Monday, June 29, 2009

Workin' the System

Anonymous said...

Those of us who work hard and pay for insurance through our tax paying jobs cannot afford to get sick. We would lose our homes, and in turn be ineligible for the "entitlements" that non taxpayers receive so readily.

Morbid obesity should not be a disability. It is directly caused by putting food in your mouth and the wrong foods. I say we have stores where food stamps can be used to buy healthy necessary items to make nutritious meals. I work hard and yet cannot afford a new car with air conditioning and see young people driving Grandmas car with the disabled tag playing loud music with lyrics I do not want to hear.

I see teens giving birth to baby after baby to get their checks. People have no reason to change. The government will support them. And the government will leave the taxpayers going into bankruptcy to support these selfish lazy bums.

And by the way, I am not from here and there are plenty of places in this country where public education is wonderful and private schools other than parochial do not even exist.

There is no hope unless we crack down on these criminals stealing from us. Let's change the rules overnight and see the morbidly obese, teen mothers, and other abusers of the systems beg us for jobs so they can survive. Let's make welfare recipients ineligible to go to anything other than charity... hospitals.

Let's see the children see hope for a better life through their "parents" opting to become a productive member of society.

The author above is correct in his/her observations of the blatant abuse of our welfare system... but here's the problem: We created this system to atone for the sins of our past and now it is being used as the biggest ponzi scheme in history (yes, even bigger than Bernie's).

Under our current system, having children can make you big money. From the time that they are born, these children are subsidized by the government.

Medicaid pays for the cost of their birth and all of their subsequent health care needs. Food is provided free via WIC, food stamps, TANF, free lunch programs, ADC and a variety of other programs. Free education begins at age three in Headstart and continues into our public schools (no need to pay extra for something that is provided free from taxpayer dollars).

At about age six, they have to insure that their children keep earning this free money, so they have to "find" each child's disability. Some of the most popular are ADHD, morbid obesity, fallen arches and severe learning disabilities. (Your local public schools and other "club members" can assist you with this.)

Remember to get your disability claims filed early in life, because once they are "determined" disabled, you can get a large back payment check from the age of onset.

Multiply all of this by 6, 7, or 8 and it can add up to some real money. Don't worry about the physical burden of having all of these children... that's what grandmas are for!

And if these children get involved in drugs, sex and crime.... hey, it was good enough for you... let 'em learn their own lessons! They can always ride the welfare train as long as we keep providing the fuel.

Warning to Welface recipients: Do NOT get a job! You will lose all of your and your children's benefits... and you can't buy all of this for $7.25 an hour.




  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    You are right. This has been going on for generations. I was told by a fourth grade student about 20 years ago that there was no reason to learn his lessons because he was going to draw a check like his mother. This is LEARNED behavior that we are supporting.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Great site check it out!

  3. Tax paying sucker7:45 PM

    You got it Forthright! They get together and teach this stuff. Some will tell you how they do it because they know it is not going to stop. They just keep draining the system dry and we just keep paying for this ripoff!

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    That is exactly why I think the rules should be changed overnight for ALL the "entitlement" and disablilty programs. Then the "club members" would have to help them look for jobs, babysitters,etc. Greenville will continue to deteriorate as long as the list of "users" grows. Mandatory drug tests for ANY benefits would not only save the taxpayers money, but in turn encourage people to strive for a better life. Nobody can think clearly and make good choices if their mind is under bad influences continuously.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Did you know that the unemployed (drawing unemployment checks) do not have to take a drug test to receive a check) That's probably why many are unemployed!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The unemployed(drawing unemployment checks) Should not have to be drug tested. They are ones that at one time did have a job and was trying to make it without the Gov.s help.

    A drug test should be given on the people that get food stamps, SSI, Sec8, and any other free ride check.

  7. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Capitalism and hard work has allowed enough economic growth in this country to support those entitlement programs. Stop the complaints about people on welfare and continue working hard for you and your family. Don't waste energy thinking about it. Your country needs you the most now.
    Instead, feel sorry for those who want to be poor and on welfare for ever.

  8. To 6:13

    You have GOT to be kidding? Feel sorry for those who want to be poor? They AIN'T poor... they are making a damn good living milking the taxpayers who are too dumb to know what is going on. I am glad you are rich enough to sit on your ass and let this crime take place. Why should we pay for these deadbeats to profit from having children? You are either a dumb SOB or a smart-ass. "Your country needs you the most now" Get real!

  9. Anonymous8:31 PM

    If you can not pass a drug test, you are not employable........... so you should not count as an unemployed!! Get it!!!

  10. Anonymous8:45 PM

    To 7:42....Bitterness is like a cancer; it eats upon the host.

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This is all I have to say about getting a Job!

  12. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Relax. If you think people on welfare "are making a damn good living", that means you are in a very low tax bracket and nobody is milking too much tax money out of you anyways.

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Yo mama so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!

  14. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Its not that they make a good living. Its that they dont do anything to earn the money they get. GET IT!

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    That's right!!

  16. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If you can count all of the free or redcued things some people get it would exceed a lot of hard working people's salary (section 8 housing or even free housing, utility subsidies, reduced cell phone bills, day care, head start, WIC, Food Stamps, Unemployment, and on and on. These items are not after taxes, and there is no sales tax on food stamps. If some had the time to investigate of the free stuff including all of the 140+ churches in this county, I think you would be surprised at the actual money some of these free loaders are taking in.

  17. Anonymous8:21 PM

    And who you gonna call... Heather?

  18. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Surely you must be kidding, Heather do something????

  19. Anonymous4:08 PM

    when is the city going to repair or
    remove the large orange and white barrell close to the intersection of washington ave and 82? It's been there weeks and maybe even months now.

  20. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I say we make all of those on welfare wear a bright yellow jumpsuit so we can point and humiliate them in public. If they don't wear the yellow suit while shopping then they can't use their debit card. And they will also lose their HANDICAPPED PARKIG decal to hang on their mirror. Do they just hand them out at the dept. of health to them or what? I have just one leg and my doctor wouldn't even get me one, go figure.

  21. Anonymous7:36 AM

    There is a big hole under those barrels! I would not drive too close with a heavy vehicle.

  22. Anonymous10:39 AM

    This was all suggested years ago in a book written by two Communists to over-throw Capitalism - overload the system with so many "recipients" that eventually there are not enough workers to support the system. Then the entire system collapses and we are all equally poor as in other Communist/Socialist countries. Too many Americans do not realize that it is good ole' "evil" Capitalism that has made the U.S the richest nation and the envy of all other nations in the world. I fear we have already passed the point of no-return.

  23. Anonymous1:27 PM

    If anyone is serious about helping put a stop to governement excesses, please check out This is a place you can learn a lot about things gov. tries to keep hidden.
