Monday, February 18, 2008

Double Standard?

Anonymous observation...

Does anyone else find it ironic that a bunch of white people on this blog are talking about how people in Greenville are not racist? And that the school integration of the 70's was peaceful? I'm sure an African-American from Greenville would have a different picture of school integration.

As a white person I can't tell you the number of times another white person has used the N word in front of me, usually in the context of: "Well, you got your blacks and you got your N_____."

To argue that racism does not exist in Greenville, or that it is not a problem, is to argue that the world is flat; all you are doing is illuminating your own ignorance.

Anonymous reply...

Perhaps you should court a different group of friends if your acquaintances are in the habit of using offensive terms. My friends don't speak that way.

And I think I can speak for the white children who remained at Solomon Junior High and Greenville High in the 70's. There was no violence in our school, although resentment was present on both sides, as has been previously mentioned. Those who were not there may assume that it was not that way, but they'd be wrong---wouldn't they?

I was there. My children attended the private school, which by that time had long since shed its former past. Enrollment was and is open to everyone, and my children received a top-notch education. They have excelled in every area, and I wouldn't have trusted their education to a system that has deteriorated to the degree that the GPSD has.

And as for the quality of the environment there, I'd take the security of Washington School over parent-volunteers-policing-the-halls at GHS any day. My kids never had to worry for their physical safety when they were in school.

I think that we can all agree that the use of the "N" word is quite offensive to most people. I would also have to "rethink"my group of friends who routinely use this word as a racial slur. However, the last time I heard the "N" word being repeatedly used was from the blaring car stereo of a vehicle parked at a convenience store... and yes, the occupants were black.

It seems odd that a word that is so repulsive to the black race is tossed about so freely in rap music, black comedy and films. It appears quite acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word in describing other black people, just not themselves.

The truth is that the "N" word is offensive to both blacks and whites, but as long as we "support" its use in music, comedy and films, it will never go away. Chris Rock has made millions of dollars denigrating his race on stage and a great majority of his fans are black. Rap music is filled with violence and racial slurs against many races including blacks. If the "N" word truly offends you, don't support artists in music, comedy or films who make millions by using it to entertain you.



  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Use of the N word by the very people that it offends is an example of a growing double standard in our country. This problem is unfortunately not exclusive to the South.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Do you not understand that there is a difference between whites using the N word and blacks using the N word? Black people use the N word as a term of brotherhood or camaraderie. Whites use it as a term of hatred and ignorance. Blacks have taken an ugly word that was used against them and reclaimed it as a term of affection.

    Chris Rock makes fun of black people. He can do this because he is black. Jerry Seinfeld makes fun of Jews. He can do this because he is Jewish. Jeff Foxworthy makes fun of rednecks. He can do this because he is a redneck. Being from a certain group allows you to say things that people from outside your group cannot.

    Finally, do you not think that there is racism in Greenville? Look at the myriad of racist comments in this blog over the last few days. People arguing that the creation of the white academies didn't have anything to do with race, that Obama is not worthy to be president because his church celebrates its African roots, that the school integration of the 70's was peaceful. It was peaceful for the whites of Greenville. But how many blacks were harassed, how many families received threats, how much anger and fear was directed towards the black community?

    You don't have to open both eyes, but at least open one.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The kids attending private schools now did not have anything to do with the segregation issues, nor did they have anything to do with slavery. Get over it and move on.

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM


  5. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Kudos to the person that left the "Do you not understand " comment. This kind of thing has been the source of much circular discussion on this forum.

    This would underline the earlier: Why the African-American community gets away with Black Enterprise and 100 Black Men. The short, sweet, and simple is that saying something as minority means one thing, saying it as a majority means another .. as does saying something about your own race vice someone else’s. Its cheap and simple to say "oh if there was a magazine called White Enterprise then the blacks would be mad and that’s unfair, double standard ... ."

    The problem with that thinking is that those that speak it are stating only half the situation and pouncing on a conclusion. If you were to fully reverse the situation then you would have to say "what if only 12% of the US population were white and then there was a magazine called White Enterprise" Totally different story.

    I also mostly agree on the matter of entertainers. People can pick on their own race and minorities can pick on the majority race and even other minorities without complaint.

    That said there are some efforts within the minority communities to curb the use of certain words. This is not because the meaning within the minority is bad but because it gives an excuse to certain impressionable members of society to use it badly. Sad but true.

    Lastly on the "you ought to find other friends" indeed I'm not likely to buddy up with anyone with this kind of vocabulary. The creepy part is how often you bump into white people using these terms and realize that they have such biased attitudes.

    So why blatantly point all this out? Wouldn't it be better to go with a sunshine policy? No, you have to admit something is wrong before you can work towards a change. When someone uses a term inappropriately ask them flatly why they did. Make positive effort to unite the community. Not even so much to make other races feel included but instead to make it clear to your own race what you stand for and shame them for not doing the same. The more we face these negative attitudes the more we can enjoy a positive, united community.

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Perhaps the population in the US is only 12% black, but here in the Delta the Black population is the majority, so the 100 Black Men Club here is inappropriate.

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Don't stop at the Delta, why not subdivide it down to a black home? Then it is 100%! Take a glance the other direction. The county, the state, the Federal ... they answer to the same ultimate jurisdiction. Point is, when you represent 12% of the county, saying you are from the Delta doesn’t suddenly give you a sudden jolt of majority power.

    Has anyone bothered to ask the organizers of 100 Black Men what the purpose of their organization is? From all the websites I can find it is about helping the black population, positive change in the community, scholarships … a typical minority interest organization. Granted I didn’t read the whole website but I’m pretty sure “random hate crimes against other ethnic groups” isn’t on the list. I’m white and I think the name is just fine … for a national minority interest group.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Correction ..when you represent 12% of the *country*,

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Anonymous, I am one of the academy supporters whom you accuse of a racist agenda, simply by virtue of my skin color and choice of school. I am also one of those who supports Barack Obama as my candidate for President. Hard to do that with both eyes closed. Give people some credit for being at least as open-minded as you are. No sarcasm intended.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    "Anonymous, I am" I don't know which anonymous you are replying to. I don't know that anyone has suggested that race is the only issue or an issue at all for every person who chooses a private school.

    The question is what are we going to do about the end result. We have a big divide and frustration along with it as the community is devided into those who can afford and those who can't. Those who will and those who won't. Those with past bitterness, those without. Can some of the parents be convinced to reinvest their kids and time in the public schools? What would the public system have to do? Is there a way to join more activities between public and private? Other solutions? These are the kinds of questions that need some fresh ideas.

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Another thought ... I was stationed with the military in a small base overseas recently. There was one public school on the base and the nearest private English school was over 100 miles away. While attending a "town hall" meeting a woman stood up and demanded an explanation from the base CO as to why she wasn't granted an educational fund allowance for her kids room/board/transportation at this private school. The CO was a bit dumbfounded at this ridiculous request. It would cost tens if not hundreds of thousands per student and the local school was perfectly well outfitted and well spoken of. As the conversation continued it came out that she was from NY and having the word "public" on her kids records would “destroy their future chances of getting into elite institutions" upon returning.

    Just another example of the mindsets that come to the table on the private vs public issue.

  12. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Remember what Gandhi said when he was asked what he thought of Western Civilization... He said, "I think it would be a good idea."

    Take a peak at the world, there is racism everywhere, and it’s just not a black and white thing. Take a look at Ireland; if you stand two people up that look just alike, you would say why do they hate each other??? One is a catholic and one is a protestant.
    Even the Arabs have there tribes and kill each other, why, because we are not a civilized world.
    If you are a Baptist and don't believe in Jesus you can't go to heaven, so they will tell you, but the Islamic faith says if you don't believe in Mohammed you can't go to heaven. So, I guess nobody can go to heaven. So far the only guy that even came close to getting it right was Buddha.

    This stuff is not going away; it's been here since the dawn of man. Get over it, accept it, and try and have some fun before you die and end up where ever.

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I'm not sure of exactly what you are suggesting.

    Sure there are many places that are worse. The US is actually one of the better nations. But there are plenty of examples of race working BETTER together out there than we have here, so why can't we strive to be like them?

    Its like a mother complaining about too much fried food in her childs school provided meal and the pricipal says "children in Somolia pick through refuse heaps for their food. Get over it." Just because a worse example exist, it doensn't excuse the principal from striving to do better.

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    *that the school integration of the 70's was peaceful. It was peaceful for the whites of Greenville. But how many blacks were harassed, how many families received threats, how much anger and fear was directed towards the black community?*

    It was peaceful on the white kids' parts, for the two years I attended GHS, the critical two years of changes. Suddenly the white kids still attending were the minority. We lost all input into our own school with this dramatic change. None of us were looking for fights, problems, etc., just an education.

    During those times, the intimidation factor was not on the white kids' parts, it was on the blacks. The ONLY disruptions during those two years came from the black kids anger and resentments of losing their school and having to be bused across town. It was a constant toll on the system.

    As I said, the blacks walked out, we did not, the blacks protested, we did not, the blacks dominated, we did not.

    As far as harrassments to blacks, I do not recall any in the school, news or in shared information during that time, any harrassments that I did witness were directed to the white kids by the black kids, not the other way around.

    As timid as I was, I was intimidated by the black girls in the beginning of the school year. Luckily, I was smart enough not to show fear and eventually the girls found that I was no enemy or threat to them. We made it through with no incidents between us and graduated together. Never best friends, but we respected each other's rights to be there.

    The few fights that I recall between black and whites occurred on the football team and most likely had more to do with testosterone levels than race. Overall the team did well playing together, but you will always have bad apples in all races, that is a given...but that does not make the rest of that race bad or worse for it, just human.

    Looking back and trying to lay blame is senseless.

    We need solutions now. We need leaders to seek these solutions.

    For Greenville, a lot would improve if jobs were plentiful again....then tax dollars could be used to better education.

    So for now, let's focus on jobs and industries for Greenville, as well as ways of making our city a better place for us and for the potential businesses we want to locate here. If we do not do this, don't expect any improvements, only more and worse of the same.

  15. Anonymous3:02 PM

    For the person who said:
    I'm not sure of exactly what you are suggesting.

    I'm just suggesting that we are on earth for such a short time. Stop dwelling on things that will never change and try and enjoy yourself.

    Trying to change people will only piss them off.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    a bunch of white people?
    I think the term should be a gaggle of honkies. Isn't that what you really mean? You are the racist here Sir or Madame
