Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Yes, We Can"...

Relieved Parent says...

Thank you Delta Scoop! I heard today that Dr. Richards has resigned her position as Leland School District superintendent. It seems that the board and certain citizens started looking into several of the allegations against her and she became quite defensive and uncooperative.

When her usual tantrums didn't work to distract the board's interests, she resigned rather than be exposed. I have children in the LSD and first heard about her "unprofessional ism" on the Delta Scoop. With help from several other parents, we all called board members and insisted that these issues be addressed. It took a while, but we didn't give up.

If we had not been informed about her outrageous behavior, nothing would have been done. Don't just complain about what needs to be done. Get involved and make change happen.

Relieved Parent

Work up a CARAVAN!!! said...

I hope Dr. Richards will take Ray Humphreys with her to resignation land! There is another to add to this list of travelers....Please reserve a seat for the traveling Greenville Mayor, she loves to travel. Perfect timing! This time we all hope she keeps on "moving down that road!

"Great job Leland parents!

Anonymous said...

For those in Leland:

"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty We are free at last!"

Anonymous said...

Or Ding Dong the witch is dead!

It seems that "individual" voices can still be heard when they sing in a "choir". Elected or appointed officials are still accountable to the public to whom they serve. Dr. Richards' resignation is a triumph for all parents who place trust in our public education system. Health care and education are two issues on which we should never compromise.

Good job Leland residents! YOUR voices have been heard.



  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    How are the teachers and superintendents of RIVERSIDE SCHOOL??
    I haven't heard anything about the school.

  2. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Well, that is one useless and unconcerned community leader out of the way, now onto the BIG DOGS!!!

    ba doomp

    "Here we come, walking down the streets,

    We are coming for self centered, self serving *bleeps*...

    Hey, hey we are the citizens, the citizens who have had enough, we are not kidding,

    Its about to get rough!"... :>)

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    To anonymous at 7:05,

    Why do you ask about Riverside? Is there a problem?

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Riverside School is a great school. We have had no problems in the elementary or high school. The teachers don't just teach, they educate, there is a diff between teachers and educators you know.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    When the superintendent allows the principal to run his school and the teachers to teach their classes as they were all educated to do, then that is the outcome. Dr. Richards was never concerned with education, only test scores to make herself look good. Leland may fall from a level 5, but that was a hoax anyway.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM


    I have not heard anything on Riverside.. but that is where my children attend school.

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    My kids attend Riverside and I have been very pleased. There are some great teachers there...Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Dunaway, Mrs. Giachelli, Mr. Ray...the list goes on and on. Even in the elementary grades you have wonderful teachers like Ms. Spadini, Ms. Lord, Ms. Andrews. We are blessed!! They CARE about the students and their education. Way to go RHS!!

  8. Anonymous5:01 PM

    How does RHS perform on the State tests?

  9. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I heard that prior to Dr. Richard's resignation, she awarded her not so hard working son a raise so that he would now be earning 70 K per year. Surely he will be dismissed also. His job was made up by his Mom and he did nothing except carry on a torrid affair with a teacher during school hours while he was there. Is he on the payroll still?????

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    As far as I know "her son" is still on payroll. However, that is all that he is, is on payroll. I have never seen anybody work as hard as he does to do Nothing. I can gladly say that I am excited about her leaving. This may be the change Leland need to move forward. She also need to take those two dumb and dumber flunkees with her so someone else can have a shot at improving the school. Why is it that she has two individuals doing the same job anyways? Seems as though someone need to go home right along with her!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Thank the Lord Ilean is gone and hopefully her puppets will follow her as well as one male puppet!

  12. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Maybe great teachers will come back to the Leland School District since the GREAT Dr. Richards is gone. I loved working there, but the only gripe I had was that the so called Great Dr. Richards only cared for self, loved to talk down on others, and allowed her son to make more money than others that worked there. That's crazy. Hey, only GOD KNOWS!!!!!

  13. Anonymous11:25 PM

    You better be careful. You know she has warned all of us that God is going to get everybody that has talked about her annointed self.

  14. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Thanks to James Lowe for the courage that he and others showed in keeping us informed, about the situation in Leland Schools. Thanks, James we love you

  15. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Now we have her overseeing our district...Well making another killing off our districts.... MAN!!! :(..........Lord Help Us All....I am asking you to do something about this woman in the name of JESUS....She really insulted alot of teachers today..with that 5 year old lesson plan format and out of school observers....I thought that was the jobs of the Principles and Superintendents. I really want to know how much is this going to cost..I had someone tell me today 2.5 million (not sure on that number)I am a parent in the Hollandale School District and if the School can spend that kind of money on "THIS" my son should be walking into a New School next year instead of patching up the old one..While i'm on the subject of my School District "HOW old is the new Superintendent Finace/Girlfriend...18...They have been together for 2 years, that means she was 16 wow!!!!...Mr. Warren what have we done?
