Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Lowe Speaks Up!

Leland's James Lowe, Sr. responds:

After reading the lengthy article in Sundays August 24th Delta Democrat Times, and reading the response editorial by our Mayor, Barbara Brooks pushed my level of intolerance into high gear response mode. It would not be feasible, or realistic to comment on all charges that were leveled in this medium, however it is clear to me that something serious is going on in Leland that does not meet the eye, such as playing the race card to justify bad behavior, and wrongdoings which are not in the best interest of Leland, or its citizens.

Leland is no different from any other small town in the nation with blighted communities that are in much need of repair, and improvements. The things that concern me most is individuals trying to destabilize established communities by shelving unwanted actions down their throats, and somehow trying to legitimatize it by playing the race card.

The Bible says that the poor will be among us all ways, and there is nothing wrong with helping those among us that are economically challenged, especially if one empowers those individuals to become self sufficient in the process, and also take care of those who are physically, or mentally challenged, and unable to fend for themselves. It is our responsibility at that point to take the role as our brother’s keeper, however in most instances it seems as though we are taking care of the greedy instead of the needy. It seems to me that the logical, or common sense approach would be to go into those challenged communities fix them up so that they would appeal to any person and make them want to live there.

It only boils down to doing the right thing, and having good common sense which somehow seem to elude some of our elected officials. Where people have developed safe neighborhoods with peace, and tranquility leave them alone, and concentrate on those challenged communities that are trying to reach the same objectives. It is high time that we concentrate on fixing up this side of the track instead of trying to move to the others side every time a house becomes vacant.

James W. Lowe, Sr.

In a second letter submitted by Mr. Lowe, he offers this:

I was shocked, and appalled after hearing of the incident concerning the teacher at Leland’s School District who was hospitalized with a concussion, after being struck in the head with a golf ball thrown by unruly disruptive students, also stuck with a tack, and a razorblade placed upright in her desk chair which caused her injury as she sat. The most hideous part of this situation is the fact that the administration swept it under the rug. Let me make this very clear, this was not, and I emphasize NOT done under Dr. Cartlidge’s administration, but under Dr. Richards, and her cronies administration.

This is so sadistic and reprehensible until every citizen in the county should be outraged over this barbaric act. I am appalled, and I promise to see this situation to the end. I say to you the parent of Leland , Mississippi , were you aware that these kinds of atrocities had taken place here in Leland in your schools, and you sat idly by, did nothing, or said nothing.
I have no children in the public schools, however all children of this community are mine, because I am from the old school, and during that time every adult in the community was your parent when your biological parent were not around, and if you was caught acting up, or being unruly you was in serious trouble, however I realize that those gentle times has passed us by now, and I must say that we as citizens of this city must slow down, take a look around, observe, and take notice as to what’s happening to us, and our children.

It seems as if those of us who need societies help the most are the ones who’s kids raise the most havoc in the community, and this by no means mean all of them, there are exceptions to the rule, however we as parent must take control, and see to it that our children are not the ones that you call my little angels when you, and every one around you know that they are hellions. We live in a society now where things are so crucial and dangerous; that it is incumbent upon each of us to look out for each other regardless of the side of track that you live on.

James W Lowe, Sr.


  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Omigosh. There's so much honesty there in those few statements of sharing. However misspoken and regardless of grammatical issues, this is a parent and/or citizen who feels that the system is not adequately providing an education for his/her children. Thanks for speaking up.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    "However misspoken and regardless of grammatical issues,"

    Was that really necessary?

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    What grammatical errors Einstein. Did you understand it, cronie.

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Thank you MR. Lowe for speaking up. What would Leland do without you! You have opened up the door for many teachers and we thank you. Hopefully this will be resolved and quickly. Many teachers are very concerned about the behavior of the students. Mrs. McCray does an excellent job as principal and no teacher will disagree with that, but hands are tied and her superiors (as Mr. Lowe said, NOT DR. CARTLIDGE) have once again tried to sweep this under the rug. It was said these things happened because she didn't have control of her classroom. Does that give any student the right to physically harm a teacher just because she tries to treat them like a human being instead of a dog off the street. These teachers do not have to be here teaching. They do it by choice! Most of these teachers are raised in a very high socioeconomic area. They do not understand how these students expect to be treated to get them to behave. It just isn't in their nature plus they have never seen children talked down to and degraded like some of the "techers that have discipline in their classrooms" talk to the students.
    Thank you again Mr. Lowe for stepping up to the bat again for the teachers of Leland. We appreciate you more than you will ever know.

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Yes thank you Mr. Lowe. You have spoken for Leland school emplyees when we were too intimidated by Dr Richards and her watchdogs to speak out for ourselves. The underlings are still trying to run it her way and undercut the new superintendent. She even sais in public how they will be reporting to her. All they are worried about is Leland looking "unsafe" because it will mess up our score. They are not worried at all about if people really are safe. She will do her best to control things from a distance. It seems sick how she cant let go.

  6. Anonymous1:39 PM

    i can't believe no one has commented yet on the fact that Florence Jones is leaving DRMC soon for a job in memphis. what's up?

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hmmm. We at DRMC have not been told this.

    How do you know?

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Well, I'm not surprised. We all knew after her demotion that the KD stint was a mercy job to allow her time to find other employment. At any rate, no love lost with her departure either. Now, if we can just get rid of a couple of others we can throw a REAL party!

  9. Anonymous7:05 PM

    check out

  10. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Haven't heard anybody say lately if Chris Richards and his girlfriend are still working since Dr. Richards left. Would love to know!

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Me, too. It wouldn't surprise me if he is, if his mother is controlling things from afar.

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