Monday, July 14, 2008

United We Stand...

I think Jesse's comments were ugly and certainly changes my over all opinion of him, but any relevance is lost when introducing it with this seething letter.

As has already been evidenced on this board, African-Americans have many opinions on many things and it doesn't make sense to stereotype. You suggest that their community blindly takes care of their own. The first question that comes to mind is "how do you think the rest of the world feels about All US citizens?" It is pretty easy to pick on or be picked on, depending on how tightly a cropped view you bring in for discussion.

Why not just face issues as issues and invite everyone to the table to look for answers? Is the African American community dealing with too many employment problems? Negative media? Negative role models? Ok, how can we ALL work to change that?

The letter propels a totally useless and damaging us-them mentality that suggest they are off in their own little world still supporting OJ. Why not go visit your neighbors and learn what they are really thinking about. You may find you have a lot more civic issues in common than you thought.

Okay, the "OJ" comment was a bit racist. It scares me to think that our criminal justice system has become a sports arena in which judicial decisions are swayed by the "underdog" theory. Guilty or not, OJ's trial taught us all a great deal about our society and our legal system.

The "us-them" mentality is precisely the problem in most politically charged issues that face us as voters. We all expect everyone to see the world through our "whatever colored" shades... and it just isn't so. Our beliefs and values are a product of our individual past experiences and "prejudices".

As long as our community remains devided along racial lines, we will not progress! I totally agree with this author that we should all go visit our neighbors and put aside our preconceived notions and stereotypes. You will most likely find that we all want the same things for ourselves, our children and our community... and that by reaching out to one another through simple communication... we just might discover the solutions.



  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Do you know what I've found out? People of all colors really appreciate a smile. I'll be in Kroger or WalMart or pretty much anywhere, and I've found that when I make eye contact with people, smile, maybe exchange a simple greeting, then something strange happens: we discover we are human! I want to effect change one person at a time. It's the only way I know how.

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Do you know what I've found out? People of all colors really appreciate a smile. I'll be in Kroger or WalMart or pretty much anywhere, and I've found that when I make eye contact with people, smile, maybe exchange a simple greeting, then something strange happens: we discover we are human! I want to effect change one person at a time. It's the only way I know how.

  3. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Courtesy is key to everything. I always hold the door for male or female (I am female), especially for the elderly or disabled. I appreciate it when it is done for me, as well, and always acknowledge the gesture from old or young regardless of color or sex.

    Usually, the best way to make a connection is to commiserate about the heat, about expensive gas or groceries, about getting older, about unruly kids and compassion for the overwhelmed parents. It just takes a minute and you can feel the air relax within a few seconds of the remark. We are all human and connected, but we don't all act like it all the time.

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    RESIDENTS of country club estates--beware. there have been a rash of auto burglaries. don't keep anything that looks valuable in your auto (liquor, keys, purses, etc). it is not even safe if the garage door is closed!

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    That warning goes for city wide, not just south of Greenville. No one is safe and all precautions should be taken by everyone. There has been a rash of these events everywhere, most recently Country Club,areas around Hardy Park, and Tampa Dr.

    Also, be sure to lock up your house, so many think it is okay for just a few minutes, but who knows who is watching you leave and knows you don't always lock careful!

    Keeping shrubs and trees cut back to avoid hiding places for burglars and your property well lit at night are two more good tips!

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Gamwyn and Wilzin Parks were hit over the weekend, too. A truck was stolen and several cars were broken into. Brazen!

  7. Anonymous1:39 AM

    The harder the economy in Greenville becomes the more the crime rate will increase! Jobs and training are the answers....where is our City leadership and what are they doing to bring in jobs? I am not talking small businesses or iffy ones that are here for short periods, we need permanent businesses that are here to stay and not prostitute us and then leave!

    Where is our Mayor????? Oh yeah, traveling again!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah that helps us here at home a whole helluva a lot. Hey Mayor, fuel and plane fights are skyrocketing, time to shut down the world tour and stay home to fix the mess you have us all in!

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Forthright must work on an oil rig now with no computer access during the week!

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    where has ray ray been? i heard he was out of town. perhaps interviewing somewhere else? maybe the former c.o.o. (i wouldn't want to mention her name and traumatize her children) can get him a job where she is.

  10. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Could somebody explain me how the last comment at 1:53 PM would contribute positively to our current healthcare situation?
    Keep up the "good" work!!!

  11. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I agree. I hope those comments make that person feel good about themselves.

  12. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I just want to know who is that driving around in the black hummer with the DRMC sign on the side? I want that job position!!!

  13. Anonymous3:22 PM

    i have heard that Greenville Christian will have 70 students in the fall. is that correct?

  14. Anonymous3:56 PM

    the person in the black hummer with the DRMC signs on the side, is my daddie.

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    LOL I loved the comment about Ray Ray. Most people who know him, despise him and would laugh at the comment just as I did. And, as far as my contribution to healthcare in the Delta, I do that all day long. So, I think I deserve a funny at the end of the day.

    Yeah, who is that masked man driving around in the black hummer with DRMC signs on the side? Oh, and, by the way...did anyone else receive a color, slick-paged report in the mail about DRMC's finances in the mail? Well, it looks as if the entire picture painted is hunky dorey. I know the financial reports change often depending on who they are intended for. Ray sure sounded like DRMC was in a financial bind in Jackson, didn't he? Hmmmm, two, three, four sets of books? I guess Woody White did know what he was talking about!!

    If Ray Humphreys is out of town interviewing for another job, THANK GOODNES!!! He will not be missed!

  16. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I don't know about the number of students enrolled at GCS, but heard that Lake Washington Baptist Church will take over the leadership role that Emmanuel supposed had for the past year. Does anyone know just what it was that Emmanuel did for the school?

  17. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Why are you people so worried about the fate of GCS. From what I hear they have around 125 students registered already. I am not sure what EBC did for GCS - nothing as far as I can tell.

  18. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Has anyone heard about Leland School District Super Dr. Richards resigning????

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    No, but what about the Main Street girl----Alicia Netterville? Is she moving over to the CVB? Or where?

  20. Anonymous6:00 AM

    TO: 6:08PM PHHhhleeeaseee!!!! I sure hope the rumor this year is true!!!
    Every year there is the rumor that she is resigning....I'll believe it when I see it!!

  21. Anonymous8:51 AM

    SUPposedly ebc stepped out of gcs because of a pending lawsuit b/w a former teacher and former student. Lake washington was told of this but took the school anyway.
