Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Stimulate Greenville... Tell Us!

Heads up - Greenville wish list for stimulus money said...

Copied from web site shown below: Projects in Greenville, Mississippi. Below are the "shovel-ready" projects for which this city submitted in the 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors report. You can click on a project to read (and add to) its description.

You can also discuss the project and vote on whether you believe it is critical or not. The total cost of all the projects submitted by Greenville is $337,850,000. Copy and paste to go to web site or just click on this link:

Thanks, "Heads up" for the web address. This is a great site for information about how our city funds will be spent, plus you can rate the importance of each project and state why you believe the project is needed or a waste of money! As with the "Scoop", all responses will be anonymous unless you offer your name (which many have done).

Everyone should at least vote on these expenditures. Here's a tip... Click on the up and down arrows in the "vote ratio" column of the page. This will order the project from the least or most important projects. When you click on each project, you can vote "yes" or "no" to its importance and below, you can offer comments as to why you believe as you do.

Here's a great chance to become more informed about our city projects and to let your voice be heard. Your votes may become very useful in future debates about what Greenville residents really want. Check it out.



  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Everyone needs to go to this site and vote! It is very interesting and you can only vote once which will make the results more valid.

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    If we MUST spend the money, I say we "invest" in anything to make the city water supply more clear and more acceptable to people and industry who've never encountered such. The water's always been safe but a person's perception - at the moment - is as good as reality.

    Flood control measures should be an "investment" as well.

    I'll pass on the Cops & Firefighters' exclusive exercise club. It would be cheaper to subsidize their memberships to the Hodding Carter YMCA, not to mention "stimulate" a fine facility's operation and potential growth in quality if not in size. The exercise center proposal is indulgent for a city that isn't secure.

    Some of these other requests aren't stimulus at all - just "Christmas-style" wishlist creating. The government should print a Sears catalogue-type of flimsy paper book for us all to marvel as the cool stuff we can ask "Santa" to give us.

    By the way DDT newspaper, you WERE correct to oppose an exclusive gym for city cops and buckled because you got pressure and management still trying to "make a difference by making friends." You individuals will learn soon enough; it takes a couple of years.

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I agree about the Health/wellness center proposed. I thought the pool project for rebuilding the Bobby Henry Pool was to be all about that?? Hey Mayor?? Wha' happened??

    Here is more to ponder about one of the items on this wish list:
    "The Cotton Pickers" B.P.O.E. Lodge No. 148

    Greenville, Mississippi (Washington County)

    In its heyday the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elk, No. 148 Lodge, also known as the "Cotton Pickers" Elk Lodge, was the social center for Greenville. Originally chartered in 1890, the "Cotton Pickers" built their once proud Neo-classic home in Greenville in 1906 and opened the doors in 1907. The Greenville Times of February 16, 1907, described the building as including a billiard hall, a barbershop, and a full library decorated with rare and expensive oil paintings and as being lighted by both gas and electricity. The "Cotton Pickers" Lodge has been converted many times since the Elks left. Now the home of the Mississippi Action for Community Education (M.A.C.E.), an organization committed to the preservation and education of African-American culture, the building is in urgent need of help. In the 1990's, M.A.C.E. and other concerned citizens saved the building several times from the bulldozer and had the building designated a Mississippi Landmark in 2002. If care is not taken soon to restore the building, the city could force demolition.

    No progress has made on saving this site. The M.A.C.E. organization is still trying to find funding to renovate the building.

    My question is why is the City asking for money for an organization?? Shouldn't they be the ones asking and applying for Federal Funding?? Huh Mmyor?? Huh??

    I know she "says" she does not read this "ludicrous" site...but I betcha she does!LOL

  4. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I bet she does also, and I bet she even leaves post! And many others that are subjects also visit the site!

  5. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Of course they do, curiousity always kills the cats!LOL

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Get this one!

    Greenville City Hall Lighting Efficiency upgrades - to replace lighting throughout city hall for more energy efficent and cost effective products
    $750,000.00 - 18 jobs

    ewww, 18 jobs...that is exciting!! NOT!!! 18 jobs and then once it is all changed..then what..18 unemployed again?? Give me a break!

    $750 grand??? Sheesh! I want to work for the City! How many City staff members does it take to change a light bulb?LOL

    I am sorry, turn out some lights if you need to, open some curtains, whatever...I do not believe this to be anymore critical than to the rest of us who live in older homes with older fixtures, old fashioned windows and poorly insulated when built homes. Yes, it would be nice to have improvements, but certainly not critical!

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Here is what I'd like todo with any money we get from B.O. Have everyone that would like to get the hell out of this sinking ship (Greenville) line up at the courthouse, after they take a count, divide the money between them and then our leaders, will have total control over the mindless followers that are left. and I Be-leavin Greenville.

  8. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "Chechen leader imposes strict brand of Islam.
    Critics fear dictatorship in region where Russian laws will not apply"

    GROZNY, Russia - The bullnecked president of Chechnya emerged from afternoon prayers at the mosque and with chilling composure explained why seven young women who had been shot in the head deserved to die.

    Ramzan Kadyrov said the women, whose bodies were found dumped by the roadside, had "loose morals" and were rightfully shot by male relatives in honor killings.

    "If a woman runs around and if a man runs around with her, both of them are killed," Kadyrov told journalists in the capital of this Russian republic.

    The 32-year-old former militia leader is carrying out a campaign to impose Islamic values and strengthen the traditional customs of predominantly Muslim Chechnya, in an effort to blunt the appeal of hardline Islamic separatists and shore up his power. In doing so, critics say, he is setting up a dictatorship where Russian laws do not apply.


    Russia? Islamic? Muslim? Are we paying attention?

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Everyone please pray for Mary Kate Rushing. She needs a miracle from God. Everyone o here please take a moment from teh complaining and arguing to say a special pray that she will be healed.

  10. Anonymous7:47 PM

  11. Anonymous9:51 PM

    The Obama administration last Thursday proposed raising at least $31.5 billion dollars over ten years from oil and gas companies, reflecting a repeal of tax breaks for domestic production and new charges on oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. In other words, the one relief in the economy, gasoline going from four bucks to two bucks, the one relief in the economy, low-cost fuel, Obama is targeting to bring the price back up. Don't tell me he is about individual economic prosperity and recovery.

  12. Anonymous12:12 PM

    More threats to our Civil Liberty to bear arms. Please sign petition at the end of the article!

    *Who’s sponsoring H.R. 45
    H.R. 45 — President Obama’s National Gun Registry and Citizen Disarmament Act — was written by Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush (D). It currently has no cosponsors.*

    But will it pass Congress?

    Congressman Rush’s bill an outrageous destruction of Constitutional Rights, but it’s the compromises that are truly dangerous

    Though far-left gun-haters routinely sponsor pie-in-the-sky legislation (anyone remember the days of Sen. Moynihan’s annual 1000% tax on ammo?), H.R. 45 has set new lows for the depths to which hoplophobes will sink.

    Is H.R. 45 dangerous? Yes. But is it likely to pass? No, not in its current form…. it’s too far-reaching.

    What is likely to pass, though, is a compromise, a deal cut with the gun-grabbers and the group that ostensibly represents gun owners, the NRA.

    Think that can’t happen? Rewind to the summer of 2007, when arch gun-hater Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy sat down with NRA board member Congressman John Dingell to craft a deal to expand Brady Checks into new realms of mental health records. A few months later, H.R. 2640 passed…with the approval of the NRA and McCarthy.

    Congressman Rush’s gun control ideas are much, much more dangerous as amendments to legislation that is already advancing.

    Remember the Brady Bill? It didn’t pass as a stand-alone bill. It passed as an amendment.

    Even more frightening was that it passed with the approval of the NRA (click here for that full story)

    The same is true of the Lautenberg Domestic Abuse ban, the Assault Weapons ban, 1986 McClure-Volkmer (which bans the manufacture of transferable machine guns), the 1968 Gun Control Act, and numerous other examples (especially if you look at state legislation).

    Yes, we’re watching H.R. 45. , and we want everyone to sign our petition against it. But also beware the slight of hand — it’s often more dangerous.

    Sign the petition below against this new bill.

    Please.. copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA .

  13. Anonymous3:10 PM

    dear readers:
    I'm requesting input. If you had the opportunity to be-leavin' Greenville and move to the Gulfport/biloxi area would u do it? Is the cost of living a lot more? are there good public schools? any info is appreciated.

  14. Anonymous6:40 PM

    GO! Yes, the schools are much better and the cost of living is about the same. At least you don't have to put up with the entitlement mentality. Anyone who has an opportunity to leave Greenville and doesn't... is just a fool.

  15. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Mobile is a little better pick if you have a choice, Fast growing, excellent schools and Jobs!!

  16. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I understand Ocean Springs, MS is supposed to be a pretty good place to live. Close to the bigger cities, but small town living.

    Orange Beach, AL is great, but the cost of housing is extremely expensive, Foley, AL is close by and not so expensive. The plentiful tax dollars of OB though provide fantastic schools and recreation for families.

  17. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Does anyone believe that our esteemed Mayor and Council will review the Stimulus site to see what peoople think is or is not critical???

    Not likely!LOL

  18. Here is what I'd like todo with any money we get from B.O. Have everyone that would like to get the hell out of this sinking ship (Greenville) line up at the courthouse, after they take a count, divide the money between them and then our leaders, will have total control over the mindless followers that are left. and I Be-leavin Greenville.

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