Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More on Leland's Woes...

Anonymous said...

This is a terrible problem, not only for the school district but for our children that are in the 1st grade teacher's room that Mr. Richards is having the affair with . He stays in her room all day, not doing his job and is making over $40,000.00.

WAKE UP LELAND SCHOOL BOARD AND LELAND TAXPAYERS....this is OUR money that is funding his "habits"....not only sexual, but also drug and alcohol related habits. He has been arrested in Leland and Greenville, but is still an employee of the LSD. He is a liability to Leland...I'm just glad I'm not a school board member because they will be responsible when something tragic happens because of this thug.....

Let him and his mother and his ex-wife go to the Greenville school district where THEIR tax money will help support his "habits".

Another writer offer this...

I guess the school board in Leland is just going to continue to let Dr. Richards run good teachers off. Not only because of her personality but because of her failure to discipline her son. Who wants to work for someone that shows such favoritism and who is so unfair and unprofessional?

I don't blame Dr. Richards for double dippin' one is stopping her, she gets paid a big salary plus all her other "jobs". Greenville is lucky to have her to pay their city taxes!! Go Leland School Board!!

Wow! A lot of stuff happening in the small town of Leland. I am always amazed that Deltan's believe that they can keep their lives secret while they thrive on every piece of gossip that falls upon their ears.

Drugs, sex and scandal in Leland? And we thought only U.S. Senators could get away with such.



  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Only in Leland do we allow this.The people of leland need to get together an solve this problem.We let one person over throw the whole town tax-payers an all.I Fault the parents of leland because we are the ones that run this she don't, meaning ILEAN a person with no heart

  2. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I am extremely sick and tired of the garbage that I am reading. I wonder when everyone will start talking about the Level 5 status that the district is in. Sure there are some concerns about her son, but those teachers that left the district were lazy, and should have found another profession. I can only feel sorry for the kids that some of these so called teachers are teaching.

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    How can you say that all teachers who have left the district are lazy? That is an absurd statement. And as for the level 5 status that is a joke in other districts.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Yes, I certainly feel sorry for the 1st grade class that Mr. Richards is helping teach. I don't think he is qualified to teach and he is certainly a distraction to the class, the teacher, and everyone in that building. Some of you people don't understand that this has been going on for a couple of years now and nothing has been done. It's not a matter of gossip or being malicious, it's just very UNFAIR, unprofessional,and a conflict of interest to have your child and your ex-daughter-in-law on staff. I could go on and on but it just doesn't seem to matter to the Leland School Board. They don't care about what their teachers want, they just do "what ever Dr. Richards says do" and that comes out of the mouth of a previous school board member! So folks, we as tax payers of LEland might as well give up until we have some stronger school board members on the board. IT JUST AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Well it seems as if everyone that wants to vent has vented. Now let's see if anything is done about Chris. Maybe this will make him straighten up and do what is right, if not, he will be the down-fall of Doc. I guess we will all just have to wait and see. Thanks for having this site, I think it may have made people feel better to at least say what is on their mind about the situation whether it helps "fix" it or not.

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hopefully after all the comments about questionable practices in the Leland School District there will be some investigation. Even if the school board is too passive to act on the allegations, maybe this information will find it's way to Jackson to someone with some authority. Too bad Leland teachers can't just have a vote of no confidence like the did at Valley and got rid of their president. School board elections will be very important in November. There are two openings and this is the chance for Leland voters to take their school district back from the Greenville administrators who don't care how much we pay in taxes.

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Doc Richards/George Bush same thing!

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I used to work in the LSD and I can say that Dr. Richards is one of the main reasons I left. Her son started working in the elementary school then. He had previously worked at La-Z-Boy and then he started working as a computer tech with his g-friend. I had problems with my computer and never saw him, had to fix them myself. Even in 2000 he was always where is g-friend was. It's really sad that she is back and Leland is still loosing GOOD teachers b/c of her.

  9. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I taught in Leland for several years; my students did very well. I left not because I am LAZY but because I wanted to be treated as a professional. I love teaching but I refuse to be screamed at, belittled, and threatened. (Which occured to teachers in front of me)
