Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Serious" Recycling!

Raise Cain said...

Okay it was on the news, here is their wonderful plan. We lose one of our pick ups a week, the city will sell a second garbage can per household for an EXTRA $7.00 a month ($84 per year). So that means now, if you have an average or above average amount of garbage from your home, you now have to deal with TWO ugly cans to fill and deal with in your driveway, on your property and pay dearly for the second one to be emptied.

So I guess you have to accumulate for your pick up or hold back to get your money's worth???...heck none of that makes any sense!!! Wouldn't it have been simpler to have an across the board rate increase of a dollar or two a month per every household than deal with this nonsense?? It is supposedly due to fuel costs, everyone can understand that, if so, raise the rates a dollar or two and WHEN the rates go down and they are already falling, reduce it!

You know the old saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? The City Council apparently has nothing else to do than deal with garbage. Not only are we getting the shaft, but this action caused job losses or cut backs to the businesses who were dealing with the city. Soooo, landfill rates will go up in retaliation, wait and see!

Our leaders just started a snow ball affect that will be far reaching across the city.Didn't we go through this a few years back, not long after the Mayor took office for the first time and she and the council came up the the "dumpsters from hell around town" plan???? Oh yeah, what a genius idea that was, garbage was flying out of dumpsters in the streets, county and city folks were dumping mattresses, washing machines, old TVs, it was horrific and a giant mess! It did not take long for the City leaders to figure that out, once folks started raising cain.

Do we have to wait to raise cain this time to see the garbage on the highways and streets again??? I say NO...start now!

As "be heard" said: Go to the Greenville website:
Locate your City Council person's e-mail accordingly and while there, include the Mayor's - or call City Hall! 662-378-1501.

"Raise Cain" is right. We have all been down this road before. What will be different this time about once a week garbage pick-up? We certainly don't produce any less garbage and recycling has been a dismal failure in Greenville. So who profits from this change? Certainly not the taxpayers!

Recycling is big business in most major cities these days and much of the responsibility is placed on the citizens themselves. In some northeastern states, recycling is mandatory or punishable by fine... and by "recycling", I'm not talking about collecting aluminum cans on the side of the road for money, but SERIOUS recycling.

Two years ago, I rented a private vacation home in New York State. When I arrived at the house, I noted a row of 10 brightly colored "storage" containers lined against the rear of the house. After unpacking and getting settled in, I found a brochure on the kitchen counter entitled "Recycling Instructions". I opened a bottle of wine, poured a drink and sat down and began to read it. By the time I had finished (both the brochure and the wine), I was ready to jump the next plane back to the Delta.

The brochure explained that the ten brightly colored "storage" containers were recycling bins and were labeled:
  • Clear Glass
  • Green Glass
  • Brown Glass
  • Blue Glass
  • Aluminum
  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Styrofoam
  • Organic Waste
  • Inorganic Waste

Not only did you have to sort all of your "garbage" into these 10 categories, but you then had to drive the garbage to various local recycling centers and dispose of it. It went on to say that home pick-up was possible for an additional charge of $150 per month and that violations of the recycling laws were punishable by a $500 fine and/or imprisonment.

At this point, my ten day vacation on Long Island seemed to be rapidly "shrinking". I picked up the empty bottle of wine, the aluminum wrapping, the cork and a paper towel with which I had used to dry my hands and slowly proceeded out the back door to the "bins".

A simple drink of wine had rendered 4 waste products, none of which could touch each other in their afterlife. Okay, no problem; I am an educated adult... green wine bottle in the "green glass", paper towel goes to "paper", aluminum bottle wrapping to "aluminum" and the cork goes to........??? I paused and examined the cork. Was it real cork or one of those plastic imitations they use these days? If it is cork, would that be organic or inorganic? If it was plastic, should it go in "plastics" or maybe... "Styrofoam"???

Perhaps it was the wine, but I was a bit dizzy at this point. Rather than risk an environmental disaster, punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, I put the cork in my pocket and went back in the house to ponder dinner.

I had passed a fresh seafood market just down the road and thought it would be great to cook a simple seafood dinner. Done. I reached in my pocket for my car keys and pulled out the cork. As I looked at it, I pondered... how many different waste products would be generated by my "simple" seafood dinner? I then put the cork back in my pocket, found my car keys and drove straight to the nearest restaurant for dinner.

Yes, we in the Delta are spoiled! To this day, whenever I head to the "garbage can", I reflect on my Long Island vacation and think... our day is coming.



  1. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Let's begin in the schools. Our children will inherit this earth, so let's let them teach us to recycle. A city-wide campaign, even a competition among schools---public, private, and parochial---could have positive results and will get the attention of the city council.

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    It doesn't have to be the way you described, Forthright.

    My parents live in a community (Midwest) where they are able to have one (provided) garbage can a week. Anything above that requires a one dollar sticker that can be purchased just about anywhere in town.

    A recycling bin (or two) is provided. They don't have to sort. ANYTHING. Their recycling service takes: plastic, newspapers, advertisements, magazines, glass, cans, and I think cardboard. Anything except for plastic grocery bags. All go in the same bin.

    There are 10 dollar tags that are available for large items such as furniture and appliances, but they've also solved that problem by having an annual "amnesty" day where you can put out anything. That has become a local joke because it's a giant drive-thru garage sale. But I digress...

    I agree that if recycling is made difficult, it won't happen. And yes, it's probably expensive the way I described. But it doesn't have to be such a hassle.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    ** From the DDT **Beginning Oct. 1, the city will collect garbage once a week instead of twice. And it will stop using Mid-South Trash Disposal to pick up trash - which includes tree limbs, leaves, furniture and other items too large to fit into a garbage can - and instead hire city employees for the job. The frequency of trash pickups will stay the same, at once a week.

    Residential sanitation fees will remain $14 a month, while commercial fees will increase to $34 a month.

    If residents want to put out more than one trash can per week, they must pay an extra $7 a month per can, and businesses must pay $17 more a month per can.**

    Maybe the reason recycling has never moved forward is because the city Mayor and her leadership council do not want the hassle of sorting.

    We already have recycle centers, I would rather see a company come in that can offer us all three services: garbage, debris and recycling pick ups. For the gas and hassle of loading messy and cumbersome items into my bet, I would be up for paying for that!

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    ** From the DDT **Beginning Oct. 1, the city will collect garbage once a week instead of twice. And it will stop using Mid-South Trash Disposal to pick up trash - which includes tree limbs, leaves, furniture and other items too large to fit into a garbage can - and instead hire city employees for the job. The frequency of trash pickups will stay the same, at once a week.

    Residential sanitation fees will remain $14 a month, while commercial fees will increase to $34 a month.

    If residents want to put out more than one trash can per week, they must pay an extra $7 a month per can, and businesses must pay $17 more a month per can.**

    Maybe the reason recycling has never moved forward is because the city Mayor and her leadership council do not want the hassle of sorting.

    We already have recycle centers, I would rather see a company come in that can offer us all three services: garbage, debris and recycling pick ups. For the gas and hassle of loading messy and cumbersome items into my bet, I would be up for paying for that!

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    $7 per month??? That may not sound like a lot, but for those with several childen or large households, that can add up. Once a week can add up for these same households in their cans and debris. If you are already on welfare and food stamps and still barely making it, $7 could mean the difference of gas for your car. Do you think these same households will spend the $7?? Nope, the cans will be overflowing, the stray dogs, cats, armadillos and opossums will feast, the roaches and rats will hit the buffets and multiply!

    An overall rate increase would be the better plan to be shared by all with no hardships on any. One or two bucks a month, only come to no more than $24 a year compared to $84 a year. The costs of the service will be covered better than depending on those who need it most to come up with $7 a month.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I'm once again glad I moved out of Greenville!!

  7. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Anonymous 9:27, If you are so glad to be out of Greenville, why do you continue to check us out on Scoop and leave us your derogatory comments?
    May you remain where you are!

  8. Anonymous5:33 PM

    To moved out of Greenville:
    If the city residents' county taxes were reduced like they should be; and your taxes, community water, and garbage fees increased like they should be; would you still be glad! City residents are short changed on our portion of county taxes.... I think we are supplementing more than we are receiving!

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It is time for a FULL AUDIT of South Delta Housing!! Give me a break!!

    Maybe a call to John Stossell, Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Anderson Cooper, Somebody save us from the abuse of our federal money!!!!

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I read that about South Delta, sounds like another case of Federal money mixed with DIVA is epidemic these days.

  11. Anonymous6:16 AM

    So where and when do we pay the extra money for the extra can? I don't think I have heard anyone say. I know I already have trouble with excess trash with pickup at twice a week! I don't know how I'm gonna handle it at once a week unless I find a place to dump or burn it. Is that an option anywhere here inside of town or close by on the outskirts of town?

  12. Anonymous8:21 AM

    It will be added to your water bill, which is where it is now.

    No, no burning is allowed in the city and other than taking recycle items to one of the locations in the is at the Main Street Extended Fire department, I believe somene said there is another at Wal Mart, otherwise I am not sure. No mention of dumping at a dumpster provided by the city, so no go there.

    You should call City Hall and complain. The only way to stop this madness is for the citizens to complain now!

  13. Anonymous9:09 AM

    TO 12:35PM
    This is 9:27am.

    I'M Out of the city but still in the county. So unfortunately, I'm not far enough away, But still glad to be out of the city!! Don't you wish you was out of it!

  14. Anonymous9:18 AM

    It is about time that SDRHA has been exposed but these are only "surface" allegations. That place is as corrupt as it gets--I would love to see a full investigation, if not from HUD but from the Attorney General's office.

  15. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Is SDRHA's board not accountable for the Executive Director? I've heard that they know what is going on but choose to look the other way. It really is a bad situation because our area benefits from the Section 8 Program and I hate to see it being opertated so poorly.

  16. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Texas is looking for good hard working citizens .. Get out of the hell hole called G'ville and make a change in your life. Texas has no state tax, food tax or drug tax. Thats a really good raise added to your paycheck each week. Think about it and make your children proud!!!!! Idid and each day my kids thank me from the bottom of their heart.

  17. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I'm glad you left if that is what makes you happy but why do you want to bash Greenville? I am a firm believer if you aren't happy you must do what makes you and your children happy, but many of us still call Greenville home and wouldn't think about posting negative comments on a blog site that they no longer have an interest in. Hope Texas is good to you!

  18. Anonymous1:41 PM

    it makes no difference if your garbage is picked up 7 days per week or once per week,as long as all of your garbage is being picked up.
    as for needing extra containers,my family of four got along fine with only one container for many years. if you generate more than one container per week, then you need to pay more. landfills are expensive,

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    aluminum cans are what mostly foots the bill for recycling,but if the copper theft problem we have in greenville remains, who do you think is going to beat the recycle truck to the curb on can day? as bad as i hate to say it,recycling will NEVER work in greenville. its a jungle out there..

  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    So Anonymous 11:41 AM, I suppose from what you write that you never took your second day of pick up for your family's garbage?? You just held it until the following week because you did not need a second pick up????? Ewwwww!! :>P...different strokes for different folks! I prefer NOT to have garbage accumulate for extended days. Flies, bugs, dogs, etc....just not something I want to attract!

  21. Anonymous6:46 PM

    if you will put your excess garbage bagged up in your 96 gallon container, you might surprise yourself as to how efficient you can be. lid down, no flies no smell, no dogs, come on! get with it! this is what is happening all over the world, not just the U S.

  22. Anonymous7:31 PM

    To Sanitary...

    Are you really that spoiled? Seriously? I have never lived anywhere nor known anyone from anywhere who gets trash pickup twice a week. No one.

    I often do not put trash out on Thursdays and I do not have a fly, dog, or roach problem.

    I'm not happy about the garbage situation either, but we HAVE been spoiled with twice weekly pickup until now.

  23. Anonymous12:34 AM

    **Are you really that spoiled? Seriously? I have never lived anywhere nor known anyone from anywhere who gets trash pickup twice a week. No one. **

    I thought you were from Greenville?
    If you don't need more than once a week then that is your household. You may be a household of one or two. There are very many families in this city that are families of many more in the households. Once will not be enough and they don't create the garbage in one day to be picked up in two cans. They will not or can not afford $7 a month. An overall raise would have been a better answer.

    So when your neighbor asks to fill your can with his/her refuse, since you have so little garbage, will you let them? I hope so, because first chance they can, they will fill it up and when you come home to debris, bugs, etc. all over your yard, then you will understand, it is not all about ONLY you.

  24. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Actually I am a household of four, and yes, I do let my neighbor use our garbage can on occasion. Still no bugs, no dogs, no knocked over cans. Not quite the "Wall-E" scenario you had in mind.

  25. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Well apparently you live in a neighborhood that has no strays, lucky you.

    Lucky neighbor that has someone WILLING to let them use their empty space in their can. That is great, but you see, you just proved a need, your neighbor's.

  26. Anonymous8:23 AM

    "not sure what to do", not to worry, take your excess garbage to anonymous 4:30 AM's house, there you will find the space you need...oh yeah that works.

  27. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The Director SDRHA makes over $100,000 and lives in gov't housing??? That means she doesn't pay rent or taxes or have a mortgage. She doesn't pay for landscaping or maintenance to her house. SRDHA does it.

    Last month, she got Yard of the Month. She was telling everyone about it, she was so proud. What a parasite.

    Send that article to Jim Hood!

  28. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I hope that Jim Hood would do something--I know that the Board knows of her actions and won't do anything. It makes you wonder if they are afraid of her or they are receiving benefits from the housing authority? I know people who have tried to contact her but she has a wall of people protecting her. It is ridiculous for everyone to know these allegations and there be no investigation.

  29. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Here is the print version of the SDRHA article (accessible to non-subscribers):

    There will be people who agree in theory with what the director is trying to do in regards to diversifying the community. I ask at what cost?

    Anything worth doing is worth doing *right*. This is misuse of federal taxpayer money. This is corruption.


  30. Anonymous8:26 AM

    sounds like SDRHA's board is like the boards of DRMC and Leland Public School--they see no evil, hear no evil, do no evil. this evil parasite should be stopped!!!!She is abusing her authority.

  31. Anonymous9:34 PM

    A suggestion to HUD:
    HUD sells many foreclosed homes in this area. They are scattered all over different neighborhoods. Stop funding SDRHA, ($6.4 million) and just give the foreclosed homes away by raffle to eligible families. They would have to pay property taxes, utilities, maintenance, etc...and the SDRHA employees will have to find a real job!!

  32. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I moved from Greenville to a rural area. I am fortunate to be on city water and sewer (I could have a septic system and well) but must pay additionally for garbage pick-up.

    How I miss those black containers! I bought my outdoor containers (which never have the top replaced when emptied) and pay $23 monthly for pick-up once a week from a private company. Additionally, I pay and average of $68.00 for water and sewer for a two person household.

    If you must pay an additional $7 monthly...just do it. I didn't realize what a bargain Greenville's services were.

  33. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Ha, Not to rub it in, But I moved out of Greenville to the county, ha I have not paid for water or garbage pick up in ten years!!! Humm I hope the county don't track me down off here!!

    Once again I'm glad to be out of G,ville.
    Now if we could get rid of these Mosquitoes!!!!

  34. Anonymous5:09 PM

    am I the only person that has noticed the new paint job on Trigg-McBride school at the foot of the levee on Nelson st. It looks like a whore house. the person tat authorized this needs to be fired!

  35. Anonymous8:27 PM

    No, you're not the only one. I had a car full of guests when I drove by. We had driven by Doe's at noon (hoping to avoid the bombed-out appearance of Washington Avenue) and instead saw this historic Hays Town-designed building tarted up like a...well, you know.

    I was completely embarrassed and ashamed. The City of Greenville no longer values what is left of its treasures.

  36. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I was told that this SDRHA administrater and Ilene Richards are friends and they sure sound like birds of a feather. Power can surely go to people's heads. Poor Leland has had it's share of power hungry women coming in from the outside and trying to take over their town.

  37. Anonymous12:01 PM

    i'm not going to pay an add'l $7 for another trash can. that would be like bending over and saying kick me. the city is cutting our service but not our price; yet they are buying new trucks. Does that make sense?

  38. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I think McCain made a good pick with Sara Palin.

  39. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Yeah, a good pick for the Democrats.

  40. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Yeah, so the democrats can get over it already and move on. GO PALIN!!!!!

  41. Anonymous8:31 AM

    i hope mccain wins, but i think people will choose a black over a woman.

  42. Anonymous12:12 PM

    was there a fight at ws on friday night concerning a ups driver?

  43. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I like her!!

  44. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Subject: An Assessment of Sarah Palin-from Alaskan-chuck Bowman

    I met and spoke with Sarah Palin about two years ago at our downtown Park Strip. It is a place for walking, carnivals, political outdoor things and such. She was cooking hotdogs at a fund raiser and introducing herself to the public as a Governor hopeful.

    She came by and said the usual "Hi, I'm Sarah Palin and I am running for Governor"...and I expected her to keep on to the next person but she asked me who I was and what I did in Alaska and we ended up talking for 15 minutes about me, Air America (she was all agog!) and my career in the Army and AAM. She is a pilot (Super Cub) I'm told although all she told me about that was that she loved flying.

    As I watched her over the next six months as she successfully ran for Governor I was really impressed. I was impressed greatly even before that after she resigned a good position (Alaska Gas and Oil Regulatory Commission) because a fellow Commission member (Chair of the Alaska Republican Party) misused their office and position. He was using the FAX, computers, printing room and all to promote the Republican endeavors while in a State job. That is a huge no-no in any government employment position.

    She resigned and made her point and within weeks Randy Ruderich (the above bad guy) found his ass out on the street and a subsequent investigation found him guilty and he was fined $12,000. Small change actually but a giant point was made.

    Next she went after our most horrible Governor ever, Governor Murkowski, and damned if she didn't beat him! All of us here in Alaska , except the Democrats, are sick of our State's corruption. That fact was shouted to the heavens after she was elected with an overwhelming point spread.

    After she got into office she started after corrupt legislators and with the FBI's help we've put four of them in prison, indicted six more and the "Corrupt Bastard's Club" as they arrogantly called themselves (even had hats made with CBC on the front!) suddenly found it no fun anymore. Club membership is now in the toilet!!

    The current flap which has cost her a ten point loss of popularity (she's still 82%!) was over firing a popular Commissioner of Public Safety who is responsible for our Alaska State Troopers. She fired him for no STATED reason which was her prerogative as the Gov. He served entirely at her option. She and her whole family had a bad, bad experience with a rogue Trooper who was married to Sarah's sister. His name is Trooper Wooten. This dimwit Trooper had threatened Sarah's father (death threat!), threatened Sarah ("I'll get you too"), tasered his 12 year old stepson, drove drunk in his AST cruiser, got a pass by a fellow Trooper who stopped him for erratic driving a second time while in civvies and just a host of other things not yet released to the public. He got away with it and got another pass by the Commissioner's appointed AST Trooper Internal Affairs investigator with a tiny slap on the wrist. Five days off without pay to be exact!!

    This maverick Trooper is still on the payroll but only just. The Union intervening saved his malcontent ass. He'll yet get his I'm sure. Incredible heat is being heaped on the Troopers. Public heat, not the Governors office.

    The Democrats had the audacity to appoint a obviously biased investigator, Rep. "Gunny" French (so called because he lied about being in the USMC while running for the Legislature) is a staunch liberal and under the orders of Senate President Lyda Green who hates Sarah. She hates Sarah because after being elected Governor Sarah told the whole Legislature in one of her first meetings with them that, quote; "All of you here need some Adult Supervision!!!". Sarah was seriously pissed and not afraid of anyone there. That played wonderfully well with Alaskan's after all of our corruption and after all of her successful battles against a seriously entrenched corrupt government here in Alaska . It pissed off the whole Legislature though! They have stayed pissed but also afraid of her because of her popularity.

    She reminds me personally of our Alaska wolverine which will fight anything in it's path if it sees fit to do so. No respect at all for size or position. Wife Cindy is in this category too. Unfortunately.

    In closing I must tell you that she is the best, most moral and most focused leader I've seen since President Reagan. I feel, really strongly, that like Alaska the rest of our country will love her within a few weeks. Put simply, she represents middle America like NO leader we've ever had. I think McCain made a totally brilliant move in choosing her. She's a maverick who is probably tougher and more focused than McCain himself....and she won't be a total "Yes Man" or more appropriately, woman. McCain will love her.

    In 2012 she will be President.

  45. Anonymous12:31 PM

    dr. grenados is closing her clinic.

  46. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Another one bites the dust! Does that mean that her husband, Dr. Luna, will also be following suit?

  47. Anonymous10:09 AM

    SDRHA Patron Saint: Our Lady of Perpetual BS

    The director of SDRHA wrote a scathing (and very badly written) letter to the editor about how unfairly she was portrayed.

    Read it here:

  48. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Did I miss something, our paper said that we are going to have a 1.5 million shortfall in the city budget and our Mayor is going to work half time and still draw full pay but our garbage collection is going to half time and we still pay full rate.

  49. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Sounds like classic Greenville to me!
