Sunday, December 09, 2007

Please Vote



  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Count me as one of those who have done their part and made their voice heard.
    Democracy will only work if we use the tools provided. A republic will only stand if we stand with it.
    Whatever the outcome of today's election, I have cast my vote and used my right as a citizen to have my say.

    Now, to the freezer and see what's for supper.

    ten cent

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    OK here I am thinking that the white folks was voting Kim and the African American was voting Hudson. As I am in line I noticed the "AA" was all voting Kim!! Wow Kim might just have a chance.

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Yes, I was surprised to see a black man holding up a Dowdy sign today as I drove by Ward's. We may not be as divided as we seem.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Not the best candidate running that wins! It's what color you are!! Proven here today!!!

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    9:45PM Unofficial count-Hudson- 3858, Dowdy- 2608, 600 outstanding affidavits, not enough to cover the difference of 1250. Mayor Hudson..four more years.....

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I was hearing about precinct problems early in the day, and they persist tonight. For instance, a co-worker returned to work after voting at Buster Brown. She was horrified that the black poll worker had allowed her to vote, even though her name couldn't be found in the book. Her husband's name was listed, but at an incorrect address that combined their former Leland address with their current Greenville address. She now wonders how many others were simply waved on through to the voting machines.

    And now my mom says that she had to vote by affadavit at Covenant Presbyterian. Her name is in the county books, but no trace of her in the city rolls. Mama has lived in Greenville for 50+ years. She fears that her vote will not be counted. If the previous post is correct, then a significant number of votes have confidence in Dowdy's electability. I am among those who noted the very visible African-American supporters for Dowdy at the polls.

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Population (year 2000): 41,633.

    Estimated population in July 2006: 37,801 (-9.2% change)-3,832 less from 2000-2006 average of 638.66 lost population per year

    Males: 19,177, Females: 22,456----Black (69.6%) White, Non-Hispanic
    (28.7%), Hispanic (0.7%)

    7,066 out of 37,801 voted (counted so far, not allowing for misplaced or lost votes)today

    5.34 per cent of population voted.

    So does that mean we have 30,735 population under the age of 18 to be a registered voter????? I doubt that! Just a large amount of non-registered or non voting individuals holding the rest of the city back. No wonder we are in the state of condition in our city. Apathy is rampant!

    I was told by a friend that she went to three different polls trying to determine where to vote. Finally, her and her husband were found listed at Ward Center. She said she saw many leave in disgust of the long lines and few voting machines. We sure needed those votes! Why are so many people willing to walk away?? What are they thinking? How lazy is that? Terrible! Our freedom is being fought for as we speak and these people can not stand in line for a few more minutes than normal?? Pathetic! Again, I repeat, no wonder indeed of why we, the city of Greenville, are where we are today!

  8. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Copied from today's elections results in the DDT:
    << Lurann Thomas, a city election commissioner, said the 2007 city elections went well despite some concerns about the voter rolls.

    “The turnout was good,” Thomas said. “We are thankful that 7,000 plus people came out to vote. However, we encourage all 21,388 registered voters to exercise their right to vote.”>>

    So there it is, my question is answered. Greenville has 21,388 registered voters, yet only 7,000 plus voted. That says it all!!!!!
