Friday, July 03, 2009

The Cost of Independence

GREENVILLE - Washington County residents due to renew car tags in July and after will have to wait until Wednesday to do so and then will see the cost go up.

The price hike will be due to a reduction in legislative tax credit signed into law as part of the state's new budget, said Washington County Tax Collector Patricia Lee.

For close to eight years, Lee said, a legislative tax credit has given vehicle owners a discount on their car tags.

To deal with budget shortfalls, however, the legislature reduced the legislative tax credit from 5.5 percent of a vehicle's assessed value to 4.25 percent. Lee said although the diminished tax credit was effective July 1, when the new fiscal year began, the delay until Wednesday occurred because of two reasons:

*The Legislature did not pass the budget, which contains the new diminished tax credit, until late Tuesday night.-- There is a general delay caused by the time it takes for county tax collector offices to upload the new state tax credit rates into the county's computer systems, and for the formulation used to calculate those rates to be tested.

I thought this was supposed to be prevented by the new tobacco tax? Just another tax on the "rich" in our Sherwood Forrest economy!



  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I don't agree with the change in the car tag rates but at least EVERYONE who has a car is taxed equally on it.

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Don't bet on that! The car tag scam has yet to be resolved. SOMEONE pocketed the 7 million dollars still missing!

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    And don't forget the folks that just don't bother to get tags. I have seen some people drive around with those funky dealer tags on for years. But I also know they are in the protected class in G-ville.

  4. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I saw one of our"lawyers" driving his car with no tag and no temporary tag... HUH

  5. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Why is it that Mississippi has high car tags and Georgia and Arkansas pay a flat fee of like $20. That is on ANY KIND OF CAR THAT YOU WANT TO DRIVE!!!

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    because Arkansas has personal property and miss doesn't. don't know about georgia.

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Tags went up a while back. Bought one in March and May and both were a good bit more than the previous year.

  8. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Next election... CLEAN HOUSE!

  9. Anonymous10:17 PM

    So, why would anyone want to live in Mississippi? What is so positive about it?

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    anything new with drmc?

  11. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I think So.....

  12. Anonymous11:06 PM

    tags are outragous here. is it the same statewide or just here? Either way its crazy when you have to fork out hundreds of dollars every year just for a tags. I am not from here and everyone back home is shocked at the price of car tgas here. Something has to , no NEEDS to change!!!

  13. Ray's Riddle7:11 PM

    Q. What do Dr. Gober and Dr. Beckham share in common?

    A. Unemployment from DRMC!

  14. Anonymous8:13 PM

    You only need to look at housing conditions in Mississippi to know why car tags are what they are. It's the only way to get money out of the taxpayers--can't get it by assessing poorly-kept housing.

  15. Anonymous11:01 PM

    A point I was shown years ago lamenting the high cost of tags was that only a small percentage of the population own homes to pay property tax in Greenville, but just about everyone, poor to rich owns a car of some kind, so it works out more fairly to high tax car tags, than burdening the property owners with higher taxes to carry the non-property owners. Ever since that point was made, I rarely complain.....could be worse!

  16. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Did anyone read Thursday's DDT? Property values are up? According to our tax assessor (Mark Seard) property values will be going up about 11%. If the millage stays the same we will have a 11% increase in our property taxes!!!

    Using ABC's John Stossel's coined phrase "GIVE ME A BREAK"

  17. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Dr. Beckham!!!!???? i thought he was a BIG fish. Please give more info.

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Values are up because they (SEARD) and county supervisors are basing it ALL on replacement value!! Of course, it would cost more to rebuild a house. This will cause more hardship on low income, elderly and handicapped fixed income residents, as well as the rest of us. We should all be outraged and be at these public forums when they happen, to stop this! Start a letter campaign in the DDT. Enough is enough!

  19. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Can anyone tell me what is going on with Dr. Beckem? This is the first that I have heard about him. He is such a good doctor...I hope he is not leaving. Most people are already going to Jackson JUST to have a baby.

  20. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I saw Dr. Beckham at DRMC yesterday.

  21. Insider4:10 PM

    It appears that Ray didn't renew Gober's or Beckham's contract with the hospital. They are two of the highest paid physicians on his payroll, plus Ray was paying for Beckhams malpractice (since no one else would). Now that Barbour has hit the hospitals with a $60 million tax tab, there will be major cuts from hospitals all over the state. Some will simply close their doors.

    Don't know whether Gober or Beckham will leave Greenville, but they have one less incentive to stay... a guaranteed income.

    My prediction is that many more cuts will occur at DRMC. Thanks Haley!

  22. Anonymous11:07 PM

    My mosr recent experience with car tags was shocking as well. I recently purchased a car from my sister-in-law for a very nice price. I went to get tags for the car and I was told that I had to pay sales tax on the car...ok, that's fine, but I had to pay the amount that the STATE assessed according to the STATE'S "value" of the car. This amount was way more than what I actually paid for it! Then, on top of that, I still had to pay for the tag itself!!

  23. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I doubt they will leave. They are both home town boys, and were here years before they became DRMC employees.
