Friday, December 05, 2008

Mr. Lowe... Keeping it Real!

James Lowe reports:

I was very pleased and elated for those individuals who are to receive the three new homes, and/or repairs to those homes that Leland’s Mayor Barbra Brooks and Board has secured. However, I am equally disappointed with the small number of homes being repaired, especially after the alleged illegal repairs made to the Mayors, Mothers home where she and her daughter Alderwoman Marla Brooks reside.

I was under the impression that these programs was for those individuals whose income was below the poverty level, not for those who falsify income documents to get relatives qualified to receive those services. There are others who answer questions truthfully and need the services the most are disqualified for lack of funds or reasons mentioned above. This is not only wrong and unfair, but against the law.

By doing this it eliminates those individuals who really need their homes repaired or replaced. I would like to emphasize to those greedy officials who are guilty of these atrocities that those programs are for the needy, not the greedy. It amazes me how little credit some of these so called leaders give us. They spend their entire term doing nothing, and when election nears they come out of the woodwork with tokens, and trinkets.

What I say to all of us, it’s time to let them know that we are much more sophisticated than they give us credit for. We have to remind the Mayor that we haven’t forgot the extreme electric bills, the deplorable street conditions, bad cable service, unauthorized check writing, bickering, and not managing city business.

We haven’t forgotten the Police Chief incident with the Mayor, and her daughter, nor the fact that they continue to brag about the wrong things that they do and get away with it, how they refusing to repair the roof of the old Western Auto building allowing it to leak on computers, and other equipment forcing the Christian United organization out of the building.

I wonder if this building owned by the city will be condemned since it is not usable and there are no set guidelines for condemnation. It is unfair that buildings are being condemned and demolished indiscriminately. Good try, but I say way too little to late.

James W. Lowe, Sr.

Like him or loathe him, you have to admit that Mr. James Lowe keeps it real. He is a prime example of how one person's voice can be translated into action by a community who shares his views, but has no "spokesperson". The recent changes in the Leland School District are prime examples of how one voice can become a "choir" for positive change!

Local politicians and appointed leaders have become corrupt and greedy. It takes someone like Mr. Lowe to step up to the podium and speak for the many who can or will not. The issues he brings to the table will not be read about in the DDT, nor reported on the local TV news. He plants the "seeds" of change that must be nurtured by all.

I commend Mr. Lowe for his willingness to put forth his views and for his works to improve the community in which he lives. In an era in which apathy is killing the Delta, it is refreshing to know that at least one man will speak his mind... and sign his name to it.



  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    does anyone know the details of the sanders' buyout?

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Would Mr. James Lowe be interested in running for Mayor of Leland? !!!! ??

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Would Mr. Lowe move to Greenville and run for mayor???

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Fred's purchased all of the Sanders' pharmacy locations. The stores will become more like Walgreens where you can buy milk and bread as well as drugs. Eventually, some locations may close.

  5. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Has anyone heard if Lowe's is closing its doors? I have had about 10 people to ask me if this is true????

  6. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I would not think Lowes is closing there door! They are almost as busy as Walmart! Maybe your think of Sears

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    i heard from a lowe's manager that they are not closing

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I don't know how the Mall keeps its door open. There is NOTHING in that mall... except a police station which is quite appropriate. If Sears or Pennys closes, the mall will be in big trouble.

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    even Garfields is kind of scary now

  10. Anonymous9:31 PM

    But.....didn't the decline of Greenville visibly begin with the arrival of the mall? (Or two malls, as the Mainstream Mall was the first to arrive.) OK, the wheat embargo's effect on the towboat industry had an impact, as well. But the timing of both was in the mid-70's.

    Do Indianola and Cleveland and Greenwood have "malls?" NO! And look at their successful efforts to promote their downtown areas!

    Look at Jackson, Ridgeland, Flowood, Madison, etc. Those malls come and go. Jackson Mall---no one under 40 remembers it. Metrocenter? I'm old enough to remember when its opening was a Major Deal, and wise enough to realize that it's since become an unsafe place to shop. Northpark? Buh-bye. The glorified strip mall has made a comeback. And no sooner did Dogwood Festival Market open then its eventual replacement showed up in Ridgeland at Colony Park. The Mall has seen its season. It's time for something new. Mom and Pop stores, maybe? A Fred Carl-type investor? (Curse you, Jay Stein.) But wallowing in our own mire won't accomplish anything but get us even deeper in the mud.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    the only thing i like about the greenville mall is the sears portrait studio. if sears, belk or jcpenneys ever leaves-lookout. i don't care for all the jewelry or shoe stores.

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Oh, no!! if the mall closes, where would I buy my Sponge Bob leather jacket or my confederate flag cell phone cover? Where will Belk dump all the garbage they don't sell in other stores?
    Please!!! That mall's demise is very close.

  13. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Just read about Office Depot closing 112 stores nationwide. Any news about our local store?

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Gloom and doom. Doom and Gloom. We are all so negative!

  15. Anonymous7:10 PM

    On the pos side, walmart stocks are up!!

  16. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I just love it here. The roads are smooth as glass, jobs are everywhere, public schools are the best ever, (love paying for private school tho)hardly any crime to speak of, so far there are no store closings, corporations are standing in line to move here, and there is only 80% of our citizens on welfare. Now what can be better than this hell hole!!!!!

  17. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I agree with Anonymous

  18. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Mr. Lowe has done a excellent job in the community of Leland. I hope that he will run for Mayor and clean up the corruption.

  19. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I agree with anonymous, Mr Lowe would be a breath of fresh air if he ran for any office in the delta.

  20. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Mr. Lowe has been wonderful to speak for those of us who were afraid to speak for ourselves and he continues to speak the truth!

  21. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Well, let me bring some truth to the "Lowes" issues.
    1. There are 12 stores on the list to shut down unless they turn things around. Greenville Lowe's is one of those stores.
    2. They have been through six managers in six years. The new store manager has done NOTHING BUT BRING THE MORALE DOWN!!!
    3. They keep bringing in managers from up North who DO NOT WANT TO BE IN MISSISSIPPI.
