Monday, June 12, 2006

A Bold New Adventure

Never let a good thing go... and the Delta Scoop is a good thing! As an avid reader of the "Scoop", I could not sit idly by and see the Local Reflector's diligent efforts to solicit our ideas, views and beliefs, simply become a historical footnote.

Therefore, with great trepidation, I have agreed to take the reins as the Delta Scoop's new "Blog-master". Having no experience on this side of a blog, I ask that you all be patient with my technical skills. Local Reflector has agreed to remain active throughout this transition for which I am truly grateful.

No, I do not know the identity of the "Local Reflector". I accepted his invitation to continue the Delta Scoop as blindly as he offered it. I only hope that I can live up to the tradition of lively conversation that sparks new ideas. I am very appreciative of LR's trust in me to continue his "brain-child" in the true spirit of debate. I also want to thank all of those who have shared their ideas on the Delta Scoop and hope you will continue. This is a forum about ideas, opinions, and beliefs. It's goal is to stimulate thought and conversation. It has certainly done that for me.

Since LR wishes to retain his well deserved moniker, I shall assume the name "Forthright".

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