Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dowdy "Devotees"

Anonymous offers...

I would like to say a few words about Kim Dowdy. I've known her for several years. I served on the United Way Board of Directors with her. She has been in Greenville for several years now and knows what Greenville needs. She has worked with KDH and with the chamber, so she should be familiar with the "going ons" of Greenville. If people will put 'color' aside and vote for the person they think will really get out and work for bettering the community, I think Kim Dowdy would fit the bill. Just get out and vote!

Tencent said...

I also support Kim Dowdy because she has shown more true support for Greenville than Hudson has ever exhibited outside of the political gains. Dowdy cares. And she deserves a chance to prove herself as an elected civic leader.

Wayfarer said...

I have worked with Kim Dowdy in various situations for over a decade. She has a passion for Greenville which conveys into all her works. Mrs. Dowdy has given countless hours to our community and has pride in being a Greenvillian like no other. I have spoken to her many times concerning her mayoral run and she truly feels she can affect change. Politically savvy - she is not. Committed in her quest and love for her adopted home -ABSOLUTELY!

Granted she is not a born and bred Southerner but has been a faithful ,dedicated resident of Greenville for well over fifteen years. It’s not about her birth certificate but what’s in her heart and soul. Her love of Greenville and her commitment to better it can’t be disputed. Look where our city is now and where it is headed with the current administration. Do you want to stay the course?

There seems to be a great deal of support for Mrs. Dowdy throughout our community. As for political "savvy", I would prefer a good dose of common sense, which she certainly projects. As for her chances of winning an election in which race will play a greater role than qualifications, it will be difficult.

Mayor Hudson holds the distinction of being the first black, female and the youngest mayor ever elected in Greenville, and for that she will hold a place in history; albeit a "footnote". I feel that she has missed an incredible opportunity to expose the "race card" as a "joker". Instead, she has played the role that was most politically expedient to those who put her in office.

Personally, I voted for Mayor Hudson in the first election. I was impressed with the fact the she was formally educated as an attorney and one whom should at least understand the law and the concepts of "fair and equitable" treatment, unlike many who preceded her in office.

Regardless of who is elected in December, Greenville will still face the same obstacles of racism, apathy and indifference from citizens who seem to have simply "given up" on Greenville. What we need is a modern day FDR, who offers a new deal and a renewed hope for our community. Race, gender and age should be irrelevant. We are all in the same boat... and it is most definitely sinking.

Change will happen when we demand it. Get out and vote.



  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    As Forthright says, change will only happen if we make it happen. Greenville, get out there and VOTE. And then put your voice behind the person you elect.
    Voting is not just a priviledge given; it is a responsibility.

    Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
    Author: Andrew Lack

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    You can't be serious. Mayor Hudson has brought a 3 million dollar grant to Greenville and you "PEOPLE" over look that in order to "FIND " reason's to vote for a white person. tsk, tsk tsk. I smell an old familiar scent. Could it begin with an "R" and end in "ism"? Don't stop there. Why don't you be true to form and hang a noose in her front yard instead of this pitiful attempt at a subtle high tech lynching?

    You all haven't acknowledged that Greenville has been under white administration for years and it didn't get into the condition that it is in over night. All you nay sayers, why don't you get off your butts and do something yourself. Namely acknowledge that a mayor is only as strong as the resources that are coming into the second congressional district as a whole.

    The time to give input is at the board meetings all along, not try this BS once you have found the GREAT WHITE HOPE!

    If you really want improvement be truthful and put the blame where it lies with your governor, Haley Barbor, who is draining this district and the state dry or is that to much like right for you?

    Go ahead admit it, get and that poor excuse for a tranportation commission.

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Yes, it starts with "R" and ends with "ism".

    Borrowed from Internet dictionary:

    Republicanism is the ideology of governing a nation as a democracy, with an emphasis on liberty, rule by the people, and the civic virtue practiced by citizens. Republicanism always stands in opposition to aristocracy, oligarchy, and dictatorship. More broadly, it refers to a political system that protects liberty, especially by incorporating a rule of law that cannot be arbitrarily ignored by the government. Or as John Adams put it, “They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men.” Much of the literature deals with the issue of what sort of values and behavior by the citizens is necessary if the republic is to survive and flourish; the emphasis has been on widespread citizen participation, civic virtue, and opposition to corruption.

    Hanging a noose in someone's front yard comment leads me to believe that the person still holds some grudge. Racial and biased.

    I'm not looking for a GREAT WHITE HOPE. I just want someone to stand up and rebuild Greenville. And I don't mean repaving streets or BS programs like marking jogging paths. Education and getting OFF of WELFARE should be primary concerns. Decent jobs are not going to flow back into Greenville until there are enough educated people to fill them.

    Blaming Gov. Barbor and the "tranportation" commission is a weak excuse from some liberal.

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    You can't be serious. Mayor Hudson has brought a 3 million dollar grant to Greenville and you "PEOPLE" over look that in order to "FIND " reason's to vote for a white person. tsk, tsk tsk. I smell an old familiar scent. Could it begin with an "R" and end in "ism"? Don't stop there. Why don't you be true to form and hang a noose in her front yard instead of this pitiful attempt at a subtle high tech lynching?

    You all haven't acknowledged that Greenville has been under white administration for years and it didn't get into the condition that it is in over night. All you nay sayers, why don't you get off your butts and do something yourself. Namely acknowledge that a mayor is only as strong as the resources that are coming into the second congressional district as a whole.

    The time to give input is at the board meetings all along, not try this BS once you have found the GREAT WHITE HOPE!

    If you really want improvement be truthful and put the blame where it lies with your governor, Haley Barbor, who is draining this district and the state dry or is that to much like right for you?

    Go ahead admit it, get and that poor excuse for a tranportation commission.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I will not bother to copy/paste my last entry.

