Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Desperate People

Ex-cop said...

Most of the police are on the take as well. You can bet that money changes hands to keep certain club members out of jail. Sure the police know about the crack houses and prostitution, but with a salary of $30K, you have to supplement your income somewhere.

When they seize all of those drugs and money on the TV raids, how much of it goes right into their pockets before an "official" count is made? Drug money is supposed to go back to the public, so they are just making sure they get theirs right off the top!

Everyone in our city and county government is on the take. How do you think Ray Humphreys and the county supervisors have stayed in power for so long?

It is sad that our police force is only one step away from the thugs and criminals that they "choose" to arrest, but it is true.

Park in any convenience store parking lot along 82 after 7 pm. If you don't see a drug deal openly go down within 15 minutes, you must have blinders on. They don't even try to hide it, because they know that the Greenville mafia will protect (and support) them.

It is sad, but the reality is that they now own and run Greenville! The only escape is to get out of the Delta... quickly!

Although"Ex-cop" provides some disturbing information, I must say that much of it is true. In the past year, I have personally witnessed more than 10 different drug deals "go down" at various convenience stores and on the streets of Greenville. Some were so brazen that I had to honk my horn for them to move. It was obvious what was going on AND that they were oblivious to anyone around them... drugs and money passed hands and they were off to the next deal.

Of course the cops know this is going on... and I must agree with much of what "Ex-cop" alleges. The issue goes back to an earlier post which exposes parents as teachers of crime. Sure, put the 15 year old on the front line. If caught, he will be back on the streets in three days, if killed, he will be martyred for eternity!

The truth is that "desperate people" will take desperate measures to overcome their situation... whether it be drug addiction, unemployment or poverty. We can not apply our common "reason" to their deeds... these are acts of desperation... nothing to lose, because they have nothing!

We have met the enemy... and he is us!



  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    How about riverside school? Looks like that fine educational system has literally, "gone to the dogs". Pun intended.

  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Well, I was told that about a dozen kids jumped on one. Folks were spreading rumors of gang fights and calling parents and saying that the school was calling parents to come get their kids. I was one of those parents told this. I called the school offices, no answer, called the Sheriff and was assured all was under control, even so, I drove down to see for myself. Turns out no parents were being called other than by other parents panicing the crowd. The kids were fine, there were seven Sheriff deputies in charge and they intended to be there for the rest of the day. The high school was locked up to discourage children from more trouble.

    All was fine, so after a few minutes, I left and my kids finished the day..they were the only disappointed ones!haha They fussed for me not getting them and them having to stay and do their work....there was no need to remove them and for them to miss school. Just parents panicing. Turns out there was a first fight last week, but apparently did not involve so many....evidently, it was not as newsworthy.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Regardless of the size or seriousness of the fight, it still occured. As racial tensions increase, so will the number of fights. Parents can complain to Superintendant Larry Green, but he is as useful as a toothless neutered pitbull. As long as he is in charge, these kinds of incidents are going to continue on an increasing basis. The time will come when we can change Riverside to Obannon South!

  4. Anonymous7:29 PM

    This stuff goes on at GHS/Weston every day... it's just not newsworthy because violence is an accepted part of the black culture.

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It was the black culture that came to RSH

  6. Something wrong wif da black community?

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Yes Big Mama, there is,. Most have no class.

  8. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Riverside was just fine until Glen Alen's school burned and they were bused over to Riverside. It sux! We had a good school and now you are afraid to send your kids to school. I am disgusted with all of Greenville...the hospital, the city government, the police dept, the schools. We are in a hopeless spot.

  9. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Riverside was just fine until Glen Alen's school burned and they were bused over to Riverside. It sux! We had a good school and now you are afraid to send your kids to school. I am disgusted with all of Greenville...the hospital, the city government, the police dept, the schools. We are in a hopeless spot.

  10. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Greenville's not hopeless. I'm from Greenville. My kids were raised in Greenville. I'm a decent tax-paying, home-owning, church-going, duly-employed, hard-working Greenvillian. I'm proud of my town's wonderful heritage, and am hopeful for my town's future. I am among those who choose to STAY HERE and fight to make this a safe and productive place to live. It will be SO worth it.

    I am not part of the problem. I choose to be part of the solution.


  11. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Sounds like a good time to get the PTA up, strong and heard.

    The Parents of all the children need to come together fast, to stop what is happening now, before it gets worse.

  12. Anonymous1:12 AM

    School fights have been happening as far back as the pilgrims, some of that is to be expected with teen hormones raging, regardless of color. There is no such thing as a perfect school environment, either it happens there or within feet of the school boundaries.

    Consequences for bad behaviors should be enforced! Only then will the kids and their parents pay attention!

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Let's all vote for Obama. In 4 years, when all of our situations have only gotten worse, maybe we will see that race doesn't matter when we need real "change"... does it Mayor Hudson?

  14. Anonymous7:22 PM

    To: high school fights are not abnormal said....
    Ok, first let me correct you. This was no typical high school fight. There were three adult outsiders arrested on Riverside campus who were involved in a fight inside our school with students. Why were they there? Who was not doing there job for morning duty? We instituted uniforms for this very reason. Now, suppose those outsiders had decided it would be a good idea to bring a weapon to campus. It sounds as if no one would have noticed until it was too late. Also, this fight was not just a hormonal spur of the moment outburst -- this was a pre-meditated and well discussed plan which had been brought to the attention of our fine Milton Gaston, Sheriff of Washington county as well as RHS officials. Now, both dropped the ball. They all better be thanking their lucky stars that weapons were not involved. Otherwise, CNN and FOX news would be asking why did county and school officials allow this to happen. Those who are trying to downplay this need to wake up. It is serious. There is no room for violence in our schools and it certainly sounds as if some are trying to make it all ok. ITS NOT. The students involved should be expelled PERMANENTLY. If you choose violence and endanger others you lose your right to a public education. Parents who raise their children to not participate in such are sick of this and want something positive to come from this.
    Sign me -- A RHS PARENT

  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    you're right rhs parent, the officials better be glad weapons weren't involved. it could be worse next time. let's not soothe this over as no big deal.

  16. Anonymous8:56 AM

    what's the latest with gcs? i heard they had to ask some teachers if they could "hold" their paychecks. how can they continue at this rate?

  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Are there plans to rebuild in Glen Allen? Surely that influx of kids overpopulated the school and that is most likely also causing tensions.

    what is the county district education board saying for solving the population and solving the present issues?

    Again, this is the time parents should come together and demand answers to these issues.

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I hear the problem is solved by just busing them to RSH and there is no future for them to rebuild anything in Glen Allen.

  19. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Could McCain change this week what looks like a landslide? Any opinions?

  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I think it is definitely possible! I think all these so called "polls" are promoted through the Democrats and media, they are far from accurate. AOL shows McCain with a landslide and Obama is a dot on the poll map. I am hoping that is the true poll, at least it could be!

  21. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sounds like a lazy and ineffective way to solve an issue, just pass it onto another school!
