Monday, September 11, 2006

Conspiracy Exposed?

An anonymous writer suspects collusion...

"And how about our neighbors in Cleveland going to our neighbors in Indianola and asking them to gang up on Greenville? What mean-spirited sumbitch came up with that plan? As of today, I am personally boycotting all Cleveland restaurants and retail establishments until this federal building matter is resolved. My money stays in Greenville."

"Local Reflector" challenges this theory...

The courthouse issue is interesting, as is Forthright's comments on socialized Mississippi medical care. I think the blog can handle two lines of thought.

To Anonymous: Would you consider a guest commentary on the issue which builds upon the comments you've posted above? I see nothing wrong with the political maneuvering of Bolivar County to prove it's "hungry" for a new federal courthouse. The building is up for grabs, so why shouldn't there be competition?

If Greenville sits back and "fights" instead of showing why the federal courthouse should remain there, then it deserves its fate. One strategy is proactive, the other is reactive. Proactive strategies lay out the reasons why a federal courthouse is necessary for the Port House - whatever those reasons may be.

And, don't give me the whole angle that it should stay because it's historically been here. That's not a good reason. Reactive strategies suggest whining by local politicians but no real movement or even clout to influence the decision-makers on higher political levels. It's simple, isn't it?Greenville leaders possess an uncanny ability to cry that nothing's "their fault" - that somehow or some way, their victims of phantom recessions and "bad luck." Better yet, unflattering news breaks and they scatter to get away from addressing the issue...

A. Look at the Burn Center closure

B. Look at repeated complaints on street repair

C. Look at brown water

Hinging your political fortunes on one, lower-level, U.S. Representative can open a county or city to be ignored when events happen beyond one person's control.

Greenville's influence problem is showing. Do they still have that lobbyist on a retainer? Also, "law and order" hasn't been the rule, but the exception, in the Port City in a good number of years.

But, least it appears it's trying.

NOTE: I'm not trying to provoke anger, but the conversation is interesting because I'd like to know why Greenville is superior to Cleveland for a federal courthouse and vice versa.

Forthright: Okay, anonymous... the ball's in your court!

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