Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's a SNAP!

Clarion Ledger:

Mary Loyd of Hinds County and Sheretta Johnson and Jacqueline Smith, both of Washington County, have pleaded guilty to food stamp fraud and must pay combined restitution of more than $33,000, the state Department of Human Services announced today.

Special Hinds County Circuit Judge Breland Hilburn ordered her to pay $26,290 in restitution, according to a news release from DHS. Her guilty plea is being withheld until she completes three years of supervised probation. She is disqualified from receiving benefits for 12 months from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program.

A Hinds County grand jury indicted her on felony fraud in the SNAP, and the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department with help from DHS’ Office of Fraud Investigations arrested her.

Johnson and Smith pleaded guilty Oct. 20, in Washington County Justice Court. Judge Laverne Holmes Carter ordered Johnson to pay $3,166 in restitution and fines and Smith to pay $3,909. Both are disqualified from the SNAP program for 12 months.

Ouch! Disqualified for food stamps for 12 months... now that really hurts! These poor women will have to fake disability claims to offset that kind of punishment. And, they have to pay back over $33,000 to DHS? Now I know DHS will be waiting by the mailbox each month for those checks to roll in.

No wonder food stamp fraud is a "SNAP"! These people should be barred from every state and federal welfare program for life! They have admitted to being "criminals", so why do we think 3 years of "supervised probation" is going to change them? DHS (taxpayers) will never see a penny of restitution and in 12 short months, these gals will be back on the gravy train.

We are not a country of bad people... just bad laws. Like looters during Katrina, these are people who make a mockery of our system of democracy and take advantage of every one who pays taxes. They think of no one but themselves and what they can get from our "system".

THEY are the reason Mississippi is broke. Their entitlement mentality makes them believe that these crimes are not "stealing", because "everyone" does it... or at least everyone "they" know.

So, what will these criminals have learned about welfare fraud from their 12 month slap-on-the-wrist? Simple... be more careful the next time!



  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Well, what do you expect?

    80% of the people on welfare...LIED...to get on welfare!

    And THEY continue to lie and fake illness or so called disabilities to keep their welfare checks rolling in each month!

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM


  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    7:33 We pay the least amount because we have less population. But if you do the math we pay more than any state per capital. And what is it about these handicapped parking passes. Do the blacks all have them or is that one of their entitlements for being black. I have had two heart attacks and I can't get one. Maybe if they walked a few more steps they wouldn't be so fat or unhealthy. I have seen people in wheelchairs have to park away from wal-mart and wheel themselves by cars while young black drivers RUN out to their cars in the rain that are parked in the handicapped spaces.

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    You know that there is fraud going on in the state.So yes they are lying and getting away with it. They have several names ,social security numbers, swap out children,fake disabilities,work under the table for cash and teach it to the next generation to keep it going. It is called welfare mentality here in the state and it is growing everyday.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I have lived here almost all my life, I don't know a living soul that has several names and/or social security numbers. None of my children are on welfare. My daughter was working towards a Masters in Accounting prior to her death. My niece has a Doctorate Degree in Administration. Two of my cousins have Masters in English.I have been in line behind white people paying for their food with cards, in house shoes, with screaming children. Anyone might need help someone time. Why would anyone teach a child to be poor or un educated. Anyone can get a handicapp tag or decal, all you need is a letter from your doctor. Maybe you have seen more Black people with them because they can't afford better health care.

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I have been in line behind many more blacks than whites. Maybe if they had a job they could get better health care. And I commend you on doing the right thing and not buying into this welfare mentality that 80% of the blacks in Washington co. seem to think they deserve. Job well done on your part. Now go out there and spread the word among the blacks that EDUCATION is the way out and not HANDOUTS from the gov't.

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Greenville will never move forward as long as the more educated and working blacks like the one above quit taking up for the blacks that do not want to do better. "This can also hold true for whites by the way"
    Greenville is 75% black so of course the bigger problem would be a black problem.
    Now to the poster above who wants to defend. OPEN YOUR EYES !
    30% of the taxpayers in Greenville are paying 100% of the taxes. The casinos are loaded with people on welfare. Welfare has become a way of life;so much so they refuse to work. Public schools are pithetic. Using grandma's sticker to park when she is not in the car is just "NO RESPECT" Don't defend this;because it is just totally not caring and yes there is so much lieing to get eligible for disability and food stamps it is pathetic. Children being born that never know their dad and are raised by grandparents. It is all here in Greenville in epidemic proportion and to deny it is just silly and for anyone to deny it is a Black problem is just being naive.
    Without the help of educated working class blacks recognizing the problem and trying to help instead of defending these people you are not only hurting your own race but helping the already deterioating city we live in.
    The black voters have put the best qualified leaders in control of our city and county and as of this day we are still spiraling downward. "Wake UP" Do you really think that Ed Johnson Kenny Gines Carl McGee Heather Hudson Ann Hollowell Betty Watkins etc have the connections or know how to bring jobs to Greenville ??? The only way Greeville will turn-around will be under total change in City and County elected officials. By the way we need black and white leaders to do this; but please remember there took a lot of white men and women along with black support to build Greenville and it has only taken a Black Mayor 5 yrs to put it where it is today; but of course she does know the president and lot of people in Germany along with a law degree and a wealthy dad. Hmmmmmm

  8. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Give people some seeds and a piece of 16th section land to plant some good vegetables!!!!! They could even take some planting courses at the Charlie Capps Centers,at the GHEC or votech.

    Crying out load, my parents lived on wild greens, lard and bread 6 months out the year, the other 6 months they had pigs, chickens, vegetable gardens , fruit trees, etc.... They were healthy as a horse!!!!

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    10:02....It's per capita. PER CAPITA. Not per capital!!! If you're going to argue that you are superior to others, please try to sound as if you know what you're talking about.

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I work in social services and I have seen disability check in the amount of 12 to 15 thousand dollars in some of my clients homes. They don't use this money for the children they use it for them. They brag about it and ask me to help them get more. I wnet to school in social work to help people and these people make me sick. Some of the people i help make more then me and they know how to work welfare. It just is ot right.

  11. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I give up: I'm leaving.

    This blog!!! LOL

  12. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Instead of all this negative, how about jumping in on the Greenville Challenge. Do something positive instead of always complaining about what others are not doing. Get this...you are NOT doing anything to help either.

    So open your wallet to help meet the $50 grand goal and get on your feet and help make it happen.

    Let's bring back Pride In Greenville!

    These people are taking action. I am joining the cause and helping to meet the challenge! You can too. Put up or shut up folks, time to get off the pot and take action. Here is your chance to make some changes. It starts with the first step. Make that step! Be a leader in the Challenge. We need all the help of all the citizens of Greenville and of all colors, black, white, yellow, brown. This benefitis everyone! Either help us or get out of the way of positive actions. We are sick of the moaning and groaning...ENOUGH!

    Check this out:
    The Greenville Challenge web site.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    7:41 Who put you in charge of spelling and grammer on this blog? They did not say anything about being more superior than anyone else. You're the type of person that keeps G'ville divided by thinking you're more superior by thinking you're smarter than everyone else. I bet you're one of those that has illegally obtained a handicapped permit just because you think you deserve it for being black. They just touched a nerve in you cause they were right about you.

    So, if you want to be in charge of spelling and grammer please post your masters degree in english.

  14. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Just a reminder fellow G'villians:
    In just a couple of weeks the holidays will be upon us.So don't forget to lock your car doors,leave your gifts in the trunk,watch for suspicious characters hanging out in the parking lot,hold on tight to your purse and most of all you better be packing heat because you will need it after dark here in G'ville.
    Our Mayor needs all the police to protect her not the citizens that elected her.

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    12:15 Haven't we given enough? I am nearly taxed out and given more than my share to see it go somewhere else instead of what it is suppose to be used for. Like maybe body guards. I promise you that some way, some how our great leader will figure out a way for it to fall somewhere else other than where it is meant to go. I ain't falling for it this time and neither should you.
    Until I see our great city leaders dropping their money in the pot with my own eyes then maybe I might change my mind. Until then I'm out, of the giving away, my hard earned money.

  16. Anonymous5:28 PM

    7:41 Who put you in charge of spelling and grammer (grammar) on this blog? They did not say anything about being more superior than (superior to) anyone else. You're the type of person that keeps G'ville divided by thinking you're more superior (superior to) by thinking you're smarter than everyone else (redundant, and point proven). I (I'll) bet you're one of those that has (whom) illegally obtained a handicapped permit just because you think you deserve it for being black. (I'm quite caucasian, you racist pig.) They just touched a nerve in you cause (because) they were right about you. (Who are "they?")

    So, if you want to be in charge of spelling and grammer (grammar)(insert comma) please post your masters (insert apostrophe after the "r") degree in english. ("English" is always capitalized.)

    Don't mess with me, redneck. You can't win. And you look extry-stoopid to boot.

  17. Big Mama!!6:09 PM

    Yea 7:41 who put u n charge! Keep it 2 your self! I cant stan such stoopid ness.. dis da delta

  18. Anonymous7:13 PM

    **promise you that some way, some how our great leader will figure out a way for it to fall somewhere else other than where it is meant to go. I ain't falling for it this time and neither should you. **

    You need to go back and read all about the challenge. It is not about the city leaders controlling the money, it is about the citizens, the volunteers directing the funds. The City leaders, especially the Mayor, have no say so whatsoever in this challenge or the funds raised. Take my word for it and if that is not good enough, call Bety Lynn Cameron at Main Street Greenville and discuss it with her, she will confirm every word. This challenge is us helping ourselves, not waiting on a grant, not waiting for the Mayor to get out of office before things can improve, not waiting on someone else doing it for us...it is about us. You want to complain, you want change for the better, then by all means, step up, contribute; but most of all join the challenge and let's take back our city!

  19. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Iam sotired of the black attack agenda. It will always be an issue as long as certain people just sit back and point fingers. Everyone black is not on welfare. A lot of people are out of work and need assistance is this not what it was designed for? I am not saying that a person should stay on assistance forever but, if the economy were not so bad, people would be working and off assistance. It seems that all this is for is to bash a cerain race of people for all the problems in the world. Is this what they teach in the white church. One thing I have noticed, is that a lot of white people go to church, but when they pull their clothes off their religion comes off also. How are we going to get along in the hereafter if we can't get along here? Oh is guess the hereafter is white only

  20. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Iam sotired of the black attack agenda. It will always be an issue as long as certain people just sit back and point fingers. Everyone black is not on welfare. A lot of people are out of work and need assistance is this not what it was designed for? I am not saying that a person should stay on assistance forever but, if the economy were not so bad, people would be working and off assistance. It seems that all this is for is to bash a cerain race of people for all the problems in the world. Is this what they teach in the white church. One thing I have noticed, is that a lot of white people go to church, but when they pull their clothes off their religion comes off also. How are we going to get along in the hereafter if we can't get along here? Oh is guess the hereafter is white only

  21. Anonymous8:41 PM

    The money donations that are referred to are to clean up Greenville if i am correct. A former Greenvillian who visited is donating 50 thousand if it can be matched by the city or citizens.
    My thought on this is if we want to move forward we need to work together. With that said i think a black Greenvillian should donate 50 thousand which would give us 100 thousand to be matched by the citizens of Greenville which would be 70 thousand black dollars and 30 thousand white dollars.
    Hold your breath if you see even a thousand dollars of black money hit the donation bowl during this fund raiser.
    Now it is possible that the Mayor may go to Washington to solicit matching funds of stimulus money or the city may find a Grant to help out.
    The leaders of our city do not understand how to make a city operate on budgets and money earned. They look for FREE money which is not how Greenville was built.
    Gosh i love this city but it hurts to see it go down daily because of a lazy do nothing city govt.
    We went down a step lower this week by allowing this so called carnival to set up at the Mall. What a disgrace that is to be displayed anywhere in Washington County. I also noticed the old Cinema 1 and 82 is now being painted YELLOW. City Leaders we need some help out there. You are letting our city look like a Ghetto with colors you only see in a alley in most cities.

  22. Anonymous12:35 AM

    FYI--the Cinema is a church now and the preachers are white...even whites can have bad taste!

    I asked a cashier abiut the carnival, whether it was good or bad for businss and she said it was definitely good for business. The Carnival brings in shoppers. So I guess that answers why the Mall is having one nearly every 4 weeks it seems. I too wish it were in the back, but then children could not see it so easily and badger Moma and Dad to take them there...that is the whole idea!

    TAs for the rest of your post, the City is not and will not be in control of this money raised. The Volunteers are in charge. Once the money is matched, people who need help in improving their business or home will have to apply for assistance and be prepared to match funds, as well as efforts, to improve their property. No cash will be disperesed to individuals. A committee will decide on each application, if the request is worthwhile and the person is just as invested in the project request.

    Leave the City Officials out of this and that takes away your gripes and complaints. If you want to help Greenville, if you are sincere, then join the Challenge. Send a donation to Greenvile Challenge-P. O. Box 422, Greenville, MS 38701.

    Find out for yourself. If not, then be still and watch Greenville citizens come together for a common cause to help our hometown.

  23. Anonymous12:35 AM

    FYI--the Cinema is a church now and the preachers are white...even whites can have bad taste!

    I asked a cashier abiut the carnival, whether it was good or bad for businss and she said it was definitely good for business. The Carnival brings in shoppers. So I guess that answers why the Mall is having one nearly every 4 weeks it seems. I too wish it were in the back, but then children could not see it so easily and badger Moma and Dad to take them there...that is the whole idea!

    TAs for the rest of your post, the City is not and will not be in control of this money raised. The Volunteers are in charge. Once the money is matched, people who need help in improving their business or home will have to apply for assistance and be prepared to match funds, as well as efforts, to improve their property. No cash will be disperesed to individuals. A committee will decide on each application, if the request is worthwhile and the person is just as invested in the project request.

    Leave the City Officials out of this and that takes away your gripes and complaints. If you want to help Greenville, if you are sincere, then join the Challenge. Send a donation to Greenvile Challenge-P. O. Box 422, Greenville, MS 38701.

    Find out for yourself. If not, then be still and watch Greenville citizens come together for a common cause to help our hometown.

  24. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I must say that the Greenville Challenge is the most unique and citizen-driven effort I've seen come to the area since I worked there early in this decade as a reporter. And I covered many a story of organizations arriving in town with good intentions but never completed the first project.

    I sincerely hope people will raise money to match the gentleman's matching funds offer. As for the political howling that makes the Delta Scoop a unique communication outlet, the private grant program will not and should not persuade people to "pipe down" over the direction of their city from a policy standpoint.

  25. Anonymous8:48 AM

    5:28 How long did it take you to correct the post? I'll bet it took you and several others hours to figure out all the mistakes. It it pathetic that you have not contributed any ideas to better G'ville other than to try and make yourself seem superior to us that post on here. Take your welfare,ebt,cheating self out to your mailbox and wait for your next free ride check to arrive in a couple of days.I'll beat you like a rented mule. TAG YOUR IT!

  26. Anonymous8:49 AM

    It is interesting that the Black culture still expects to be "given"
    everything they need (or want) but
    are unwilling to "work" for what they receive.... They do not realize that they are now owned by Uncle Sam, instead of by the "Massa". They are being "bought" with taxpayers' money to put into power those that are unscrupulous enough to use ignorance and greed to destroy this country - not just Washington County. That is what distresses me.... We can leave
    Greenville, but I do not want to abandon my country.

  27. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I heard that ALL welfare recipiants are GIVEN a cell phone with either 60 or 70 minutes FREE each month.

    Is this true?

    When my child went to college, we both had to have
    cell phones and I PAID for them every month!

    This is so unfair.

    Can't they just "load" the phone every month with the "pay as you go" plan with $10 or $25...from their FREE welfare check?

    Can they NOT even budget their FREE money...and spend it wisely and economically?

    No, because THEY must have expensive hair weaves, extensions, braids, two-inch long acrylic nails,
    $100 pair of shoes,handbags and jeans!

    Maybe, it would just be easier, if the WELFARE OFFICE sent a portion of each monthly check directly to the
    hair salon and nail salon each

    And sent payments directly to the tennis shoes manufactors about twice a year for every one in the household!LOL!

    But, WE are expected to meet the $50,000 matching challenge!

  28. Anonymous1:16 PM

    1.FYI--the Cinema is a church now and the preachers are white...even whites can have bad taste!
    Answer: Did anyone ask what color the preacher was? Does it matter ? The idea of yellow on beautiful brick is in poor taste black or white preacher. It makes Gville look bad !
    2.I asked a cashier abiut the carnival, whether it was good or bad for businss and she said it was definitely good for business.
    Answer:The problem is not a carnival it is the type of carnival and its location. First of all the rides look worn out as do the attendants that run them. They do not look safe enough to put my child on so i feel the same about any child. As far as the business it brings in i would only say thank goodness because Sears is gone and as i understand it there are numerous empty stores inside. I question your cashier.
    3. must say that the Greenville Challenge is the most unique and citizen-driven effort I've seen come to the area since I worked there early in this decade as a reporter.
    Answer: I do not doubt what you say is true but rest assured Gville was built by a citizen driven effort that never had to worry about a filthy city,potholes,public education,jobs,crime,etc. I wonder what changed all of that ? Ahhh we all know but if we answer we will be racist (correct)

  29. Anonymous8:25 AM

    "5:28 How long did it take you to correct the post? (Less than a minute.) I'll bet it took you and several others hours to figure out all the mistakes. It it (is) pathetic that you have not contributed any ideas to better G'ville other than to try and make yourself seem superior to us (with?) that post on here. (You keep winning my point FOR me!) Take your welfare,ebt,cheating self out to your mailbox and wait for your next free ride check to arrive in a couple of days.I'll beat you like a rented mule. TAG YOUR (YOU'RE) IT!

    8:48 AM"

    OK, I'll bite. I am a white, educated, gainfully employed citizen of Greenville. I volunteer in the community, worship in a local church, and contribute financially and otherwise to numerous local causes that benefit our town. That fact that you assumed that I was a "cheating" welfare recipient says so much about you and your attitude towards the rest of mankind. Let's hope that you are not reproducing and populating the community with others of your ilk.

  30. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Don't you know how these women obtain these "expensive hair weaves, extensions, braids, two-inch long acrylic nails,
    $100 pair of shoes,handbags and jeans!"?

  31. Anonymous6:35 PM


    "They make a living..."on their backs"? LOL!

  32. Anonymous9:19 PM

    you bet

  33. Anonymous11:35 AM

    8:25 You're the reason why G'ville is so divided by the way you present yourself to others. You seem to think that you're superior in so many ways that it offends others. Why aren't you doing more than correcting us that post on here. We don't care that people like you are the ones driving G'ville further and further into the depths of no return.Keep on thinking and presenting yourself better than most. I bet you're one of those that as soon as the clothes come off after church you become the hypocrite that you are. You are so nice to to come here and try to embarass others by the way you present yourself. You only drive the wedge further into the log to split the people further apart. Now get over yourself and be nice to others. Look around you and see if you have any friends. Those of us on here don't think you have any friends and thats why you have the time to correct our grammer. We on here can only hope that you are not able or capable to reproduce your kind to represent the human race. If you're as ugly as your personality a friend or partner in life is hard to come by for someone like you.
