Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Speed of "Progress"

Jennifer Jones writes:

After reading the comments, I have information I would like to share, as well.

First, no doubt the power of the vote is enormous. Hopefully, everyone will push those who are not registered to vote, to get registered, if it is not too late for the upcoming city election. Then, push to get registered voters to get off their butts and VOTE! The last number counts for the recent past elections was pathetic. I believe the total number of votes for the last State election was something like 4,000 voters. Though our population has dropped, that is still less than 1/8 of the total population voting. Given the portion to children under age to vote, it is still a pretty pathetic percentage of total voters!

That said, let me say, it does not stop there. The next step to changing Greenville is to get involved in whatever cause you choose fits, there are so many!

This summer, I chose a cause, much to many citizens dismay. I chose to save the City Pool. Many told me I was wasting my time, nothing would ever change. The pool was to be lost just as the other four were lost over the years. Others told me, "the whites won't come!", I don't believe that either. If that were true, then the pool at the Lake Chicot, Arkansas State park would have had no white children or adults in it this summer, but there were and there were blacks. Guess what, no one cared or gave it a thought! We all enjoyed the pool together! If that were true, the waterparks in the South would fail financially, but they don't because all races of all colors pay to play there. I believe the reason that whites do not participate is old myths of the present middle aged generations. At one time those myths were in fact true, the pool was not the best place to be. There was no control of the pool patrons. Kids were not supervised. The entire enviroment was not inviting. None of that is true today, on any given day this past summer, at most, a head count might come up from 15-20 kids. Certainly not enough of a number to say that it was taken over! The pool is an OUR pool. Those who have chosen to NOT use it, have no one to blame but themselves. The present staff and pool director are doing an excellent job with the pool. They are friendly, well trained, courteous and conscientious to the safety of the pool patrons.

Another reason that the pool has been ignored by the general public is the state of condition of the bath house and the pool. Few tax dollars available and pure neglect have detracted, this one time long ago, gem to our city.

This pool will be saved. With my pool campaign this summer in pushing the city leaders, we now have a City Grant writer seeking funds for many of the city needs, including this pool. There is no shame in seeking grant money! We unfortunately qualify for most any Grant program these days, until we regain jobs and industry or should I say, if ever we regain these crucial components then we can use more tax dollars. Grants keep from over taxing, an already depleted tax budget.

Believe me, until things change, if we do not take advantage of grants available to salvage what we can, improve what we can and bring more in than we have, we will never get ahead.

In order to attract industry to Greenville, not only do we need improved training and education (Principal Charles Brady is turning GHS around!!), we need to improve the entire infrastructure to Greenville, which includes this pool, the city parks, the streets and the overall appearance of our city. Anyone considering moving to Greenville will definitely be researching what recreational facilities or programs we can offer and our own city pride.

This summer at my request to the Park Commission Board members, I became the official Bobby Henry Memorial Pool Restoration Chairman. The day of this meeting, I could tell that these people doubted that I would get very far in my goals to update, restore and enhance this pool. Now less than four months later, with myself and my committees' work, the Grant writer's work and the promotion by MS Representative for our district, Linda Whittington, we have been chosen by MSU-Carl Small Town Center as their "studio project" for their 4th year architecture students to do what we requested: restoration plans for the Buster Brown Community Center, redesign, add enhancements and outline steps for these improvements needed to bring this pool into the millenium for today's and the future generations of Greenville.

Our plans are to bring the pool and bath house up to speed in restorations, bring in water slides and a toddler wading pool with fountains. We intend to have programs for the young and old. Swimming lessons, lifeguard training, lap lanes, water aerobics, etc. and pool event days, for the kids and all, to bring attention to the pool.

Our long term goal is to dome the pool for year round use and enjoyment by the citizens and student swim team members. Now they have to drive all winter long to DSU to practice. How great would it be for them to save that time, gas money and to keep them safe, at home, off the long dark winter highway to Cleveland?

Amazing how one person can make such a big difference, to the dismay of so many nay sayers. Think what could happen, if many chose one cause and made the efforts to make a difference in Greenville! The way I look at it, since I am not going anywhere, I might as well make the best of it and try to do something constructive to make my hometown a better place.

For all who live Greenville and "complain" here, I challenge you to do the same. To those who have already moved on to greener pastures, good luck and Godspeed, but be careful saying you will NEVER return...many have said the same and are back home, today.

When all is said and done, Greenville still has a lot to offer, we have good people, a long standing rich history and deep roots that will pull you to come back home too.

This Spring, the MSU students will be introduced to our city. I am going to do all I can do to make sure the red carpet is rolled out for their arrival. I hope those who can help this cause, will do the same. It will be an exciting time for the City, spread the news!!

We will need the support of the community in all ways, but most importantly in positive ways. Whether it be volunteering to help work on the pool, bath house, landscape needs or just in positive support to this or any other positive events around the City.

I hope I can count on everyone to help make this new, improved Pool a reality and find their own causes to make a difference too.

Ten Cent!!! Come to the pool this upcoming summer and I promise, you will be glad you did! BYOB of sun tan lotion! :>)

Meanwhile, stay tuned, stay strong and stay positive Greenvillians!!!! We are all still here, let's make it a better place to be!!!

The city pool used to be the epicenter of youthful activity during the long, hot Delta summers. It provided a healthy form of recreation and exercise to young and old alike. Not even the polio scare of the '50's thwarted the public's desire to swim and play in the only "blue" water ever seen in the Delta.

So, what happened? The sixties and seventies brought great changes to the way we all lived and played. Technological wonders made us question whether our simple pleasures and past-times were enough. Those who remember early video games such as "Pong" and "Pac-Man" can no doubt recall the alluring nature of these innocent games, which by today's standards would be considered "mindless".

In essence, the world is turning too fast! Each generation grows further apart from those that precede. We have become a "virtual" society that would rather text the word "hello" rather than speak it. The good news is that simple pleasures never die, but they sometimes have to be "re-packaged". Thus is the case with the city pool and one of the most enjoyable human experiences... swimming.

Jennifer Jones should be a mentor for every Greenville citizen. Whatever your "cause" is, get involved and make a difference. Pity parties about what "was" are a waste of time. The beautiful Hershell Carousel would still be rotting in Fairyland Park if a group of concerned citizens had not taken on the cause of saving this treasured landmark.

Regardless of whom is elected mayor in December, we all need to rally around this person and seek positive change for Greenville! There is much worth saving for both our future and our past, but as a famous military general once noted...

"We have seen the enemy... and he is us."



  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    we sho do lovs you mis jons. Mi kiz lovs you too.
    Big mama

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Whoever you are, Big mama, your sarcasm is noted. Sadly, some feel the same as you and for that we other "whites" are ashamed. The pool is an OUR pool, OUR tax dollars support this pool, now and have for years. If you and others choose not to be part of it, have your kids or grandkids enjoy it, so be it. It will be your and their loss, how sad for the children. So many say, "the blacks took it", no, the whites walked away and left it!

    Meanwhile, I would appreciate it if you would keep your negativity to yourself. Greenville already has more than enough negativity and see where it has gotten the city?? At rock bottom!

    Unless YOU have taken steps to improve the city in your own cause choice and you would like to share that information, please just move out of the way of myself and others, who want to do something worthwhile, rather than whine and complain, while Greenville sinks.

    Perhaps, you need directions to the MS/Ar bridge or highway 82, the local bus station or airport, if you truly believe that Greenville can not improve. Godspeed as I said before, have a good life, but do not try to drag the rest of us down in your misery hole.

    I and many others are tired of the griping and no actions taken to make changes. Either jump in and do your part to make changes happen, or do the rest of us a favor and "move on, move on, down the road!"

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    P. S. To Forthright: in my prior note, I neglected to mention the new City Grant writer's name. She is Gloria Traylor and she is doing a fantastic job! She has already found many funds allowing for improvements to Greenville, the city schools and the citizens. We should all do whatever we can to help her to do her job, in whatever capacity that she might need. Give her a call at City Hall, when you hear of her successes and let her know that she is appreciated. The more she does in finding Grant money for the City needs, the less likely of any more tax increases in the near future, I am definitely for that!!!

    Thanks Forthright for your positive comments! Feel free to join me and the others to save this pool. Do you all realize that we are the ONLY community in this region besides DSU to have an OLYMPIC size Community Pool?? Think what that means to have such a gem and either waste it or lose it. Totally Unacceptable, Greenville has lost way too much already! I will not stand by and watch this pool be lost as well!

    With improvements and good directions already in place, this pool will be the common denominator of the City of Greenville and her citizens. Something we can all enjoy and take pride in, being one of two in the region and one of so few in the entire State of Mississippi.

    You and all are invited next summer to come back and enjoy your tax dollar paid for City pool once again! Bring the kids and grandkids, you and they will be glad you did! My grandkids loved it this past summer,they loved the wonderful staff!! By summer's end, after enjoying weeks and weeks of swimming lessons, they both now swim like fish and dive like dolphins! They told me it was the best summer ever, but I know next summer will be even better! Hope to see you all there!

  4. Anonymous11:07 PM

    dats what tax dollars is fo isnt it miz jons... fo us and or poo

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Yes, our tax dollars pay for the City and the Citizens' overall City service needs. Apparently, you and Big Mama (most likely one and the same)should go back and take advantage of some tax dollar paid for schooling, to provide you with some literate and INTELLIGENT thoughts and comments to share. The rest of us would certainly appreciate YOUR efforts in doing so and refraining from any other comments, until then. Thanks!

  6. Miz Jons. I do not wont to affin you. I thik you has a great out luc fo da sity. I wish you was right! Maybe you should forget the Pool where it is and think about putting a pool more south of town where it can be used bi yor kine. No matter how much money you put into the pool that you are refering tos, we will come!! And we will be looking at yor 8 and 12 year ole daulter nice swimming suite. Da sho do look good in nem.

    Ms Jones away from being the sarcasm. I wish more people in Greenville thought like you. Maybe the city would be in better shape. Thank you for what you are doing. I wish you the best. Sorry for being rude.
    Big Mama

  7. Anonymous12:56 AM

    I sincerely accept and appreciate your apology, thank you for stating it publicly.

    At the same time, I can not understand your double message, part one, sarcasm, part two, remorse and wishing more were like me???....Let's start with YOU and maybe MORE will follow.

    Next summer, MY granddaughter will be suited appropriately, anyone not suited appropriatly will be asked to leave the pool and return properly dressed in appropriate suiting. As for anyone looking at my child or grandchild, do you think ONLY blacks have lecherous adult or young men??? Not hardly, blacks have no monopoly on sickos, they come in all colors, all ages, all lines of work or faiths! This past summer, NOT ONCE did that concern ever come to my mind! NOT ONCE! I met some of the nicest black people you could ever hope to know this summer, in the staff members and in the patrons. They were there for the same reason I was, to enjoy this wonderful pool. Just as this past summer, we will have even more trained staff in place to be sure all of the children, black, white, yellow or brown, boy or girl, are cared for, protected and kept safe in ALL ways, while enjoying the pool.

    As for the location, some have asked me the same question.

    First, this pool was built where it is back then, in 1949, and saved for the same reason today, it is centrally located to the center of Greenville. It is a community pool, not a neighborhood pool. It is exactly where it should be, where it all began. This location was one of the main reasons that it was chosen by MSU, it potentially benefits all of the City and not just ONE area. The Central location was the main key in their decision. We believe with actions taken now, the entire area will benefit from the improvement of this pool, aesthetically, economically, in crime prevention and in real estate values. The pool will bring back pride to the area for the home owners and make it a more desirable area to live in, once again. This act of positive change will have long reaching positive results for our City. Please join us in making this happen!

    Now, whenever Greenville regains her footing and economy again, who knows, maybe we can have another built in the South of Greenville, rebuild the lost ones in the East, West and North of Greenville. For that to happen, we all have a lot of work to do and a lot of population to regain in order to have those needs. It all begins with one step or one cause, I have chosen mine, have you chosen yours? What are you waiting for? You are more than welcome to join my cause, if you can not find one of your own. Jump in, the water is fine!

  8. Anonymous12:56 AM

    I sincerely accept and appreciate your apology, thank you for stating it publicly.

    At the same time, I can not understand your double message, part one, sarcasm, part two, remorse and wishing more were like me???....Let's start with YOU and maybe MORE will follow.

    Next summer, MY granddaughter will be suited appropriately, anyone not suited appropriatly will be asked to leave the pool and return properly dressed in appropriate suiting. As for anyone looking at my child or grandchild, do you think ONLY blacks have lecherous adult or young men??? Not hardly, blacks have no monopoly on sickos, they come in all colors, all ages, all lines of work or faiths! This past summer, NOT ONCE did that concern ever come to my mind! NOT ONCE! I met some of the nicest black people you could ever hope to know this summer, in the staff members and in the patrons. They were there for the same reason I was, to enjoy this wonderful pool. Just as this past summer, we will have even more trained staff in place to be sure all of the children, black, white, yellow or brown, boy or girl, are cared for, protected and kept safe in ALL ways, while enjoying the pool.

    As for the location, some have asked me the same question.

    First, this pool was built where it is back then, in 1949, and saved for the same reason today, it is centrally located to the center of Greenville. It is a community pool, not a neighborhood pool. It is exactly where it should be, where it all began. This location was one of the main reasons that it was chosen by MSU, it potentially benefits all of the City and not just ONE area. The Central location was the main key in their decision. We believe with actions taken now, the entire area will benefit from the improvement of this pool, aesthetically, economically, in crime prevention and in real estate values. The pool will bring back pride to the area for the home owners and make it a more desirable area to live in, once again. This act of positive change will have long reaching positive results for our City. Please join us in making this happen!

    Now, whenever Greenville regains her footing and economy again, who knows, maybe we can have another built in the South of Greenville, rebuild the lost ones in the East, West and North of Greenville. For that to happen, we all have a lot of work to do and a lot of population to regain in order to have those needs. It all begins with one step or one cause, I have chosen mine, have you chosen yours? What are you waiting for? You are more than welcome to join my cause, if you can not find one of your own. Jump in, the water is fine!

  9. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Hopefully, Forthright will remove the duplicate note from me shown tonight.

    As another added proof of what could be, I refer all of you to the Rapids on the Reservoir waterpark in Jackson, MS photos listed by Web shots' website below. Look at the patrons, the colors, the ages and the number. If it can happen there, it can happen here. I rest my case!

  10. Anonymous10:06 AM

    ms jones don't waste precious time replying to negativity. keep doing what you believe in no one esle have to share your same views. i don't live in greenville but i think that is great what you are doing. i am older do you think you can teach a 51 year old lady to swim. i have always had a fear of water but i am willing to learn to swim. i would to take lessons this summer. i also will be willing to pay a fee is you all charge for out of towners. keep up the good work and forget people who don't have anything else to do but to critize what others do but don't put forth the effort to do anything themselves. it takes two to rumble so whenever negativity raise it's ugly head just don't respond. usually it goes away, because when you feed something it grows. i can't understand why in every aspect of life why race has to be an issue when God made us all. take care and keep doing what you think is good for you and your grands.

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Hello People,

    I got on the website this morning and started reading to catch up on my local gossip (because thats what most of it is, some facts but mostly gossip and concern) because its been awhile since i have logged onto the site. Well i started reading and i read some pretty interesting things about whats going on around our community, and some pretty stupid things as well. Well i liked the mail man thing, and the pool thing and, im really liking the Leland thing and kinda shocked there was nothing new about DRMC. Well I have some friends that live in leland, and my house is twice the size of theirs, and my electric bill in the summer is half of what there very small house is. So i would be willing to bet something is going on.

    Well after reading all the new blogs and catching up i got kinda upset, concerned , and kinda just down right mad.

    Well here it goes i am going to get up on my high horse people and tell it like it is. The problem with this community, city, county, state, and this whole damn country is lack of respect. People have no respect for anyone or anything. I see people everyday in my job (because i work in the public, for the public) and people dont respect each other. There was a time when people respected each other, they might not have liked that person, but there was some respect there.

    Respect has been around along time people. It would get your head chopped off back during midevil times if you didnt respect the king or any authority. It would get you shot or in a gun fight with the possibility of death in the wild west, just because you disrespected someone. What im getting at here is that RESPECT is a big thing and still should be. Too many people dont respect thereselves or anyone else, and if you dont respect yourself you sure dont respect anyone or anything else. I see people on a daily basis in stores cursing out loud, playing there music loud with every other word cursing. They have there pants hanging below there waist ( if they only knew that that trend of wearing your pants sagging started in prison and it means that you are ready to have intercourse with another prisoner). People do something because it is cool and everybody else is doing it. They never think about whether its respectful or the right thing to do. I was at the murphy gas station the other day and a individual pulled up blarring there music with every other word a curse word. It just plain an simple makes me angry when people do that but i usually just go about my business, because saying something would probably only make it worse. Well this day i decided to say something because next to that person was a car full of young children and every other word in the music was a curse word or sexual in nature. Well i walked over to the car and asked the person to please turn it down because of the young children. The occupant of the music blarring car looked at me and said and i quote "F YOU". I wanted to pull that person out of that car and give them what they deserved, but i just walked away from them because i knew i could do much bodily harm to them and that would not have solved anything. I want say what they deserved because i dont have much RESPECT for people like that and you know how i feel about that already. Thats the problem with society today. Nobody respects anyone or anything and most of all themselves. Another thing i see is kids saying HUH instead of sir and mam. That really eats me up My child did that to me one time and i nipped that in the bud right then and there. But when you have parents that dont respect themselves or anyone else how can u expect a child to be any different, unless that child has some kind of drive inside them that says, you know what thats not right and i need to change, but thats very rare these days. I grew up wanting to be a doctor a astornaunt, a lawyer, a fireman, a policeman, but kids today grow up an want to be rappers, reality stars, sports players. Thats all and good but what happens when you break a leg and cant play sports, or you voice fails and you cant sing anymore. MY biggest pet peave is this reality thing. People get on these reality shows trying to make it big. What happend to good ol fashioned hard work. I came from nothing, i mean poor as dirt, but i have worked my way up the ladder and i have a little something today. ITs not much and im still working my way up the ladder, but i did it all myself without anyones help. People these days want something for nothing, just give it to me. MY kids know that everything they want whatever it might be they have to earn it.

    My personal opinion is that if you teach true respect to someone and bring respecting people and ones self back into the picture you could solve alot of societys problems. I have people above me in my jop that i dont like there way of doing things sometimes but you know what, i respect them for the job they do, because i dont know if i could do it and at least they are trying.

    And to this Big Mamma person and any other person out there acting that way.( white or black) You do nothing but give people a grounds for keeping there opinions, mindset and ways of the past. Im White, white as a sheet, i have black friends and white friends. But you know what i respect them ALL. There are black people i dont like and white people i dont like. It has nothing to do with color it has to do with attitude and the way you respect and carry yourself. If we ever want to move forward TOGETHER we will have to start forgetting the past and moving forward RESPECTING each other now. If not the path we are heading down is a very GRIM one a Grim one indeed from where im standing.

    Well Thats All I Got To Say About That
    Sincerely FORREST.....

  12. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Forrest and the previous Anonymous,

    I appreciate your sentiments and support. It is very hard in Greenville to try and accomplish anything without some who want to tell you how useless your efforts are. Luckily, I am too hard headed stubborn for that and that stuff just challenges me even more to succeed. Even so, it can be daunting at times.

    Here is the thing, what good is it going to do any of us to whallow in self pity and negativity?? NONE! I am tired of it, sick and tired of it....the days of old are gone! We are in the millenium! There are no boundaries for anyone anymore, the sky is the limit for everyone to succeed, if they choose to work hard and stay honest, no matter what color they are.

    This pool as I said, will be a common denominator that can benefit the entire community. This is not just a small venture, without giving too much up front, because my goals go way beyond this pool and nothing can happen for that future goal, until the pool is shown to be successful and it will be!

    My first goal is to save the pool and to provide a service to all of the adults and children in Greenville, who can not afford or choose not to belong to the YMCA or who do not have access to a pool in or around their home. We pay tax dollars, why should a person pay twice to have access to a pool, when we have already paid for it year after year??

    Yes, we are going to have adult and child swimming lessons that will be open to anyone, in or out of town, no plans for extra fees. We also intend to give Lifeguard & CPR lessons to adults and to the teens in town to provide the pool with more available lifeguards and also to provide a service to the community with a roster of trained lifeguards for any local home or public water event. This service will be great for both the teens and the customers. Those having a pool in their backyard and planning a party can call the park and hire a lifeguard for the event. That not only gives a teen or an adult a job, but also protects the homeowner from the liability of such an event. Same goes for public events, during the summer, especially around the fourth of July, inevitably someone drowns at the city water front. We intend to push the City to hire our lifeguards for these events to prevent these drowndings. This shows how important swimming lessons are for our citizens, especially the kids!!

    Once we get the pool domed year round, everyone can really take advantage of such a service. Most of us don't belong to a gym or again have access to a pool at anytime, but especially during the winter. Wouldn't that be a wonderful asset for Greenville to offer her citizens and the nearby communities?? Tupelo has already domed their city pool and it is active all year round with people using it daily.

    Greenville needs something to really take pride in, this is just one answer to that question. Industries look at the entire community, if they see how this pool has come about and how we as a community support it, they will be more likely to consider Greenville in their choices of locations.

    If we don't start taking actions to save this city, we will all sink into oblivion.

    I wish someone would take on the cause of saving the MACE building on Washington Ave., before it falls down (right now I am dedicated to the pool). That is a great building and apparently MACE has had no success in saving it, what a shame. It would make for a great museum and art gallery for Greenville city and blues history and artworks. I recall the DDT Christmas parties there years ago, that building was beautiful! What a shame to lose it.

    I think we need a Community Ambassador team to represent Greenville in seeking industries and commerce. Apparently, the City and County representatives need a lot more help to locate more businesses for Greenville. Let your Mayor and City Council know if you agree!

    As for Washington Ave., this is my opinion and thoughts, I have no clue if anyone in the "powers that be" has ever researched this idea, but if not, they should.

    Most casino and resort areas have one thing in common that normally follows their location into a community and that is Outlet Stores. Think about it, Tunica has them, the coast does and so does Vicksburg. Why not push to have them here too on Washington Ave.?? Offer whatever tax breaks it takes to get them here, use grant money or more tax break incentives to help the owners restore their buildings for this use or have the casinos tapped for help in their fundings for the community. Once these outlet businesses are found, promise an increase in security, police and sheriff personnel to protect the businesses downtown and the shoppers, then keep that promise!

    Can anyone come up with a better idea? If so, let's hear it! Innovative Ideas are what it is going to take to bring life back to the downtown area. Now, it is just an eyesore to our community and reflects poorly on all of us. If we continue the path we are on now, we will only lose more industries, businesses, jobs and people, we have to do something fast!

    Thanks for listening, hopefully support for Greenville will continue to grow from these bean sprouts of hope for our city.

  13. Anonymous5:01 PM

    P.S. Forest,

    The next time you have a noise and obscenity issue, don't just get mad, call the police! Get the tag number and description of the car and driver! Report them. If enough of us do this, it would stop. Call the City Council or e-mail them, their information is on the City of Greenville, MS website, let them know that you and the rest of us want enforcement of the noise ordinances put as a priority.

    Doing this will give you a lot more satisfaction than just stewing in your anger and be a lot more constructive. I know, I have done my part when I see issues. They know me by name at the Police station, because I will call!

    I used those e-mails this summer when I started my pool campaign! It works!

  14. Anonymous9:39 PM

    OUTLET STORES in DOWNTOWN GREENVILLE!!!! I suggested that in the old incarnation of the Delta Scoop and got shot down! Thank you, Jennifer, for reviving the issue! I don't know a soccer mom in town who could resist a Gap Outlet Store.

  15. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Just a note to the locals:

    Local Greenville movie theatre owner and businessman, Benjy Nelken's son, Hank's new movie "Mam's Boy" opens today. Hank wrote the screenplay. Starring Diane Keaton!

    Now showing in Greenville and other theatres. Shows at 6 and 8:30pm at the NELCO theatre, here in town tonight.

    Support a local son of Greenville and go see the movie!

    Check out the trailor:

  16. Anonymous3:39 PM

    oops..typo.."Mama's Boy" is the correct name of the movie, no relation or connection WHATSOVER, in any way or fashion, to Big Momma! :>)

  17. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Been up in Memphis all week and I'm just now getting caught up.

    Jennifer, if you can get that pool back into decent working condition, then I applaud you. I'm not much for hanging out at the pools anymore, but I WILL attend a re-opening ceremony. With BYOB.
    And quit listening to the trolls like BigMama. I thought I learned you better.


  18. Anonymous11:34 PM

    By the way, for those who need to know or need to get in contact with the City leaders via e-mail, here are the addresses to know and save for future use, make note Forest! If you or anyone has an issue, suggestion, complaint, let your City Leaders know! They work for US, but we have to let them know what we are thinking, for them to be able to do their jobs.

    Heather M. Hudson

    Ann Hollowell

    Betty Watkins

    Carl McGee

    Charles E. Turner

    Kenneth Gines

    Lee Owen

    Chief Lester Carter
    Police Chief

    Ten cent, sometimes it is worth the fight, I am very protective of this pool project. I have seen the potential and I will not stand aside and let anyone tear down this project. It is too important to the community, to the kids and to the history of our City.

    Our predecessor/ancestor citizens fought hard to get this and the other pools built, when the city leaders said "no and no money" ....same old tune today. If they could do it then, we can make it happen now. We all need to follow those ancestors' lead from back then in 1948/49 and CARE and support it, just care and support, how hard is that???? All I can say to all of the community, if we don't care, then we will all lose in all ways.

    I am so excited for the MSU Arts and Architect students to come to Greenville this Spring and start the re-design of the pool, the Bath house, the toddler pool and the Buster Brown Community Center, it just can't happen soon enough!

  19. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This web site below was set up by Xerox to encourage and appreciate our soldiers over seas. For a few moments of your time, you can support a soldier in need of encouragement. Please, take the time, just a few moments, they are there for us and our freedom! It is the least we can do for them and means so much, proof of that below: (copy and paste to your search bar)
    Here you can see the gratitude from the troops for receiving the free e-cards.

    Go here (copy and paste) to send more free cards that you can send, scroll the designs and you can find a couple for Christmas cards.

    Nice to know a simple click can make a difference to a tired soldier.

  20. Anonymous11:36 PM

    My family moved to Greenville in 1954 and we lived on Cedar Street that year just east of St. Joe school. My brother and I spent many days that summer in the pool. I believe it was Starky Morgan or one of his brothers that was one of the lifeguards and Jimbo Lane was the "pool boy" that issued locker numbered pins for our dry clothes. I saw Jimbo only one time in Starkville in 1967 as he woke up in my apartment--he was a coach in the Starkville school system. When I saw that his brother had died in Germany, I called Jimbo at his retirement home in Yazoo City and we caught up from those early days in 1954. Obviously, we need to keep and maintain the one pool we have for the public and as I have requested to the YMCA for handicaped access, I also request the public pool be handicapped access as well. Getting in is easy but getting out is difficult for us crippled folks.

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