the pastor and SHE sings.

    Which reminds me?

    Does THE school have anything in it's "new" ethics
    policy concerning church sponsered cruises during the first week of school?

    True, a twelve-month employee CAN take their vacation whenever they choose, BUT, if the "said" employee takes their school-aged child with them on THE vacation,...shouldn't the child/student get an "unexcused" absence for the time missed?

    I guess it ALL depends on whether or not the student's parent works at THE school's central office or not!

    Or who their preacher is!

    Or whether or not THE school superintendent is a preacher himself!

    I guess THE business office employees have a different 'set' of school rules that they abide.


    I guess you don't get the title and position of "purchasing agent" until your preacher IS appointed to school board.

  44. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I don't think Fermos location is very bad. It's right on the hwy. and theres lots of traffic around the location. The cowards that are doing the dirty deeds around town don't have the guts to try something that is so close to a busy hwy. Besides we shouldn't let them scare us from doing what we want. I'm sure lots of us are carrying guns and as soon as we pop a cap in a few of these wanna be thugs things will start changing around here.

    Just recently I had to confront one of these thugs in a parking lot and he jumped out of his car while blocking me in and he was all bad until he saw me pull out my little pea shooter which was bigger than his and suddenly he wasn't so brave. He took off so fast it looked like he hit warp drive in his car. They aren't so brave so stand up to these wanna be thugs and show them we aren't scared and aren't gonna take it anymore!

  45. Anonymous11:26 AM

    10:54 AM

    True, the highway is busy, but Fairview isn't. And all of the thugs hang out at the corner store on Cedar and the Highway. The alley separates Fermo's back parking lot and the corner store.

    If only I had my own city-paid personal body guard, then I would feel safe parking in the back parking lot of Fermo's!

    Would THE mayor 'loan' me HER personal body guards for my nightly outings? I would be willing to call in avance to reserve them.

  46. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I think THE transplanted MidWesterner wants HIS/HER own blog site.

    Sorry, but Mr. Forthright had it first and I haven't heard that HE was planning to vacate it, either.

    If YOU do not like the way that Mr. Forthright administers HIS blog site or how HIS loyal readers respond and "voice" their invited comments, then go back to the Midwest or start YOUR own blog site somewhere else, with YOUR rules and guidelines.

    But, don't go advertising or promoting YOUR blog site on Mr. Forthright's blog site and expect us (HIS loyal readers and commenters)to read YOUR blog site.

    We are content and happy with Mr. Forthright and his blog site as it is.

    You just can't "move in" on HIM and try to take over HIS blog site and HIS loyal readers/commenters.

    HE, nor WE will allow it!

  47. Anonymous2:33 PM

    HE,nor WE will NOT allow it!

  48. Anonymous5:11 PM


    And THE mayor is having a series of state of the city meetings planned.


    But, the chief of police was with HER at last night's meeting and assured everyone in attendance that the crime rate is dropping in the city.

    I wonder why SHE is not 'dropping' THE body guards.

    Do you think that perhaps SHE will schedule one of HER many meetings at First Baptist Church, Emmanuel Baptish Church, First Methodist Church, St. Joseph's Catholic Church or any of the other long standing churches in THE community?

  49. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The Mayor is a racist and doesn't give a rat's BE-hind about white folks in Greenville. And, most of all, she doesn't care what they have to say and she doesn't want to address their issues.

  50. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I agree with 2:29

  51. Anonymous6:02 PM

    For once, can you talk about something besides the mayor. This is an old and worn subject. Is it possible to be positive? Negativity makes one get older and it shows in all aspects of your life. Recite the "serenity prayer" often and live by it. You will be happier in all aspects of your life!

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    6:02 PM

    "The intent of this blog is for us to share thoughts and opinions about RELEVANT issues that affect the lives of ALL Delta residents."
    (written by Forthright)

    Recite the above statement often and live by it. You will be happier in all aspects of your life!

  53. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I, also, agree with 2:29 PM.

    HE,nor WE, will not allow it!

  54. Anonymous8:07 PM

    THE mayor does NOT care about anyone in Greenville,-- white, black, yellow, red, purple or blue--unless their name is McTeer!

  55. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Kudos to the new owners of Fermo's! They are brave to face the challenge of opening a restaurant in Greenville. Get out and support them... or just keep going thru the golden arches! Thank God somebody is trying!!!

  56. Anonymous11:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. Anonymous8:57 AM

    THE scammer is back! how disgusting!

  58. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Why do you think the mayor has meetings where no whites would even dare show up? She knows she will not have to answer the right questions from those of us who give a damn about this city. Most mayors hold meetings in the county courthouse or some public building where all can feel comfortable attending. Why doesn't she have a meeting at the G'ville Mall down south of town where most all of the citizens are white and would feel safe attending the meeting. She knows that would be a disaster if she did have a meeting where we all could attend in comfort. Have it on a Sat. morning when we that work can plan to be there instead of a one or two day notice and in the middle of the week at a time where all of us are taking care of our families and doing homework with our kids. Something she knows nothing about ,families first that is. I challenge the mayor to plan a meeting south of town somewhere around the G'ville Mall and see what she will have to answer too. Pick a reasonable time and place south of town and see what happens mayor. I double dog dare you!

  59. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I just heard the news that another store was closing in the G'ville Mall. Way to go G'ville. I was told it was due to mostly stealing from the store and not checking out all of the merchandise at the cash registers. Now Belk will soon spread the word to others that this towns workforce is nothing but a bunch of losers and crooks. That puts a bad signature on all of us that do all the right things because just a few think they deserve everything for free. I can't count the number of stores that have come and gone due to stealing from the store. Sears manager said a lot of the merchandise never made it to the floor to sell before it was stolen. We just keep digging a bigger hole here in G'ville due to these morons that should be happy they have a job but instead they steal form their employer causing them to flee from our city to tell others don't even think about coming to G'ville unless you just need a write off on your taxes.

  60. Anonymous1:10 PM

    If DADDy can rent the convention center for a gospel choir, surely HE can rent the convention center for HIS daughter, THE mayor to have a public forum for ALL citizens of Greenville.

    The public library downtown, across from City Hall has available space for meetings or public forums.

    Additionally, two of THE local schools (Solomon and Greenville High)have auditoriums that are available for rent which could host the public forum.

    Or THE GHEC building?

    Or perhaps, if SHE had the guts, she could contact either, St. Joe School or Washington School and ask if their auditoriums could be made available for THE public forum for ALL citizens of Greenville.

    Meetings at these small, rinky dink churches will not hold the masses of citizens that would love to engage in a public conversation with THE mayor about OUR issues and concerns.

    Oh, and of course WE would want the meeting place to be large enough to ensure that ALL of the media outlets, (from Greenville to Jackson to Washington D.C.,) can also attend!

    This sounds like it could really be fun, informative and entertaining.

  61. Anonymous3:50 PM

    11:59 post.....Is Belk's closing? If not, then what store in the Greenville Mall is closing and when?

  62. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Belk's is so expensive anyway I never shop there. Overpriced.

  63. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I hope a lot of people in Greenville were following the events in Haiti. This is a very clear reminder of why we should not take things for granted.
    There is only one hospital standing in the capital of a country with 9 million citizens. People are having major surgical procedures outdoors as there is no electricity.
    Here we have people on Medicaid that are not responsible for their own health (eating fast food 3-4 x day)complaining about DRMC and suing doctors (even when they do not pay a cent for medical care).

  64. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Yes, and the news reported that the native Haitians were mad and angry because "help" was given to the foreigners during the earthquake.

    But, the news did not report if the native Haitians were mad and angry at ALL of the foreigners that showed up to help or sent in a donation.

  65. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Someimes it just does no good to try to help someone. You try to help and they just fuss and complain!

  66. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Foreigners were the ones that showed up to help!

  67. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Now, the people in Haiti are throwing the biscuits on the ground,saying that they are no good! I guess that they will just have to starve, then.

  68. Anonymous7:47 PM

    What does it take to make YOU happy? (I'm emphasizing YOU because YOU and your cronies identify yourself with your Upper Case idiocies. Please, oh, please---do not equate anything that is happening in Greenville with what is happening in Haiti.

    I'm overwhelmed by the amount of negative energy on this "blog." I am a NATIVE college-educated white female WITH A JOB, yet I don't harbor unrealistic ideas about the residents who may be on the government dole. Yes, there are some who have learned the hand-out routine---many, maybe---but that doesn't erase the column of names who need aid.

  69. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Get real! The corruption in our welfare system FAR outweighs those who really need it. I would rather send my tax dollars to Haiti than give it to the free-loading scammers in the Delta! We should be ashamed of our system that allows such abuse.

    If earthquakes are created by god, we should be next!

  70. Anonymous10:30 PM

    If you are "college-educated", then why in the hell are YOU still in Greenville?

    Is your JOB at the welfare office?

  71. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to make a public apoligy to the whole United States. They both asked us to send donations to Haiti and the Haitians
    complained about the help and actually threw the biscuits on the ground and stomped them with their feet, saying that they were not any good.

    They were very ungrateful and thankless for all of our efforts.

  72. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You can't help those people in Haiti. They are lazy and just want to get by. Sounds familiar doesn't it? I have been on several missions to help families. I would leave and come back several months later to see how they were doing and would see everything I had done to help them was left or gone. They wouldn't do anything while I was gone but just depend on the gov't to keep handing out to them a little at a time. It's a lost cause over there so I quit going after a few times. Now I spend my time in places like West Va. to help those people. They live right here in our backyard and are very bad off. But our Gov't doesn't help them and is practically unknown to us here in the U.S. You wouldn't believe those people up in the mountains there. Most of them have never seen indoor plumbing or electricity in the life. These are the ones we need to help instead of all these foreign people that hate our guts.

  73. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Mississippi is back in the news thanks to Tiger Woods checking into Pine Grove Sex Rehab Center in Hattiesburg. Thanks Tiger. See, Mississippi does have good things to offer besides famous movie stars, singers, songwriters, professional athletes, heart doctors, Ole MS, journalists, writers, Oprah, etc.,etc., etc. I love it!

  74. muleheadedfarmer10:57 AM

    This is off subject but...
    I served on jury duty this week in the second mistrial of Jonathan Mosby for sexual assault on a minor not involving DNA. We only heard the Prosecuters side and if these allegations are true Mr. Mosby should be shot, but if the allegations are untrue those witness should spend time in jail. This was the second trial of Mr. Mosby, the first ending in a hung jury.
    If Prosecutors cannot control their witness' and get the truth out of them they should cease.

  75. Anonymous11:01 AM

    where was all the help from other counties when we had or have major catastrophes? such as our coast and N/O a few years ago?

  76. Anonymous11:04 AM

    11)1... No other country wants to help the USA. They hate us and want us to flounder and fall.

  77. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Can't they ship the illegal immigrants from Haiti BACK to Haiti so THEY can help with re-building THEIR country, instead of "allowing" them to remain here for the next 18 months?

    They could operate it like a "work-release" program and "release" them back to their native, legal land without criminal charges being pressed against them.

    It would "free-up" OUR military forces.

    Those in the "work-release"
    program could "unload" the trucks,issue out the supplies and provide the needed manual labor to re-build.

  78. Anonymous1:11 PM

    So much hate.

  79. Anonymous2:24 PM

    No. No hate.

    So much truthfulness.

    Tell it like it is.

  80. Anonymous4:07 PM

    WHAT store is closing in the mall? WHEN is it closing? Was someone just blowing smoke?

  81. Anonymous6:01 PM

    .no hate, just fustration!

  82. Anonymous7:04 PM

    people worried about crime in Greenville can thank at least one of our curcuit judges, Betty W. Sanders. Just this week she stopped the trial of a accused child molester and encouraged the defense attorney to ask for a mistrial after he had asked a witness some questions and the child said things that she felt were prejudicial to the accused molester. apparently the defense attorney had not objected but she wanted to advocate for the defendant and declared a mistrial. as a former victim of child molestation i have heard about her shenanigans and intend to start blogging about her decisions that affect crime in Greenville. i have many more facts i intend to post about her

  83. Anonymous7:11 PM

    to mulehead farmer it was the defense attorney who asked the questions and the trial should have continued, no one objected to anything but when a judge decides to stop a trial bc of what the defense attorney did, it is not the prosecutors fault. judges are supposed to be im partial and if i were the parent of that poor child i would file a judicial complaint

  84. fyi Sanders recently sentenced an armed robber,Reed, to six months which he had already served, this crime carries up life in prison. he had entered a business and pulled a gun on patrons, can it get any worse than time served on that kind of crime, no wonder businesses won't come here!

  85. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Wake up Greenville! Put your house on the market and prepare for the loss! Get out before you are too old to remember when life was fun and enjoyable!

    Let Vic and the mayor have the "spoils" of victory and see how long they can survive without taxpayers!!!!

    It won't be long!

  86. go back to Greenwood Sanders and stop ruining our city!

  87. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I actually heard that the corner of the mall (the old Sears auto store)has been bought by Retzer. It is to be torn down, and a McDonalds will be built.

    I also heard a books-a-million is moving into the mall.

    Also--there name of new restaurant is Kepler's Italian Grill. Also...I think there is a fence between the DoubleQuick and the parking lot.

  88. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I also heard from a very good source that they will build a Greenville Town Center with high end department stores and boutiques, bistros, movie theater, hotel, Barnes and Noble, etc.

  89. Anonymous8:49 AM

    8:35...where will the Greenville Town Center be located? All I can say is good luck.

  90. Anonymous2:25 PM

    8:35 where did you hear all of that? I wish it were all true, but highly -very highly- unlikely.

  91. Anonymous3:07 PM

    yea,, I will have to see that one before I believe it.

  92. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Amazing! Anonymous 10:40 and Anonymous 8:35 posted some hopeful and encouraging news, and the naysayers immediately began with the negative comments. How do you expect to enjoy ANYTHING good in your lives if your first reaction is to tear it down? Try an attitude adjustment. Even if the only person helped is yourself, that's a huge improvement on its own.

    This Greenville native is 100% positive and supportive of our community. We can get through this economic downturn, and we can do it with class.

  93. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The new owners of Fermo's used to work at the Cowpen.

  94. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I agree 4:50. The negative folks on this board will claim its the "truth", but what would it take for them to ever think positive about anything. It's not like this town is going to turn around on a dime--its taken 20 years to get to this point; I expect it to take that long to get back. That's how DST (Delta Standard Time) works! Slow and steady like the river.

  95. Anonymous7:19 PM

    20 years?


    Only since Mayor Heather came on board.

  96. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Let Retzer open a Super-Mac in the mall. It is probably the only way to keep it open... unless we legalize drive-thur crack stores!

  97. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

  98. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Look forward to hearing more about his judge watchdog!

  99. Anonymous11:19 AM

    No one answered my question to whether Belks's was closing. They have very little merchandise in the store. They say it's because they are taking inventory.

  100. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Heather Hudson Today is a day of reflection and a call to continue action. How are you realizing Dr. King's dream in your life and community?

  101. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Retzer only bought the Sear's automotive building (a "stand alone" building) for his future site of , yes, another McDonald's.

    It is a McDonald's policy to "own" the building and land
    and to never "lease" a building, nor land for a McDonald's franchise.

    It is rumored that Retzer paid $1 million dollars for the Sear's tire/automotive building.

    And that the McDonald's on Raceway Road will be closing.

  102. Anonymous2:29 PM

    No Heather. The question is HOW ARE YOU realizing Dr. King's dream in your life and community? Bet you haven't done a thing for your community. But, you probably have done a whole lot for yourself. As usual.

  103. Transplanted Midwesterner5:32 PM

    FYI. The mayor will be holding one of her forums at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 27 at the Forbus Center of First Baptist Church, 407 Main Streeet. Be there or be square.

  104. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Yes, and if you have a complaint against a grocery store, bring it with you to the Jan. 27th meeting.

    Someone complained at yesterday's meeting about a neighborhood grocery store, and....Heather and Eric Simmons...and others showed up for a heart to heart talk with the owner.

    The complaint came from neighbors about public drinking and littering and other actions that were not mentioned.

    So, attend the Jan. 27th. meeting and... see if she and her crew make visits for resolutions (of complaints)... or if you are ignored.

    Remember, this particular meeting is scheduled for a Wednesday, at noon (1/27/10), so plan ahead... and schedule a longer lunch break... with your employer's blessings. This meeting will probably be longer than one hour to ensure that all are heard.

  105. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Yes 7:19, 20 years. Things have gone downhill since 1990....But I'm an optimist, so on a positive note, we have surely reached the bottom, so its up from here :)

  106. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Dr. King's dream has been realized! We are a country in disaster, because everyone wants to be on the dole. Lazy stupid ------- that will be the END of America as we know it!

  107. Anonymous8:55 PM

    His dream was for everyone to be equal!

  108. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Actually, his dream was for each person to be judged based on the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Equal treatment regardless of race--not for everyone to be equal.

  109. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Why the Government is stupid....here's Peter Schiff on the plain and simple truth of minimum wage.


    But here in Greenville, how many of our politicians support minimum wage? I suppose that's why we have so many on welfare doing nothing. Industries have left and are not coming because our workforce isn't even worth the minimum wage at $7.25/hour. Now if I were "allowed" by the government to hire people for less, I may actually be able to create a job. Instead, I can't, and therefore my taxes will pay for this person to sit around on welfare.

    Why aren't/weren't minimum wage increases during this recession being rolled back or delayed?

  110. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Well, we will see if "equal treatment regardless of race" applies at the next Mayor's meeting, won't we?

  111. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I bet she will not show up. Something will suddenly come up. Watch and see.

  112. Anonymous10:07 AM

    8:14 AM

    It's amazing.

    The first meeting was on a weekday

    The second meeting was on a Sunday.

    Why, oh why is the third meeting
    scheduled for a weekday at noon?

    Answer: Because the "supposedly" audience that would like to attend the third meeting will be at work and unable to attend. That's what she's counting on!

    HER deceitful, underhanded plotting and planning never ceases.

    And, if word gets out, that there will be a large audience on 1/27/10 at noon, then you are right. SHE will cancel.

  113. Anonymous11:58 AM


  114. Anonymous1:56 PM

    i want to sell G'ville. How about 100 dollars for the lowest I would accept? Please ,only serious bidders. All of G'ville for just pennies on the dollar.

  115. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Would you be willing to pay me cash If I take it off your hands?

  116. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Great idea.Let's put together a desciption "town for sale" this would be great if they would post this auction. Hey guys, let come up with some selling points and see if esellyourself.com will post it for us. since greenville is ours, WE should be able to E-SALE-IT- OURSELVES. I'll send it in if yall pull together some good desciptions. let's see what happens

  117. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I wish many of you would have watched American Character Along Hwy 50 w/ Tom Brokaw last night on USA Network. It was very good and profiled other towns that (believe it or not) have similar issues that we have and other issues like paying kids for grades in DC, and workforce issues.


  118. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I've heard Fat Babys is going to open up in the old Long John Silvers place. The "For Sale" signs aare gone???? I hate driving to Choctaw for frog legs. Can't wait..Do they have baked o
    r broiled options?

  119. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Marcus would prob like that, It might get national attention to his site and make it work for him!!!

    4:53. I heard the same thing!!

  120. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Probably no baked or broiled options.

    You can't get "fat" off of baked or broiled meats and fish!

    But, Fat Baby's does have sweet potatoe french fries.

    Now, we'll be stepping on fish bones (instead of chicken bones) in the Wal-Mart parking lot! LOL

  121. Anonymous5:51 PM

    So does Marcus get a commission off of everything that is sold on his web site?

    What's in it for Marcus?

    Connan O'Brien did a skit last night night about auctions. He was auctioning himself off.

  122. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I applaud Dominick Cross, editor of the DDT for his article in Sunday's paper concerning THE City of Greenville's "sad" PR department concerning THE
    mayor's sudden, unplanned "city" meetings which are being held in churches.

  123. Anonymous6:22 PM

    The owner of Fat Babys lives in Shaw so I doubt if he moves it to greenville.

  124. Anonymous6:25 PM

    not so sure about that!! I think that location would be an excellent place for a second fat daddys

  125. Anonymous8:11 PM

    A new Mackie-Dees will kill any competition within miles! All they want is sumptin' for a "dolla'" to bring them out of the hood. Even the commercials are racially targeted.

    "Inventory" my ass! Belks will be gone before spring and the mall will soon follow.

    How long are YOU going to wait? Just cut the lights off if you are the last one to leave!

  126. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Thank you 6:03 pm and Dominick Cross! He could not have said it any better! Please keep the citizens informed about what is or is not being done in city. A "truthful" report is long overdue about the shenanigans at the water department. Are you up to it, Mr. Cross?

  127. Anonymous8:38 PM

    No, he is not...he goes to the edge, hears the Mayor's threatening voice and then pulls back....so much for honest journalism.

  128. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Thank God Scott Brown won in Massachuchetts Senate Race. Maybe now Obama will get the message that Americans want him to fulfill his promise to have open and bipartisan efforts to make the changes necessary to move America forward, not just left or right!

  129. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Fat Baby's does have delicious broiled catfish (as well as the tradional fried) and a location closer to us will be great! Frog Legs, Chicken Tenders, Smoked Ribs.

    "All you can eat - if you leave hungry it is your own fault!"

    We try to go every Thursday night!

  130. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I didn't say it wouldn't be great to have it closer, just that Joey lives in Shaw, and doubtful he would move to greenville.

  131. Anonymous9:20 AM

    i also heard fat baby's is moving to rick's.

  132. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Come on Dominick Cross.

    Give us the truth.

    Don't hold back.

  133. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Loving southern hospitality

    By Matt Guthrie
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:18 PM CST

    DDT Publisher

    Wow! What a two weeks it has been.

    As my wife Kim and I are beginning to try to get settled (we are looking at many houses), I can honestly say it is great to be in the South again. Even though I moved from a town on the outskirts of Atlanta, they don’t hold a candle to the hospitality I have felt from the folks here in the Delta.

    Everywhere we have been, we have received nothing but a warm welcome. People have gone completely out of their way to make sure that we feel comfortable in our new home.

    One of our best experiences came a little over a week ago when we went to an art opening at the E. E. Bass Cultural Arts Center.

    Kim and I not only were amazed at the center itself, but of all the activities that the center provides to the community. This facility, and all it has to offer, is a huge asset to the community and something we can all be proud of. It is certainly something that needs to be on the front line when promoting our community.

    Throughout the next several months and years I plan on giving you, our reader, an update on what we are doing here at the paper. This will occur from time to time and be on no set schedule.

    Whether it is something new on our Web site, or a new feature in the paper, I want you to understand some of the decisions on why we are doing something here. Of course, I want your feedback on how we are doing.

    One of my two main philosophies of a newspaper’s role in the community is that we have to take a leadership role in promoting our city and county. We have to be a leading advocate of what we can do to help make our community a better place to live.

    We can do this by providing the forum for the exchange of ideas through our newspaper or our online site, and by providing thoughtful and logical endorsement of these ideas, no matter who presents them. By providing this service to the community, we can use this to help our quality of life improve.

    The second of my two philosophies on the role of the paper in the community, is to be the watchdog of our local governments. Our governments are run by elected officials and they have to be held accountable to decisions that affect our everyday lives.

    We provide that by covering their actions and making sure they are acting prudently with the money we provide them, and that they are enacting laws that are for the true benefit of the residents. This role is one of the founding principles provided to us in the Bill of Rights and one that I take seriously.

    As Kim and I begin to settle into our new home, I want to encourage anyone to give me a call or stop me in the store and tell me how we are doing. The Delta Democrat Times has been here a long time and I am truly honored to be your next steward.

    On a side note, one of my favorite guilty pleasures at lunchtime is a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon and tomato (I know, not the healthiest of lunches as Kim will remind me). So, over the next several weeks I am going to be on the prowl looking for the best grilled cheese in Washington County. I have started my quest at the Stareka Market earlier this week — they have set a high standard. I am looking for suggestions for the next stop so don’t be shy in throwing an idea my way.

    Matt Guthrie is publisher of the Delta Democrat Times.

  134. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Who has access to voter roll data?

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  136. Welcome Wagon8:59 PM

    Welcome Matt!

    Greenville is alway glad to see new residents! The last one we had was in 2001. Unfortunately, his job was displaced to Mexico but his house is still on the market if you are interested.

    Great to know your culinary tastes are simple because we have no restaurants left. Grilled cheese is best ordered from Burger King... just order a whopper with cheese and ask them to hold all condiments (including meat)!

    We also welcome your objectivity in the pirnt media. I shall be sending you several "exposés" on our local health care facility (your new owners) which I am sure you will print without hesitation!

    As for getting a straight answer out of our mayor regarding the future of Greenville, I can only hope that you have banked your frequent flyer miles. She is a hard woman to "catch"!

    The DDT has a venerable history of excellent journalism and fairness. I wish you well with what you have inherited. My best advice is to keep in good standing with the local funeral homes... therein lies your most loyal and dedicated readership!

  137. Anonymous9:23 PM

    8:59 ....get a life buddy.

  138. Anonymous9:32 PM

    4:54... Apparently this data can be given to anybody the election commissions give it to.

  139. Anonymous8:54 AM

    i didn't even know ed nichols had left the ddt. he wasn't here long on his 2nd time.

  140. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Word is that the honchos from the main office came in on a Monday to see Ed and by that afternoon he was no more.

  141. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Confirmed on TV news last night, Fat Baby's is definitely opening soon at the old Rick's burger joint in front of Wal Mart. It will be a fast food version of the place in Shaw.

  142. Matt should rent a house11:25 AM

    Hey Matt,
    I would advise you rent not buy. You will thank me when the suites come up from Jackson and introduce you to the new publisher in a year or so.

  143. Ask questions8:06 PM

    Poor Matt...

    You are probably a very nice and intelligent person who is excited about your new position at the DDT. However, in six months, you will have joined our frustrated taxpayers who are all begging to get out of Greenville.

    Greenville was a great place to live and raise a family... great artists, writers and a very rich history... that was before we allowed apathy, ignorance and entitlement to ruin our city! Today, Greenville is all but dead, as is the DDT, the mall and most other businesses.

    I wish I could say that it was a well fought fight, but it wasn't! Greenville caved in as soon as forced integration took hold in the late 1970s.

    As earlier stated... rent, don't buy! On your way out of town in 12 to 15 months, you will appreciate this advice!

  144. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Good grief! Greenville doesn't need enemies, with "friends" like the residents of this @#$%&*+ blog. Could you give the man and his wife a week or two to try and make a home here? No one expects that they will be long-term residents, as the Emmerich newspapers tend to move people around frequently. But could you at least allow them the courtesy of making their own assessments of the area? Please keep your @#$%&*+ negativity to yourselves! I'm so tired of this!!!!!!

  145. Anonymous9:18 AM


  146. Anonymous11:29 AM

    any scoop on the upcoming HIV clinic in town?

  147. Truth hurts8:48 PM

    To 11:28,

    If you want someone to blow smoke up your ass... go read the newspaper that poor Matt will be working for! If you want to know the realities of life in Greenville... read the "Scoop".

    The difference is that "we" aren't owned by DRMC or the city and county crooks that run our fair city.

    You want the give the guy a break? Then give him the truth... I promise you it is more than his employers did!

  148. Anonymous9:18 PM



  149. Anonymous12:43 AM

    I was given a scoop this evening...Pasquales is definitely relocating, top secret in location at this time. According to the Pasquales cashier, it is going to be a great location and much bigger. When I suggested Frostop relocate as well, he grinned and said "yes, it would be, maybe even a move together"! A combination?...? Wonderful idea! Stay tuned...can't wait to see where they are going.

    More Dininig news:
    There is a new Chinese place coming to Greenville in the Kroger shopping center across from Wal Mart. The sign said it will be called "Super Chinese Buffett". It will be located near Greenville Paint and Glass in the old Craft Supply bldg.Things are looking up in Greenville!

    We shall see if they can even HOPE to measure up to How Joy Restaurant fame.

    FYI..Greenville's Egg Roll Express...okay, edible, not even close to How Joy. The Chinese take out place located in the old Alamatt restaurant (cash only) has one of the ex-How Joy cooks, so if you loved HJ, try them. Pretty good!

  150. Anonymous9:23 AM

    More News: Cary Karlson (his mom was Lina of Lina's Interiors) and his wife are opening "The Montage Marketplace" in Spring 2010. He met with a group of artists last night at the E. E. Bass Arts Center. He plans to assemble a mix of antique dealers, artists, and merchants and the marketplace.

    It will be located inside the old Allied Van Lines building on the corner of Raceway and 82.

    Has anyone found out who the new owners of Fermos are?

  151. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The Bible (God's written words) admonish us to pray for those who are in authority...it also admonishes the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak.....I am simply amazed at some of the things that have been written on this site......For those are us who really believes in the power of prayer, let's take all our negative and or positive energy posted in these blog and just "PRAY"......I see that many of you are concerned about our home "Greenville".....(and we should be). If we are concerned about Greenville and other issues as posted on this site - let us find a common ground - come to the table and discuss these issues. We will not move forward as a town or as a people united unless this or some other positive action has been taken. Back to the basis - let's us not fight among each other - let's come together - and if not on those grounds - let us pray for the healing of our town, our nation...and for the strength and sound guidance of our leaders,locally and nationally - REGARDLESS of race, creed and color .......The Bible (God's written words) does admonish us to "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING"......I am praying for us - WILL YOU JOIN ME?

  152. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Yes, 11:30,I will.

  153. Sure 11:30... I really want to pray to a god that killed 200,000 innocent people in Haiti. What was his devine plan there? Merciful and just? Tell me where in the Bible (God's written words) that it allows for HIM to have a "bad" day?

    It is difficult to believe in YOUR god who makes no mistakes! I pray for people like you who reject the fact that we were created with a brain... to be able to reason in our current world of insanity!

  154. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The meeting with the artists and Mr. Karlson was in a private home, not at Bass. But the news was well-received by all. (Bass is a wonderful place to hold a meeting, but this particular one did not occur there. Just being specific!)

  155. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Oh okay, my faux pas, I assumed...shame on me!LOL

  156. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I don't argue the Bible (God's written words).....though it is apparent you are not a Believer - but as it (The Bible) says - we shall all past away - but my words shall STAND forever....I love u and I am praying for you....

  157. Anonymous7:57 AM

    what happened to the Big Joy store? the building looks empty..

  158. Anonymous3:42 PM

    They relocated to the highway 82 East, near Dollar store, I believe is what the sign said.

  159. I, for one, am glad to see that someone is opening up the restaurant. I like Italian cuisine so am looking forward to eating there when it's open for business again. If the food is good, I'll be a repeat customer since cooking is my least favorite thing to do...

    Oh, and all you "Anonymous" commenters, why not create a name for yourself and at least sign your comments with a made-up name? That would at least make it easier to see who is saying what.

  160. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Lady we have been down that road and no one will do the name thing! It would be nice!

  161. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Perhaps the other commenters are like me. I do not choose to use a name because I am not the type of person that MUST have attention, recognition, fame or glory for my actions, nor for what I have to say. I am the complete opposite of THE mayor!

  162. Anonymous7:58 AM

    This idea needs to implemented in Washington County. Too many city & county duplication of services. My county taxes are higher than my City of Greenville Taxes.


  163. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I heard that a Fridays , Outback Steakhouse, Carrabas, Apple Bees, and a Firehouse Subs all wanted to move to G'ville but were not offered any breaks in the downtown area. Way to go G'ville. All of the above are A-1 places to eat and would have started the downtown ressurection I would think. In stead the same old places just keep closing and moving south. Thats what I call great leadership in our declining little town. It sounds like some hanky panky is going on and the city doesn't want to step on any toes in town from those who have been here a long time. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING ON IN G'ville? ENQUIRING MINDS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW.

  164. Transplanted Midwesterner11:29 AM

    It is more about being recognizable than recognized. Adopting a user name brings some accountability while maintaining anonymity. For example, it allows other reader's to put comments into context if they see the same "Get out of Greenville while you can" type posts by the same person over and over again. Often, when there are multiple Anonymous posts strewn together, it appears that two people are having a dialogue when multiple people are involved. That alone makes it confusing for other readers.

  165. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Sorry, but the posts have never been confusing to me.

    People just "jump in" and post whenever they want to.

    If they read a particular post that they agree with, then they include that in their post. Also, if someone asks a question,
    then later on, eventually, someone that knows the answer will supply the answer.

    Everyone and everything in Greenville (and in the Delta) is casual, and more "laid back". Even the blog and commenters!

    There is no need for accountability while commenting.

    If you happen to see some of the same or similar comments...then it means more than one person has the same thoughts---not that the same person is commenting over and over again.

  166. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Outback Steakhouse, Carrabas, Apple Bees, and a Firehouse Subs wanted to locate in downtown Greenville? Give me a break. Where do you ever see those places in a downtown area? No where. I think that is just wishful thinking.

  167. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Those who insist that accountability is not needed (in any venue, not just a blog) likely need to be accounted for.

  168. Hot Pepper5:15 PM

    I agree 5:08...but is that why you just posted Anonymously??? LOL

  169. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Chicken bones on the ground, Chicken bones on the ground, Lookin like Greenville with your chicken bones on the ground.

  170. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Pants on the ground,

    Pants on the ground,

    Lookin' like a fool with your pants
    on the ground!

  171. Gettin' Out8:19 PM

    One of the "problems" with Greenville's economic development strategy has been requiring businesses to hire a racial quota. Instead of hiring the best qualified employees, Greenville wants a guarantee of 80% black employees. This scares off businesses that have moved beyond the days of racial quotas (1970s). We are stuck in a time capsule that should be burried forever. Greenville is lucky to have what it has... as for those "new" establishments... get real!

  172. Anonymous9:42 PM


  173. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I just noticed today that Stems, the floral shop, has moved into TCBY. Shame Delta Grind did not jump on that location for their drive-in potential like a Starbucks.

  174. Neutral3:38 PM

    "Greenville wants a guarantee of 80% black employees"


    Where in the world did you come up with that one?

    I often read the comments in this blog, but very rarely comment-- haven't done so in well over a year. However, this statement is so off-the-wall that I simply had to say something.

    "Greenville' (and I assume from the tenor of your post that you mean the City government) doesn't "want" or "require" any kind of employment ratio. The City has no control whatsoever over the hiring practices of ANY local business and, more to the point, cannot offer any special perks to anyone -- just the tax breaks for "industry" authorized by state law or, in the case of the downtown area, the limited ad valorem tax abatement authorized by Mississippi's Main Street program (which was adopted by the City about eight years ago).

    The statements in the previous posts about several restaurant chains deciding not to move to Greenville because they were not going to receive some kind of unspecified "breaks" (whatever that means) is a pure fabrication, and typical of the kinds of random, totally uninformed urban legends that are perpetuated ad nauseum in an anonymous setting such as this.

    Don't get me wrong -- venues like this can serve as a valuable forum for public discussion, and this blog has done so on numerous occasions in the past. However, when I read claims like the one discussed above, I know that one of two things is true -- either the writer is mindlessly repeating something that he/she heard from someone else who hadn't a clue OR he/she just made it up.

    I'm not sure which is worse.

    Greenville certainly has its problems, but spreading false statements of this type can do nothing but make things worse.

    The former moderator of this site and I used to exchange e-mails on various subjects about which there was some general confusion in the
    public. I never asked him/her who he/she was, although he/she knew who I was. That moderator, I think, came to understand that there often is a substantial difference between what's actually going on and what some people think (or pretend to think) "might" be going on.

    Everyone has a right to have, and to express, an opinion. However, the less information one has, the less basis one has for a valid opinion. Unfortunately, in a forum of this nature, it's impossible to evaluate the validity of anyone's offerings (including, of course, mine)

    Let's try to stick to facts, or at least offer a factual basis for our more inflammatory opinions.

    By the way, the rumor about the Fermos site is correct.


  175. I'm Bored10:42 AM

    174 comments on one headline????
    I know you offer this as a free service, but jeez, how about a new headline.

  176. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Wow. I'm astounded by the racist comments on here. You'd think it was 1810, not 2010. I'm sure your mother raised you to behave better than this.

  177. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I know for a fact that to bring a business to any area you MUST have a certain tax base, and that is NOT here. We MUST find a way to rebuild what "once was" in order to get where we all want to be. The reason we may never see the TJ MAXX or Applebee's or any other nice establishment come to Greenville is because the workforce is not properly trained. Argue if you wish, but look at the history here. We need better schools, better leadership, better attitudes, and more trustworthy citizens.

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