Monday, October 19, 2009

Everyone Bond Together (EBT)

Anonymous says...

The only restrictions for food stamp recipients is they they can only buy human food items and no alcohol. That means that they can buy prime rib or junk food; they can buy anything considered human food... and if you have a pet, just purchase "human food" to feed them. (Pets don't complain or report.)

You can't buy toilet paper or soap with your EBT (electronic bank transfer) card, but you can buy all the soda, junk food and chips your buggy will hold. If you need alcohol, illegal drugs, clothes or anything else, you have to find an EBT broker, which will provide you cash... and it is not difficult to find a broker in the Delta.

The "broker" will give you $80 cash for your EBT pin number and your card... they in turn charge $100 on your EBT card (for legitimate food purchases, which they then sell for a nice profit).BINGO! You get the Government to pay for your alcohol, drugs, or whatever and no one is ever the wiser!

The EBT broker makes 20% profit from you and then turns around and sells the food purchases for yet another profit!!!Gotta luv it! So, how do you find an EBT broker? Check with your local pastor, or friend who works at Wal-Mart. They all know how the system works and can find you a broker within minutes. After all, it's not stealing, it's just reparations for when you were a slave.

Just like our SS disability system, food stamps can become a nice second income if you know how to work it. Personally, I know a woman who "brokers" 26 different EBT card "customers"... she just bought a 2009 Escalade and has three children enrolled at the Valley. She too is on "welfare" and has her own EBT card. She told me she doesn't even need her card, because of all the food she gets from her "business"

.So... you can't get rich on Welfare?

Sure you can because the government thinks that everyone on welfare is stupid! Yea, stupid like a fox!

We are the stupid ones for allowing this to go on. Every cop, the Mayor and city council person knows about this scam... and do nothing.

Hell, it's not rocket science, it's just big business for the "entitled". My "broker" friend makes twice what I do in my job of 13 years.

Maybe I need to reconsider my career options.

As disconcerting as this information is, there is documented evidence in Greenville's very own police station that this kind of "scam" is quite prevalent throughout the Delta. The state switched to the EBT card in an effort to curb some of the "food stamp" fraud that was rampant, but as this author states, welfare recipients are not stupid!

Any "system" can be beat, but Mississippi just makes it easier than other states. One way to combat the above scenario would be to simply require photo ID for any EBT card purchase? If you write a check, they want to see ID; if you use a credit card, they want to see ID... but if you use an EBT card and know the pin... you are home free!

Aaahhhh, but this would be an invasion of their privacy (like asking for ID when you vote), so, it will never happen. At ALL costs, we must protect the privacy and dignity of our welfare recipients! If they choose to buy alcohol and crack with YOUR tax dollars, what the hell... aren't they entitled to the same "freedoms" as taxpayers?

Okay, back to reality...

Like any good thing, we have taken "freedom" to a point which is about to consume our lives as Americans. Because the majority of prisoners at Parchman is black, we pretend to ignore it; because the majority of crime in Greenville is committed by blacks, we overlook it; and because we are totally afraid of "appearing" racist in requiring TRUE equality among our citizens, we permit this kind of welfare fraud to continue, unchecked!

We have become hostages to our "freedoms" and are close to losing sight of the meaning of "equality for all". If you have nothing to hide, why would anyone object to showing proof of their identity... to vote or simply buy food. For cigarettes and beer, we can ask for your ID, but to buy catfish and corn dogs... well, now we have crossed the line!

God protect us from ourselves!



  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Thanks for bringing this up Forthright. Clearly, this is a local problem that only happens in the Delta. There's no abuse anywhere else. This must be our biggest issue to tackle--forget jobs, clean streets, a responsive government to a water boil alert, etc. We need set the example for the rest of the country and eliminate these brokers....then people will travel from miles around to see how we did it. And they can buy our bamboo products too while they're here.

    Our problem is joblessness. EBT abuse is a symptom, not a cause.

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM

    8:40 PM

    Sounds like you're "taking up" for the EBT abusers.

    Joblessness IS a problem but, NOT an excuse for EBT abuse or any other "so called" crime.

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM

    None of us left here wants to admit we are just butting our heads against the wall when it comes to things like crime and fraud. We know what the problem is and who is behind it. The sad thing about it is the majority of the people behind it all are the ones in charge now. And being the majority just like we once were it will never change unless the big flood hits just like it did in NEW ORLEANS to drive out the unwanted so we can take back our town. The flood will put them all on a bus for free and relocate them so they can't get back. Just ask Texas what happened to them by accepting the riff raff from NEW ORLEANS. Now their crime rate jumped 10 fold since the NEW ORLEANS refugees got there and never left.

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    8:30 You are right. We will never be able to vote our way out of this. We just don't have enough people to do it so we are stuck with what we have and will only get worse I'm afraid. Why should they vote any other way . It's working out just fine for them just the way it is. They certainly don't want to go back the way it was and be held accountable for anything they do. Get caught stealing money from the city they get off, get caught fixing car tags they get off. The ones in charge now like it this way they know they want be held accountable by their own.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Remember Oprah buying several 100 acres outside Houston,TX. to help the refugees from New Orleans? She built several 100 homes for them to live in for free or very little money out of pocket. I was able to go buy there about 9 months later to see it and you wouldn't believe what it looked like in just that little time frame. It looked like a third world country . Doors were missing from the houses, windows broken out, yards grown up with litter and grass,people just running everywhere in the streets,shootings and gangs run the neighborhood. Thats why you haven't seen Oprah do an update on her show to see how the refugees are making out. She is ashamed from what is going on I bet. No telling what it looks like now after 4 years have gone by.

  6. Anonymous9:09 AM

    forthright your comments are brilliant! it's so nice hearing from an intelligent person.

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    When "something" is given to a person for free (without working for it, saving for it, or trying to finanically maintain it)such as housing, then, "NO!", it will never be appreciated nor will it ever be taken care of.

    The "freeloaders" have never worked for anything. They don't know what it's like to work for pay. And then in turn, use the "so called" payment to live off of and to buy things.

    Everything is given to them on "silver platters", and then they still, fuss, complain, and bitch.

    Though I might be "telling" my age, it truly reminds me of one of my all time favorite songs...."I can't get no satisfaction". (except they don't even "try"!)

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    EVERYWHERE that the New Orleans hurrican victims landed, the crime rate has increased, even when they were staying in shelters, that communities
    "so graciously" offered as a way of helping. Several towns and cities have learned from their mistakes, and haved vowed to never help again.

    Nothing that they did was appreciated. Everything was left in shambles and what wasn't nailed down was either stolen or destroyed.

    The homeless, without a home or transportation, still found ways to stores and shopping malls and stole big ticket items.

    It was a living hell.

    Some people you just have to say "No!" to.

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh yes we can vote out the wrong ones...problem is the "key" voters do not get out and vote. They sit home and complain! If we all voted like we should, there would be a better mix all around the politics of this town.

  10. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I moved here 2 years ago from a nice town in Southwest Ms. My daughter moved up here also. She is 20 now. She has been brutally beaten(the last time with a belt all over her body} by the same man. She pressed charges both times. Nothing has become of it. The police just sweep crimes under the rug. I try to like living here. I give it my best. There is no justice. The last time this happened was in August. I moved her out of Greenville for her own safety. He said he would kill her next time because she was his "property". I grew up in the south and have lived most of my life in the south. This place is like a Third World Country. I am going to stick it out here because I refuse to let these idiots run me out of town. I chose to live here. I have a good job here. I have a nice home here. I pay taxes here. I hope I can make just one small difference a day in someone's life so they will think about doing the same for someone else. Pay it Forward.

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I'm not so sure you can vote them out of office. My wife and I have voted every election since we moved here in 1981. Guess what, our names were not on the latest rolls for our city election. My wife received a letter from the city stating that her affidavit ballot was not allowed. I had to vote by affidavit also but I'm not sure if my vote was counted. I know they couldn't read my signature. Should I receive a letter stating that my vote was counted?

  12. Ex-Counsil-Person8:22 PM

    Sure, working the "system" is a symptom of a sick society! But, who is sicker... those that milk the system or those that created it and allow it to contine?

    WE created these leaches on society and they will never go away until we stop the flow of free money. Social Security and "welfare" were designed in the 1940's to be a bridge between unemployment and work. Today, it has become a "free"-way to riches and an alternative to having to work for a livng.

    Forthright has it nailed! Reporting welfare fraud would be like complaining about the heat in August. Your not telling anyone anything that they don't already know!

    The city and the cops know about this welfare scam. Silence is no longer golden, but it still pays quite well!

  13. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I'm not taking up for EBT brokers--I'm trying to differentiate between the symptom and the problem. I agree that making free benefits easy to get makes people lazy. But if jobs existed that paid much better than the "free" benefits, even lazy people will get off their a&&'s for enough money.

    I agree that we need a flood. Unfortunately, I'd have to pay for that too...

  14. Anonymous10:21 PM

    No jobs....and now Allen Canning in Moorhead is closing. 180 jobs lost.

  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Limit EBT purchases to canned food and save ALLEN!!!!!!!

    FYI EBT purchases are sales tax exempt!!

  16. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Don't you just love the way our town is crumbling right in front of our eyes and we are hopeless to change anything to make it better.
    I say we all abandon whatever we have left and at least leave here with some dignity we have left. This sux living this way and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I too have voted in every election and so far I have seen no change now or see any in the future.

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    1:29 I agree with you but I have gotten to the point to where I am too lazy to pack up and move to Never Never Land and then be sorry that I did. AND, would my house ever sell?

  18. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Not long ago I was shopping in a local grocery store. I was paying cash, like I always do.
    A Gentleman of color approached me with a EBT card and told me he can save me money on my Grocery bill by letting him purchase my groceries with the EBT card and me paying him cash in the same amount!
    No I didn't do it!

  19. Anonymous5:10 PM

    4:47 post...that has happened to me as well and I told the woman not no, but hell no. Then I told the manager and he ran her out of the store. It was Super Value on Reed Road. This happens all the time. They use the money to buy booze and drugs.

  20. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Cash for "crackheads"... another government funded program!

  21. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I went to New Orleans to work for the disaster relief contractors. They were paying starting off 50.00 per hour. As we went around the city trying to get those that were left in the projects to come and help offering them 50 bucks a hour , they said they don't need to work we are getting what we need for free already. Instead they sat in their front yards or on the porch and watched us along with the hispanics clean up their yards and streets to haul off to landfills. Now is that lazy or what. The perfect opportunity for them to help themselves and their community and just spit in the face of a great job and opportunity to better themselves.

  22. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Why would they jeapordize a bird in the hand to make money? Welfare is the easiest money you can make and you don't have have to leave your porch! Your $50 an hour was temporary, but these folks are riding the gravy train for life and they know it!

    The reason no one wants to work in the Delta is because it pays much better NOT to work!

  23. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I remember one time about 25 years ago, a high school girl excitedly told me that she was pregnant.

    Her comment was, "I'll have me some nice money for lay-a-ways, now!"

    I thought to myself, "Yeah, that's how you got pregnant, "laying-a-way"! LOL

    But, seriously, THEY have the children because it means MORE welfare income.

    It IS planned.

    THEY do practice "planned parenthood".

    THEY may not do well academically in school, but THEY do know basic math.

  24. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Speaking of "using the government", didn't THE mayor have a trip scheduled for this month?

    Didn't the vice mayor (in a DDT article) say something about $2 million "in the hole"?

    Unnecessary expenses?

    Do tell.

  25. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Why can't they do the EBT cards like drivers license? When they sign up for welfare they should take their picture and it shows up on the EBT card just like a drivers licence. If they don't look like the picture then the card is immediately confiscated by the clerk and the person using it should be arrested. That way no id will be required ,just look at the picture on the card. Night clubs do this all the time.They look at the picture on the drivers license then look at the person and either they look like the picture and get in or kicked out of line and sent home and the id is confiscated by the doorman. Is this too easy to do or has someone thought of this but didn't do it because of the backlash it would cause by those who are stealing money from the taxpayers.

  26. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I recently came back to G'ville to attend the funeral of my cousin. I haven't been back to G'ville in 20 years but had heard from family still here how bad it had gotten since I left. When I first drove into G'ville I was thinking this isn't too bad but once I had gotten close to where the old drive-in theatre was I was shocked to see how run down and dirty things looked. I then proceeded downtown and thought to myself as I saw all the buildings empty and almost about to collapse I can't believe this has happened to my hometown. Is there no community pride left in G'ville. How could the leadership let the downtown area get so bad? It made me get tears in my eyes to see it this way. I rode around to see if it was that way all over and was dissapointed to see that it was worse in some areas. G'ville , wake up and get some help from someone that still cares. Whoever is in charge of improving G'ville is not in my mind doing the right things. If I hadn't lived in G'ville long ago to see what it once was I would never come to G'ville to live or start a business the way it looks now.

  27. Anonymous9:54 AM

    We that still live in G'ville feel the same way as the post above. I don't see a way out other than to lose everything soon and be forced to leave. Voting can't change anything because the numbers don't add up. 20% against the 80% majority that likes it this way just will not get anything changed. They are well organized by their churches,clubs, and other organizations by riding around in vans or busses to neighborhoods and picking them up to carry them to the polls to make sure they keep it their way. If I'm wrong, which I am not, tell me how we are going to contend with that?

  28. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My family last EASTER were about to load in the car and come celebrate Easter in G'ville with my parents. I hooked up my GPS system and typed in my parents address in G'ville to get ready to hit the interstate. As soon as I finished typing in the address immediately the voice in my GPS system screamed out "What the hell do you want to go there for?" I knew we were in trouble when I heard that. My Gps system had never done that before or since.

  29. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The problem in Gville is simple. We are made up of 77% black and out of that only perhaps 15% pay taxes and live without Govt assistance. They do vote black of course because they do not want better. Roughly 32% of the population pays 100% of the taxes.
    In the beginning i actually beleived Gville might survive under black leadership ; but unfortunately i have been proven wrong.
    The only cure will be a proven businessman with the support of the tax paying black and white community.
    Just to make it simple the fact is that the white and black working and tax paying citizens of Greenvillians need to get their heads out of the hole and take control of a city that is now controlled by Govt assisted residents, drug dealers etc. We are seriously outnumbered i know; but the black and whites both need that small group to come together to make our city a good place to live and work.
    The majority of the white community is for change and willing to do what it takes but i do realize it is hard for the blacks to seperate themselves from a mjority of their own race who could care less as long as Uncle Sam sends that check. Yes i do realize there are white govt assisted residents who are on that free ride also. We have a serious problem !

  30. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Once again read this post and tell me how are we going to change things in G'ville? There's no way that I can see or anybody else here in G'ville.Blacks or whites will not come together,so that rules that out.

    We that still live in G'ville feel the same way as the post above. I don't see a way out other than to lose everything soon and be forced to leave. Voting can't change anything because the numbers don't add up. 20% against the 80% majority that likes it this way just will not get anything changed. They are well organized by their churches,clubs, and other organizations by riding around in vans or busses to neighborhoods and picking them up to carry them to the polls to make sure they keep it their way. If I'm wrong, which I am not, tell me how we are going to contend with that?

  31. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Maybe we need to take a poll or do a survey.

    Who are the white people, that both the black and white respect?

    Who are the black people, that both the black and white respect?

    Of these two groups, put those respected people into office.

  32. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I recently left Greenville because I finally saw the light. I sold my house for 50% of it's appraised value after being on the market for 5 years. I took a $80K loss, because I realized that in 3 years, my property would be worth nothing. There were, and are some wonderful things about Greenville, but they become fewer every year. Homeowners and taxpayers, we have lost this civil war, simply because we are out-numbered and the government is NOT on OUR side. The battle of "Greenville" is lost, so leave it to the "victors" and see how long they can maintain it without you. There is life after Greenville! Cut your losses and flee. If you are one of those eternal optimists who think that Greenville will eventually be restored to its original glory, I wish you well. For your sake and the sake of your children, get out. There is no future for Greenville!

  33. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Since when does the government determine the direction of hard-working Americans. We need to quit focusing on the government, local or otherwise, to fix anything here. That makes the vote issue go away.

    We, white and black, need to quit looking back at Greenville's glory and ask what WE, personally, are doing to improve the community. Do you need tax money to do it? There is plenty of old money sitting around here that is not re-investing in the community--THAT folks is the fundamental problem. It has been invested elsewhere....

  34. Anonymous9:28 AM

    10:00 Are you not hearing the majority on here or are you just one of those eternal optomist that still has there head in the sand and in denial.
    It is all about the taxes and city gov't. How do you think the city has the money to fix potholes, sewers,pay the firemen , pay the police,maintain county roads,keep up the city parks, etc.

    Look around dummy and open your eyes. Most people are below the poverty level and those of us are paying their way too. We have no money to just give to the community so they can just throw it down the tubes. What money the economy or stock market hasn't gotten we have to hold on to the little we have left just to survive here in G'ville.


  35. Anonymous12:12 PM

    i'm trying to sell my house and FLEE. greenville is beyond help. the majority here just want a check. I will have to take a loss on my house, and pay 2x more for my new house. Still i'm packing and praying.

  36. I lucked out!3:58 PM

    I left the Sh*thole called Greenville 5 years ago. I actually made a little money on my house! Slod it myself to some poor fool that was only in town for 2 days. He is still there but wishes he was not and he will lose when he sells. Sorry for all your troubles but you had to be an idiot not see what was happening.
    So as granddaddy used to say half a loaf is better than no loaf... So get wise and get out now! You know you want to. Bye ya'all

  37. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I would like to ask a question to all that left: Where did you go? Did you leave MS?

    I may be looking soon myself!

  38. Anonymous8:17 PM

    You don't have to leave Mississippi... just the Delta (the welfare capitol of the US). Misssissippi has some great places to live and the mentallity is totally different. Drive to Cleveland, Greenwood or Oxford and spend a day in the community... you will see the difference. Greenville is the most racist city in the state and it won't take you long to figure that out. Take the loss and get out of "Black-ville", before you become its next victim.

  39. Anonymous11:58 PM

    The hard-headed dunces who are posting the anti-Greenville diatribes are only HURTING the cause that they claim to want to help. HELLO----? If someone is they are going to Google "Greenville MS." And one of the sites listed will lead them to THIS site. Do they really want this to be anyone's first impression of Greenville? No---I don't work for the Chamber of Commerce. I am a life-long resident who wants to see Greeville restored to the fine city it once was.

  40. Anonymous9:42 AM

    FYI: Cleveland, Oxford and Greenwood are not great places to live.
    A nice hotel or a non-competitive university doesn't change things that much.

  41. get out, get out, before it's to late10:23 AM

    You want to see G-ville restored to its former glory??? Never going to happen. That window has closed. Join us and get out or you will for ever be sorry!
    BYW I went to Florida and low a behold I can now shop close by and choose a great nunber of fine eatinf places. I don't have to drive a one lane road for 2 hours to have a choice, and I sure don't miss the reverse discrimination and sorry so called leadership. Better get out before you have to have special papers to cross state lines from Mr. Obamawhama.

  42. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Need some information on a heart doctor. I need people that know the facts and not speculating.
    Is Dr Michael Mansour
    Is he a GOOD Doctor??? Or should We go where else????

  43. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Dr.Mansour is not a GOOD doctor, he is a GREAT doctor. He trained in some of the best medical centers in the nation and held an academic appointment before moving to Greenville. He is not only a heart doctor, but a heart doctor that specializes in interventional cardiology. He can fix your heart with a catheter without cutting you open. He had over 15 years of medical education and has saved many lives.
    Now, my question is: Are you that good in whatever it is that you do to believe you can question Dr. Mansour's qualifications?

  44. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Dr. Mansour is fine, but you have a 50-50 chance of dying from MRSA if you go to DRMC. The place is filthy!

  45. Anonymous8:22 PM

    To 11:58... If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass every time he jumped. There are some things we just can't hide. Greenville is gone, so get over it. If you are waiting for its rebirth, you have a long wait in front of you. Get real!

  46. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Dr. Mansour is the best of the best, both personally and professionally.

  47. Anonymous10:00 PM

    The negative comments from Ex-Greenville people is disturbing to me. Why do any of you continue to post here. Just leave. We like it better with you gone. You are clearly poison to any community you come into, so do us a favor and leave for good because you are not helping.

  48. Anonymous10:04 PM

    The comments from these out-of-towners are repetitive. The same thing over and over: the great stores they have, get out now, blah, blah, blah.

    We who are left here cannot understand it because we have more character.

    Forthright: please eliminate this blog. It is being used by non-Greenvillians (probably other towns) to make sure we can't get industry here.

  49. Anonymous12:12 AM

  50. Anonymous12:26 AM

    You can get MRSA anywhere you go now. It is more prevelant in the community than in hospitals.

    Do you wipe the buggy off each time you use it? How about the keys on the debit card or atm machines?

  51. Mr. Negative4:03 PM

    Hey 10:00 and 10:04. Sorry the truth hurts so much. But in your heart you know Greenville is DOOMED!!!!!!!!

  52. Anonymous7:12 AM

    It would certainly be doomed with you in charge. Leadership takes courage, vision and determination. In your heart, you know you have none of these.

  53. Anonymous9:15 AM

    7:12 You're the one with no courage,vision or determination. If you had any of those qualities you would have packed up and moved on. It takes COURAGE to leave and start a new and improved life. It takes VISION to see G'ville is headed in the wrong direction so use it and provide yourself and your children a better place to live.It takes much Determination to leave and better you and your childrens lives by giving them a safe place to live, a nondiscrimnating attitude of citizens,more opportunities and be part of a proud,clean,caring community.
    G'ville has none of the above. Now use your courage,vision and determination to get out while you can and give you and your family a fighting chance. I promise you will be glad you did. Be the LEADER that breaks the chain from the others and show them the way.

    It's not easy and it takes courage ,vision and determination to do it.Just like the baby bird leaving his nest,it's tough to leave your comfort zone. Now, if you have any of those qualities use them and GOOD LUCK in the future. Welcome to the other side. You won't be sorry you did. Now be the LEADER I know you can be and save yourself and FAMILY before it's too late.

    It's very scary to start the process. I know because we were scared to death. But a few months after leaving we felt so much relief and good about ourselves because WE DID IT and it is the best thing ever. Soon our families visited us a couple of times and saw how much better it could be. Needless to say our families soon moved and feel the same way we do now.

  54. Anonymous10:49 AM

    It is amazing to me how someone was so happy to leave Greenville but they have to come to a Greenville web site in their free time ??? Hmmmm !
    With that said i must admit that for the first time in over 50 yrs that same thought has entered my mind recently. The difference is that i love Greenville and always will. I will wait until our next city election before i make a decision. I honestly beleive if we elect any existing city council member as our next Mayor we are doomed.
    Regardless of what many think there is still time to turn the city around. The higher ups in state govt know there has got to be changes in our local govt before they even put us back in the hat for industry.
    Our present Mayor has really ruined Gville's image and accountability in Jackson and all over the state as far as that is concerned. Our precious Mayor is popular with "SOME" of the black leaders and despised by the white leaders because of her racial outlook and attitude. When industrial leaders come to Gville to look around and do not notify the Mayor or any other city officials you know we have problems. Yes this has happened twice with the last visit being 2 weeks ago. There has "GOT TO BE CHANGE" and it has got to be soon !Many know what that change has got to be ; but for me to spell it out would be like beating a dead horse to death.

  55. A dead Horse is dead11:51 AM

    Beating a dead horse to death?
    How can you do that? Perhaps you could continue to beat a dead horse, but beating a dead one to death is a waist of time if not impossible. The poor sucker is already dead. Just like Greenville. If you waite for the next election with hope for change, you are asking to be disapointed. This horse has been been dead for almost 8 years.

  56. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I don't recall anyone saying that they were happy to leave G'ville. Most said that they left to save themselves from further losses due to the direction G'ville is heading. And about waiting for the next election , we are just kidding ourselves that it will be any different. There is no way that the 80% of blacks are gonna change anything. If you believe that then you are hopeless.

    A friend of mine lost his job due to the closing of England Motor Company. Do you think he was happy about that? Luckily ford offered him several jobs at different locations throughout the country. He took one in Florida and is the happiest man on earth he said. He didn't realize how much better his family has it and is trying to talk me and my family to follow. I plan to visit next month over the holidays. I hope and pray he is telling me the truth cause I certainly am tired of G'ville and its woes it has put upon my family. We see no way it will ever change for the better. Will let all of you know when we return from our visit next month.

  57. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Yes, I do wipe the "buggy".

    I don't use the debit or atm machines, therefore I don't worry about wiping the keypads.

    However, when shopping at Kroger's, I do hand the cashier my set of keys, which also has my "kroger card" . When I return home , I do wipe my keys and "kroger card".

    Additionally, I daily wipe my cell phone, the "house phone", fridge door handle, microwave keypad, and the door knobs and light switches in the kitchen, bathroom,
    and den. This is necessary if you have frequent "visitors" and only takes about 15 minutes total!

    I open all non-automatic public doors, by discreetly, lifting the hem of my jacket, cover the handle, and pull. Or I carry tissue in my pocket and use the same "cover and pull" technique.

  58. Anonymous5:05 PM

    You want to know what amuses/distresses/concerns me?: That other communities are now stuck with whining, illiterate ("waist" of time? Huh?), bad-mouthing, negative refuse in the way of former Greenvillians who have now descended upon THEIR communities with the defeatist attitude that is currently plaguing our fair city. If those crybabies had put a fraction of the effort into improving Greenville that they have put into this blog that is intent on destroying it, what a productive society we would be!

    I'm all Greenville, all the time.

  59. Anonymous5:07 PM

    10:49 post...Who were the last two visitors who came to Greenville and didn't notify the powers that be?

  60. Anonymous5:34 PM

    5:05 You need to wake up and smell the coffee. You're all G'ville all the time for sure. You are to dumb to realize you are defeated.

  61. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "You are to dumb to realize you are defeated." I think you meant to type TOO dumb. Or you were possibly TOO DUMB to know the difference. People like you are your own worst enemies. You are no threat to me and people like me, except that your ignorance and intolerance are poisonous to the malleable masses.

  62. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I agree that 5:34 leaving has definitely raised the IQ.

    I know that Mr. England held on as long as he could, but perhaps his company went under because there was too much bitching and not enough productive activity.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for leaving!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now, please leave for good and post on your own city's blog.

  63. Anonymous9:56 PM


    I'm not from Greenville originally, and have lived in many a "nest." So you're little theory holds very little water....sounds like you are trying to justify your lot in life, which sounds sad. I'm glad you have finally made friends amongst strangers--someday, they will come to know you as we do here, and hope you will leave also.

    Additionally, could you please sign your name so that you can burn the bridge for good :)

  64. Anonymous7:07 AM

    You need to read today's Clarion Ledger. Three women, one from Hinds County and two from Washington County were in court for food stamp fraud.

    The two from Washington County had to "pay back" over $3,000 to the food stamp office and also, had their "benefits" forfeited for 24 months.

  65. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Now ,now ,my fellow G'villians.(Especially you 5:05) Lets not lower ourselves to being rednecks. Most of G'ville is already thought of either being poor,rednecks,criminals and socially unacceptable in other cities. Let us not be nasty to those who have come to their senses and left behind this losing battle. We all know we wish we could do the same as they did but are too stupid or broke to do it. They are only trying to help us that are still here by suggesting ways of improving our families lives. We are not here to point out spelling and grammer.(BY the way 5:05 be nice not the angry redneck you are) So we that are left should show ourselves as being good listeners and not acting like the rednecks everyone thinks we are in G'ville. I like to read whats going on in the world outside our little hell hole we call home. It makes me think just what I could have been if I had the guts to leave this place long ago. It's nice to read about those that left here and have done better for themselves. Lets not be jealous or angry at them for wanting to better themselves. Lets ask them questions on how we can cut our ties to this loser of a town and better our families lives. Not to act like REDNECKS and get angry and want to whup their butts for just sharing their success. I know we are all frustrated by having to live here and want so bad for the old G'ville to come back. But deep down you and I know it just ain't gonna happen. I have lived here for 54 years and seen it all. G'ville will always be my home it looks like and I wish I could bring it back. But by opening my eyes and looking around and seeing all the mess it has become just sends me deep into depression. I guess I will see all of you in Jackson or Memphis shopping for Christmas soon cause I'm sure that here in G'ville most of us can't find what we want to give our loved ones for presents. If I don't see you there then I know you will be frantically searching the internet to find what you want for Christmas. You know I'm right so don't get angry at me, remember I am one of us.

  66. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Ask yourself this question, why would Casinos locate in Greenville, Miss. in the first place? Let's face it, this city is located where no one would ever want to visit. The Casinos are located in Greenville, which lies in the heart of one of the poorest parts of the country. This is by design, pick a place with gross illiteracy and high poverty levels. The Casino profits from poverty and misery, it is simple. Reinvest in your city? Sure... that would be like investing in Gary, IN.
    The casinos have destroyed G'ville. Where is all the money we were suppose to get from them? I would like to see a report of the money and where it is spent. I think the money should be used to rebuild the downtown area only. Not to be used for anything else other than restoring downtown.

  67. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What is there to go downtown FOR?? And who is going to go down there and get a purse snatched or a gun pulled on them in broad daylight?? Let's get one is going to locate a business downtown with nothing to draw people to it, crime unchecked, and railroad crossings that practically jerk the axles out from under your car!

  68. Anonymous11:57 AM

    That is so true about downtown G'ville. But what if the buildings were fixed up and the streets repaired. What if we could use the casino money to give incentives to business, like free rent, no tax on property, keep the building maintained for free,advertising for them downtown etc. all buy using the casino money to do this. Mind you just for a certain amount of time decided by a board. Maybe just for a couple of years to give the new business a fighting chance to get on its feet.First a board or chamber of commerce be set up just for the downtown area and only let those who they think will help the downtown area be prosperous and draw the right type of business and people to follow.Our city gov't should be left out of it since they have no clue on how to do this. Only G'villes elite business owners should be involved. Heck you know how the city government has done in the past. They give these companies all the tax free land and buildings to run their operation then as soon as the time period ends they get out of town. This we don't need. It's up to the people to run the downtown operation. Lets demand the casino money and fix up our downtown.

  69. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I like that idea about fixing up downtown. Now if we could get someone other than our worthless mayor to apply for grants and follow through with them I think the downtown area could rebound . I would love to once again park my car and just walk down the street looking in the windows and shopping like we all did back in the 60's and early 70's before this town started to head in the wrong direction. We need to make it so new business couldn't turn down the offer to locate downtown. We need a anchor store to get it all started. Make it like an outlet type mall downtown. We all have see them while we are on vacation. I don't know anyone that hasn't been to one of the new type of shopping districts on vacation. It would draw from all over the delta. The one in Destin, fl. or the one in foley,ala. is the way to go now.I could just see downtown packed with cars and people during the holidays. It would beat having to drive a total of 3 to 4 hours to shop.Stop building these little strip malls south of G'ville and make it worth their while to move downtown.G'ville is getting way to crowded down south.Put a hold on new builing in the south and start the campaign for downtown.

  70. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This is all of the above who want a great downtown. You go and mortgage all of your possessions (do not rely on grants) borrow several hundred thousand dollars and open a place downtown. I am sure that if you can produce a written plan with a good return on investments, you will have no trouble convincing the banks or private investors to put up the money. Go for it and GOOD LUCK!!!!! Just remember if you build it and they do not come, you go under!!

  71. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The casino money is being used for out of town travel expenses.

    Go mayor!! Hope you enjoy our property taxes money and casino revenue. Yea forget what Greenville really needs just enjoy yourself!

  72. Anonymous5:57 PM


    What exactly has this person who moved out of town told us? We ("I am one of us") know there are problems, but for this person to continue to batter Greenville? ? To what end? I don't need saving. I recognize this issues--as I've said, I've lived elsewhere. The difference is that I am trying to improve them, to help solve them. I could run away tomorrow (I don't have blood relatives here) but I CHOOSE to stay.

    I'm not expecting the person who ran away to be able to understand that choice. But frankly, once you've had everything hot, fresh and served to you in 2 minutes all the time....even that gets old. I am more willing to want to look back at my life when I'm older and say I made a difference.

    And that difference doesn't have to be to solve all the big problems all at once. Like I say all the time: Rome wasn't built in a day, but one day they started.

  73. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Dear anonymous 1:35PM:

    That, my dear, is called OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOUR

    They have treatments for it.

  74. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Dear Anonymous 6:08PM,

    A person has to be OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE to diminish the chances of getting the "Swine Flu"!

    Have you ever been on a diet before?

    To be sucessfull at dieting, has to be OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE.

    But, hey, the results are well worth the
    "conscientious,deliberate" OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE behaviors. LOL!

  75. Anonymous9:51 PM

    The Grass is always greener on the other side:
    Refers to the way we tend to look at other people’s lives and other things that we don't have in general through rose colored glasses

  76. Anonymous8:01 AM


  77. 20%er9:37 AM

    answer to 8:01:
    You are right! It was much better when the 20% ran things. Just look around.

  78. Anonymous9:51 AM

    HEY 5:57
    Are you stupid or just can't read. 9:11 is from G'ville and still lives in G'ville. They said they have lived in G'ville for 54 years and wished they had the guts to do like the others and leave to better his family. Sheeeeesh what a loser you are.
    Take a look at 8:01 post above. Oh, I forgot you can't read.How you gonna change that way of thinking or the attitude of the 77% in G'ville. Heres a NEWS FLASH for you .YOU'RE NOT!

  79. Anonymous11:05 AM

    No, I am not stupid by any means. I just don't think intelligence comes with a pre-designed color, which is obvious. I also believe you can only change situations by working from within, with people that are open to change. I guess until the your generation either leaves or dies out we are destined to remain the way we are

  80. Anonymous10:00 AM

    There will never be a change in G'ville.The next generation is worse than the ones here now.They don't even know who the first president was or what the constitution even says. So how are they gonna change anything? You can go out in the street and ask 10 young people who is the vice-president and 80% will not know his name. Guess who those 80% are?

  81. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I once read that antebellum Virginians thought that their Black slaves were like "children" and ,like children, needed to be "taken care of". They were provided food, clothing, and shelter and when they were ill, they were given medical care.(Remember a Black male slave was valued at $3,500, according to some estimations). They did have to work - and work hard, but then so did their White counterparts.

    It is interesting that the Black culture still expects to be "given"
    everything they need (or want) but
    are unwilling to "work" for what they receive.... They do not realize that they are now owned by Uncle Sam, instead of by the "Massa". They are being "bought" with taxpayers' money to put into power those that are unscrupulous enough to use ignorance and greed to destroy this country - not just Washington County. That is what distresses me.... We can leave
    Greenville, but I do not want to abandon my country.

  82. Anonymous4:55 PM


  83. Anonymous2:30 AM


  84. No jobs....and now Allen Canning in Moorhead is closing. 180 jobs lost.

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