Monday, August 27, 2007

Readin', Ritin' and Rippin' ?

Anonymous writer adds the following...

Playing favorites is only one of Dr. Richard's many character flaws. As a former employee of the Leland School District, I have personally witnessed her complete disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.

After enduring Dr. Richards' reign of terror for four years, I removed myself and my children from Leland Public Schools. Due to her over-inflated ego and complete lack of professionalism, she is quick to verbally assault coworkers and children alike.

With Leland being almost 95% black, this is not a racial issue. Dr. Richards holds the respect of neither the black nor white community. She answers to one person: herself; and has no regard for the welfare of the board, parents or children.

Recently, it was told to me that in addition to being paid as the full time superintendent, Dr. Richards is also being paid as a consultant to other school districts (on LSD's time). Double-dipping?

Dr. Richard's hands are definitely dirty and if the Leland School Board continues to let this ego-maniac rule with unchecked authority, teachers will continue to flee in droves.

Just when you think our health care system is our weakest link, here comes public education to challenge that title. What happened to the "kindly school marm" image of public educators?

I have to wonder how the superintendent described above could have ever been in a classroom, let alone govern a school district. As noted before, my knowledge of school politics is rather limited, so I welcome others to offer their insights on this matter.

The purpose of the "Scoop" is to generate discussion on topics of local concern. Speak up Leland. There are always at least two sides to any controversy.



  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    When I was a child, my principal walked to school, just like I did. Nowadays, you're more likely to see the administrators of our local public schools pulling up in a Mercedes or Lexus. Yet, if you'll drive by the private school's parking lot on Reed Road, you'll see the same old red Toyota truck that the Headmaster's been driving for at least 15 years. Different priorities? Different agenda? My guess is YES.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    On another topic - what, if any, street repair work has been done in Greenville this summer. Summer is the prime time to get street work done. Major through streets - Reed, Bowman, Old Leland Road, Broadway - are in need of major repairs. Are they hoarding their money to spend it on the next major project? The downtown Washington Avenue project is still far from complete. On Old Leland Road, it is almost one lane in some places due to a severely uneven and sunken road surface. Wouldn't it be nice if the DDT would actually report on the road repairs. Maybe a little media attention would get the politicians interest. As it is there is little the public can do but put up with the terrible roads or move somewhere else.

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Yeah but Artman's still got his mercedes.

  4. Anonymous7:56 PM

    This is a terrible problem, not only for the school district but for our children that are in the 1st grade teacher's room that Mr. Richards is having the affair with . He stays in her room all day, not doing his job and is making over $40,000.00 WAKE UP LELAND SCHOOL BOARD AND LELAND TAXPAYERS....this is OUR money that is funding his "habits"....not only sexual, but also drug and alcohol related habits. He has been arrested in Leland and Greenville, but is still an employee of the LSD. He is a liability to Leland...I'm just glad I'm not a school board member because they will be responsible when something tragic happens because of this thug.....Let him and his mother and his ex-wife go to the Greenville school district where THEIR tax money will help support his "habits"....

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I guess the school board in Leland is just going to continue to let Dr. Richards run good teachers off. Not only because of her personality but because of her failure to discipline her son...Who wants to work for someone that shows such favoritism and who is so unfair and unprofessional? I don't blame Dr. Richards for double dippin' one is stopping her, she gets paid a big salary plus all her other "jobs"..Greenville is lucky to have her to pay their city taxes!! Go Leland School Board!!

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I think they should provide maps to the kids, so they can tell where the United States is located.
    Check out the name below, never knew this before, what the heck does the L stand for? Leroy?, Lefty?, Lilywhite?, Lanceboil? I think maybe LAME!

    L. Ray Humphreys
    Chief executive officer
    Delta Regional Medical Center

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    You can't imagine the turn over rate of the Leland School District faculty. Administrators and teachers alike leave as fast as they can. Nobody deserves to be screamed at and treated the way "Doc" treats people. Nobody can imagine what it's like to be there, but imagine working for Saddam Hussein. Seriously. That's why no one will openly speak out. They are afraid.

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    That is true about her treating people that way, but the unfairness is what I don't understand. And just how does a person without a degree or at the most an associate degree make more than people with masters?... I think her son should share his diploma with the public..then it may be okay if he makes over $40,000.. and her ex-daughter in-law just got a $5,000 raise...and she doesn't have any degree...Glad I'm not a teacher would make me MAD!!!! Especially since I've heard that all Chris (her son) does is stay in the teacher's room while the teacher sends her children across the hall to another teacher's room...what's wrong with this picture????

  9. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Its is amazing how one can compare working in Leland School District to working for Saddam. Some might even say that it is worst and more like working for A. Hitler. Can youn imagine working somewhere where the only person can make a decision is the Superintendent because of course all the other smart people that holds an administrative position aren't "smart" enough to make their own decisions. The Principals aren't real Principals because they can't do anything without going through her first. Come on people if these people can't control their own school what can you expect.

  10. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Thats the truth that nobody can make a decision without her. But shes never there because shes out working on her consulting business. How many days would the board give her to do that? Shes already used up a bunch, if shes reporting them.

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    apparently you are not a christian because christians don't get revenge by attacking people on the computer nor do they try to get revenge because they know God said at Romans 12:19-21 vengence is his. as well as the bible call you a coward because you aren't woman/man enough to face her if you have a problem with her. you want the public to fight your battle for you . you made a statement you were no longer in the Leland School District so what't your problem? you put unneed stress on you. also you put yourself in the catergory as a gossiper 1Timothy 5:13 says you have nothing else to do but go about unoccupied but gadding, gossiping and meddlerling in other people business. you never thought about innocent people might be hurt such as children or a spouse. knowing you you made sure the spouse knows about the gossip too. but you said you no longer worked there in LSD but you sure making it your business to stay in touch with the latest gossip. that might be a cover up because you sure know a lot about Leland School to be working some place else so you just might be in Leland School District yourself. remember the bible says you reap what you sow .what make you so much better than Dr. Richards at least she is not hiding behind a computer anonymously. so if you have hurt people behind this little vendetta of yours and whosoever else comments on this little gossip remember you have family too. also if you were a christian you would be trying to manifest the fruitage of God's spirit which Galatians 5:22&23 states love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. instead works of the flesh at Galatians 5:20. one last thought Proverb 11:20 says those crooked at heart are something (detestable)to God so if Dr. Richards is so bad so what does that makes you?

  12. Anonymous5:42 PM

    That makes me NOT a spender of taxpayer money on my family and friends and that makes me NOT someone who treats my employees like dirt and expects their undying praise. If SHE was the Christian she professes to be, she would treat people decent. And I don't see YOU signing your name. Somebody already said people who work for her are afraid. Thats why they anonymous.

  13. Anonymous6:53 PM

    AND another thing, you quoted us every scripture in the Book, but you didn't defend Dr. Richards at all!! If the things said about her and everyone else involved ARE true, then I hope that you have some scriptures to give them also! The Word works both ways! It may be wrong to talk about it, but that still doesn't excuse everything else.

  14. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Standing on the word Is what I do. I wanted to see what was all the hype about. I am a teacher in the district and also a member of the clergy. I am outraged, but yet not surprised at the comments that I am seeing about Doc and the Leland School District. I worked in two other school districts before coming to Leland and I must tell you that I will never return to either one of those districts. The Leland School District is like one big family, with all of the pros and cons that go alone with it. You are focusing on the personal conduct of a couple of the staff members. What about the education of the students. Last time I checked, all schools in the district was either levels 4 or 5. Something must be going right. To defend Doc, I have no need to. She is too much of a professional to deal with garbage. My theory is this, "Do your job, and let GOD handle the rest". GOD bless all of you, and if their is a faithful bone in your body, KILL this foolishness. By the way, I am not afraid, just smart. I am in the business of educating children, If you asked me did I write this, then I will tell you.

  15. Anonymous7:03 AM

    You must be one of the "chosen ones" and never felt the wrath of Doc...that is what is NOT professional. There is a right way and a wrong way to do anything and landblasting a person and making them feel like the lowest form of dirt is NOT professional!! And it is no way to keep good teachers or build staff morale. All teachers are professionals also and should be treated as such. She talks down to teachers and adults and treats teachers like step-children or worse.

  16. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Dr. Richards needs no defending I truly believe if you addressed her personally she can fend for herself. the point is others are involved and you took out your fustrations you have about her on others. so what many have done wrong in their lives probably you have too. the point is everyone in the school district must be satified with what's going on because no one have pulled there children but you. another thing if children don't behave and conduct themselves properly teachers might just leave on that account. sometime we are addressing the wrong thing. children can run teachers off. if parents support the school system the way they should you wouldn't have as many problems as we have. it would have been a different thing if you had addressed the matter of the children but you attacked Dr. Richards. i don't see you finding dirt on the board members who controll the district. but you didn't find dirt on her you attacked others. you really are confused because you don't know what your complaint is her or others. the Leland Community don't need an outsider to defend them one thing Leland Community won't address it as a gossip column they would address it as a concern matter in the community. therefore, let Leland fight their own battles. so do you want a name to be sign then sign yours.

  17. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Personally, I am from Leland. Unlike Dr. Richards, I am a taxpayer here and I should have a voice. I am saying that I believe she is wasting our money on a number of items, including paying herself as a consultant for services that she should provide to the district as part of her job. If it is not illegal, then it certainly looks unethical. I hope you are not a Leland teacher with all the capitalization and punctuation errors in your message.

  18. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I totally agree! Please do us all a favor and spellcheck and proofread your writing before submitting. If you are professional people, then it just doesn't look good!

  19. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Well, Doc, we have heard from everyone except you! I can't wait to hear what you have to say!! Please REPLY!!

  20. Anonymous7:37 PM

    As far as Dr. Richards goes, I think she needs to quit bleeding Leland dry and go back to Greenville. She is getting consulting fees and is also being paid by the LSD. How many leave days does she have because she does her consulting work during the week? She is truly like working for Hitler. She is the boss and no one questions that. She does not have an ounce of professionalism when someone makes her mad. It's her way or the highway. She enjoys talking down to the staff in front of others. You can look at her and know what kind of mood she is in. As far as her son goes, he gets a huge salary and never works on a computer. He has other business to tend to. You can go into any school in the LSD and find broken computers or ones that are not even hooked up. Yes, she needs to leave. She will say that she has the children of the LSD as her main purpose but we all know that she is padding that pocketbook. I think I've said enough.

  21. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Her son doesn't HAVE to fix any computers when you have hired an outside firm to service the district (Synergetics, Inc.)! We all can SEE who actually works on the computers. The son is just riding the clock all day!

  22. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I am retired from Leland and it is amazing to see that some things never change. A few years ago, an outside computer technician asked if Leland had a random drug testing policy and said he assumed not, becuase Chris was so "altered" on the job he could hardly function, much less work on computers. We haven't seen drug dogs or anything similar since before Dr. Richards took over. They would go straight to Chris' door and she knows it. Keep up the comments. It's about time somebody spoke out!

  23. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Many people have asked the school board for drug testing, but to no avail. I guess this is why Doctor Richards won't allow it because she knows it will affect her son. Everyone should understand that mother's always protect their young no matter what.

  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Spell check is not the issue anyone can make a mistake in writing. Whether you or a professional writer or just pecking any one can make a typographical error. You do get the point don't you?

  25. Anonymous6:53 PM

    for someone who rides around with Psalm 91 what a hipocrit by the way how do you all feel accepting an award when you know how the schools have been achieving level 5 status sooner or later everything will fall in place test cheating etc.
