Thursday, May 13, 2010

Upping the "Ante"

If you are one of the lucky Mississippians who is required by law to contribute to "PERS" (Public Employees' Retirement System), your contribution is going up from 7.25% to 9.00% on July 1, 2010. On a salary of $30,000 per year, that translates into an additional $525 per year that comes out of your check.

Of course the reason for this increase is because the state of Mississippi is essentially "broke" and can't afford to pay those who are currently drawing state retirement. So, if you are ten years away from retirement... does PERS sound like a wise investment to you?

Anyone who works for the State (teachers and civil servants) knows that Mississippi salaries are among the lowest in the country. A 1.75% decrease in take-home pay is a significant hit to these employees, who have no option but to contribute to PERS.

In the private sector, where salaries are significantly higher, most employees can't afford to contribute more than 5% to an IRA or 401K... but at least they have the choice. The vesting schedule for the state is now 8 years! That's a long time to keep a job in a state that is essentially "broke".

Hold on employers... before you start smiling, YOUR contribution is also going up from 12.00% to 13.56%. However, because our Governor was worried about the economic "impact" this would have in our state, employers' rates won't go up until 2012. (It seems pretty clear that Haley is not too concerned about the "little" people.)

The legislature passed a number of other bills that restrict the benefits of PERS. If you are near retirement, you may want to check them out at It is always good to know what you won't be getting in the future!



  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    The employer in this case is us the poor old taxpayer!!

    As a self-employed person, I wish someone would match my retirement. But wait, matching $0 is $0!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Greenville Public School employees...what goes around comes around!

    If the school system had been fair and honest with ALL of their employees...then, this would not be happening!

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    has Dr. Kronfol bought Hobart's old building?

  4. Hot Pepper5:17 PM

    Yes he has

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    As a small business person, I have no pension. I don't see what the complaint is: clearly the plan needs to be funded, and if that means the participants (employee and employer) have to put more in, then so be it. Sorry those over-worked teachers are living so much longer...

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    My spouse has put hundreds and thousands of dollars into the PERS plan for the last three decades. It's our retirement. It was mandatory, but I'm not complaining.

  7. Anonymous7:01 PM

    5:47 PM

    I hope your husband does NOT have vacation and/or leave time saved up because PERS (or Greenville Public Schools)will not 'pay' him for those days.

    Been there...done that!

  8. Hot Pepper7:28 PM

    I haven't investigated state compensation yet is Mississippi, but clearly federal compensation is our of line.

    So the next time you hear federal employees at Stoneville poor mouthing, send them this chart:

  9. LudyChris7:26 AM

    Teachers in Western Line as well as some other districts in the State have been told the local supplement will no longer be paid to them. This means $775 less per year for teachers low on food chain and up to $1800 for those with more years. Example, combine those 2 amounts and that's $1300 less per year -- better than $100 per month cut. That's going to hurt the local economy in a lot of ways.

  10. Anonymous8:15 AM


    Is the State Dept 'cutting' admnistrators' salaries, also?

    Are they 'cutting' non-essential
    staff members?

    Are they 'cutting' non-essential

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I personally think drinking to 2:00 am is late enough!!! It should stop at 12:00, come to think about it, it should prohibited all together!!

  12. Anonymous4:47 AM

    9:52 What a great comment. Let's outlaw everything. No vice's period. Let the Baptist stand up and rejoice and pray for us sinners.

  13. Anonymous3:13 PM

    You can sin to 2:00 am, I think that is late enough!

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Why quit at 2:00 a.m.? No one has a job or any responsibility... just have fun and make more "checks". It isn't like we earn an income... it comes to us every month in the mail. I know that tourists are flocking to Greenville so they can drink past 2!

  15. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I ate at Kepler's grill (Fermos) the other night and the food and service were both great!!! Get out and support these people who are trying to do something positive for Greenville!

  16. Anonymous8:35 AM

    WHAT are kepler's days and hours?

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    from can to can't at keplers

  18. Anonymous2:30 PM

    ��¿DDT sets community forum

    Monday, May 17, 2010 11:37 AM CDT

    Greenville, we’ve got a problem.

    We can’t hide from it, nor can we ignore it. It’s not a black thing; it’s not a white thing. It’s an everybody thing. Burglaries and robberies of businesses, and home invasions have the good people of this city unnerved.

    The Delta Democrat Times hopes to soothe those nerves with a community forum, 6 p.m., Thursday at Greenville-Weston High School’s auditorium. The DDT has invited local law enforcement and city leaders to address the issue.

    There's no way a white will go to Weston after dark. Why not have it at the G'ville Mall where we are all safer?

  19. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Kepler's is open Wed thru Sun for dinner.

  20. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Keplers has a nice atmosphere and ok service but the food was sub par to say the least. My wife only ate one bite of the spaghetti and she was done. The lasagna was ok but will not order it again. Posecai's Shermans, Doe's or even Lilo's is much better for sure.
    Yes i am very disappointed because my wife and i eat out 4 to 5 times a week and we were hoping for another place to dine.
    It will not be Keplers ! Boy did Fermo's mess up a good thing !
    Word is we may have a true Italian restaurant in the making if things work out. I sure hope so !

  21. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Get Real! I can't believe Posecai's is still open... that was the worst food I have ever eaten... even in Greenville! The steak was nothing but SALT and the seafood was rancid! The prices were outrageous and the old atmosphere? Hell, I live in a 1910 Victorian and should have stayed home.

    Give Kepler's a break... they just opened.

    Dr. M.

  22. Anonymous10:33 PM

    RE: Fermo's....knowing a little about the kitchen there, if you liked Fermos, then you are either a Sysco salesperson (who misses them as a customer), or a fan of Sysco food products. MOST of the stuff on the menu (Lasagna, etc) was purchased from them by Bob. If you like processed food...Fermo's was your place! Only the sauce, steak and pasta made by his sister was made from scratch.

  23. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Vince's in Leland was great the one time I have eaten there!

  24. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Nothing can beat THE Venetian!

    Call Dianne and see if she'll sell the recipes!

  25. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Be thankful to have Doe's. I don't live in Greenville anymore but still dream about that place.

  26. As a Greenville native home visiting the folks, I was happy to give any new restaurant in town a try. All the old favorites are delicious, but I'm up for anything new after I've satisfied those cravings for hot tamales and fried (fill in the blank).

    I had a wonderful dining experience at Kepler's. Living in the DC Metro area now, I have occasion to sample some excellent Italian food pretty regularly, and none of the restaurants I frequent can touch the cheese tortellini in alfredo sauce I had this evening. The sauce was just the right consistency--not too thick and glutted with cheese, but not too watery either. It had a crisp Parmesan taste that everyone at the table loved. I know know they all loved it because as soon as I finished my tortellini, my parents split up the rest of the sauce for their baked potatoes.

    They tell me their filet mignons were stellar and that they too will be back very soon.

    One more little detail--I really appreciate finally getting a salad in Greenville that contains something other than iceberg lettuce. I applaud the chef for daring to be a little different and put some spinach, arugula, and radicchio on the plate. The Italian house dressing was pretty tasty too.

    The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed with a quick and attentive wait staff. My only regret is that I enjoyed my tortellini too much to try some of the white chocolate bread pudding. I think I may have to return before I fly back to DC for a taste of it.

    Highly recommended.

  27. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Keplers was a great experience for my family and myself. We enjoyed everything from the dip to the cheesecake. They told us almost everything is homemade. Nothing like the old place. I will recommend to all

  28. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Thank God, Kepler's does NOT serve fried chicken , nor fried fish!

  29. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Did anyone go to the big crime forum at the convention center last night in Greenville? If so, what was the outcome?

  30. Anonymous6:54 PM

    There's nothing like the venetian was.

  31. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yes, what was the outcome of the big crime convention? How many homes were broken into while the owners' sat in the convention center listening to more BS about the future of Greenville? As soon as they finish that by-pass around Greenville, the city will be officially dead! Get out while you can. Give your property away and run! There is no hope for Greenville... only time.

  32. Anonymous10:10 PM

    8:24--please leave town.

  33. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The city and county need to have more of the forum's such as the recent crime forum. Estimates of 300 concerned citizens attended ; which is a pretty good number. Forums such as this will let you know who is concerned about Greenville and want to see things change. It will let you see those who are not happy with mediocrity.
    Hmmmm i guess that is why it was attended by 80% white citizens.

  34. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Oh, so now the Diva and her police force "will no longer tolerate crime in Greenville and have a plan". Well la, de, da.........
    She should never have tolerated crime in the first place...duh.

  35. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Her plan is to get the hell out of Greenville, like we all should! The by-pass is coming and we will be living in a ghost town!

  36. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Monday, May 24, 2010 12:09 PM CDT

    I personally wanted to let you know how disappointed I was at the action taken by the City Counsel on Tuesday afternoon, April 20, 2010, in regard to the request by the Walnut Street bars for resort status. I'm not sure what I'm more disappointed over--the final decision reached by the City Counsel or the obvious fact that the decision was pre-determined before the meeting ever took place.

    Mayor Hudson, it's no secret that twelve years ago, First Baptist Church made a deliberate decision to stay downtown. We could have vacated our current building--as so many other businesses have--and built down where the Nelco currently resides. Instead, we invested in the downtown area and have spent over 5 million dollars to renovate our facilities. Because of this deliberate investment in the downtown area, we have one of the best maintained landscapes of all the downtown businesses. We allow the city government and social groups from the community the use of our facilities, as demonstrated through the recent use of our fellowship hall by the fire department. We even welcome local politicians access to our congregation, such as your recent townhall meeting.

    We have been extremely supportive of the city's efforts to revitalize the downtown area and have worked hand-in-hand to do so. This, even in spite of clear obstacles. It's no secret that the downtown area doesn't have the image that we would all like. I constantly fight against the perception that the downtown area is unsafe when inviting prospects to our church ��“ and this without the 24/7 “resort” status of the Walnut Street bars.

    Here's my point Heather. The City Counsel (at least in majority) favors this action. I'm sure they've heard from the local bar owners. I have no doubts that conversations were held between the bar owners and City Counsel members well in advance of Tuesday's meeting.

    Yet, no one asked me what we (FBC) thought about this proposal.

    I'm not saying that we have to be the final voice on everything, but it would be nice if someone asked our--and other businesses thoughts--on something that has the potential to so greatly change the tone of the downtown area and affect our enormous “investment” in the downtown area. I would think we would have been consulted, even if only informally. After all, no other business in the downtown area has spent more money to “revitalize” the downtown area than First Baptist Church. In fact, no other business can boast a “clientele” of over 1000 people, of which 700 actively attend; not even the Walnut street bars! Yet, I had to get a call from a third party about this issue. Believe me, Mayor, I got the “message” from the City Counsel loud and clear! Mayor, we're friends, so I'm asking if the message that was sent to our congregation by Tuesday's vote is the one the City Counsel meant to send?

    Please let the City Counsel know that I'll be putting the entire weight of our congregation against the request of the Walnut Street bars obtaining resort status. I plan to oppose their request when presented before the State Tax Commission. I plan to oppose this on multiple fronts with every ounce of influence I, and our congregation, have in Greenville.


    Dr. James Nichols

    Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church

  37. Anonymous5:09 PM

    WOW....who made you the final decision maker? Sounds like you are just angry you did not get your way and are acting like a child. There are many successful downtowns, such as Natchez, where churches, businesses, and entertainment all work together and maintain peace. You and your church members do not own downtown, so quit with your threats and bullying.

  38. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I guess my question would be "Do the Bars and so called entertainment own downtown ? What percetage of our tax base frequents the bars ? Are we maintaining peace downtown ? Dr Nichols is not a bully and is not a man of threats ! Stop by his office one day and visit with him !
    There will not even be a cover charge for you to do so ! I guess you may be correct in calling him a child because he will be the first to tell you he IS a Child of GOD !
    Have a Great day and enjoy your Happy Hour's !

  39. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Did anyone see the Greenwood paper? They are writing articles about Greenville's murder rate! That should make our Mayor proud! Keep up the good work!

  40. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I waswondering if anyone else saw all the commotion going on at Hardy Park and Kirk Circle on Tuesday? There were cops running around with guns pulled on Kirk Circle and in the park. I watched our wonderful local news to see what happened and ... Not a thing about it! Residents of Kirk Circle were first told there were shots fired in the park and later told there was an older man with an underage runaway. I wonder which it was? I guess we will never know since nobody reported on it. I guess you keep the crime numbers down if no one knows about it.

  41. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Can someone tell me why Henri Tillman resigned from THE Greenville Public School board?

    Can't read the article on-line!

  42. Anonymous9:32 AM

    8:14 AM

    Greenville is already in THE news because it has 8 homicides this year...and 6 more months until the end of this year.

    THE Mayor really should report ALL other crimes in the city.

    Is SHE afraid that reporting the crimes will make her look bad--even though SHE has numerous personal body guards!

  43. Anonymous9:34 AM

    8:09 AM

    Also articles in THE Clarion Ledger about Greenville's murder rates!

  44. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Yep, Greenville is making national news for all the wrong reasons! The mayor has been in office how many years and just now developing a plan to make the city safer???? Maybe we all should hire body guards.....

  45. Anonymous7:51 AM

    School board "cuts" NINE assistant principals!

    What about the guidance counselors?

    The middle schools do NOT need TWO counselors at each school!

    Nor does an elementary school need a counselor---even if SHE is paid from funding from Office of Federal Programs and IS married to THE Deputy Surperintendent!

    Get rid of HER and HIM, both and then maybe you could hire some good teachers with a decent salary!

    And forget about advertising for FIVE librarians....THE GReenville Public Schools students do NOT go to the library!

  46. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I was just back home this past weekend for a reunion of all G'ville High students and was shocked to see the condition of G'ville. Most of us that attended from out of town could not believe what G'ville has become. What a dump our great city has become over the past couple of decades. We all concluded that we were so lucky to have moved before things got so bad that the locals said they couldn't give their house away now. All I can say is goodluck on turning things around although we think it is way beyond saving.

  47. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Heard South Delta Housing Authority was raided by the FBI yesterday

  48. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The FBI needs to "raid" the Mayor's office as well as the police dept.

  49. Anonymous9:19 PM

    So tired of this thread. Is there still a moderator here? Wally? You awake? Let's discuss something REALLY pertinent, like HOME INVASIONS! And how armed citizens are taking back this city! Hoodlums beware!

  50. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Did anyone else go to the Farmers Market in downtown Greenville this morning? I went and picked up some great fresh veggies. There was a pretty good crowd while I was there. A positive event for Greenville.

  51. Anonymous12:15 PM

    what is being built in the old daycare bldg on tenn gas rd? it looks like it will be 2 offices.

  52. Anonymous4:04 PM

    It is a daycare with the same original owners.

  53. Anonymous4:04 PM

    It is a daycare with the same original owners.

  54. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Uh Oh....the Diva is in France. For what, I don't know.

  55. Anonymous9:13 AM

    12:15 PM

    ALL French whores go to France!

  56. Anonymous9:50 AM

    9:13...And all French whores sweat in church on Sunday!

  57. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Lets all go to the Super Buffet and pig out so that we can stay on the top of the most obese state in the USA!! And send all of our money to who knows where!

  58. Anonymous7:52 PM

    1:34..FYI We ate at the Super Buffet tonight and it was delicious.

  59. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I too went to the Super Buffet today. I was floored by the size and scope of the operation. I told the owner that I certainly hope she will succeed. She (and he) will need to to pay for the building improvements and lease on top of that!

    At $5.99, who wants just a burger, fries & drink? The food was delicious....the place was packed--somebody's business certainly suffered today but hey that's life in the competitive private sector

    PS....if you are a public sector employee, you wouldn't understand that last sentence.

  60. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Competition is good; But it needs to be on a level playing field; My business is suffering because we can not compete against illegal workers, no Social Security, Workmens Compnesations, Unemployment Insurance; ........ When supportin a local business just remember, their profit stays in Greenville!!! They support local chairites, etc.....

  61. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Where is the Super Buffet?

  62. Anonymous1:44 PM

    First, Ray left for two reasons your insiders have so far failed to uncover, and while he certainly made some mistakes, the never ending drone of your displeasure invalidates your position. Second, teachers may not get the highest base salary, but they certainly get lots of time off, paid holidays, paid health, and other benefits. Did I forget to mention a retirement/pay ratio that is the envy of every self employed person in America. Retirement benefits also come with a built in cost of living increase, something non-goverment workers who have a defined contribution plan not a defined benefit plan don't enjoy. While I'm here why does it cost $6-10,000 dollars to educate a kid in public school in Mississippi but only about half that in the local privates? Maybe, just maybe we shouldn't be asking why can't teachers get more, but why our kids don't get more for the taxpayers dollar. The teachers unions and the lack of ability to fire the bad ones have destroyed public education.

  63. Anonymous5:22 PM

    9:43... The Super Buffet & Grill is on Hwy 1 next to Kroger in the old Wal Mart Building. You can't miss it. I had dinner there last night and lunch there today. The memu is identical and the price is %5.99 for lunch and $9.99 for dinner. But the catch is...the drink is $1.39. Have a tall glass of water and save the $1.39.

  64. Anonymous7:23 PM



    You are right about the teachers' union and the lack of ability to fire the bad ones. And the good ones don't join the teachers' union and get fired!

    I, too paid to have my child educated at a private school in Mississippi and it cost less than $10,000...even less than $6,000.
    And the money was very well spent!

  65. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Thanks Anonymous 5:22pm! Went there for dinner tonight. Food was good , friendly staff and nice atmosphere. I will return!

  66. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Check this link to see how one southern city handles arrest info...complete with mug shots. If only Greenville....

  67. Anonymous9:09 PM

    6:12 Indianola does this also...why can't we???

  68. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Why do we have these departments in the government. Would the US no longer work as a country? Or are we just supporting something high paid bureaucrats to do something that doesn't need to be done at a federal level?

  69. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The Super Buffett was O.K. I have had better and I've have had worse.

    They ran out of fried rice.

    I went three days after the grand opening (Saturday). The carpet in the dining area was already stained. All flooring should be tiled.

    The tables are wobbly. I saw several elderly people, press down on the tabletop to either sit or rise, and the table almost "tumped" over. Strong tables or bolt them down to the flooring.

    The waitresses were totally confused. How hard is it to take a drink order for four people?

    Had to ask for extra napkins.

    It would be more efficient, to pay as you enter, give your drink order and then be escorted to a table.

    Or let us fix our own drinks and then there would be no need to have the waitresses.

  70. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I heard some teachers in wal-mart saying they had gotten their contracts. What is the status on which schools are closing?

  71. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Does anyone know whar B.U.F.F.E.T. stand for?


  72. Anonymous5:19 PM

    2:47 Tacky

  73. Anonymous9:09 PM


    Yes tacky. But sadly true.

  74. Anonymous2:27 PM

    2:47 I think thats halarious!!!!!5:19 is probably the first one in line everyday at lunch time.

  75. Anonymous2:32 PM

    347 home invasions since Jan. I thought crime just a couple of months ago, as stated by the Diva our beloved mayor, said crime has dropped this year ,so far. And G'ville is on record pace to surpass the record for murders this year is already at nine. Maybe we all need to get a body guard.

  76. JustaWondering3:00 PM

    Forthright must have died.

  77. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Well, Big Brother has hit again at DRMC. We are now (if we want to get decent prices) required to go to only ONE pharmacy. If we don't, our prescription meds will cost a fortune. The preferred provider is right by the hospital and has limited hours. Also, I and many other employees do not feel comfortable exiting a pharmacy in this part of town with prescription drugs in our hands. Are they going to provide a security guard to help us to our cars so that we are not robbed? Are they going to change their hours to accommodate OUR hours? And who would want to go there after dark anyway? It is a GREAT concept to help us save on our medications, but why such a small pharmacy in one of the worst areas of this town? Go figure?????

  78. Anonymous9:07 PM


    Must be nice to have prescription coverage.

    Quit your bitching about such a trivial matter.

  79. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Just do like I do and fire a couple of shots from your 9mm pistol before you walk out the door. It works for me.

  80. Anonymous8:25 AM

    what pharmacy is this? condon's?

  81. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Let me get this straight, you work in this really bad area but, you are afraid to go into the Pharmacy. How many people had been robbed at the particular pharmacy? If its a lot maybe they will provide police protection or at lease the person with the 9mm. Personally I would be more afraid of an idiot firing a 9mm into the air. But a reduced pharmacy cost sounds really great

  82. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Soon G'ville will have a road block set up at both ends of hwy 82 and hwy 1 to search each person entering our hell hole to see if you have a gun or a knife to protect yourself. And if you don't, they will provide one for you when entering our fine city.

    9 murders and 374 home invasions in only 5 months. This sounds like a great place to live and bring up our kids. And only with a population just over 30,000 our odds don't look to good for who will be next.
