Monday, June 12, 2006

Much Appreciation to All

LR writes:

Thanks for those of you still dropping by to see if anything's written on Delta Scoop. To think of how many blogs are on the Internet, this one grabs a small slice of interested and often like-minded people. I'm one of those people and I bet we've shared many a common thoughts despite the "heat" generated by the various topics that arise.

I spent the weekend setting up Delta Scoop so I may turn the reigns over to the new blogmaster as seamlessly as possible. I think I've nearly achieved it and will maintain co-publishing duties until we're both confident that the new blogmaster can man the controls. It isn't hard but it does take time.

You'll notice that you may leave guest comments by using the comments link underneath each posted commentary. If you click it, a box pops up and you may write anonymously or offer a moniker such as "Property Owner," "Big Head" or "Scales" (already taken). If you think you'll contribute more than once, conjure a nickname and stick with it. It helps you develop your online character and makes for stimulating other readers' imaginations with thoughts of "I wonder who that person really is?"

To those who've corresponded with me via email, I written quick notes to tell them of the change of writers and to request they continue active readership. In some cases, I offended one-time supporters more than I ever dreamed possible. I wrote them as well to say "come back." That's because a new line of thinking, maybe different, maybe not, will emerge soon.

The responsibility of serving even dozen of readers on a daily basis is not one taken lightly. This new blogmaster, in my opinion, must set aside twenty minutes a day towards maintaining the Scoop at its present level of discussion. It takes twenty minutes for me to sit and type a commentary of thoughts on most days. It's much easier, quicker and interesting when some of you offer your opinions on a regular basis. The writers behind the names "Solemnis," "Oneheckuvajob," "Delta Watchdog," "Scales," "Property Owner" and the brief tenure "Eleanorigby" contributed handsomely while keeping the variety of opinion fresh.

One nice article a week from seven people means the Delta Scoop gets a quality thought of someone who cares about the community. This is in addition to new blogmaster's contributions/answers/challenges to what others are saying. The blogmaster should be one who challenges you whether you like the opinion or not. He/She should also exercise taste and decorum to control the nasty side effects that WILL arise from offering anonymous thoughts on most any topic under the sun. It's a learning process that will pay off with a sense of inner pride and volunteer public service, no matter how unique that public service.

I know that several readers are people who've moved far away, yet still feel a connection with an area where they've invested many years. Don't think you can't contribute because you're not within the Delta or Greenville. You lived there and have thoughts, concerns and praises about your former home. By all means, share it! I think it prevented a few out-of-towners from offering thoughts because they thought it didn't matter. Well, I moderated Delta Scoop from out-of-town for several months and held my own while allow former neighbors and friends a place to type/write what topics they deemed necessary. The Internet places us in every geographical area we choose.

I must confess that I did edit people's guest commentaries, since so many guests (mostly angry at my philosophical stance) accused me of wielding the knife. On about half the commentaries, I went in and corrected the spelling and grammatical errors that popped up when proofreading! That's it! I did that as much as possible to clarify a person's statement and the cover their tracks because they may've been tired or something when offering a guest comment. I never said a word about people's spelling because their opinion and their sharing of that opinion is of most importance.

Now, it's my understanding that the new blogmaster is busy conjuring a great new "blogmaster" name. I was gonna relinquish my "Local Reflector" title, but realized that meant I lost my entire account permanently and couldn't post on Red Dog's blog or on Delta Scoop without creating a new identity. was the one kink we couldn't work out.

If you have a nifty name for the new blogmaster/publisher, email it to this person's new "official" Delta Scoop email address:


Have a great Monday and let's keep local thought rolling! Heck, go ahead and venture a new commentary to get the new blogmaster up and publishing!

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