Monday, July 21, 2008

Holy Bat-Mobile!

Anonymous states:

LOL I loved the comment about Ray Ray. Most people who know him, despise him and would laugh at the comment just as I did. And, as far as my contribution to healthcare in the Delta, I do that all day long.

So, I think I deserve a funny at the end of the day. Yeah, who is that masked man driving around in the black hummer with DRMC signs on the side? Oh, and, by the way...did anyone else receive a color, slick-paged report in the mail about DRMC's finances in the mail?

Well, it looks as if the entire picture painted is hunky dorey. I know the financial reports change often depending on who they are intended for. Ray sure sounded like DRMC was in a financial bind in Jackson, didn't he?

Hmmmm, two, three, four sets of books? I guess Woody White did know what he was talking about!! If Ray Humphreys is out of town interviewing for another job, THANK GOODNESS!!! He will not be missed!

Ahhh, yes, Ray's annual work of fiction... with a $4 million dollar "polish" job! This year's "novel" is a rather understated publication in which you almost have to hunt for the deception. The front page is a series of run-on lies which are touted as accomplishments. Anyone with any first hand knowledge of DRMC won't get past the first 20 without breaking into laughter. I am sure that Dr. Frothingham is duly impressed that he remains a jewel in DRMC's crown, even though he was fired by Ray earlier in the year!

As always, the annual statistics on the back page are the best laugh of all. My personal favorite is the "nursing shortage" of only 3%. The problem with this statistic is that if you removed all of the contract, agency, and travel nurses from DRMC, the vacancy rate would be more like 85%. This is just another one of the gross misrepresentations presented by Alphe Wells to mask his incompetence.

While on the subject of "masks", let us consider that it could be Alphe in the black Hummer. He and L. Ray are tight and "umbically" linked via Blackberry at all times of the day and night. With Alyson's recent departure and the demotion of of Flo Jones, Ray has but one loyal "spy" left in his network... and what better Gothem City "bat-mobile" could one imagine? Just throw a magnetic DRMC sign on the side and PRESTO... it's tax deductible!

Yes, Woody White saw the writing on the wall. Courtney Phillips should be as wise. Ray has no intention of going down alone on this ship. Word on the street is that major lay-offs are coming in August... count the lifeboats... then do the math!



  1. Anonymous5:29 PM

    What is even stranger! is seeing the bat mobile(hummer) parked in the HANDICAP LANE AT WALMART!!!!!!! Is this person truly handicap??

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    If we're talking lifeboats then I took a cruise. I bailed in 2005! He offered as much security as a snorkel with holes.

  3. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Surely Alphe hasn't traded his Harley for a Hummer...although he does like to "switch" a lot.

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    to answer the question about the "HANDICAP LANE AT WALMART", yes the person driving the hummer is truly handicapped. The gentleman that owns this vehicle is a good, hard working person and I can also tell you that Mr. Wells is not the person in the hummer.

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Then why is this person driving around with DRMC signs on the hummer? It makes no sense.

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Perhaps this person is a supporter of DRMC?????? You know, that is not a crime, the last time I checked. There are a few of us!!!

    Alphe drives a suburban. Black.

  7. Anonymous10:33 PM

    The driver of the hummer is a DRMC employee at KDH--oh, excuse me The WEST CAMPUS of DRMC. Can't tell that he is handicap though. He seems to get around as well as everyone else roaming the hallways.

  8. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Why would anyone, including Ray Ray, drive a personal vehicle with DRMC plastered on the side? You can bet the driver of the Hummer is getting something for his efforts. It's probably some kind of kick-back perk that Ray has provided for a high paid employee. With the DRMC sign on it, he can always claim it is a hospital vehicle. And yes, the board is dumb enough to believe that!

  9. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thank you Delta Scoop! I heard today that Dr. Richards has resigned her position as Leland School District superintendent. It seems that the board and certain citizens started looking into several of the allegations against her and she became quite defensive and uncooperative. When her usual tantrums didn't work to distract the board's interests, she resigned rather than be exposed. I have children in the LSD and first heard about her "unprofessionalism" on the Delta Scoop. With help from several other parents, we all called board members and insisted that these issues be addressed. It took a while, but we didn't give up. If we had not been informed about her outrageous behavior, nothing would have been done. Don't just complain about what needs to be done. Get involved and make change happen.

    Relieved Parent

  10. Anonymous7:48 PM

    yes he does get around but if you have seen him walking around, he has a bad knee or something since he does walk with a limp. also the purpose of the sign could be that this employee's position is in "marketing".

  11. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Great Job Leland Parents!!! We are very happy for you. Keep up the good work.

    Your Delta Scoop Friends

  12. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Well, if that is the case...DRMC needs to pay a marketing employee a high enough salary to own a hummer like I need a hole in my head!!! They don't even have enough money to staff the floors with competent clinicians, come on! Nurses are overworked as they are caring for more than their allocated number of patients. Just take a stroll thru the Intensive Care Unit and ask an RN how many patients they have today? And, then, what is your usual limit?

    No one can get one second of overtime and we are still putting signs in cotton fields and on the sides of hummers. I hope Dr. Richards will take Ray Humphreys with her to resignation land! It is time. Bravo to the parents of LSD!! You are our heroes!!!! :)

  13. Anonymous1:13 AM

    * I hope Dr. Richards will take Ray Humphreys with her to resignation land! *

    There is another to add to this list of travelers....Please reserve a seat for the traveling Greenville Mayor, she loves to travel. Perfect timing! This time we all hope she keeps on "moving down that road!"

    Great job Leland parents!

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I believe she is here to stay! Sad but true

  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    For those in Leland:
    "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty We are free at last!"

  16. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Or Ding Dong the witch is dead!

  17. Anonymous8:52 AM


  18. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Who is Ralph Waite and why does he drive the hummer?

  19. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Good question. What job other than administration, affords you a Hummer?

  20. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Check the employee parking lot and you will find there are nurses driving top end vehicles as well. Let people spend their money however they choose. Hell, he might be broke and in debt but that is his choice.
