Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blog-Master's Note

Well, I asked for comments... and I certainly got them! There are so many comments on the Leland School District topic that I am rendered speechless. Truth or gossip, this issue has aroused some strong emotions from this small community. To read all of the comments, simply click on "Comments" at the end of each submission.

Let me offer a word of reason on this "controversial" issue. The Delta Scoop is a Blog. It allows people to express their ideas, emotions and beliefs in a public forum. Whether it is the "truth" is for you to decide. Its "anonymity" allows those who fear personal retaliation a means to share their views in a "safe harbor".

Personal "gossip" does not interest me; however, issues of public malfeasance and irresponsibility do. If there are problems in our communities that need to be addressed, this is an excellent forum for discovery. What we do about these problems is still our responsibility.

My purpose in hosting this blog is to bring important issues to the the public that would not otherwise be aired in our "public media". Emotions often run strong and that is a good thing! Without passion and knowledge, there can be no change. Democracy starts with the voices of individuals. Change starts with a collective chorus.



  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Where can the public go to get this situation cleared up? The school board won't do anything...maybe the school board can't do anything. Who knows. Would somebody please help!!!

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Your blog allows people to rail against someone or some entity without a shred of evidence.
    This Web site is doing a disservice to the very people you claim to be trying to service.
    While the your efforts may be forthright, you are, in most instances, supplying misinformation.
    Maybe the rest of the community appreciates the Daily World "Bigfoot was my love slave" type of information, but the rest of us are looking and hoping for people who are willing to put forth honest journalism.

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I am surprised that nobody is blaming Ray Humphreys for the problems in Leland School District!!!

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    who has any information to the contrary? nobody has refuted any of the facts presented.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    To the blogger that wrote:

    "Your blog allows people to rail against someone or some entity without a shred of evidence. This Web site is doing a disservice to the very people you claim to be trying to service.”

    Why didn't you use your real name if you are so righteous? Could it be that you are one of the problems in the Delta and don't want the truth about people like you to come to light?

    I think this blogger doth protest too much!

  6. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Every thing I have read in this article is basically true and confidental, but I pray to God that each one of us will not take it out of perspective. We will have the suffer the same thing.

  7. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Thank You for your time and effort.
    If we could not sound off here,We might be silenced forever.

