Thursday, February 07, 2008

On a Broader Note...

Contributor suggests:

Yes, DRMC is in trouble. Yes, Ray is Satan Incarnate. Let's look at another issue while we wait for the local healthcare issue to be resolved.

This is an election year, and one that has the potential to open new doors. I'm interested in hearing how the Scoopers feel about the remaining Presidential candidates.

For the record, I'm currently leaning toward Obama. He seems to be a Man of Substance, and serves as an excellent role model for young black men. Any Deltan can see that our young black male population is in need of guidance. Obama is a family man, has an articulate and lovely spouse who would likely bring the required dignity to her role as First Lady, and he has experience in the Senate to qualify him for a national seat of leadership.

Yes, Hillary has experience as a former unpaid President of the United State, but that alone does not earn my vote. Hillary carries too much excess baggage for my liking, although I might be coaxed to support a Obama/Clinton ticket. Would Hillary settle for VP? I won't vote for her as Prez just yet, but a VP slot could be hers, if she plays nice. Just my opinion!

McCain....he's a good guy. No way would I vote for Huckabee or Romney. But at 71, I'd worry about the stress of the job on the guy. And truthfully, I'm tired of the ole "we're gonna kick a$$" attitude in the White House.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I vote for the candidate. But my Delta friends seem to want to peg us as one or the other. I just want a good---no, GREAT---President. What do y'all think?

Excellent question! As of today, Romney is now out, but it will still be a historic election between a very diverse list of candidates. I would love to hear the Delta's views on the remaining candidates. Who will you vote for and why? Are race, gender and religion factors that will influence your choice? This is a great topic for a lively discussion, so speak up. I am sure Ray will welcome the rest!



  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I can't vote O'bama. Have you visited his church's website? It seems quite discriminatory to me. Their mission is very clear and he is a tithing member. Plus, even though he is not Muslim, he was raised with that influence. So, in my opinion, he is the candidate with baggage - Hilary doesn't have nearly as much. However, I'm not crazy about voting for her either. I do think you're right about McCain - he's older. Romney doesn't impress me either. What's wrong with Huckabee? He seems stable, conservative, and experienced. Please check out his church's website. Be sure to click on the "you tube" arrow to see/hear a short clip about the church's mission. Unbelievable. If the folks who were saying those same statements were white, they'd be in BIG trouble.

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Now thats something I can agree with!!

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What's wrong with Huckabee you ask? He is associated with Kenneth Copeland, one of the biggest crooks in televangelism. He makes Jim Bakker look like a liberal!

    Face it, McCain is yesterday's news so you need to choose between Clinton and Obama. Neither is a great choice, but you are going to be looking at one of them for the next 4 years. If we leave "religion" out of the equation, as it should be, it comes down to domestic issues such as health care and jobs. Look at the candidates' views on these issues before you vote. If you vote based on race, gender or religion, you only display your ignorance of the real issues.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Thank you, but I will leave religion in my choices. It embraces the fundamental principles our nation was founded on. One nation UNDER GOD. Remember?

    Just because one wants to vote for a political leader who doesn't mind voicing his Christian beliefs, does not mean the voter is weak minded or "ignorant". Even though I feel it is important for a leader of a country to hold religious beliefs, I don't think that meams I am voting based on that and only that. It is just one part of the entire picture.

    Thanks for the info about Huckabee's association with Copeland. I had not heard that and I will definitely check it out. If it's between O'Bama and Clinton, I'll have to vote Hilary. Atleast she's not a member of a church that is racist and proudly promotes AFRICA....notice they didn't say AMERICA. Scary. I have French descendents but I am really not concerned about promoting France. I live in America and that is where my heart and allegiance lie.

  5. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Obama is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ. Some of you will be interested in checking out the website:

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Wow, the website - O'Bama's church - How un-American and racist. A white candidate couldn't get away with that.

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM

    First of all... our country was founded on religious freedom. Everyone can base their vote on whatever they choose to; it's part of being an American. As far as Obama's church website, there is not one word that leans toward being Anti-American. What I heard was a church that worships our Lord and Savior, and as a church community, builds each other up by celebrating their heritage. Look around you people. We live in Greenville where a large problem with the crime by black youth has a lot to do with not belonging, not having that connection to something bigger than being out for just me. What is wrong with this church creating a connection for their community? If you ask me, racist eyes are looking for something that it is not there.

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Come on people... are you still passing around that bogus email. Check your facts about the muslim connection. He was never a member of the muslim religion, someone in his past was. Okay, how many of you were hippies... now your kids are pot smoking hippies too. Come on... focus on the issues, people!!! For all of you who love to pass around garbage emails, check your facts first with something like Urban Legends Reference. Here's their page on Obama:

  9. Anonymous10:43 AM

    What's wrong with Huckabee you ask? He is associated with Kenneth Copeland, one of the biggest crooks in televangelism. He makes Jim Bakker look like a liberal!

    And who is Obama associated with>> Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton two of the biggest racist/crooks in the world!!

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Everyone can base their vote on whatever they choose; it's part of being an American. "As far as Obama's church website, there is not one word that leans toward being Anti-American. " <--- AFRICA IS NOT MY COUNTRY!!!! Their commitment is to AFRICA! They say it clearly and plainly. Get a grip. That website DOES offend me. And, I have the right to feel that way and voice my opinion. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton preach hate and reverse discrimination and that is exactly who O'Bama is associated with.

  11. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Most folks do not remember when Obama first started running Al and Jesse was by his side. Then Obama must have realized that he was going to need white voters.. I have not seen them together on TV in a few months now..

    "Obama thats yo Mama" A Phrase I learned after 911... Think about that!!!

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The website for Trinity United Church of Christ was not received in an email, rather was the result of a search on regarding Obama.

  13. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I found the Trinity United Church of Christ website after searching for it when reading an article online defending O'Bama as a Christian which stated he was very active and devoted to his church (Trinity). I did not receive it in an email either, rather searched it out to see for myself. It is alarming.

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    It is a church video, not a campaign ad. You looked into their world, so how can you be offended? They didn't impress their beliefs upon you. They didn't knock on your door. It is the viewpoint of the church, and they have the same right as you do to hold your beliefs. Do not go to their church, do not vote for Obama. That is what our country is about -choice. Me, I'll be voting for Obama, and he will win Mississippi!

  15. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Yes, he will win Mississippi because it is predominantly black.
    And, I am offended that a candidate would run for President of the United States, but attend a church that clearly proclaims they are devoted to Africa. It is insane. So, you go ahead and vote for O'Bama and if he wins (let's hope not) we will all be sorry, including you.

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    From the Trinity United Church of Christ website: *We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.*

    I would agree, says it loudly and clearly, this church is true to their native land Africa, with no mention of USA.

    I have read and seen photos of O'Bama and the other candidates during the Pledge of Allegiance. All but for him participate with their hand over their heart. He has both hands beside him and no verbalizing....what does that tell the rest of us? RED FLAGS are flying, yet most do not even see the flailing!

    On the flipside, Hillary is no option either. It seems most have forgotten White watergate, the suspicous deaths in Clinton's cabinet members or staff, the shady stock dealings, the thieving from the White House, valuables and antiques, as they left at the end of Bill Clinton's last term and not a soul said a word....pretty pathetic choices indeed.

  17. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I really don't think its the fact that he is a Black man. If our ex Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was running My Vote would be in and for him, hands down!!

    But Barack, I feel like I can just see right through!! Bad news for all Americans both black and white. To bad folks are voting color and not for what will be right for America!! I hope I am wrong about Osama!! I mean Obama
