Monday, September 03, 2007

A Vote of "No Confidence"

Anonymous said...

Hopefully after all the comments about questionable practices in the Leland School District there will be some investigation. Even if the school board is too passive to act on the allegations, maybe this information will find it's way to Jackson to someone with some authority.

Too bad Leland teachers can't just have a vote of no confidence like they did at Valley and got rid of their president. School board elections will be very important in November. There are two openings and this is the chance for Leland voters to take their school district back from the Greenville administrators who don't care how much we pay in taxes.

A vote of "no confidence" in our current political system is largely symbolic. It is simply a statement by citizens that they have lost confidence in a leader's ability to govern effectively. Its purpose is more to inform than impeach; however, it can be a very powerful message to board members, like in the recent case of MVSU President.

Leaders who are irresponsible or who have lost the confidence of the public they serve are essentially "lame ducks". As such, they become a liability to both the public and those who put them in power.

Look at Alberto Gonzalez. Once he had lost the "confidence" of both republican and democratic leaders alike, his history was written. He tried to delay the inevitable, at the embarrassment of the nation, until the President himself told him it was time to go.

However little faith we have in our democratic processes, they are there to let the public be heard. In the case of Dr. Richards, Leland residents need to address their school board with these issues and demand that they be investigated by an impartial third party.

The Board will have only two options: Refuse an investigation which would make them look complicitous and a bit arrogant; or, agree to the investigation, accepting their responsibility as board members... and let the chips fall where they may.



  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Please keep it coming.The more the better.

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    If true, they all should be fired, pay back all of the salaries, spend time in jail and loose their fat pensions.

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I guess these kinds of things happen in all schools, Leland, MDCC, Valley, etc. - politics and playing favorites! I hear even MDCC has those at the top playing favoritism over those that are more qualified for certain positions. When or will it ever stop!

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    She wanted to ignore all this so bad but she just couldnt. So she held a meeting and did what she always does even though she was smiling. She threatened and tried to intimidate by saying these emils could be traced and that she would sue for slander. If she had read what is said here eventhough she said she hasn't, she would know it is all true and you can't sue over that. And God can be on all of our sides not just hers like she says.

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I agree!!! She is the queen of "intimidation"! But she has an open-door policy!? Yeah, right! And those people that were clapping, such suckers and suck-ups!

  6. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I ain't never scared! Mr. Forthright, she claims that she has given this information to her attorney! Thank you in advance for protecting our right to "free speech". She better get a clue!

  7. Anonymous3:41 AM

    She is just trying scare tactics and intimidation- that's it so do not be afraid- if she threatens a law suit then I would say- bring it on!!!!!! She is so worried about investigating this blog- well it sounds as though she needs to be investigated!!! Isn't her pay check directly from tax payers anyway? So the tax payers need to take back the power and have HER investigated for all kinds of things as it seems- and guess what- we are all permitted to speak freely on this blog- that's the whole point of it!!!!!

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Now you need spell check!!!! If you don't like what's going get out apparently you either work there or have a well train spy. Let me tell you on every job there is something going on or someone doing something people don't agree with so that's life. Don't worry yourself because it seems as though you and only a couple seems to concern yourselves with someone else's problem.

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Ugh. Could we raise the bar, discussion-wise, please?

  10. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Uh, there are 58 comments with only about 4 or 5 positive ones. I think that is more than a "couple" as was stated in the comment above. I think with that many comments, there are more than just a "few" people that are dissatisfied with what is going on at the Leland School District. Maybe if nothing else, this will make the head honchos aware that teachers, parents, taxpayers, etc. are not pleased and that things need to be tightened up.

  11. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Yes, but it's understood by the masses that all of the above comments are being made by separate individuals. You and I know that they are, in fact, being made by the same 1 or 2 illiterate souls. Take care of your business in Leland. Anonymous name-calling and innuendo are not the answer. If there is a problem that you cannot address locally, then call the state's Attorney General. That's what he's there for. Leave the blogosphere available for legitimate and debatable issues. Sorry to sound so curt, but I don't log on to read random unsubstantiated banter. Next topic, please.

  12. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Then why do you log on, I don't understand. This issue is very legitimate and very debatable. Sorry to contradict your blog, but for people in LEland, this is very substantiated banter!!!

  13. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Who are the masses and who are you to call anyone illiterate? And believe me, there are many people commenting on the Leland Schools problems.

  14. Anonymous11:02 PM

    If you didn't care to hear these type of blogos than why did you bother by coming here, you want to read just like the rest of the people do.You must be one of those who got a raise, an scare if the truth comes out your check is going to be short.And if you think that these blogos are not true than you call the State's Attorney General.

  15. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Mr. Forthright, did you read the Leland Progress? Guess whose name is in there for DUI and using the wrong lane? You guessed it!! John Christopher Richards, a Leland School employee. Okay Leland school board, get your broom out and sweep that one under the rug too!

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    you sure love Christopher Richards because you keep up with every move he makes how about them cubs they won the game last Friday by a big margin do you think they have a winning season this year don't you think that is something positive going on in Leland School District?

  17. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I've heard there are many positive things happening at the Leland School District, there could be more if they didn't have drug addicts and alcoholics there. That is dangerous for the children. Would you want your child in that kind of environment? I don't think so, not many good, caring parents want their child to go to school where there is a risk of a married woman's husband coming to make things even with her boyfriend. It is a dangerous situation in my opinion and Chris will be the downfall of Doc, and that is so sad.

  18. Anonymous4:42 PM

    You are sure correct because if only you knew who the drug addicts are you would be very suprised!!!

  19. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I must agree with the writer who says Leland School district needs a new leader. Whenever one person has total control of all aspects of an organization with little or no input from others, it is time to chnage leaders. My question is why do the others lie down and take all that Bull****. Many of those who put up with that bs has just as many years in as the one who pulls all the punches. Believe me working under her leadership is a Nightmare on Elm Street. To say she is a B***** is putting it mildly. It's her way or the highway
    by the way when they say forget all the nonsense and look at our scores ask her just how they got to be a "5" no one has to be Einstein to figure it out

  20. Anonymous11:35 AM

    So what has happened to Chris Richards and his girlfriend now that Dr Richards is gone? I want to know if they still have their jobs.
