Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Greenville's Claim to Fame

Anonymous said...

Gville is 2.5 times the national poverty rate in the country. Most that live in Gville, MS, with no job, their primary economic goal is to get on some type of program, food stamps, SSI or any type of free money because it pays more than a 40 hour per week job.

That is the REAL reason no business will ever make it in Gville, MS, because the end answer is private education and big company management are not going to pay for education, grades 1-12 @ $400.00 per month per child.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Big Company management has and does pay for private education. They know that it's the only way to get quality people here. (U.S. Gypsum is one example.) And for the record---to those who may claim that the private schools caused the end of quality PUBLIC education---when the private schools started up in '69/'70, the white kids were in the minority.

Some fled to the Catholic schools to be under the protection of the Church while segregating themselves from a majority-black school system (and they still do). Others stayed with Weston and GHS and paid a price. Others went to the privates and paid a price that couldn't be measured in money. Greenville's public schools won't be saved by private schools closing or by white students returning to the public schools.

The current teachers, students, and administration have to work hard, be honest, be diligent, set high standards, and expect results. Unfortunately, much of this must begin in the home.

And that's where the difference lies.

Both writers make good points and they are connected by one common thread... the entitlement mentality. There is so much corruption, fraud and waste in our "welfare" system that being unemployed has become one of the most lucrative "jobs" in the Delta!

Becoming "disabled" is a major source of the fraud for many area residents and certain "doctors" play a major role. People are getting large checks for disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder, fallen arches, and morbid obesity! How does a government check abate any of these "disabilities"?

There are families that net over $4,000 per month in SSI and disability income and spend their days shopping at Wal-Mart and McDonald's. Morbid obesity is NOT a genetic disorder... it is a societal result of ignorance and apathy!

Education, for the entitlement mentality crowd, is free daycare with 2 free meals. Why should they value an education, when they make more on "the system" than most do with a college education!

Yep, we are on a slippery slope and going straight down hill in the Delta. It will not change until WE demand that the abuse of welfare be stopped!



  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Actually the writer gets his facts wrong--the Catholic school was and still is one of the most "integrated" school in the Delta.

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Thoses of us who work hard and pay for insurance through our tax paying jobs cannot afford to get sick. We would lose our homes, and in turn be ineligible for the "entitlements" that nontaxpayers recieve so readily. Morbid obesity should not be a disability. It is directly caused by putting food in your mouth and the wrong foods. I say we have stores where food stamps can be used to buy healthy necessary items to make nutritious meals. I work hard and yet cannot afford a new car with air conditioning and see young people driving Grandmas car with the disabled tag playing loud music with lyrics I do not want to hear. I see teens giving birth to baby after baby to get their checks. People have no reason to change. The government will support them. And the government will leave the taxpayers going into bankruptcy to support these selfish lazy bums.
    And by the way, I am not from here and there are plenty of places in this country where public education is wonderful and private schools other than parochial do not even exist. There is no hope unless we crack down on these criminals stealing from us. Let's change the rules overnight and see the morbidly obese, teen mothers, and other abusers of the systems beg us for jobs so they can survive. Let's make welfare recipients ineligible to go to anything other than charity hospitals. Let's see the children see hope for a better life through their "parents" opting to become a productive member of society.

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Food Stamp Recipients should only be able to purchase certain foods (similar to the no frills section the grocery stores had years ago). This would be easy to do with the bar coding. The stores should have check outs for food stamps only. This would help the improve the health and obesity rates when you remove the cookies, soda, ice cream, etc.....

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Healthy foods only and mandatory drug testing. Any criminal offenses would mean immediate loss of eligibility.

  5. Anonymous6:02 PM


  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Welfare by the Democrats is nothing but another form of slavery. They want to keep blacks and dead beats enslaved to their Democrat ways(POVERTY). That way they can control them throughout their lives and they are too stupid to realize it. I agree with the above saying they get 6 moths of checks and then they are cut off, Anyone that wants to work can find a job in 6 moths. It may not be what you want or need but it's a job and you have to start somewhere. Fail one drug test and check is cutoff immediately...

  7. Anonymous9:15 PM

    While I agree that there should be a limit to the snack foods one can buy with food stamps, there should not be a total ban on that. These people do have small children, while I am not condoning feeding it to them all of the time, they deserve a treat now and then too.

    it is not their fault that they are born to lazy people. However, some welfare recipients are not lazy and bums.

    No I am not nor have I ever been on welfare or food stamps.

  8. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Parents can make homemade healthy snacks for the children with the ingredients that they recieve from Food stamps. It is not the childrens fault. But they are going to repeat the same cycle that their Mother is in if something is not done now. And where is the father and do they know who it is?????

  9. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I make home made Granola and Oatmeal cookies for my family all the time (NO high fructose corn syrup, low in sugar, oils, etc..... Maybe a little family time cooking with the entire family would be a good thing!

  10. Anonymous10:31 PM

    It is hard to have family time when Momma is out having a good time and Grandmother is raising the kids. Heck, Momma doesn't even konw who or where Daddy is! I am tired of a bunch of damn freeloaders. Get a job and contribute to society instead of sucking the blood out of it. Maybe I should quit my job and let OBAMA support me. It seems to work for most of Greenville!

  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    The Food Stamp program was meant to care for the recipient as well as the retail grocer vs. the old efficient and inexpensive Commodities program where all goods were bought at wholesale or less and given to the recipients. Retail grocers made no profits then.

  12. AmAnonymous21:09 PM

    To Anonymous 6:52pm --
    please post your recipe for homemade Granola.
    Thank you !!

  13. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Need I say more?

  14. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Food Networks (Alton Brown)

  15. AmAnonymous23:32 PM

    Thank you for posting the granola recipe website. Alton Brown is the best!

  16. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I read in the paper where we need 50 thousand to open the public pool.
    If we can get rid of our Mayor and city council and elect some business people to run this city things like 50 thousand for a city pool would be a phone call away from reality. Thats right a call away !
    Mayor Hudson sent the message Gville did not need the white dollar to survive. BIG MISTAKE !
    The white wallets have closed in Greenville and that is a fact. Our Mayor forgets who built this city and everyone else now realizes who has almost destroyed it. Oh and by the way if you want the Mayor's home on McClain it is going into foreclosure according to the newspaper next month. How can you run a city and not take care of your own business ? Maybe she will run again and get elected to finish destroying Greenville because i am sure all the people voted for her knowing she was qualified and not because she was black. Oh goodness let me stop !
