Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Over the Line

DRMC employee shares:

It is no wonder there is poor morale at DRMC which affects patient care. The way employees are mistreated and abused by upper management with reckless disregard for the DRMC Code of Conduct, not to mention federal laws, is just a drop in the bucket.

Recent events at "holiday parties" are good examples of upper management's misconduct with no accountability. Employees were attending a departmental Thanksgiving party held at the home of a supervisor. A revenue director became inebriated and in a drunken stupor told a hospital worker she was going to beat her ass and added there were other asses there that she was going to beat.

This is clearly indicative of upper management's Neanderthal mentality, and misconduct regarding rules against threat of violence to employees. If this was not bad enough, at a departmental Christmas party held at the home of the revenue director, the financial administrator became inebriated and in his drunken stupor told a worker and her husband that he needed to go home and take care of "that thing" before she had surgery.

This is clearly indicative of upper management's disdain, and misconduct regarding rules against lewd remarks and sexual harassment.

Sounds like DRMC employees had a bit too much holiday cheer! As for lewd remarks and sexual harassment, you should report this officially to Mr. Alphe Wells, whose job it is to insure that these incidents are investigated completely and appropriate action taken.

Unfortunately, this is just another example of the lack of sophistication and crudeness tolerated in "upper management" positions at DRMC. Humor is one thing, but when does it cross the line? I would suggest that the two examples of behavior above are about ten steps OVER the line.

We should demand more of our community "leaders".



  1. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Sounds like some parties Ive been to!! Why wasn't I invited??

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    How charming these upper management big wigs are!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    DRMC employees are not partying about the retirement Ray has cut from them. Just ask anyone on the hospital campus. Maybe he could stop spending money he doesn't have instead of taking money from the very folks who make the place run. Good job, Ray!

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Yet he still has people eating from his hand and keeping their noses brown. It is common knowledge on campus (and obviously around town) how shady he is, but it just doesn't seem to matter. It disgusts me. Hopefully the end is drawing near.

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    He disgusts us all at DRMC. The day Ray exits the building for the last time will be a day of celebration. We are all SICK TO DEATH of hearing about his "visions" and a "his new hospital" as he so endearingly refers to it. Since he's broke, he's now formed a task force to solicit monies from wealthy individuals to build his dream campus. What a joke. We are the laughing stock of hospitals all over the state. They all ask, "what is up with y'alls crazy administrator" when you talk with other healthcare professionals across the state. We are all praying his end is drawing near!!

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Why don't the valued employees (nurses) of DRMC come together and demand a hearnig before the boards (trustees and supervisors). Someone needs to expose this man and his high paid club memebers. He can't afford to fire any nurses. He doesn't have any now. Someone has to be willing to pony up the truth about why DRMC is the laughing stock of the medical community. Otherwise, Ray will continue his lies and health care will never get any better at DRMC.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Agreed, anon@7:04! I work in the healthcare community although not at DRMC. I have several friends who have/do work there and say they are in fear of their license because of how bad the care is there, what they are asked to do, the staffing levels they are forced to work with. Some have left, some are stuck there. Between that and the stories I have heard from patients after discharge, I am frankly frightened to have that as "my hospital". It scares me that I would have to take myself or my children there if something drastic happened, God forbid. But seriously, what can be done? If Ray is really the ultimate problem, what can we as a community do? There has to be SOMETHING.

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Nothing will get better until he is gone and we can get back to the real reason we are there -- patient care. He is only concerned about money and status. Have you all forgotten, he's building Mississippi's next great hospital!?!?!

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I see all the employees complaining about the conditions and the bad care at the hospital. But its funny the reason the place is so bad is the care givers not the pencil pushers.. The doctors and nurses and aids can only be the ones that make it bad. One man is not the reason the hospital has bad care(duh).
    Stop blaming one man and put it on all the ones that work there, only they can make it better, its a team thing not an individual fix. So stop complaining and do something about it.

  10. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Anonymous, you obviously know NOTHING about healthcare and our local hospital. There are some of us who have spent 20+ years there and we can tell you it is not the nurses and docs. This irresponsible and reckless attitude begins with Ray H. So stop pointing your finger and do your homework before you go and make false accusations.

  11. Anonymous10:08 PM

    The only people the patients see are the doctors nurses and the aids..
    So to me as a former patient the hospital is only as good as the workers,the doctors, nurses and helpers..
    The workers are the ones that make the hospital! I bet only a very small part of you(the workers) even see Ray! Its up to you to make the attitude of the hospital better and stop dwelling over one man.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    While it is true that the average patient does not see Ray, think of it this way:

    When you have termites, you might never see one and know it. The outside appearance may look fine, but the inside is rotted away.

    Drs nurses, techs, housekeeping, food workers, etc etc can only do as much as they have the resources to do. When the king termite removes those resources, patient care and employee morale both suffer.

  13. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Quit being a baby! Be glad you have a Job!!

  14. Anonymous4:09 PM

    hey ray

  15. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ha,, not!

  16. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Wow, the termite analogy hits the nail on the head. I'm there and don't see Ray much, but his "policies" have certainly caused damage from the inside out.

  17. Anonymous10:16 AM

    A campaign of patients and staff needs to be started to get him out of there. Perhaps an online petition?? Some action has to happen. This has been going on way too long. Where are our Supervisors? The Board of Trustees? Surely they are not blind to the complaints??? Someone has to listen!!

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I see everyone complaining on here but none have taken the action to do anything. Your voice should be heard and not in the dark. If you believe it needs to be done do something about it! You are the leader or are you scared?

  19. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I see Obama is already raising taxes. Like we really need that! OK give us a incentive check (make himself look good) then raise taxes!! Humm whats wrong with this picture??
