Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Candidates Announce

GREENVILLE — With the 2009 Greenville City Council primary elections for Ward 3, 4 and 5 just over a week away, incumbent candidates and their challengers are working to clarify their views for voters.

The Delta Democrat Times talked with each candidate about their backgrounds, accomplishments and reasons for seeking office.

Ward 3: In the Ward 3 Republican primary, longtime incumbent Councilman Lee Owen is being challenged by Carolyn Weathers. Owen, who first moved to Greenville in 1974 to take over as manager of Charles Connerly Shoes, has served continuously on the city council since 1998. The councilman says he initially decided to seek office as a result of his involvement in successfully fighting to create a buffer between neighborhoods in his ward and the U.S. 82 bypass.

According to Owen, one of his proudest accomplishments on the board was facilitating the negotiations over concerns about building the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Mississippi 1. He said he is also proud of being able to keep scheduled street paving and other infrastructure projects online over the past five or six years, regardless of the tough economic circumstances facing the city.

“It is all about being able to deal with the many infrastructure problems that arise in the most productive and affordable way that can be found,” Owen said. “I am a businessman trying to help my community, not a politician. I try very hard to look at the nuts and bolts of how we go about the business of running the city and am very involved with the budget process and funding mechanisms used to finance the projects we need to make our community a better place to live.”

Weathers, who is making her first bid for public office, is a partner in Weather’s Farms, a mother and grandmother, and a volunteer in various projects.She has lived in Greenville for 37 years and said she decided to run this year because she wanted to be a part of moving the city in a more progressive direction. One specific idea Weathers has is using federal stimulus money to hire local contractors for infrastructure work as opposed to spending the funds on changing the color of the city’s water.“I really want to clean things up in the city and make it more accessible for outside visitors,” she said. “I would like to see us become more-consumer friendly for people coming into town and work harder to clean up all the trash and garbage.”

The winner of the Ward 3 Republican primary will face Democrat Lewis Martin in the general election on Dec. 14. Martin has lived in Greenville since 1951. He is a businessman who built and ran Lewis Martin Air Conditioning, the same company his son currently operates.Martin says his primary motivation to seek office is to open up much of decision-making processes to the public.

“I think City Hall has become a closed society to the people of Greenville,” Martin said, “and if I am elected that is what is going to be changed. I don’t have a bone to pick with anybody on the council necessarily, but I do have something against the way they hide things. If elected, whatever I do is going to be an open book. People can come and ask me what is going on and I don’t care who it hurts, I am going to tell them because they have a right to know.”

Ward 4: In the Ward 4 primary, two Democrats - incumbent Betty Watkins and challenger Carzell Akon - will be squaring off Oct. 5. Watkins, who has served on the council since 2004 when she ran to fill the seat of the former Albert Hemphill, has lived in Greenville and Ward 4 all her life.

Watkins spent a 28 year career working as a coordinating nurse for the Washington County Health Department before moving into politics. When asked about her time on the board, the councilwoman said she is especially proud of the renovation improvements and new technology equipment she has helped bring to the Rounds Recreation Center. S

he says she is a strong proponent of ongoing education, and as an example, points out she is a recent graduate of the Mississippi Municipal League.“I have served in this position for five years and believe I am the best qualified for this job,” Watkins said. “Greenville is my hometown and I love it. I desire for Greenville to be a place where anyone can come and live; a safe and well-rounded place where people can come and have activities to take part in and not become bored.

Akon, who is now retired after a 33 year teaching career in the Hollandale School District, has lived in Greenville since 1969. Akon initially made her first bid for the city council four years ago, and says she decided to run again this year out of a desire to bring long overdue changes to many areas of Ward 4.

“I have serious concerns about my community, especially where I live,” says, Akon. “Of course I would like to see a change in the crime rate but my concerns are also on the level of making sure the city is kept up like it should be and improving our streets.”

There is no Republican candidate who has qualified for the Ward 4 general election.

Ward 5: For the Ward 5 primary, incumbent Independent candidate Ann Hollowell is unopposed. A native of Louisiana who has lived in Greenville for more than 30 years, Hollowell will be entering her second term in office. In addition to serving on the city board she works as an account executive at WXVT television.

“There are a lot of things I think we have accomplished since I have been on the board but just working to balance the budget and maintaining the budget is of course a big achievement,” Hollowell said. “It is always a struggle to come up with the money and time to take on infrastructure projects, and every ward is in need of street and sewer projects.”

Okay, some old and some new faces, but who is going to stand up to the Mayor? From recent "Scoop" comments, it is our Mayor who needs to go (meaning leave her job, as opposed to leave "on a trip".)

Greenville needs a very strong leader who is a risk taker and not part of the current political machinery. That person will not be easy to find among the few remaining leaders in Greenville.

Maybe we can elect someone qualified this time... now that all of the "cards" (age, race, gender) have already been played. Perhaps we can find someone with proven leadership who truly has an interest in being the Mayor of Greenville, MS.

This next mayoral election will probably be Greenville's last chance to get it right. Five of my friends moved out of Greenville over the past three months. All were lifelong residents, but simply couldn't continue to watch Greenville fall into utter disgrace.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Somehow, Mayor Hudson has changed the job description of her position. She is a City Manager and Public relatons Rep. for Greenville. It is her job to work for our city's betterment, not hers. Our Council needs to take control of her actions and spending! Running to DC and NYC is a political investment on her part in hopes of shooting for the Governor's job.

    #1 She is not qualified for either position #2....that is about it!LOL

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    1. Manager.
    No, she can not make sole decisions. Everything needs to be voted on. She is only calling
    herself a "manager" to compete with
    her soon to be ex-husband.

    2. Public Relations Rep.
    No, she can't even give the time of the day to Greenville's citizens. She is only calling herself "PR rep" to compete with the Chamber of Commerce.

    3. She can't do it ALL, when she can't even do her own duties, and report to work every day!

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Akon worked 33 years--outside of Greenville---
    in Hollandale, MS. and wants to represent Greenville, MS!

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Carolyn Weathers is running for city council----and she's not afraid of the DEVIL! She'll stand up to Heather, I guarantee. And she's not in the race for a paycheck or an ego trip. She is running because she knows that her efforts will make a difference.

  5. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Go Carolyn!

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "The DEVIL" is putting it mildly when it comes to Heather THE Mayor.
    SHE is the Devil incarnate. Evil personified.

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Lewis Martin is an honest man and will "tell it like it is"!

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Lee Owen and THE mayor STILL have not met with the "bike" parents!

    And then last week, they gave away

    Sounds like they're trying to "sweep it under the rug".

  9. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Anyone kissing the mayor's butt needs to go! If they are all scared to stand up against her...kick'em all to the curb. If they can't speak for the people, change'em like underwear. The entire problem revolves around the fact that no one is willing to challenge the "African Queen"!

  10. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Why is everyone scared to stand up against HER?

    Why isn't anyone willing to challenge HER?

  11. Anonymous7:28 PM

    They will be accused of being a racist.

  12. Anonymous7:33 PM

    And then there is Daddy! Vic McTeer can make things happen!

  13. Anonymous8:20 PM

    what happened to Appliance Direct?? they took down their sign and giant letters today.

  14. Anonymous9:42 PM

    NASCAR drivers get paid to be racists!

  15. Anonymous9:46 PM

    So...if a white person does not agree with THE mayor...then both THE mayor and THE mayor's Daddy will yell, "Racist!".

    Is that really the mentality that we must deal with in Greenville?

    Shame on them.

  16. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I'm listening to these comments, and frankly "standing up" to the mayor will not accomplish anything. She has her buddies on the council, so a vote against them counts as nothing. What we need is someone who can per persuasive--who has relationships with other members of the council so he/she can steer them in the right direction. Obviously, its the wrong direction now--but change will require smarts, not bullying or "telling it like it is". Its politics plain and simple. Until you get enough people on the council who want to make a change, having a new Ward 3 rep accomplishes nothing. It's the wrong Ward to focus on changing....

  17. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Which Ward(s) do you think needs
    to focus on changing?

  18. Anonymous1:01 AM


    Who has a relationship with Erick and can persuade HIM to ever vote against HER?

    What about Carl?

    And Kenny?

  19. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Erick works for Daddy McTeer.

    Nuff said.

    Carl tries frequently to reign her in, but the rest out vote him and follow her DIVA trails. He would make a great Mayor. He is very intelligent, articulate and to my knowledge, ethical. He actually does care about Greenville.

    Kenny is a follower, who hopes to be Mayor. He sways to the Mayor's rhythms.

  20. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Carl Mcgee and his wife are both intelligent and , yes, seemingly ethical people. His wife works as a computer lab teacher for THE school. He WOULD be a decent mayor.

    Kenny Gines and his little wifey-poo both think that they are "special". They both are a little obsessed with looking in the mirror at themselves and tend to think that they should get what they want because of their
    looks!Kenny would NOT be a good mayor!

  21. Anonymous9:32 AM

    7:12 am post....You are right on in your assessments of both Carl and Kenny.

  22. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The problem IS...
    Erick, nor Kenny will listen to Carl.

    They both think that they are better than he is (including looks!). But, don't judge a book by it's cover.

    And, never, never, trust a "so called" "pretty boy" or "ladies' man"...especially in politics!

  23. Anonymous9:52 AM

    to 9:32 post

    Thank you. I was born and raised in
    Greenville. I have lived and worked my whole life in Greenville.

    Not that I'm "blowing my own horn",
    but I have worked WITH the public and pretty much know THE people.

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    New blood on the Council could disrupt this "Diva's Club" of Council members.

    Elections are coming up soon. Get the word out for folks to vote this time and not sit home on their laurels complaining and doing nothing to make a change!

  25. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Monday, October 5, 2009
    Ward 3 Covenant Presbyterian Church (formerly Christ Wesleyan Church)
    1865 S Main St. (corner of Main and Wildwood Streets)
    Ward 3 Candidates
    Lee Owen – Republican Carolyn Ingram Weathers – Republican
    Ward 4 Senior Citizen’s Building
    142 N Shelby St
    Ward 4 Candidates
    Carzell Brown Akon – Democrat Betty Watkins – Democrat

  26. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hollowell, Simmons and McGee have no opponents.

    There will be a second election for ward 4, with Martin/Republican running against the winner of the 10-5-09 Democrat candidacy.

    If you are not sure what ward you are in, check the web site shown at the top of the previous post and see the maps of the different wards to find out. Registered voters better show up....this election could be big in changes to come.

  27. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It wouldn't matter who is elected. G'ville is dead and will never be the city it once was. There are too many lazy, non-working, good for nothings, you owe me attitudes in G'ville. Do like some cities do and elect just a board with an odd number of people and let the board make all the decisions. No mayor is needed. That way you can see which board member is voting the wrong way and get rid of them if they are making the wrong decisions. It works cause I've seen it work. It makes them vote the right way cause at anytime they can be kicked to the curb.

  28. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Greenville is broken, but it is still repairable

    Thursday, October 1, 2009 1:08 PM CDT

    To the editor:

    Jack Berry in “Letters to the Editor,” apparently hasn’t been to the former “Queen City” of the Delta in quite some time.

    On vacation recently and driving through yet another depressed area in Russia ... our 12-year-old grandson looked upon: garbage littered neighborhoods, unpainted buildings with doors falling off, sun worshippers lying among 3-foot-tall weeds in what were euphemistically called “parks,” storefronts boarded up ... with boards ... drunks schlepping along broken sidewalks in mid-morning, and streets that were more pot holes than asphalt. Then, he hit the nail with his head: “D. This place is almost as bad as your home town.” My home town, is Greenville, Miss. And, the operative word was, “Almost.” How embarrassing.

    I’d suggest those who care, look into the “Broken Windows” program that helped save NYC. If any citizen wants to improve the sad conditions in the city that shocked Mr. Berry, they should not ELECT ANYONE to office who doesn’t validate this concept and DEMAND FOR CHANGE. The good news is that it’s not that expensive. The” bad” news is that it isn’t a FREE RIDE: You, the residents must take up the task and not wait for SOCIALIZATION to bail you out.

    A “city-different” begins with replacing broken windows, getting out your lawnmowers and clippers, whitewashing and painting out the rust that is omnipresent. Then, move the vehicles that are up on blocks to a suitable landfill, and simply clean up around your own back yard. There is empirical evidence that in quick order those who take care of these issues will soon find themselves living in a safe, sanitary, and an increasing lovely city. Businesses will return, exponentially with citizens’ pride. Thieves, rapists, murderers, child abusers and drug dealers will not be tolerated by protesting citizens supported by a proud police force and an effectual city government.

    Put a specific working plan together, and my wife and I will match the first $50,000 Greenville can raise to buy paint, Rust-o-leum, rakes, brooms and anything we can to help those of you who are tired of living this way, and want to return Greenville to the beautiful and safe city of years past. No one wants to say your baby is ugly .. .but ...

    If you want to see what waiting for GOVERNMENT FREEBIES will do for you, take a long look at Russia. If you can’t go there, look OUTSIDE.

  29. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Well Put!! I believe that would be a good idea. Just clean up the yards and paint the purple houses!! So easy!!
    That reminds me, once when Greenville was thriving. I had a jon boat that I enjoyed fishing out of, I parked this boat in my driveway in front of my house. The City made me move the boat to the back and get it out of the front of the house. OK,, at the time I thought that was really a silly thing to have to do, But now that I look around and see all the junk cars and trash that sits in peoples front yard I can see why we need this to be inforced!! Clean up your yards and paint your houses or be fined, I will back that idea!!

  30. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Forget the windows and the paint. There are scores of homes and abandoned buildings in Greenville that need to be razed. I am all for fixing what can be fixed, but at some point many properties need to be levelled. I can't count the number of burned out shells, boarded up homes, and the like that are allowed to sit and generate a visual nuisance and a health hazard. I have driven by several inhabited properties that are likely not safe or generate a public health hazard, as well. Certainly there must be ordinances on the books for dealing with these abandoned/forsaken/dilapidated properties.

  31. Anonymous10:13 PM

    There are and the city does take on these issues most of the time. Problem is payment. If the owner lives out of town, there may not be a good contact number. If not, then the city takes an action; but has no one to bill. After a while, with so many out there, the funds get spent with no way to reimburse the is a rock and hard spot situation.

  32. Anonymous9:35 AM

    It is a little disappointing that our city government is so inept that it cannot track down the individuals that pay taxes on those run-down properties. The tax bills have to be mailed somewhere. A contact number isn't necessary. A mailing address would suffice. A letter of warning, X days notice (whatever is required by the ordinances), and a lien against the property in question or the owner's other assets and the problem is mostly solved.

    As far as funding, I would imagine the city owns a backhoe or two, and a couple of rolloff dumpsters. I am guessing there are existing city employees on the payroll with the ability to operate this equipment. The only real expense is fuel and equipment maintenance. I don't want to rehash old issues, but most readers on here are aware of where we can come up with about $200K to cover those expenses. Additionally, there is no shortage of men in green and white striped pants or individuals I see in the morning at the old car wash on Broadway & Alexander that would certainly be qualified to pick up rubble and place it in a dumpster.

    I don't know that the onus of the destruction of these properties lies on the government. Perhaps a community organization could be formed to help raise the funds for the demolition of these properties.

  33. Anonymous11:35 AM

    9:35 am post....You need to get on the City Council Agenda (application is on-line under, City Council) and voice youself as to your ideas. I think that they are great.

  34. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Correction: The application to appear before City Council is under City Government at the top. Then click on City Clerk. Go all the way to the bottom and click to download application to appear before Council. P.S. Demolition is contracted out to Lesure Demolition. The City does not do demolitions.

  35. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The fact that the city currently does not do demolitions, does not exclude the city from doing demolitions, does it? Unless Lesure has some sort of exclusive contract with the city to handle all demos, there is no reason that multiple means of demolishing these properties can't be used. Don't worry, there is plenty of work to spread around.

  36. Anonymous1:52 PM

    A bulldozer would do this city a WORLD of good. Just not on the Historic Homes, please. There are TONS of houses just on Walker Street alone that are abandoned, burned out health hazards that need to be gotten rid of.

  37. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Let the firmen train on those houses that need to be gotten rid of. Training would be free and all you need is a BOX OF MATCHES. All there would be to clean up is a few scraps of metal or concrete blocks. It ain't that hard people just think outside the box.

  38. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Lets just please keep in mind I am looking for a historical house to move to my land! Torch the shotgun slums.

  39. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Here is your outside of the box thought for the day. Line up a number of homes in need of demolition that can be used for fire training. Coordinate an effort with the Mississippi Fire Academy to bring in members of fire departments and FPDs from around the state for a week long training session. These training sessions are generally fee based and would help pay for the final demolition costs of the properties. Since the training is located in Greenville, participants will likely stay in our hotels and eat in our restaurants (i.e., generate tax revenue). The demolition costs are reduced due to the reduction in the amount of material to be removed and these blighted properties are no longer an eyesore to the general public.

  40. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Sometimes I wonder about y'all!! If you burn a house, then put it out, the house will still be standing and you still have the same problem. Burn it down to the ground you still have a big mess to clean. Plus there are state environmental laws that prohibit burning due to pollution.

  41. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Folks who live in these districts, get out and vote!

    Monday, October 5, 2009
    Ward 3 Covenant Presbyterian Church (formerly Christ Wesleyan Church)
    1865 S Main St. (corner of Main and Wildwood Streets)
    Ward 3 Candidates
    Lee Owen – Republican Carolyn Ingram Weathers – Republican
    Ward 4 Senior Citizen’s Building
    142 N Shelby St
    Ward 4 Candidates
    Carzell Brown Akon – Democrat Betty Watkins – Democrat

  42. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Burning them down is for training the firemen. There will be nothing to clean up. Those shotgun houses would burn so fast nothing will be standing. No laws would stand in the way for a good cause. Firemen would get traing and G'ville would get rid of a eye sore. Plus the city will make money. We do need money don't we?

  43. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Congrats to Dem. candidate, Carolyn Weathers, she won nearly 4-1 in votes to her Dem. opponent Lee Owens.

    She will now go on to race against Martin the Republican candidate in the next election.

  44. Anonymous10:41 PM

    When is the next election between
    Weathers and Martin?

  45. Anonymous6:44 AM

    10:08.... why exactly would you warp the facts like that?

  46. aCorrectionNeeded8:11 AM

    to Anonymous 10:08, you have your facts wrong, C Weathers ran on the Republican ticket and will face Martin, a Democrat.
    Next election in November.

  47. Anonymous9:45 AM

    To aCorrectionNeeded you have the facts wrong too.
    The Republican C. Weathers will face Democrat L. Martin on December 14 in the general election.

  48. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Thats whats wrong here in G'ville. It doesn't matter if they are a dem or a rep we need to vote for the best candidate and not because they are a dem. or a rep.

  49. Anonymous1:13 PM

    My mistake, vice it.

    you are right 11;45...but they select the parties not most folks will vote for whichever they feel is best quslified, if the choice is there.

  50. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Charles Brady appeared before City Council today to talk about THE schools and "our" children. Did anyone see it? What did he have to say? I missed it.

  51. Anonymous7:01 PM

    P.S. I did see on the televised Council meeting today that THE Mayor announced that SHE had a meeting set up with the Superintendent tomorrow to "discuss things". Let's just see if she is being honest or if that's just ANOTHER big lie.

  52. Anonymous7:52 PM

    O.K.! Now, three weeks later,... THE mayor "supposedly" wants to meet with the Superintendent of THE "discuss things".

    Do you think that SHE will offer her "personal" body guards to THE school for their usage and safety?

  53. Anonymous9:28 PM

    7:52 post not no but HELL NO!

  54. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Oh and what words of wisdom will she share with the Superintendant? Her mothering skills and instincts? Oh yeah, no kids of her own. How to pack a bag in a hurry? Where to shop in Germany? How about her weight loss tips??hahahahahaha

    Oh, I know, she can offer the City pool for the students to enjoy and be able to learn to swim and stay out of trouble with lifeguard jobs...oh wait...she is waiting on a fake grant for the pool to be repaired...nevermind!

  55. Anonymous9:39 AM

    1:13 So you are saying everyone voted for Heather because she was the best qulified. Not because she was a democrat or black.Most people in my opinion will vote for their party no matter who it is. They vote that way because for generations their family has been a dem or a rep so they vote the way they have for generations. Instead of voting for the best qualified candidate they stick to their party. It's time to change that mindset and listen to each candidate no matter what party they belong to and vote for the one that will do or make the right decisions for our commuinity. Most blacks in America are going to vote for a democrat not even knowing if the candidate is right or wrong. Until someone awakens the black community to look at each candidate with open minds and ears G'ville will always be a democratic community. And thats okay if the dem candidate is the right choice. But if the dem is not the right one they will still vote democrat.

  56. Anonymous9:44 AM

    9:39 you're right. I have had blacks tell me they go down the the ticket in the voting booth checking anyones name that has democrat beside it. They don't even look at the names as long as democrat is beside it they don't care.

  57. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I'm just curious.

    THE mayor has won two elections.

    What percentage of the voters (that put her in office)are property owners and pay taxes?

  58. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Good luck Carolyn Weathers... you are in for one hell of a bumpy ride! The Mayor don't "cotton" to outspoken women.

  59. Anonymous9:20 PM

    8:17PM post...."THE mayor don't "cotton" to outspoken women."

    Ah, Hell! THE mayor don't "cotton" to anyone on the city council except...Daddy's "hired help", Erick!

  60. Anonymous8:26 AM

    The Mayor don't "cotton" to ANYONE who challenges what she says or does, period.

  61. Anonymous8:49 AM

    So...what you are saying is...THE
    mayor is always right...according to THE mayor!

    Similar to the saying..."because I said so!"

    Agressive, controlling behavior.

  62. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I have a feeling, regardless who wins the race between Carolyn Weathers or Louis Martin, she won't intimidate either of them so easily as she has the rest.

  63. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Thats what we all hope that either Louis or Carolyn won't change when they are elected. But it always seems when they get elected you hardly believe what they do once they are in office. It's like they forget where they came from or what they stood for before elected.I sure hope neither one doesn't forget and sticks to their guns when in office.

    Remember this from FORTHRIGHT:

    This next mayoral election will probably be Greenville's last chance to get it right. Five of my friends moved out of Greenville over the past three months. All were lifelong residents, but simply couldn't continue to watch Greenville fall into utter disgrace.


  64. Anonymous12:57 PM

    THE Mayor needs to be "shot out of her saddle" so to speak. She thinks that she is the "be all and end all" of Greenville.

  65. Anonymous7:16 PM

    THE mayor needs to "get off of her high horse"!

  66. Anonymous8:17 PM

    The Mayor (Hudson) needs to go..home...period!

  67. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Can she turn in a letter of resignation?

    And then, what would happen?

    An eariler election?

    Would the Vice Mayor "step in" and
    "serve" as an interim mayor for the remainder of the term?

  68. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Yeah, most likely for a period of time, maybe for the rest..that would be Kenny Gines. He is the vice-Mayor.

  69. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Greenville is a black, welfare community and it always will be. My advice to taxpayers is get out! Why continue to support a group of people who don't want to work or better themselves and are content to milk the system. Why should the few remaining taxpayers pay twice for education, food and housing to support the "majority" who don't?

    Don't bet on Heather being defeated in the next election. The "majority" of Greenville residents vote by race alone and they think she is doing a fine job!

    If you are waiting for Greenville's real estate market to rebound, you are a fool. If you think jobs and prosperity are a product of elected officials, you are a bigger fool!

    Question: If you were alone in the woods and your leg is caught in a bear trap, what would you do? Amputate your leg to save your life, or simply whine about how much it hurts and gradually die?

    Think about it... we all have choices!

  70. Anonymous8:57 PM seem like a strong person who has probably run from every challenge ever given to them.

    My answer to your bear trap question: Only the strong survive.

    The weak die or run away.

    Thank you for playing--you can run away now.

  71. Anonymous10:13 PM

    7:50 make me want to throw up. Where do you live?

  72. Anonymous6:16 AM
    See above locations to vote-
    copy and paste.

    Please vote for Univ. MS. Med. Center-Blair Hospital and help the kids get a new game room. Many MS children come here with the worst case scenarios of illnesses or injuries. I know that the kids will enjoy a new gameroom and it will help in their recovery.

    Just register and then vote 9 times at once, just click the vote button, until you run out. The contest ends 10-16-09. Blair hospital is #2 right now, your votes can make it #1!!! Takes just a minute or so every day til October 16th deadline. Take the time, our children are worth it!


  73. Anonymous6:53 PM

    To 10:13: I used to live in Greenville, but now I am a one-legged, happy SOB living in a state where my home is appreciating in value, my children go to public schools and I can walk in my own neighborhood without fear of my life!

    Where do you live and why does the truth make you sick?

  74. Anonymous9:45 PM

    To 6:53 pm post...Thank you for responding to my comment. I am glad that you are happy and that your house is appreciating in value and that your kids can go to free public schools and you feel safe walking with your one leg in your safe neighborhood.

    I was born and raised in Greenville, moved away for 17 years and came back so that my children could enjoy the influence of grandparents and an extended family in their life.

    Greenville has it's problems, as all cities do, but this is still my home and I do whatever I can do to contribute to the well being of the town. I shop, eat, buy groceries, gasoline, etc. in Greenville. I attend my beloved church weekly and enjoy lifelong friends that I have had since kindergarten. I can pick up the telephone at any given time and call anyone I know in Greenville and they will come to my rescue if I have a problem. My doctors know me and my family personally and if I need a perscription, I can call the drug store, have it delivered and charged to my account. I don't think you can ask for anymore than that.

  75. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I think both 6:53 and 9:45 have a point. You cannot beat the support structure that childhood friends and extended family provides. On the other hand, you cannot ignore the fact that Greenville has become a horrible place to live in and, objectively, fails in every single Q.O.L. measurement or indicator.
    My vote: get out.

  76. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "Get out" is easier said than done. Those who are here are here for reasons. Family, job,friends and Greenville itself. There are still a lot of good people here. These people deserve respect and support in trying to make a better Greenville from all of you naysayer outsiders, instead of constant insults and doomsaying. If you can not help, shut up and get out of the way!

  77. Anonymous3:42 PM

    To 9:45 pm: Why did you originally leave Greenville and were it not for your parents, would you have moved back? I doubt it.

    I was also raised in Greenville and it was a wonderful place to live. I also watched it rapidly decline into a welfare community which affected my life, and the quality of my family's life. The pride I once had in Greenville, gave way to the shame of living in the "joke" of the state.

    I chose to leave Greenville because I was "sick" of the racist attitude and the entitlement mentality which was pervasive.

    I applaud you for your tolerance and your optimism, but if your quality of life is defined by a pharmacy that delivers, I would suggest that your "bar" is set a bit low.

  78. Anonymous3:54 PM

    3:42 pm...I see that you don't know how to "read between the lines". The pharmacy reference was to show that there are services in smaller towns and trust issues that don't exist in larger towns. And, if you can't be positive and optimistic about your life and the town where you live, then you don't have a very happy life. My father use to always tell me that you can be happy no matter what town you live in. It is a matter of choice and how you live your life. God Bless You.

  79. Anonymous4:46 PM

    To 3:23 and 3:54

  80. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Amen! I'm not sure who this scarred person is who is so much happier elsewhere, but I honestly feel sorry for him/her and his/her perspective on life. Perhaps when her worldly things are gone, her entire perspective will change.

  81. Anonymous7:38 PM

    As Suze Orman says, "People first, then money, then things." My family meant more to me when raising my children and taking care of my parents during their final years than big jobs, lots of money and fine things. That's why I chose to move back to Greenville after being away for the 17 years. Now my kids are grown and gone, parents are deceased and I am enjoying life in Greenville and can go anywhere or do anything that I want to do without worring about a stressful high powered job, and a big mortgage. I feel good in knowing that I was holding both of my parents hands as they took their final breath. As the Bible says, "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother". I did just that with absolutely no regrets. I will stay in Greenville, and travel to visit you in your new, crime free, state anytime. But home will always be where the heart is.

  82. Anonymous12:01 PM

    3:42 You are wasting your time and breath trying to convince the dummies left in G'ville to fight the mess that its in now. They just don't get it. Thats all they know there in G'ville is to be last in all catagories. And about delivering things to your house, my city delivers food to the elderly, does their shopping,all pharamacies deliver, all restaurants deliver,car tags are cheap, taxes are cheap, roads are pothole free, public schools are free, no state tax, no tax on food,
    no tax on drugs, oppotunities galore for children, housing is still booming,more doctors and specialists to go to when sick,don't have to drive 130 miles to see a doctor when a serious injury occurs, state of the art medical facilities on every corner,so many more stores to shop therefore competition keeps the prices far below G'ville,clean water,very little poverty,clean city,very little crime,etc....
    But they argue family is valuable to have. I agree, but if family was so important then put together a plan like we did and all GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!!!! We moved and family soon followed. Each day we see each other and talk about if only we had moved sooner, what could we have done or had by now.

    But then they say "well, Thats easier said than done". No its not! They are just scared to leave their nest like a little bird. All they have to do is make up their mind they want to better themselves and just DO IT. It's their comfort zone so they stay even though they know back deep in their mind that G'ville is a lost cause and there's nothing that will FIX IT!!!!

    And the people are friendly and helpful just as they are in G'ville. That was the one thing that was so overwhelming. I thought it would have been the opposite since coming from a small town like G'ville.

  83. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Another reason to RUN not walk from G'ville as written by one of G'villes very on citizen.

    Greenville: Stuck in the middle — again

    Sunday, October 11, 2009 2:44 AM CDT

    Traveling the Delta from north to south finds communities on both ends enjoying a much better lifestyle and business successes than those found in Greenville.

    Vicksburg on the south and Clarksdale on the north are run by a city council/mayoral form of government just as Greenville, but the atmosphere is completely different.

    Mayor Paul Winfield in Vicksburg is emphasizing housing improvement, economic development adequate policing and leadership.

    Mayor Henry Espy of Clarksdale is on the same path to improve the same items in Clarksdale and constantly shows progress as he leads the City Council.

    Mayor Winfield is working to create a business friendly environment and is insisting that members of the Police Department interact with the community in a greater capacity than in the past to create relationships. He states, “They’re only as good as the assistance they get from the community.”

    Mayor Espy is also up front with his Police Department, insisting that they are there to serve the public … everything is done in the “sunshine.” A call to his office is always put through immediately, or a call back is made in an appropriate time frame.

    Does this sound like Greenville? I think not.

    People who have visited Greenville over the years, and come back for a visit, cannot believe what they see. Streets and railroad crossings in decay; run-down houses in areas that were once pristine; and abject poverty — truly unbelievable they say. They don’t say that about Clarksdale and Vicksburg — even if there are bad areas of housing — these areas aren’t growing, they are being demolished.

    Just this past Labor Day, a small child was hit by a car in his neighborhood in south Greenville. The police responded and didn’t even write the driver a ticket — the driver had to stop and pull the bicycle from his grille to proceed and told the officers that he didn’t see anybody. The neighbors saw the incident firsthand and wanted a meeting with the mayor and police chief. As of this week, they both have been out of town and unavailable to the family and City Councilman Lee Owen.

    At the first City Council meeting after the incident, the police chief responded to questions about the accident, saying that the residents were only complaining because the men were black. What a racist comment that is. This is a mixed subdivision, and the chief is supposed to serve and protect the entire community.

    When a car hits a person, it shouldn’t matter what color their skin is or isn’t. The little boy happened to be Korean — not white, not black, just a kid having fun in front of his house.

    By the way, the mayor in Vicksburg is black and the mayor in Clarksdale is black. I wonder how they would have handled a similar situation.

    Ed Nichols is publisher of the Delta Democrat Times.

    There you go people of G'ville still sitting there with your head stuck in the ground. If that doesn't get your wheels in motion to GET OUT while you can then you are hopeless.

  84. Anonymous1:39 PM

    12:01 post...ok, so you proved your point to yourself as to you making the right decision to get out of Greenville. Now let me ask you a question...Why do you still keep an attachment to Greenville by avidly reading this website and the blog that follows? Just cut loose for good and forget about Greenville. We don't need you and your opinions anyway.

  85. Anonymous2:00 PM

    12:01 post...Where is this paradise that you live in? I may want to move myself.

  86. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I agree with 1:39. Honestly, we don't need your version of "salvation". Be glad you left us here and move on...many of us are quite happy here. Is that so bad in your mind? Aren't we allowed to find contentment where you can't? Lay off our town--you can cheer your own all you want, but why care about Greenville? You're not really a part of it, and we like it that way.

    Oh...and I've lived in 9 other states, so don't give me that BS about not having lived anywhere else. You're the one who had some sort of need to move, and have (finally), and are happy. Great. Now start a blog about your own town, and cheer it to the high heaven it obviously is. LOL

  87. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Susie Orman? OMG, you deserve to live in Greenville!

  88. Anonymous9:04 PM

    to 8:00 pm post. Yes Suze Orman. And I bet you are full of debt and I am totally debt free.

  89. Anonymous9:10 AM

    All you that are still trying to hang onto what G'ville once was are just too lazy to do anything to help yourselves.Get your head out of the sand and look around. You can't see the downfall because you have nothing to compare it to.You are use to seeing it. G'ville will never be the way it was and you can't bring it back.Take it from those who left and then come back to reunions and such. It is a SHOCK to see how far G'ville has fallen. It is a losing battle to what I read in the DDT and witnessed myself when attending a GHS reunion back in June.Those of us aren't trying to put those that are left down but just saying there are better places to be. Even your own editor of the DDT spelled it out for you in G'ville. So don't blame us that want you to better yourselves by telling you there are better places to be than in G'ville. It's your choice to stay in G'ville and thats fine if you like being one of the few that pay taxes and want to support the other 80% that don't. So how do you think G'ville will change with that kind of tax base. IT WILL NOT !!! The figures don't add up.It's hard to leave but in the long run you just can't imagine how much happier you will be once you do make the change. If not for you do it for your kids!!!! Give them a fighting chance. My kids tell me how glad they are we made the change because of so many oppotunities they have to take advantage of.

  90. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Jordan wrote on Oct 6, 2009 10:55 PM:

    " I can answer this question for you. Ask yourself this question, why would Casinos locate in Greenville, Miss. in the first place? Let's face it, this city is located where no one would ever want to visit. The Casinos are located in Greenville, which lies in the heart of one of the poorest parts of the country. This is by design, pick a place with gross illiteracy and high poverty levels. The Casino profits from poverty and misery, it is simple. Reinvest in your city? Sure... that would be like investing in Gary, IN.

    Bellfower, CA "

  91. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I think that anyone that visits this site cares about Gville or they would not be here. I also think that comments whether positive or negative have value to them. We all have our own ideas on how to make Gville a better place to live and that makes most on here correct in what they say. I guess some just express themselves better than others and some are just just so disgusted they want to argue.
    Lee Owen just lost his position on council not because of experience or hard work while in office but because of the people wanting a change at city hall. Agree or disagree for Gville to change you must change leadership. Changing leadership means from the top to the bottom and the voters in Lee Owens precinct have sent out that message. Now the question is will voters in the other precincts go to the polls and send out the same message. Like it or not the majority of voters in Lee Owens precinct are majority white, tax paying, working class voters. Will the voters in the precincts that are majority black goverment assisted voters do the same? Probably not ! WHY ? They do not care who is elected as long as it does not affect their check ! "FACT" With Greenville being majority black it will never move forward until we get the correct black and white leadership working together at city hall.
    To clean up Greenville our elected officials have to first recognize that we do have problems and correct them no matter whose feet you step on.
    Imagine this ! A drive around Greenville with all property clean and neat, no trash, parks mowed and trimmed, no loud music, no speeding, car insurance, children under age in car seats, handicapped parking spaces being used by the handicapped, no hanging out in vacant lots and in front of a business, police officers that were friendly, a city hall willing to smile and say good morning, a mayor that was available, garbage pick twice a week etc. These are things that are a beginning to a better Greenville. Oh and clean up the public schools !
    These are things that cost very little but are nescessary for Gville to even think about jobs and industry back in Gville

  92. Anonymous1:29 PM




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