Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What's the Scoop?


Has everyone grown tired of the Scoop? Surely there is something going on in the Delta that we can discuss, rant or rave about. I love a lively discussion, but the Scoop has grown a bit cold of late.

The contributors to this blog are what keeps it popular. Everyone has ideas, opinions, complements or grips... and this is your public forum. Let's hear from you! You know I don't' make this stuff up (although I have been accused of it).

Tell us what is on your mind... vent... it lowers your blood pressure and is fun!



  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I suggest we all go to Winterville Mounds and do a "RAIN DANCE" lol

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Gville is 2.5 times the national poverty rate in the country. Most that live in Gville, MS, with no job, their primary economic goal is to get on some type of program, food stamps, SSI or any type of free money because it pays more than a 40 hour per week job. That is the REAL reason no business will ever make it in Gville, MS, because the end answer is private education and big company management are not going to pay for education, grades 1-12 @ $400.00 per month per child.

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Actually, Big Company management has and does pay for private education. They know that it's the only way to get quality people here. (U.S. Gypsum is one example.)

    And for the record---to those who may claim that the private schools caused the end of quality PUBLIC education---when the private schools started up in '69/'70, the white kids were in the minority. Some fled to the Catholic schools to be under the protection of the Church while segregating themselves from a majority-black school system (and they still do). Others stayed with Weston and GHS and paid a price. Others went to the privates and paid a price that couldn't be measured in money. Greenville's public schools won't be saved by private schools closing or by white students returning to the public schools. The current teachers, students, and administration have to work hard, be honest, be diligent, set high standards, and expect results. Unfortunately, much of this must begin in the home. And that's where the difference lies.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    to 9:25 AMEN!!!

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    My children attend a private school. I also think that if I lived somewhere else, I would pay for private school. I have talked to several other people who feel the same way. It is not a racial issue; it is an educational issue.

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I was told that St. Joseph High school is nearly majority black now. Which says that the black families feel the same way. It is education and child safety, not a racial thing.

  7. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Amen, 11:13. Students can't learn if everyone in the class is misbehaving, fighting, name-calling, etc. If discipline is out of control, how much is YOUR child REALLY learning anyway? Aren't you sending them to get a good, quality education?

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You get what you pay for.

  9. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Not true, our city tax dollars are not getting what is paid for, tht is the problem! Those with children in private school are paying twice in tuition and taxes. Those children of parents who do not own property are pay taxes are getting the benefit of everyone else's tax funds.

  10. Anonymous2:10 PM

    And that's why I put my faith in private schools, where I CHOOSE to invest. I have no choice when it comes to paying taxes.

  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    A little off topic, but is a shame given that Greenville has the best slack water harbor in the entire inland water system, the uptick in all things maritime is passing G'ville by. In my opinion Greenville's greatest asset is geography and the river; however, G'ville is consitently losing maritime business to other inland river ports.

    One would think that with all of the stimulus money floating around someone in leadership would have sought to get a rail bridge across the river. Moreover, expansion of the port fits nicely into any "green" industry expansion, since one barge can handle the freight of sixty trucks, leading to reduced emissions, etc.

    G'ville needs to quit dreaming about heritage tourism (blues) and get serious about being a vibrant inland port again. Lets face it tourism and gaming are never going to produce the revenue needed to turn Washington Co. around, since those industries employ too few and pay only modest wages.
