Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Survive a Hospital Stay

It's not just DRMC...

Hospitals are scary places! If you have ever worked in one, you know this; however, most have not and still regard doctors and nurses as "saints". Nothing could be further from the truth... for the most part, they are overworked, under-educated, stressed out, human beings who have to work in totally unsafe environments called hospitals. Sure, many of them are doing the "best that they can", but when your loved one dies as a result of "preventable medical errors", that is little consolation.

You have probably heard about the frightening number of deadly medical errors that occur in hospitals nationwide. The key to preventing medical errors in hospitals is by being proactive and involved.

We aren't trained to be proactive when it comes to health care. Health care is rapidly changing and everyone needs to be involved in their own care. In many cases, doctors and nurses are "temporary" employees who move from place to place to earn a living. Often, they are thrown into jobs in which they receive no orientation or supervision.... and here's where the problems start.

What you may not know is that you do in fact have control over what happens to you in the hospital. Asserting yourself by asking questions and overseeing your own medical care is now essential. The life you save could be your own.

Nearly a quarter of a million deaths in hospitals nationwide were found to be preventable (The Fifth Annual HealthGrades Patient Safety in American Hospitals Study, 2008). The good news here is the word "preventable".

Here are 12 tips on how to survive a hosptial stay:

1. Enlist a family member or good friend to act as your advocate. Ask this person to show up on a regular basis and get involved to oversee and monitor your care. He or she will act as your eyes and ears while you are in the hospital. More than 150 doctors and nurses I interviewed said this: "Hospital care is in crisis. You must have someone with you at all times in the hospital. Loved ones are patient's best advocates."

2. Get a notebook. Record your daily progress, medication names and dosages, procedures, treatments, and medical professionals names and contact info. Take notes on conversations with doctors and nurses. You can't remember everything that is discussed. You are recovering!

3. To prevent medication mistakes. Medication errors are among the most common medical errors, harming at least 1.5 million people every year (Institute of Medicine). Write down your medications and dosages. List what the medication looks like, the shape and color of any pills, the names on the labels of bottles or IV bags. Create a detailed description as labels and bottles can look alike. Make sure that you recognize the medication when it is administered. If you don't, ask questions. Be assertive. Also make sure your allergies to medications are in your chart. Repeat this information to your primary nurses and physicians.

4. Meeting with your doctors. You want a face-to-face interaction with your doctors not only establish a relationship (doctors see so many patients and you want them to put faces with names) but to get a list of medications, treatments and procedures directly from this medical professional. This way, you can accurately go through a checklist to prevent medical errors. Ask your loved one to join you during doctors' rounds so he or she can also make a list and help you go through your checklist. It's handy to have someone there to ask questions you may have forgotten. Have your notebook handy. Prepare questions ahead of time about the your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

5. Establish a relationship with your primary nurse. No other nurse will do. Hospital staff dress alike so make sure you know the registered nurse who is responsible for your daily care. Get personal. Show appreciation to your primary nurse. The more good will you express to this professional, the more attention you will receive. And more attention translates to the probability of fewer errors. Your advocate can ask if he or she can help with your care. This also reinforces involvement on the part of family and friends. Doctors and nurses I interviewed all said that if a patient has involved family members, they will get more attention. Have a loved one bring in a few thank you cards for you. Address them to your primary nurses (a different one at night and during the day and you could have a new nurse every day) with a note from you about how much you appreciate their good care of you.

6. Humanize yourself to your primary nurses and physicians. Think about how many patients these medical professionals see in a year. You want the medical professionals to see you as a human being, not as the "shoulder surgery" in room 209. You want a personal connection. Offer details about yourself, your friends and family, but keep it brief. What do you do for a living? How many children do you have? Do you have animals at home? Ask the nurse or doctor about him or herself. Find common ground.

7. To prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infectious diseases Among the most virulent are MRSA and pneumonia, ask every person who comes in contact with you, including the physicians and nurses, to wash their hands or put on a fresh pair of disposable gloves before touching you. Create a sign that is placed above your bed that says, "Please wash your hands before touching me." Place antibacterial gel next to your hospital bed and ask everyone to use it. If you can arrange for a private room, do. It cuts down on the number of people who travel in and out of your hospital room and decreases the spread of disease.

8. To prevent surgery on the wrong body part. Before you enter the operating room, you or your advocate should ask to see the surgeon to go over your name, birth date, type of surgery, and the correct site on your body to be operated on. If the surgeon is not available, ask to see the anesthesiologist and nurses involved in your case and repeat this same checklist with each one.

9. Holidays, weekends and nights. Medical errors increase at these times. Nurse-to-patient ratios increase and doctors can be away. Ask your advocate to be with you as much as possible or ask them to hire a sitter, companion or private duty nurse to fill in.

10. Ask questions. Many people are afraid to question their nurses and doctors. Don't be. If a medication looks new or different, ask what it is and what it is for. If something seems amiss, or you are surprised by some piece of information such as orders for discharge when you thought you were going to be in the hospital for another two days, ask questions. As long as you are polite and respectful, your request should be met with acceptance. If you don't understand something, ask questions. This is your health and well being we are talking about. Be assertive.

11. Form a Family Advocate Team. If your loved one who acts as your advocate works or is too busy to be with you 24/7, ask that another two to three family members or good friends share shifts to be at your bedside. Keep the notebook in your room and ask that everyone share the task of taking notes and acting as watchdogs.

12. To prevent bed sores. If you've had surgery or if you're recovering from an illness, you may be in bed for a period of time. If you are not turned frequently enough you could develop bed sores. Ask your primary nurse§ or nurse's aid to turn your body often enough to prevent bed sores. Some 503,300 patients admitted to U.S. hospitals in 2006 suffered from a bedsore that developed either before or during their stay, reported by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

The bottom line is trust no one! If you or your loved one needs around the clock care... you better be willing to provide it, because hospitals can not meet that need. We have no problems questioning our car mechanics, plumbers or home repairmen about their skills and qualifications, so why do we "revere" health care workers?

A competent doctor or nurse will not take offense by your questions and will usually be receptive to your interest. Any health care professional who is evasive, rude or simply refuses to help you understand the disease process is a "red flag" who needs to be immediately reported to hospital administration.

The safest place to be when you are ill... is in your home.



  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    How to avoid falling victim to a
    hospital mistake....

    Read the article. are so RIGHT!

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Greenville’s entries offer poor first impressions of this city

    Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:47 PM CST

    To the editor:

    All cities, regardless of size, have slum areas, but most of the time they are isolated to areas of town that are not seen by people traveling through. The image of our city has deteriorated so fast that it is unbelievable.

    We all realize that the economy is bad, and businesses are closing everywhere. But our main travel arteries, such as U.S. 82 and Mississippi 1 (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard), are beginning to take on the look of a deserted ghetto. When you travel U.S. 82 from city limit to city limit, you see 18 vacant commercial properties. Some with windows knocked out, some with windows boarded up, paint peeling off and the grounds in terrible condition.

    Then, traveling Mississippi 1 (MLK Boulevard), it is even worse, with 24 vacant commercial properties, most in a terrible state of repair. Vandalism is so bad in the city that when a commercial building becomes vacant, the owner has to board up the windows to keep the vandals from breaking them out. This creates even more of an eyesore.

    Our City Council wonders why revenue is down with 42 retail businesses closed — not to mention the fact that large distributors such as Budweiser, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola and etc. have all left Greenville. And the council wonders why the revenue is down?

    If our city is to have a future with any possibility of growth, our image is going to have to change. Our city governing body, along with all of our citizens, needs to wake up and take a look around at what is happening to the appearance of our city. What impression does our city make on someone passing through or someone thinking of locating a new business here?

    We need some appearance standards for businesses that are located on our main arteries. Get in your auto and take a ride on U.S. 82 and Mississippi 1, and I ask you, what kind of image does our city project to someone passing through? Other cities close by have not let this happen to them. Look at Cleveland: hardly any vacant commercial properties, and the properties that are vacant are well maintained. No windows are broken and they are not boarded up. The downtown area is beautiful and well maintained. It’s the same with Indianola as well. We have to do something before it’s too late.

    When someone who was born and raised in Greenville and has not been back for several years returns for a visit, they can’t believe their eyes. One of our past citizens who visited Greenville recently was so embarrassed by the appearance of our city that he stated he would donate $50,000 if the locals would match it to help with the clean up of our city. Our city government, our chamber of commerce and our citizens need to do something before it’s too late. Our city is taking on the look of a dilapidated ghetto.

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    According to the DDT article:
    What's the deal with the school board just giving any group use of a building? There are many buildings for sale at cheap prices! Declare the property surplus and auction it off and use the money to reduce my school taxes. Good Grief!

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    5:09 PM.

    Did you also know that the SOLOMON MIDDLE SCHOOL auditorium is"rented out" to various organizations for banquets, pagents, and meetings.

    However, the "rental fee" is waivered for churches.

    A school employee has to "open" and "close" the building. If the principal or assistant principal
    doesn't "open" and "close", then a janitorial employee or a secretary has to do it...and they are "hourly" employees and must be approved for the over-time pay!

    Clean-up afterwards?

    Security during the use?


    They probably use the same guidelines for the GREENVILLE-WESTON HIGH SCHOOL auditorium.

    Whenever they have a funeral at one of the local schools, either here, or somewhere else in the there a fee? Hmmmmm.

    Again, I ask, "Does Brent Daycare pay rent for the use of a building owned by the city?" Remember, the same building that got a new roof recently, according to city council meeting minutes!

    And last, but not was NOT just a coincidence, that TWO agencies wanted the Garret Hall School building and were scheduled for the SAME school board meeting.


    Sounds like someone "got wind" of the Jackson agency and then told the local church.

    Lockhart's (the pastor of the "local church) wife is a retired teacher. Hmmmmmm.

    If you put a "church" in a public school, then, you've got a private school! And with that is tuition and no federal grant money!

    And does the Tri-Something Agency still provide services to Solomon Middle School students for behavioral and mental problems. Seems like I remember that they had a contract with the school board several years ago. They could provide "their" services "on-site", at the school, without the students having to come to their office(s). Probably covered by Medicaid!

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    No one should be allowed to use the school buildings.

    Sell it.

    Rent it out.

    Several years ago, Greenville Public Schools had the opportunity to sell the ditch...separating Solomon Middle School and the Greenville Mall...for $80,000.

    The Greenville Mall wanted to buy it.

    The Greenville Public Schools refused to sell.

    $80,000 for a ditch!

  6. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Our city is a "dilapidated ghetto". No amount of money can change the apathy and ignorace that got us to this point. City leaders are a joke, economic development is a "delusion" and Greenville has become the sacrificial lamb for our state. In ten years, Greenville will be among the major poverty centers of our nation. Pack up and get out. The writing is on the wall... for the few left that can read!

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    YOUR city is a dilapidated ghetto.

    MY city is poised for change!

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    7:32 P.M.----AMEN!

    9:48 A.M.----I've got some swamp land in Florida; would you be interested in purchasing it?

  9. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Swamp land in Florida is worth more than property in Greenville...and the alligators are more friendly.

  10. Anonymous11:36 AM

    9:48 is a hopeless person. I have fought many years before 9:48 to change things here in G'ville. I was once a person like 9:48 but after years of hope in my heart and soul I soon found out that all I did was for nothing. I would make progress in one area and then take two steps back in another area. It just became too much for me to think I could make a difference. I love this city but have been beaten down and given up to make a difference. The city gov't does not have its heart and soul into any kind of change. I know ,I have fought them for nearly 10 years and you see where G'ville is going. STEADILY DOWNHILL is the direction of G'ville because it takes a WHOLE CITY to make changes and that ain't gonna happen 9:48. I only wish it could change for the better.

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM


    City up to Challenge

    Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:15 AM CST

    GREENVILLE — The Greenville Challenge committee is getting closer to claiming $50,000. As of noon Friday, Betty Lynn Cameron, Main Street director, reported it have reached 30 percent of the goal.

    “The excitement is building with every check we receive and person we encounter that says ‘Count me in, I want to be part of the project,’” Cameron said.

    All the buzz started when Ken Dowe, a Dallas businessman and former Greenville resident, offered $50,000 of his own money to help clean up the city if the matching funds are raised.

    “Classes from Greenville schools are beginning to issue challenges to fellow classmates,” said Benjy Nelken, co-chairman of the Challenge fundraising committee. “This is really encouraging.”

    The Challenge committee has working a grass roots method to raise the money. Dowe has said from the beginning that he believes Greenville is up to the challenge and can do it.

    “We are so grateful to Ken for having faith in Greenville and passion for the city he calls his hometown,” said Lynn Cox, Challenge committee member. “We cannot let him down.”

    Here’s a list of donors

    1. Carolyn Weathers

    2. Planters Bank

    3. Donald R. Atley

    4. Carolyn Poindexter

    5. Valerie Lee

    6. Betty Lynn Cameron

    7. Parker & Frankie England

    8. Bob & Lynn Robinson

    9. Kathi Taylor

    10. Rebecca Goodman

    11. Herbert & Susie Williams

    12. Johnny & Artimese Smith

    13. Entergy

    14. Dr. James R. Parkerson

    15.Farnsworth’s / Monty McGee

    16. Betsy Alexander / Coldwell Banker

    17. Adelyn Stokes

    18. Audine Haynes

    19. Lillian Miller

    20. Thomas & Merrill Greenlee

    21. Tamicko R. Ransome

    22. Guy & Sally Freeman

    23. Jimmy L. Ford

    24. Board of Supervisors

    25. Delta Implement Co.

    26. The McGarrh Agency, Inc

    28. Beth H. Worth

    29. Linda W. Miller

    30. George W. Miles

    31. Dr. & Mrs. Clair Allen

    32. St. Joseph’s School System

    33. Jim & Eddie Lou Finger

    34. Noel & Eloise Cumbaa

    35. Perry & Docia England

    33. Clarke, Bradley, Baker

    34. John & Lucille Dillard

    35. Nell B. Williford

    36. Delta Democrat Times

    TOTAL: $15,065

  12. Anonymous12:26 PM


    Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:15 AM CST

    I was carrying leftover party favors to my car to bring to the paper for coworkers Saturday afternoon when I saw three black kids. They were on the sidewalk looking into the graffiti-laden former business next to the Greenville History Museum.

    There were none older than 12.

    We struck up a conversation and, long story short, I gave them a couple of bags of chips and a minute later I returned with a bottle of soda, three cups and a bag of ice.

    In a way, I felt bad giving them junk food, but I got over it as they seemed appreciative of the gesture. We got to talking and they told me one of their mothers had dropped them off at the library and they were waiting to be picked up.

    As they munched down, they asked if I owned the museum, and I told them I didn’t. I told them what I did for a living, and I also asked them to dispose of the trash properly when they were finished. Then we got into a clean up Greenville discussion.

    One said something about how “that building needs cleaned up,” and that he’d love to go in and clean up the former audio store himself. The others agreed.

    A little while later, I was in the back of the buildings, and the kids were back there, too, and so were three bicycles … so much for mom picking them up.(they lied to me)

    I told one of the kids to stay out of trouble because I sure would hate to get a police report and have to put their names in the paper. He nodded. Then I noticed a young man, somewhere in his late teens to early 20s on a bike riding in circles in the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church parking lot and shouting something to the other two.

    Later, walking up Washington Avenue, I noticed one of the cups on the sidewalk. I figured, well, only one-out-of-three went ahead and littered, so that’s not too bad. I picked up the cup and tossed it in the sidewalk trashcan next to the gap in the buildings on the 400 block.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the two other cups and a candy wrapper one of the kids had earlier. I was disappointed. When I ran across a bag of chips and the bag of ice, tucked in a doorway, I was downright miffed.

    I had to wonder if they littered intentionally, or was it kids just being kids? I mean, we exchanged names, broke bread (so to speak) and this is how they say thanks. All this even after we talked about a cleaner Greenville.

    Then I got to thinking about the prior unauthorized entries into the trashed former business, the older dude on the bike and how smooth those kids were ...

    ... And as I type this, I’m hoping against hope ...

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM


    Women see good, bad in the Delta

    Monday, November 16, 2009 11:47 AM CST

    (Editor’s note: Due to the employment nature of some of the women at the inaugural Delta meeting of the Women’s Fund of Mississippi — an organization that seeks to improve the lives of women and girls — some names have been omitted to protect the identity and privacy of attendees.)

    GREENVILLE — “I am depressed about what I see,” said Carol Penick, executive director of the Women’s Fund of Mississippi.

    Penick’s remarks came after a round table discussion Thursday at Our House. The Women’s Fund of Mississippi called on women in the Delta to share their thoughts about what is wrong and what is right with the Delta.

    On what is right with the Delta, few answers were given.

    “More women are going back to school, some are even getting online degrees,” said Woman 1.

    “The WIN Job Center,” said Woman 2.

    “It’s good that we do seem to have a government now that is looking out for us,” said another woman, who works for a community organization. “There’s a lot of stimulus money out there right now.”

    That was it for what is right with the Delta. Now here is what is wrong with the Delta, according to attendees.

    “I’m seeing a trend of more and more young women who are uneducated because they have kids at home,” said Woman 1.

    “The morals have changed. When I was young, you didn’t even show up at school if you were pregnant. Now it is glorified,” said Woman 2. “You now have grandparents who are 30 years old.”

    Judge Vernita King Johnson said she is seeing too many grandparents in her courtroom, and that parents are not training their children.

    “We are seeing so many grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles raising the kids,” said Johnson. “These young girls are too pre-occupied with their men, and we’re seeing 80-year-olds raising 10- and 12-year-olds. We’ve got too many parents who don’t discipline their children or teach them what ‘no’ means. How do we address this issue? And we need to, because by the time it gets to the court — it is too late.”

    “There is a lack of motivation with our young people. They have been given too much and seem to have lost the will to survive,” said woman 3.

    Woman 4 said, “A lot of parents don’t have any self-esteem and don’t know how to talk to their children. My mother told me I would never be anything because of my weight, but I proved her wrong.”

    “I’ve watched the route to my home turn into a trash heap in the past few years,” said woman 5. “Also, what happened to manners. That is something that has never gone out of fashion.”

    Woman 6 said, “More individuals need to get out and do something, not just organizations. We need to get out from behind our professional personas and do something just for the sake of doing it.”

    “Kids are looking for love. One kid asked me ‘What do you do when nobody is listening?’ I know exactly what that kid means. Woman 7. “People need to listen and quit knocking these kids down. They need love and confidence.”

    The Women’s Fund of Mississippi is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in Mississippi through of early childhood education, teen health and the prevention of violence against women.

    “Mississippi has been repeatedly ranked as the worst state for women by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research,” said Penick. “Mississippi also has the highest teen birth rate in the nation, we rank second in domestic violence.

    “And,” she added, “We have the highest death rate in women due to domestic violence.”

    The message from the Women’s Fund was a grim one with more statistics showing how 23 percent of women in the state live in poverty.

  14. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "I was once a person like 9:48 but after years of hope in my heart and soul I soon found out that all I did was for nothing."

    Well, if you thought that all you did was "for nothing", then you are NOTHING like me, thank you very much! When I act, there is a difference.

  15. Anonymous8:34 PM

    A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbors.
    Dean Inge

  16. Anonymous8:35 PM

    5:56PM..."When I act, there is a difference."

    Where are your manners?

    You sound very conceited and arrogant.

    Are you THE mayor?

  17. Anonymous8:21 AM

    To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

    It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:
    The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
    Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
    Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
    War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
    Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
    Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
    The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

    You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars AND YOU WANT AMERICANS TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE TRUSTED WITH A GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM??

  18. Anonymous8:26 AM

    5:56 Name one thing you acted upon and it has made G'ville better. We all would like to know. I can tell you, NOTHING you have done has made it better.

  19. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Obama says he will not have a Christmas tree at the WHITEHOUSE.

    He must be a muslim in sheeps clothing.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM



    Obama will not have a Christmas tree?

    Why not?

    And don't say that he is trying to "cut back" on the budget and save money.

    He certainly didn't "cut back" on the budget and save money when HE and THE family took a vacation this summer, both within the states and in other countries!

  21. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Watch this and you will know why there is not Christmas tree in the White House....

  22. Of Jewish faith8:15 PM

    And if Joe Liberman had become President... would he have put a Christmas tree in the White House? Get over this religious crap. Remember separation of church and state?

  23. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Joe Liberman is NOT the President of the United States of America.

    Obama IS the President of the United States of America.

    Everything, and I mean everything, that he says, and all that he does should represent OUR nation under God.

  24. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Solomon Middle School's auditorium is "rented out"?

    Is that why the former principal
    transferred to Stern Elementary after only one semester?

  25. Anonymous8:01 AM

    7:22 AM

    Don't know.

    But, are the local Muslim church leaders, dressed in their traditional "garb", STILL visiting Solomon Middle School to "do lunch"with the principal...or have THEY, too, transferred to Stern Elementary School?


  26. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I heard today that Greenville Public School District is in such bad shape that it is being taken over by the State Dept. of Education. Is this true and if so, what are the facts?

  27. Anonymous3:11 PM

    2:52 PM

    Just remember,don't get THE facts from Leeson Taylor, THE Deputy Superintendent of THE schools.

    He "played down" the outbreak of ALL three fights at the beginning of the school year.

    He, also, "implied" that fights were also occurring at St. Joe and Washington Schools.

    Both schools retorted and defended their schools with Letters to the Editor in the Delta Democrat Times.

  28. Anonymous8:02 PM

    To 7:05

    So, we don't need to elect a Jewish President? What happened to freedom of religion?

  29. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Check out this site for a report card on Greenville Schools...

  30. Anonymous9:59 PM

    8:08 Looks like GPS is in really bad shape, according to

  31. Anonymous10:03 PM

    8:02 PM----What happened to OUR (you know, the ones that were born here to U.S. citizens and have lived here ALL of our lives!)freedom when Obama became THE president?

  32. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Greenville Public School District ranks 109 out of 138 school districts. Drew ranks 138. PITIFUL!!!

  33. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Right! As a district, Greenville Public Schools ranks 109 out of 138 total school districts.

    Then click on Mississippi Ten Worst Elementary Schools, (according to 2008-2009 MCT test scores).

    There are 432 Mississippi Elementary Schools.

    Melissa Manning ranks 426.

    Ella Darling ranks 430.

    Bottom ten in the WHOLE state!

  34. Anonymous10:36 PM

    No wonder Estes Taplin, THE superintendent resigned and left.

    He left before he was FIRED.

    Oh, but he was such a fine preacher. LOL.

    The difference between a preacher and a a "p" and a "t"!

    I don't think that "praying" is going to raise the students' test scores, but some good ole' fashioned teaching might help!

  35. Anonymous11:17 PM


    And the former principal of Darling Elementary School is now the principal at the 9Th grade Weston campus.

    If he can't get the teachers to teach the 3rd graders, then how will he get them to teach 9th graders?

  36. Anonymous11:26 PM


    A Jewish President?

    All of the Jewish people that I know are very apt with budgets and saving money.And all are ecomically productive and work. Might come in handy when Obama's four years are up!

  37. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I heard that the principal that was at Solomon Middle School (for only one semester)and then transferred to Stern, "got rid of" the secretary before leaving.

    Supposedly, he was "brown nosing" THE superintendent, and the "plan" was to "split" the secretary's earnings and give themselves both a "raise".

    Yup. A preacher and a union rep.
    What a dirty plan!

    Neither one was worried or concerned if the teachers were teaching or if the students were learning. Their only concern was their money!

  38. Anonymous8:35 AM

    G'ville Public Schools is another example of how G'ville is steady declining. There's no hope for us here in G'ville. There's no way any industry ,business or families wanting to move here EVER! Soon we all will be living like a third world country here in G'ville. I am thinking about abandoning everything I have and leave before I am too old to start over. I know now why my parents begged me to leave G'ville right after college. They saw what was coming and I just ignored them. Between private school tuition,high taxes,car tags,no opportunities, and low paying jobs there's no way for a young couple to ever get ahead. I am spending more to send my kids to first and third grades than I spent to go to college. Luckily I have talked to several of my college friends in other parts of the country and they all say there other places to live other than G'ville and have assured me I will be fine if I decide to leave G'ville. Their kids go to public schools and are loving life.They said just think if you had that 500 dollars a month extra what I could have. Or not having to pay 400 dollars for a car tag. Thats over 6 thousand dollars a year extra. Plus they have no state income tax. That would be an automatic 7% raise on my paycheck right there. WOW the more I sit here typing the more time I am wasting to gather my family and pack my car. I love G'ville but right now G'ville doesn't love me back.

  39. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I know if I have $6,000 every year, I would be so happy, my life would be better, my kids smarter, everything would be great!!! I'd never have problems ever again! I've gotta leave with you!

  40. Anonymous8:22 PM

    To all of the Greenville lovers... get out of Greenville for a week or a weekend! You don't have to leave the South, just leave Greenville and experience what it is like to deal with civilized people. People who are educated and accept different views and cultures... everything is not just BLACK and WHITE! My worst memory about a vacation from Greenville was the flight back into our sad reality. When the plane touched down, my spirit plunged, knowing that I am once again trapped in a place filled with racism and hatred. I finally got out and I feel like I have been reborn. I am healthier, happier and more positive than I ever was in Greenville for over 35 years!

    We live in a big world and almost any-place you go will afford you more opportunity than Greenville. Don't be amoung the last survivors on this "Titanic"... there is so much more to life than mere survival.

  41. Anonymous9:00 PM

    8:22 You're right!!!

    Every night, I visit the board from a far away land that is SOOOO much better!!! My life is grand--grander than ever!! You have no idea what you are missing!! Right after I moved, God blessed me with sooooo much--I suddenly could go out to eat at CHAIN restaurants, spend my money seeing famous people at concerts, getting lots of TV channels, the roads are smooth....and on and on! How can anybody stay in Greenville. Good golly, look at what I have now! I'm the best! All I did was change locations! And sorry sorry sorry people :( I am soooo sad for you! There you are in Greenville. Oh my, how sad! Oh, but I'm happy because after 40 years, I'm now the greatest and live in the greatest southern city ever! Greenville is the bottom, I'm the top!! Oh my oh my!

  42. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Any word yet on the accreditation of Greenviile Public Schools?

    At the beginning of the school year, adminisitrators were so busy, with meetings and trying to get prepared for THEIR evaluation,that they could not even talk to parents on the phone, concerning fighting issues.

    Is the school's evalution comparable to the hospital's evaluation?

    Do they (also) "pay" for the "passing grade"?

  43. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Note to the wise:

    Sure, medical doctors "hang" their diplomas on the walls of their offices,but have you ever asked to see their GPA.

    A medical student, making mostly C's and D's can STILL get a diploma.

    This "holds true" for ALL professions...even lawyers!

    Do you want a medical doctor that was in "the top of his/her class", or do you want a medical doctor that barely "slid by"?


    Evaluation/accreditation scores?

    Are they made "public"?

  44. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Note to the wise:

    Sure, medical doctors "hang" their diplomas on the walls of their offices,but have you ever asked to see their GPA.

    A medical student, making mostly C's and D's can STILL get a diploma.

    This "holds true" for ALL professions...even lawyers!

    Do you want a medical doctor that was in "the top of his/her class", or do you want a medical doctor that barely "slid by"?


    Evaluation/accreditation scores?

    Are they made "public"?

  45. Anonymous6:24 PM



  46. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Mississippi is 50th in everything... so why would a competent doctor, lawyer or teacher come here? Because they can't get a job anywhere else. We are a state of bottom-feeders and we take anyone with a "degree".

    There is corruption at every level of accredidation so we will never have anything but bottom-feeders. Hospitals, public schools and higher education are a joke in this state! No one will fail "the test" because we are afraid of being called racists!

    I agree with the above authors... you don't have to go far from Greenville to discover that life can be enjoyable once you shed the racism, hatred and BS that has become part of the Greenville experience!

  47. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Forthright: It's time for something new.
